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MVP made Garry into a wrestler really quickly.


after the fight, garry literally told mvp "we're both fast. i told i was fucking fast." Like bro you were literally getting cracked and wrestling lol


Fast to jump into a humpfest when getting outstruck maybe.


Chute boxing turned Ian Garry from a promising striker to a snoozefest jujitsu merchant.


His striking looked worse than usual as well. He was taking up the high guard and Muay thai stance and looked awkward and slower than he normally is.


I think he looked slow because mvp is so fast


Ironic considering everyone down there fights like a mini Charles seeking an action fight. 


Speed discrepancy was too much for Garry.


Grappling discrepancy was too much for MVP. Honestly - embarrassing. It's mixed martial arts, try mixing the fucking martial arts. Rogan is far behind bjj innovations but he was absolutely right that MVP seemed to not understand the basic conditions to escape the body triangle - and MVP is a twelve year MMA veteran. No excuse besides hubris and laziness imo.


The one thing he had going for him was the fact that his fights were usually decent to watch. If he's now gonna be a dick outside the octagon and also just a backpack inside the octagon he's gonna have 0 fans.


Bruh it was one fight against fucking MVP. He’s weird as hell and he has knockout power. I know no one likes Garry but let’s not pretend plenty of fighters wouldn’t have taken the same approach.


The Neal fight was pretty bad as well.


So was the Magny fight idk what this dude is talking about and neither does he


Even back in the day he coasted to a decision against Gabe Green


The Darian Weeks fight was also absolutely shite.


It's just extra hilarious when his biggest argument is that he's younger and faster and then learned real quick he's only younger lol


Yup Garry is a very competent striker who is lengthy, and MVP had him completely terrified to strike. Just shows how good MVP’s striking is. Even though it was boring good on Garry for being able to add a new wrinkle to his game and win the fight with it


I underrated MVP hard but after the holland fight I was like oh shit, striking wise he is better then I ever thought


Yeah it made sense… doubt he does this against any top WW bc he would have no success. It *was* boring though, if he locked up the choke first round it would be a very diff convo


People are still so completely unwilling to give MVP any credit as a fighter. Nothing Garry did short of ending his career would be enough.


The problem is running your mouth and acting like and saying you’ll beat them on the feet and promise fireworks only to wrestle them and make the fight boring. Hyping up a fight and then pissing on it. Fans like fighters who back their shit up. That’s it.


saying hes faster and better on the feet lol


People want to see him lose and will mald when he fights smartly


* wannabe jiujitsu merchant


Nah MVP was just faster and he got scared he was gonna get KOed


Oh so you're a wrestler now?


Bro, crazy! Ian doesn't stand a chance against the top guys. He is like "MVP had a great game plan" what??? His game plan was to kick your ass Ian, that's why you turned into a backpack to save your life. Lol


Oh, so you're a wrestler now?


Garrys background is judo and he trains a lot of bjj...


He came in talking about how he’s a better striker the entire time


Every single interview he’s saying how no other fighter has better striking than him


Gary said he and Pereira are levels above the rest of the ufc in leg kicks😂😂😂


There’s no way he really believed he was faster than MVP. No one’s ever watched Ian fight and been like, “damn, that dude’s lightning-quick.”


Could have fooled me. Couldn't lock up a rear naked on a silver platter lmao


A clever game plan from Yan Machadov Garrymagomedov, but an absolutely horrendous fight to watch.


I know 10-10 rounds basically don’t exist in MMA but no one deserves to win that 3rd round


That's how I felt. My enthusiasm for the fight was sapped with the last minute or so. MVP should have learned some better grappling defense by age 37, but Garry decided to waste the back half of the round clinging, *stalling*. I guess that was the way to win, but why should I care to watch? The submission attempts in rounds 1 and 2 were exciting, hanging on a position we can all see he would eventually lose was... hang and pray from a guy who talks a lot of shit.


Gary with the inverted lay & pray technique.


If Rose/Carla 2 didn't get 10-10s, I'm fairly confident that nothing will.




Fuck a 10-10, that was a 9-9 round at best.


Ian "If I can't FOOKIN strike with em, I'm gonna grapple with em" Garry lmao. I ain't even mad at it, honestly. MVP looks like a tricky motherfucker to handle in there, so whether fans like it or not, this was the smart way to fight him.


