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Even for the ufc I don't even remotely believe that


Chandler vs Islam would be violent and predictable


The first round would be incredible.


chandler stands no chance


Really? I honestly think he does. He can finish anyone in the first round and he's got a wrestling background. Granted it's not a big chance but I'd rate him to do better than Gaethje or Oliviera.


Idk about now but a couple years ago I thought Chandler was a really dangerous matchup for Islam. He’s crazy explosive and has good enough wrestling to not be tossed around. If it got past the second he’d be cooked though


Islam was at one point susceptible to being hit, but he cleaned up his striking defense a lot before he fought Dustin. I think Mike would be cooked, but man that first round would be fire.


The reality is that Mike lands on everyone he fights though. Gaethje, Oliveira, Hooker, Poirier, Ferguson-literally every fight in the UFC, he's hit people hard enough that he at least comes close to getting them out of there. Chandler takes so many huge risks that he guarantees he'll be hit by power shots-he wants to strike because it's exciting, combined with his height it means he needs to take risks to get inside. But those risks combined with his (former, maybe current) explosiveness means it's impossible to fight him and not get hit by bombs in return. Islam cleaning up his defense won't be enough to stop him from taking a few shots, and with his power, Chandler has a chance to knock anyone out.


r/mma would die if out of all the guys Islam has beaten, Mike is the one to dethrone him lol




I fucking hope he does it just to top it all off. He can play the you're lucky you ducked me, you had zero chance against Makhachev and I beat him game all through retirement


At this level anything can happen, it's why we love this sport. Plenty of example of journeyman coming in with little chance to win, land one shot, and get that title. Bisping and Alvarez come to mind. When they won the title there were not expected to be much of a threat at the time. We could go back to Serra/GSP. One good shot is all it takes.


you fundamentally misunderstand what a "journeyman" is journeymen do not get title shots, unless its in the LFA


Why are ppl acting like Mike is some scrub? He fights stupid bc he knows that's what pays the bill and early death


That would be horrible and beautiful at the same painful time lol


At one point I thought he had the best chance of beating Khabib


> He can finish ~~anyone~~ ^*Dan* ^*Hooker* in the first round


Chandler is a swang and bang guy - Islam is calculated. Chandler definitely has a puncher’s chance, but he has nothing beyond that. Submission by Islam is the easy bet.


He’s old as shit and fights like a moron, as “punchers chance” of a title fight as there is in the division rn


The guy got submitted by Poirier. Please be serious.


After having his nose broken by shots that would have finished some fighters in the first round, and another round of wrestling. Getting beat up on the feet and then submitted after a war isn’t some mark of shame. Islam is good but he’s not boxing Chandler’s face off. That fight would look totally different than Islam-Chandler. It’s more a matter of whether Islam can take Chandler down and submit him before he lands a haymaker.


Chandler has haymaker cardio for 5 minutes. Even less than Conor. And his wrestling is great but he lacks in the grappling. Chandler has a punchers chance. Now Gaethje and Arman those are the interesting match ups.




No but he has tremendous TDD. Lateral movement. Cardio for the entire fight. Nasty leg kicks. What does Chandler have? A 5 minute haymaker and wrestling his cardio doesn't support.


Arman is the fight to make for sure.


Bro a Chandler in his prime had his head boxed off and finished by Will Brooks whose just Islam from wish, when the opponent is another wrestler whose not scared of the takedown feint his striking is not scary at all, its just an overhand right at that point not an overhand right masked by a takedown or level change. Unless you think 38 yr old Chandler is somehow better than his 28 yr prime self.


> Islam is good but he’s not boxing Chandler’s face off. Why not, he was doing it to Poirier lol I genuinely think Makhachev would have (T)KO'd Poirier if Makhachev chose not to wrestle.


Poirer's boxing was definitely effected by having to defend takedowns, if he didn't have to keep his hands down I think he takes the striking exchanges. The fact that Islam is so dangerous at both is what makes both so dangerous, can't defend one without leaving an opening for the other.


of course it was, irrelevant. its MMA bruh./..


It's also the first time Chandler has been subbed in his career, and he's a guy who gave Oliveira his back on purpose.


He haven't fight for 2 years and older. Ring rust is real.


Better than Gaethje? No way. Gaethje has the best tdd in the top 5, power in his hands, nasty leg kicks and cardio for more than 5 minutes.


The 35 years old stat is against him


Yeah, but he's got the fight IQ of a broken door


When you fight like it's only a 1 rounder there's always a chance. I wouldn't bet on Chandler but I wouldn't count him out either.


chandler standing is his only chance


Islam is not in.


