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"Streamed the rest of the fights." Got it, *winks*. Us too buddy, us too. Fucking blows that fighters can't just stay and watch. That is truly next level cheapness.


they 100% could just watch from the back. ufc is a shitshow


It's unbelievable disrespect to their employees, their *athletes*. It doesn't cost more than pennies to let in a few fighters.  It's beyond absurd the blatant disrespect towards them. 


Obligatory "they're contractors, not employees" comment. This company is a joke


Private contractors without the benefits and restricted like they are employees.


give them few years and fighters gonna be paying for uniform


It looks so shit on the company, especially if they want to look like a legitimised sport and not some kind of circus show.


I bet it's something they implemented after the brawl that way security has less trained fighters to deal with.


Really feel like they probably could have implemented a better system than this, not to mention the countless trained fighters they already got in the audience and show during the broadcast.


Lol absolutely this. I watch at a bar by my house that’s known for showing every PPV. Cauliflower eat at every table


>Cauliflower eat at every table Vegan bar?




It sounds like they made the rule during covid, but never went back to normal afterwards. So many businesses took advantage of the pandemic to implement ~~safety benefits~~ cost-cutting benefits and never went back


My property management company still doesn't allow any in person complaints even though the pandemic is long gone. You have to create an account through their app and fill out all your complaints and hope someone sees it. The amount of times I've had to use it multiple times just to get a call from someone is beyond frustrating.


Frustration is unfortunately a legit 'customer service' strategy.


I see, he too is familiar with the seven seas


The UFC really tightening the purse strings


Did Johnny Walker not also experience this?


He still had is shorts and gloves on, it was ridiculous! At least he had a good sense of humour about it: https://youtube.com/shorts/ehCW-3xjfms?si=RalJGYzykjU3pa0b


What the heck is going on inside that house haha. The cement around the door looks like it was chipped away with a hammer


"Finish up financing" is what they used to call it. They get the (new) house in minimal shape to legally sell it and the buyer does the rest... eventually... maybe never.


Interesting. Never heard of that.


House in progress doesn't pay the same property taxes.


The thing that kills me is that they didn’t even let him put on his shoes, stood in the middle of the street bare foot hahaha


Its like theyre being kicked out of a casino lmao


OMG I always thought he just went out into town like that for the heck of it. This makes the narrative to that night very different.




I thought he got kicked out for refusing to endorse the Rock's shoes.


Honestly why would they do this? Even if they don't have a seat for him cageside, don't they have a bunch of rooms in the back with TVs? Also lol @ your username


if you look at the broadcast, there are PLENTY of open seats, crazy that they do this


Especially for a hot prospect as well, crazy to think this is how they treat their fighters.


because the ufc has such a great track record with treating fighters well


^^^^ This 💯


Crazy if youve been blind and deaf for years


they did it to Johnny Walker when we has (not sure if he still is) a ranked fighter lol.


This is most likely the doing of the venue and their staff.


It honestly probably rarely comes up as you need to be a prelim guy and finish the fight without taking much damage. And then if you do all that I’d imagine a lot of guys would rather watch somewhere besides a back room


Cost cutting


"It's pay per view, ya goof. You payin for that view? Out you go"


How can we justify paying the fighters more if they're stealing from the company like this?


It doesn't even save money though, it doesn't lose them anything if he sits in one of the empty seats.


He's absorbing some of the AC




Sounds like poor organization to me. The phrase 'do you have a ticket' makes it seem he was just trying to go back through the public doors and you can't blame someone there for not letting someone in without a ticket.


During the post-fight press conference, Dana said Ige had probably ordered the PPV. So they don't even let fighters in their roster see it free.


I still remember when ufc discontinued the courtesy of sending tape to the fighters if they requested their opponent's past fights and instead suggested they sign up for fight pass. So cheap.


I always laugh when fighters mention buying the ppv. I feel like they're the only ones who actually pay for it.