For sure, especially since MVP just refuses to learn takedown and ground defense. There's a reason Leon and Adesanya became champions, they're near impossible to get down and keep down. Hell he could have trained with Leon, who now teaches the wrestling for his team.


Couldn't agree more. It's also funny that one of the top comments is saying that MVP being as fast as he is at 37 is "fucking Illegal" and I'm over here thinking to myself "So is his inability to get back to the feet" 🤣 But of course since the cool thing to do on here is hate on Garry, it's his fault MVP couldn't stop him from racking up that control time smh lol.


Lol isn't that called being a well rounded fighter and good fight iq


It is, but Garry isn't a fan favourite here so the rules are if he can't out strike then he should've just given up and gotten knocked out. I don't make the rules


100% it is, the 1st part was just me poking a bit of fun. Like I said, I'm not even mad at it, and I don't dislike Gary either. He fought the fight he needed too. He definitely showed he's the better MMA Fighter which is what matters. Sure he could have stayed on the feet but like I also mentioned, MVP is tricky.




Wonderboy would've had Garry sniffing for crotches as well. 


And he'd know to not swing overhands with a dude desperate to grapple with you


Wonderboy would have managed distance and turn the fight into a positioning contest.


Wonderboy would have knocked him out. He survived pre-collapse Woodley's wrestling, Garry isn't at that level on the ground.


That was also 8 years ago


Fuck me we're old.


man we have to see that right? wonderboy's title hopes are over, so why not?


Doubt Garry looks to fight down again, especially someone that would likely pose real problems for him. Burns might be the matchup, JDM out there as well.


oh for fucks sake michael


How tf does Page not know to turn and break the hands at this point in his career? Drives me crazy to watch someone with his resume not have any idea how to address his opponents' level 1 counter strategy.


Yeah. Just hanging on to head for dear life like a trial class guy at BJJ.


Gd that was tough to watch, he had a very good chance of winning that 3rd with a little more action on the ground.


hey to be fair he didnt get choked out and got up a few times so he did something right, just not what we all wanted


Somebody get Micheal on Rex Kwon Do


Bow to your sensei!


His resume is precisely a dead giveaway as to why he's shit at basic fundamentals in mma. The can crusher label is accurate


I dunno about all that. MVP was workin Garry on the feet, and straight beat up Holland. He’s a legit dude and dangerous, but I can agree isn’t well rounded in the way he should be. I just think he’s in the UFC too late in his career.


Paotan isn't well rounded and entered late and he's been doing very impressively


That’s definitely a good point, but Poatan is a much bigger man than MVP. Not only that, he had a decorated pedigree before transitioning to MMA. Much different situations imo.


Because he spent his entire Bellator career crushing cans.


He had just no game plan. He was throwing high and opening himself up to easy takedowns, wasn’t using his legs to distance himself from Garry and just didn’t have any basic grappling knowledge. What was he doing in this camp? What has he been doing his entire career to this point to have grappling that poor?


Ian garry the only dude whos stock go down after every win lmao


Reminds of Paddy gloating in his post fight speech 🤮


Very true, two of the UFC's favorite up-and-comers both get less popular each time they win lol


So much this. Dude doesn’t even have an ego post fight anymore to draw interest. Couldn’t care less who his next opponent is. Honestly at this point fuck a “prospect vs prospect” fight idea. Let JDM catapult off of him.


That sucked


Yea, Ian Machado can fuck right off


Joe fanboying over Garry in the commentary made it so much worse


Fanboying over Garry??? I heard the total opposite every strike MVP threw Joe was just saying how fast he is


Gary wasn't trying to fuck with MVP, neutralized him as best he couldn and tried to limit the striking. Wish it was a stand and bang


Garry continues to be must miss TV. Don't know why the UFC are pushing him so hard, he is completely unknown even in Ireland. MVP is more known there.