That video where DC tries to sell Khabibs team on the PPVs is hilarious "Never pay brother. Have Russian link, never pay"


Reminds me of the dad and his young son approaching Strickland for advice on the son becoming a UFC fighter. Strickland said don’t and explained why. If you make the UFC, they sign you for a 12/12 contract. You maybe go 2-2. You made 24k and get cut. Edit: I paraphrased the quote wrong. Here it is: “So, let’s just say you make it now you make it to the UFC,” he continued. “Well, hey, guess what, what do you think they sign the average guy on? ... 10 and 10 for this man. So you make it to UFC, you get signed, 10 and 10, and now you fight for 10 and 10, and you’ve spent your entire life working for this one goal. You get the blue check mark, you get the UFC in your logo, you get all the people, you get all of it now. So you go 2-2 and maybe they’re boring fights, and the UFC cuts you, and now guess what? You have made a total of ... $60,000 your entire career, and you have no other option because you can’t be a part-time fighter. You’ve got to be full-time.


2 wins and 2 losses on a 12/12 contract would be 72k pre taxes/expenses. 4 x 12k (show) + 2 x 12k (win) = 72k.


I get that if it’s sold out there’s likely no actual seats for them to sit, but what’s stopping them simply hanging wherever they were before the fight started?


Definitely there is room backstage.


I think they even escort your friends and family out after your fight if you got them "free" tickets. Kinda insane, not like it saves them any money. Half the seats are empty til the main card.


I'm pretty sure that was something that happened at the Apex, they had to leave after the fighter they were supporting was done fighting, which I thought was stupid still. It was semi explained on a podcast I was listening to a couple months ago. They don't have much seating at the apex (they said they plan to expand to a 1000, so apparently it's usually under 500), a lot of them go to staff, members of the media etc, and the small amount left they do sell are costly. So if you have 14 fights on a card, that's 28 fighters, and if they all have 3 guests plus 3-4 coaches/cornermen with you that quickly adds up to a couple hundred people, so I guess it starts to make sense why they can't give out guest lists like they normally do at arena shows.


Don’t you understand? The UFC is a *business*.


It’s an opportunity!


to get CTE


That’s the dumbest thing Dana says (well up there.) “This isn’t a job this is an opportunity.” Is it because jobs allow you to make enough money to feed your family?




I don't tell anyone I'm a fan so I'm not embarrassed.


Bot account I think. Reworded the second top comment, year old account with only recent comments.


Lol got ‘em


Even a bot knows


Well time to downvote the bot


what makes you go "hmm i need to check whether this guy is a bot?"


Read the bot comment, then scrolled down and the very next comment I saw was the one they had copied.


Can't blame them for this event, it was a low budget one with no big names to sell the event!


That's insane


reminds me when they kicked out Johnny Walker after one of his fights... without shoes onto the street, with only his fight shorts on lol


Imagine the head of security being like "hey get this fucking cosplayer out of here" lmao


*They get into an altercation wherein Walker gets cartoonishly knocked out* "See, no real fighter would fall down like that"


I hate how accurate this is


Seriously. I just don't even get this. What benefit does the UFC get from doing this? Or what problem are they preventing by doing it? It seems like a completely pointless gesture before you even get to how shitty and unappreciative it is.


I really really wish someone would bring this question up to Dana at a presser or something.


That would require a real journalist with some balls .


Fucking over fighters a bit more and treating them like trash. Imagine the fighters feeling like they got any power or leverage? Can't have that.


I’m guessing it’s not the UFC doing it.. I’m guessing it’s over zealous or incompetent security. Either their own or the venues. I’ve been to a few and the venue security varies widely.


I wonder how it happens, did they walk these guys escorted to the exit ?? wtf


"Thank you for getting your face punched in and putting a show for us, now get the fuck out".


Didn't this happen to Johnny Walker too?


walking out in the parking lot barefoot, shirtless and with his gloves still taped on


Did they record that? Were there pictures? I feel like that could look amazing, the fighter, the talent, the one people pay to see, just dumped outside because the company was too lazy to figure that out beforehand. The B level suits that know how Excel works get to stay and watch.


[Here is a video.](https://youtu.be/FOyMWSoAwd8?si=9YaR4RJUKxdDRwMz) The title is misleading. This was after a fight. He went back and had to do interviews, drug tests and medical checks and when they got back to the dressing room they were asked to leave. John Kavanagh spoke about it on the MMA hour saying that it was weird, but also added that he did have all his stuff and could’ve changed. Also said that if he had his body, he wouldn’t have changed either.


Johnny Walker might actually be a cartoon character come to life


There was a video but it was humorous not really a tense situation


Bro I had always thought it was just Johnny Walker being a weird foreigner hahahha now finding out that it was because he was just kinda pushed out or kicked out is kinda wild.


he didnt have his wraps on anymore which made it seem fake but who knows


Given it just happened to Talbott and he's not really similar or connected to Walker in any way, nor do either of them have anything to gain by staging it or lying about it...I'd say it's something that actually happens.


Legend has it he is still roaming the desert to this very day


Yep, they didn't even let him get changed eaither


from what i remember it was sport commission that kicked him out of arena. It was something about covid.


Who let you out of r/SCJerk?


Not a good look for the UFC lol


Don’t worry, Dana will not book this kid to fight again or feed him to someone he’s not ready for.


Please find me the fighter that Talbott is not ready for. Dude is a straight up killer. Dana may be a greedy prick, but he’s smart enough to know people wanna see this guy fight and will pay bank to see him. If Dana is actually so petty that he doesn’t book Talbott for a while he’s a much worse businessman than I expected.


You people see new prospects absolutely smash a few low/unranked opponents and forget that there is a middle ground fighters can fit into that is just plain different from the top 5-10. I'm not saying Talbott is a fraud or a can crusher by any means, he's clearly skilled and I think most of us definitely want to see him fight more. But let's keep expectations realistic, I'm just saying you gotta chill and recognize the top guys generally have a lot more fights under their belt that bring experience and details to their game that would likely fuck someone like Talbott up. And I'd even go on to say that someone like Talbott would learn and improve so much from a loss to a high level opponent, but I don't think he'd just go in and smash a top 5 like he has these other opponents. Gotta give these new talents time to gradually round out their game before putting them in the deep end. Yeah they're ahead of the curve to start, but you'll find their ceiling quickly if you throw em to the sharks after a couple good fights. Recently Ikram was a great example of this. Yes, he's a spectacular *new* fighter who looked great fighting a little under his current level, but look what happened when he went up too high and fought an *experienced* fighter in Whittaker. Ikram was missing so many things. I really buy into the sentiment "there's levels to this".


You do have a point, maybe I’m buying into the hype a bit too much. However, there have definitely been fighters who have been thrown to the wolves quickly and come out on top. I think from a ticket selling perspective and a fighter development perspective, it would be best for Talbott to get that top 10 experience sooner rather than later. Fighters don’t always have the longest careers, don’t waste someone’s come up/peak fighting guys he’s way better than and don’t let the chance to improve pass Talbott up by giving him another easy fight.


You're not wrong about there being a balance to it, people can be moved along slowly too. I can't imagine managers and coaches have an easy job when it comes to what fights to push for or not.


The Adrian Yanez callout seemed about right.


Exactly he's already at main eventing an apex card level hype 3 fights in he's a star


The absolute level of greed this company displays is unbelievable. How do you not have seats for a fighter that literally just fought or at least a booth for them to hang out in lmfao incredible Edit: spelling


Will never give this company a dime they are human scum


They really are straight up terrible people. The business and negotiating tactics they employ on people going out and getting literal brain damage for them is disgusting. The nonstop flow of lies that come out of Dana's mouth while he berates his select sycophant media members is so slimy. I really find myself hating everything about the UFC except for the action in the cage. It's a predatory entity that takes advantage of and has no respect for it's fighters.