Bro won the fight and did zero damage to his opponent. It’s actually kind of impressive


He won a fight by almost doing something


yep, taking someones back counts as a submission threat i guess. seems like just a more advantageous position to me


If MVP had any grapple defense whatsoever the shit would’ve gone his way 


could just be the hater in me but that was embarrassing. couldn’t beat a 37 year old with NO wrestling/grappling experience. maybe the worst win i’ve ever seen- especially coming from someone who talks so much


Jack Della is the way better prospect, imo.


bro, its' not even close. JDM is actually good. With that performance, what does garry have for any of the top 3? Shavkat, belal, kamaru, and usman would demolish him. at least you can see JDM putting up a fight against them.


He’s a heel for MMA fans and budget Conor McGregor for the general public, they know exactly what they’re doing


MVP being this fast at 37, that's fucking illegal. Garry talking this big and was shit scared to strike with MVP lmao. At least Garry got one back for the Irish by boring us U.K. fans to sleep at 3:45AM. Edit: Nothing wrong with grappling (however boring) to win a fight, you're literally losing half your money otherwise. Just don't talk as if you're Agent 47 the week of the fight or else people will poke fun at such a boring path to victory.


Can’t blame him. MVP was lighting him the fuck up in round 2.


Yeah people think he should just get his ass kicked rather than win an ugly fight.


It’s more Ian spent the whole week claiming he was the better and faster striker…and found out immediately that he wasn’t.


Ian Garry is the new generation of striker. Which means he’s a grappler.


The Future of striking is grappling


People complain but getting your ass kicked sucks. Youd want to avoid that too if you have the means


People want Ian to not take advantage of clear flaw in an opponent and fight a faster fighter on the feet


No, people just had to listen to Ian say he was the "new generation" of striker and how much better he was on the feet than MVP all week just to see him grapple lmao


Oh so you're a wrestler now? -MVP


Every single strike MVP landed was hurting Garry. He really wanted none of it


I mean when you have such a grappling deficiency at this level, it would be foolish to not take advantage of it. 80% of MVP ground game is holding his opponent wrists


It’s crazy how often Joe has to mention how a fighter needs to turn towards the lock when they’re caught in a body triangle from the back.


If the fighters don't know, you really gotta imagine the audience doesn't know.


Thats not how you defend a body triangle anyways


Yeah when Garry had that choke in on the first, MVP looked more visibly scared than any fighter in that position I've seen in recent memory. The fight put both fighter's deficiencies front and center. Garry has solid MMA striking, but he seems to struggle against elite kickboxers. MVP has elite level kickboxing, but his grappling and TDD against top level grapplers in that division are extremely suspect. I see both putting together some good fights in the top 5, but I don't see either breaking into the top three with Shavkat, Belal and Usman blocking their way to Leon. Even Burns and JDM I feel like would be significant threats to both.


The difference is that Garry is only 26, still a ton of time to develop. But MVP is 37, he's not going to improve in any meaningful way. And Page is just very weird to fight against on the feet because of his style. Other than Wonderboy, none of them have that kind of style.


fr. he was getting outstruck. was he supposed to just keep doing so until he lost?


can't fault garry for taking the smartest path to victory, but that was objectively boring af.


Definitely boring, Ian messed up that choke that was literally handed to him. After that MVP just completely stayed defensive on the ground and didn't take any chances to get back up or get Ian off his back. It's not the easiest thing in the world to land on a submission on someone who is fighting purely to not get submitted on the ground rather than trying to get up or get to a better position.


What's crazy is Ian only landed a total of 10 sig strikes in the 2 rounds that he won. Wtf is that


These karate guys are build different, lock at wonderboy


it was obvious he wasn’t gonna stand with MVP after the Holland fight. MVP looked phenomenal against a good striker in Holland, Garry was always gonna grapple


You could see Garry having his guard so tight and up and MVP still managed to blitz through, never seen Garry that scared before, MVP has some demon-like speed.


How does MVP turn every striker into a wrestler?


Because he’s awful at anything other than striking?


Because Garrys background is judo, he trains a lot of bjj, and MVP sucks at grappling...


Same thing happens with Izzy, but Izzy's TDD is good enough to keep it on the feet, or preform well when things go to the ground.


MVPs striking is ridiculous, i really thought Ian could challenge him a bit but no.


Garry talks so much for a guy who fights the way he does


Him and Strickland are truly made for each other


Strickland at least doesn't shoot for dicksucks.