I haven't paid for a UFC card in about 6-7 years. Maybe more. Idk if prime Chick Norris is fighting Steven segal, I'm not paying a fucking cent to watch that shit.




"stop asking stupid questions. What publication do you work for?"


Honestly sometimes a bit embarrassed to be a fan of this 'sport'.


The sport is fine, it is the shiesty promotions and orgs


carnies gonna carny


Marks are going to mark.


I don’t know I’ve seen enough seizures in my short six years watching the sport to think maybe it’s not always “fine” lol a few people I’ve watched it with have been fucking horrified


That is the sport. It is like saying football isn’t fine because the sport where people tackle each other at full speed get concussions and broken bones. Well yeah, people in the sport of MMA are going to get clobbered in the head. There are no embarrassing rules or aspects of the sport of MMA, but the promotions like the UFC are exceptionally predatory and shitty businesses. You would’ve hated Pride or current Rizin if the unified rules make you iffy lol


A growing amount of people would say football is not fine lol


What does fine mean to you? I’m saying it is not embarrassing to be a fan of the sport, rather embarrassing to be a fan of the promotion as related to OP’s comments. Contact sports will always result in injury. MMA is a sport where you try to knock your opponent out, choke them out, or inflict so much pain or risk of injury that your opponent submits to you and surrenders. I don’t get what you are trying to say


Given the ratings I dunno if the people who say it’s not fine watch anyway




Those things are not the sport. They are the promotions and governing bodies


Sport is fine. The promotions are shady and WME-IMG is a corporate shitshow. Their entire reason for buying UFC is to cut labor costs, squeeze out every bit of profit they possibly can while cutting said costs (have Anik and Buffer read ads nonstop), drive up the stock price (or go private), then sell for a massive profit, leaving the decaying corpse of the organization to rot.


Yep, that's why they can suck my chode if they think they're getting a penny out of me.


That’s why I love powerslap!


Just the UFC. Well, some of the others are horrible too. Yeah, MMA is plagued with scumbaggery. Tragic knowing what it could and should be.


It doesn't necessarily attract the sharpest crayons in the box....but it is fun to watch people get kicked in the face


I wasn’t until this moment. This moment is the worst moment of how UFC treats their fighters. This one was bad, then on the documentary fight Inc the way they clearly strategized aljo to make a quick turn around and got him to sign a fight deal literally just moments after a title fight. Aljo should have denied the fight and ask for 6 months IMO, but the entire documentary was pretty telling of the way Dana and Hunter feel about fighters because when fighters get injured or have any kind of issues they act like it’s this big drama grief like as if someone just seriously offended them. My opinion of this is that it’s completely out of touch with reality behaviour, because they are acting pouty and as if all this stuff with fighters is about them and affecting them on a personal level. Then they go and do something like this and not have seats for fighters who fought for you, that’s a level of disrespect that I had no idea existed and I am flabbergasted. I thought that was just normal and expected, or already have a box or standing area to watch the fights, kicking the fighter out of the arena seems hilarious like they are just the same employee like me who worked and a concession stand at football games 😂 even I could go stand and watch the game on my breaks if I wanted


Sometimes?! This kind of bullshit happens all the time. It's always something. No wonder guys are pulling out of fights. Look at how they get treated! 


This is what they do at the apex, you and your crew (family and friends) are asked to leave after your fight. How wild to do it during a ppv.


Gotta maximize the number of seats they can sell, UFC gotta milk every penny out of their fighters to maximize their dividends.


At a big arena too with plenty of backstage room. 




Gotta make sure all his favorite youtubers have the best seats


All the shitty oversized overwhitened nelk boy veneers make my skin crawl when I see them at the events.


I legitimately have no idea what they look like.




Well the nelk boys have to have front row seats


Don’t forget the cost of diapers for one of his VIP’s at every UFC PPV


And because the UFC don’t allow any actual journalists we have to endure pathetic “questions” about being branded and some bs about the colour of fight kits…any other big sport and the tomato head would get grilled about this shit that goes on. The overall quality and value of the UFC product has dwindled so much in recent years it’s quite sickening to think about. It happened so fast you don’t really realise it until you think about how many apex events we get shoved down our throats a year while the UFC pocket more money than ever.


“Dana, how does it feel to be back in Vegas??”


"Anything you'd like to say to your haters after proving them wrong once again?"


"power slapped the gate records ya fucking goof"


“Dana do you ever stop and think with all you have achieved, have you given yourself enough flowers?”


Hilarious that no one will challenge any of his ridiculous Slap fight claims.


"Journalist": Dana, if you were a plant, what kind of plant would you be? 🍅:  look idk what to tell ya. Not some fuckin goof plant, that's for sure. But uh... It'd a be pretty bad ass. Probably something like uh, idk a crocodile or somethin'. Next question. 🤨


>The overall quality and value of the UFC product has dwindled so much in recent years it’s quite sickening to think about. When you look at the MMA landscape, though. Who is doing a better job? I seriously struggle with PFL's and Bellator's pace and production. Has it all just become shit?


One Championship would be one of the best alternatives but they seem to have shelved most of their big names because they’re too broke to pay out the contracts


This shit is embarrassing, but the idea of shame seems to have abandoned us as a society.




Well that’s because the other major sports have players unions. Also they basically never have a situation where the team is done playing but there’s more games to go.


It's goes deeper than sports at this point.


I still remember when aljo had his tickets pulled to seat someone else, sure the UFC offered aljo back in but he was already at a bar by then


That is fucking shameful.


Did he get to meet Johnny Walker at least?


Gotta make room for kick streamers and powerslap athletes


You can't make this shit up. This is embarrassing for UFC and MMA as a whole


Dana: The UFC doesn't stand for Ultimate Fucking Charity kid


Dana loves to pretend he's got the most polished product but the same thing happened to Walker. Their website constantly has errors in names and pictures. Fight Pass has technical issues and low quality. For all the stuff the UFC does well it always seems like they are looking for ways to save a buck with EVERYTHING they do.


Fuck fight pass, any time there is a PPV the fighter's most recent fight is mysteriously unavailable to watch for the whole week up to the fight. My guess is they're cheap fucks and know the most recent fight will be the most heavily watched during that period, so they conveniently make it unavailable to people who already paid for the service and thus save on streaming costs. The week after the event, suddenly it's available to watch again. Whether or not it happens to everyone idk, but I've been tracking this pattern of bullshit way too long and experienced it too many times to be convinced it's not intentional. The UFC has employed some of the most lowlife, cheap shit business practices I've ever seen from a supposed "best sports organization in the world." Nothing surprises me at this point


Johnny Walker 2.0


Ticket probably cost more than he got paid for the fight


This happened once to former WBO Middleweight and Super Middleweight champion, Steve Collins, who was supposed to be providing some colour commentary at a boxing event. He left to smoke a cigarette or powder his nose or whatever and wasn't allowed back in. When asked by the bouncer to prove he was who he said he was he knocked the bouncer out and reportedly told the unconscious bouncer, there's my fucking id. He was found not guilty of assault by a jury of his peers who, to a man, dreamt of doing the same to a bouncer.


Is this true hahahaha


It was well over a decade ago so now that I've looked it up I seem to have gotten some details wrong but it's basically true. It seems he didn't knock him unconscious but instead threatened to knock his teeth out and then knocked his teeth out. > “I didn’t know who he was,” said Mr Vodo ... > Collins told him if he did not move in two seconds he would break the bouncer’s head, saying: “I will put your teeth in the floor and then you will know my name.” > “He then told me the two seconds were up and he looked me in the eyes with his body shaking from left to right and then he punched me with his closed fist hitting my two front teeth,” said Mr Vodo. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30480976.html He was found innocent in a unanimous verdict > The jury took an hour and 35 minutes to return a unanimous verdict, finding Mr Collins not guilty of assault causing harm to Adriatik Vodo at the National Stadium on June 3, 2006 at the National Stadium, South Circular Road. It was day four of the trial This may have been because the bouncer was shown to have been a dickhead to multiple people that night > Dr Joseph McKeever, a trauma surgeon at Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown and the in-house fight doctor at the National Stadium, told Mr Purcell that he was refused entry three times by Mr Vodo on the night. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30481412.html