Well, not in the octagon anyway


Sounds gay... I'M IN


BACKPACK BACKPACK 😴😴😴 Thought Garry had it when he had the rnc in r1 lol


He did, he just fumbled


Even when he wins, his stock goes down lol


Im the greatest prospects UFC ever seeen, I wanna fight Wonderboy to show him im the greatest Striker we ever seeeen.


37-year-old MVP made the much younger Ian abandon his "if he hits me 1 time, I'll hit him 6 times" exciting striking match promise to switch to grappling. Smart move by Garry, but his stock is going down.


Went from Conor impersonator to Belal 


Way worse. In a full fight, Belal has never landed less than 45 sig strikes. Ian had less than half of that with 19 sig strikes.


This really showed some of the real limitations of Ian Garry. He is not some kind of intelligent striker that can figure out all things - he has a real averse reaction to taking risks and getting hurt, not like Oliveira at all...


Looked so scared to stand with him


It's almost like MVP is a scary fucking striker huh


That’s not the point. Nobody’s saying you shouldn’t be scared of MVP This was pure unwillingness to stand with him or take any shots whatsoever. Can’t be a champion like that, especially not if you talk so much but then want to secure the safest decision win possible


Why would you stand with him when it is all the guy can do when you have a much surer path to victory without the risk? Macho man points? It's about fucking winning.


Why take risks when you have a fight plan to surely win without them? Ya'll are fucking on crazy pills tonight lol.


Showed he isn't a moron, to be fair. He was getting lit up by the speed of MVP in the striking exchanges


Garry was getting lit up on the feet


Garry said MVP would fear for his life due to the speed advantage on the feet


Garry is boring as fuck.


Rogan highlight: “he’s done, he’s done” (fight goes to a decision) DC highlight: “my son plays football” (okay)


DC's son likes to false start apparently


Has "it's locked in" or "that's deep" ever led to a successful submission? Even one time ever? It's crazy how often they say it > Oh that's deep! It's locked in! > aaand he's out


Does Garry expect this kind of fight to win him his old fans back? This should've been a fun fight man.


He was outmatched in the striking, it was boring but it was ultimately the right decision for Garry, if he made it fun MVP would've beat him


MVP is dangerous, Garry is trying to win. MVP should’ve been aggressive right when the 3rd started IMO


MVP was being aggressive, but his grappling just isn't there.


Exactly. I think Reddit’s letting their dislike of the fighter cloud their judgment here. Look what MVP did to Cyborg. If you were opposite MVP in the ring, with your paycheck and health dependent on your performance, would you take the unnecessary risk? If anything, of the two, I’m more disappointed in MVP’s deer in the headlights response when in grappling exchanges.


Hes trying to have a chance at winning the belt, you just wanted him to get his ass kicked on the feet? Garry is a clown but this was a smart performance against a much better striker


The kid just doesn't wanna fight


Feed Ian to Shavkat


Well that was boring


cant fight when someone else just trys to hug or shoot a takedown and stall out/steal rounds. This is the new MMA meta, cage favors the anti fighter. I been whining about this for years..if 1 guy comes to fight, and the other doesnt..it favors the guy just trying to play defense and shoot or clinch once you strike. Takes 2 to Tango at end of the day, Ian talking about being a Striker and man was shook to death in there


The refs should separate after 20-30 seconds on stalling


Not really the fight we wanted but I’m really impressed that Izzy called it and said Ian would use grappling to win


Izzy appreciates the game


I loved how he called the volkov win last event


MVP being in the game this long and still having no idea what to do on the ground is so frustrating.


Yeah his lack of TDD is ridiculous. He didn't even attempt to get any underhooks when pushed up against the cage. It's honestly embarrassing for someone of his caliber and aspirations to have such ridiculous deficiencies in his game.


MVP turns all your favourite strikers into grapplers.


unprecedented goofcon levels


His Stock keeps going down Jdm flatline this dude


Boys, I took a nap


Great game plan by Garry, terrible fight to watch


While Ian played this intelligently, I think it shows where his ceiling is. He was outclassed by a mile on the feet and if his opponent had ever so much as seen a wrestling instructional video he would not have been able to ride this out to a decision. He won't be able to compete with a single real fighter in the top 5 (I say real fighter because Colby is in the top 5 still somehow and I'd bet on most fighters to clear current age Colby). I think legit everyone above him handles him pretty easily.