That's pretty wild. According to the article it was multiple encounters over the course of the day, not just one and done as I had thought. So obviously there's more context that the jury had that we don't. But, vicariously pretty satisfying.


That’s fucking nuts that one of the biggest stars they’re trying to push is being forced out of the arena


we got a bidniss to run


We knew they we're doing it at the Apex and that was shitty enough, but on the real events too? You can't even stay in the locker room you we're in to begin with? So cheap and shitty of them.


I used to never miss an event, now, I just don’t really care .


And this is one of the biggest upcoming names in the organisation, he should be treated like royalty


After the fight Dana comes up to him holding an ipad waiting for him to enter a tip


UFC really trying their hardest to not attract new talent to the sport. The least you can do for these underpaid warriors is let them watch the rest of the fucking show they just fought in. Absolutely insane. There's what a max of like 28 fighters fighting in one night? Meaning the most the UFC would have to do is save a couple dozen seats for the fighters and make sure they are spread out properly.


UFC is shameless. They make Monopoly money but still treat fighters like a smoker promotion. 


“Then I streamed the rest of the fights.” As he instantly looks up all guilty. Nah Payton, don’t feel guilty that you streamed the rest of the fights after they kicked you out of the arena.


Payton got Walker'ed off


Damn dude, they gave them the Johnny Walker treatment


They’re going to subtract the tickets and parking costs for the fighters’ whole team from their purse.


The kid just didn’t wanna be there - Dana Probably


What the actual fuck.


"But do you have a ticket?"


“Who do you think you are, Johnny Walker?”!!


Right on par with a shoeless half naked Walker getting tossed out curbside like a bag of trash lol


This happened once to former WBO Middleweight and Super Middleweight champion who was supposed to be providing some colour commentary at a boxing event. He left to smoke a cigarette or powder his nose or whatever and wasn't allowed back in. When asked by the bouncer to prove he was who he said he was he knocked the bouncer out and reportedly told the unconscious bouncer, there's my fucking id. He was found not guilty of assault by a jury of his peers who, to a man, dreamt of doing the same to a bouncer.


It’s crazy how poorly managed this business is


Crazy they keep doing this. Especially with a future star like Talbott


This shit is so embarassing 


This sport is low key garbage to compete in. Watching is fun though




If you fight in the apex you get two tickets for your family or friends to watch you fight. After the fight the holders of those tickets have to leave.


Toakin' bout Talbott, b? Great guy never meddum.


and this is under Dana’s watch who says “my team is the best, every one of them is perfect and we leave no room for mistakes. I have the best person in every field working on my team”


The johnny walker special




"Hey Dan Ige, I know you just saved our ass and the card but can you fuck off, you're clearly exceeding arena capacity bruvver."


“The kid just didn’t want to stay”


As Real As It Gets, they said...


Kaskade fan?? Okay Talbott, got a new fan here lol


I want to hear the nuthuggers Bisping and Cormier try to spin this into how the UFC is doing God's work as per usual. This has probably happened to a lot of the fighters but they're too scared to say anything because uncle Dana will get mad. Disgusting org.


Thing is, we can complain about this all we want, but the reality is that these fighters aren't going to leave the promotion because of it. The only way this changes is if they unionize, but the organization has made it so that everyone feels like the other fighters are coming after their money, so there's no way they can ever work together.


like why would you stay in UFC if they did this to you?


Man fuck the UFC


Of all the dumb things UFC does, this gotta be near the top of em