Ian Garry made an MVP fight boring. What a talent 🔥


I wouldn’t risk getting my skull caved in either


Ian "The Body Triangle" Garry


Typical Ian Oliveira Garry fight


Boring fight but perfect gameplanning, can see the Maia influence. In the standup in the 3rd, Ian was just waiting intently for MVP to overextend so he could clinch, not looking at all for counters or openings. He had absolutely zero interest in standing with MVP, and it's easy to see why.


MVP just didn't have enough herpes to compete


MVP couldn’t grapple a wet pile of laundry. Couldn’t defend a rear naked properly. Couldn’t defend a takedown. Couldn’t decipher the overhook/underhook battle. Couldn’t land a strike in top guard. Clearly didn’t properly train to fight Ian Garry who is known to grapple and trains with grapplers. The amount of coping in here about Ian Garry being “boring” is so stupid. He won fair and square inside the confines of the sport. I hate him too but he is simply better at the grappling portion of this game.


Well said. Why the fuck would he try and stand with MVP when he has a huge grappling advantage. It's not his job to entertain the fans, it's his job to win the fight.


Ian Garry Is Who we THOUGHT he was, never believe a big mouth who tells you how great they are cause they never are also been telling ya Donkks MVP is a top 5 MMA striker ever and people dont realize anyone he fights, win or lose, hes gonna make them look like a bum on the feet. You cant prepare for him and get 1 shot and youll always look like crap unless you KO him. Ive said hes more special than Anderson on the feet(Anderson obv more complete all around and a better chin) and was downvoted to the shadow lands. Certain guys just have that special thing on the feet movement wise and speed and hes got it. UFC fanboys discrediting his striking cause they dont know shit about fighting. Big John somewhere smiling lol


That you BC?


>more special than Anderson on the feet Imagine saying this about a man whose best career win is Kevin Holland right after being unable to solve Ian “Jansport” Garry, reddit mma fans are actually a new tier of challenged


MVP needs to go to Dagestan. He’s one of the best strikers in the UFC but imagine him against Brady, Belal, Usman, Shavkat, or Edwards


Even JDM would wrestle him easily tbh


He’s on the wrong side of 30. He hasn’t learned anything about grappling at this point in his career, that’s not changing now.


Every time Garry wins people like him less. He's like Colby except not faking it lmao.


MVP is very hard to look good against


Had MVPs back and can't finish the rear naked. Lackluster


Yeah why didn’t he choke MVP out is he stupid ?


Ian is boring but MVP absolutely stinks as soon as it touches the cage or mat. Even worse than I thought he was, had ZERO clue what to do.


i wonder if MVP will think about how he let garry up from full guard without landing any strikes on the ground , costing him the match


Welterweight already has a Belal, let's not make this a trend.


Garry saying he's Gunna win the belt, after these last two fights? He's not getting Past Leon, Shavkat, Usman or Bella, I think JDM whoops him too


They would rather say machado-garry 50 fucking times than say Ian once.


Something about the way Garry arrogantly puts his arm around Joe after another abysmal fight and decision win that grinds my gears more than anything else like he’s steam rolling the division. Dude you fucken suck.


Seeing Ian so smug after such a dogshit victory was annoying. Mounted 0 striking offense


You can see why Bellator used MVP the way they did. It's much more fun to see him do cool stuff than watch wrestlers just cling on and hold him down. Bring back the cans.


The kid shouldn't be on PPV untill he puts on an entertaining fight. Who the fuck is paying to watch that? I watched it for free and I'm not happy about it.


Sure looked boring, but I don’t blame him for not wanting to stand with MVP


MVP is 37, let him fight strikers and give us some exciting fights please


Imagine paying to watch this fight 😂


Boring 💤


I wasn't on the Ian Garry hate train before, now I'm a first class passanger. Woeful fight.


God garry sucks ass. For real I thought MVP was going to bring the fight out of him but oh my God just sucks so much. MVP was absolutely lighting up on the feet and to be fair he had a really good submission going in the first round MVP sucks on the ground and still was able to defend it. Like for real who do we expect this dude to take out in the top five? He is terrible on the mic He's just so far up his own ass I hate it.


Ian has to cuck us out of exciting fights because well...you know.


Was the definition of a draw.