They gave Colby a title shot because he was a fucking backup fighter The UFC absolutely isn't above giving Chandler a title shot for being a company man and trying to make the Conor fight work.


Why not ? That’s the most ufc thing I’ve heard in a while


He doesn't have a win over any ranked LWs.* Not to mention Tsarukyan's suspension would be over by October anyways if he complies with the Commission's demand. *EDIT: nvm Hooker's still ranked 11 **EDIT: A lot of comments fixated on my mention of ranking. I get matchups aren't always made based upon a fighter's position (Colby, Conor if he managed to win against Chandler, etc.). I was trying to point to his lack of major wins as a sign of his irrelevance. Charles, Max, Ilia, and even Arman are fighters with arguably more clout, who each have a far stronger argument to challenge for the title.


He does have a win over Dan Hooker (11 currently)


Good catch. Edited my comment.


don't you ever make a mistake like that again or it's the firing squad buddy




Hooker beat a top 10 in Turner. Don’t know why him being ranked is surprising


Right? Hooker is very deserving of a ranking off the Turner win and turning back Puelles and Nasrat with ease


hooker poirer fight in the apex took years off both those mfers life


Friendly reminder that the ufc is here to make money and a Chandler Islam fight would bring in a shit load more money than a Islam Arman fight


Islam vs Arman is a fight reddit creams itself over, whilst the casual fans would barely give a shit about it


yup sick fight


im the fucking weirdo who likes Gamrot though ahahha


Let’s be real tho, casual fans don’t give one single shit about chandler/islam either. Those fights are going to sell about the same amount. Chandler isn’t any kind of star whatsoever. It’s more a way for the ufc to reward Chandler for his loyalty in waiting for Conor and trying to make that fight happen.


Chandler isn't a draw. The whole point of the Conor fight was to give him the platform to become a draw.


just a reminder that a conor vs islam title fight would make an islam v chandler fight look like a PFL ppv in sales rate. So if they are just into "making money" then why not do that.


Stipe has no fights, against anybody who is in the ufc. He’s getting a title shot.


Totally fair and solid logic. But the ufc has completely done away with any sort of merit the last few months


Yeah, I get it. UFC has definitely shifted towards marketability over credibility since the Zuffa sale.


His ranking doesn't matter. The UFC isn't a meritocracy. If the UFC feels Chandler will draw attention and get numbers, they will give him a title shot.


The UFC isn't a meritocracy, it's an absolute chode


Tony is no longer ranked? Fuck that makes me sad.


Actually makes a lot of sense, really. He was ready for Conor, lost it because of Conor, but the hype train is still kind of following him. Islam needs someone and nobody immediately stands out. I was thinking this when Conor pulled out, really, it was a perfect time for Chandler to lobby for it, and he might have gotten it.


I feel like the UFC also wants to do him a solid, even though he's gonna lose. They're cold heartless businessmen, but I bet they do feel at least a little bad for him.


It could be the UFC trying to get him to give up his contract with Conor and this is the carrot to try to do it. It certainly seems like he has some clause forcing McGregor to fight him first when he returns, so long as he doesn't take another fight. Conor might not want to fight him specifically for whatever reason and the UFC will do whatever it takes to lure their biggest star back.


The contract he signed to fight Conor is now null and void, UFC and Conor can set up any match they theoretically want, Chandler has no control or leverage.


Losing the McGregor payday to get submitted in one would be quite the decision


Best silver medal he could hope for imo


See you at consistently below the top


Probably just hear from you. 


Chandler by KO in round 2, and at least 4 backflips next to Islam's lifeless body. That would be the perfect way for Chandler to retire and send a nice big 🖕 to Conor all at once.


One what? Round? Minute? Second?


Did Arman die?


Suspended 9 months


No. 6. Will be back in time. This chandler shit makes no sense.


6\* since the date of his last fight, to be precise


it can be reduced to 6 months if Arman participates in anti-bully thing


In what? Powerslap??


BMF vs Max would be fairly reasonable. Any other title would be a joke.


Waiting for two years like a lap dog for Conor and *still* begging for him to fight on social media is not very BMFish to me. The current BMF champion pointed to the ground with ten seconds left in a fight he was winning. Chandler is holding on to an IOU like it's a fucking golden ticket to the Wonka factory. 




Max is 100% gunning for ilia (or Islam if you're feeling wacky)


Bigger is Connor in the Sphere. Saudi money could actually get Connor back in the Octagon


With the rumors of the matches, sphere is way too stacked.


Exactly, we can expect Virna Jandiroba to co-main the next Conor card.


Virna: "what he say fuck me for?"


lmao she's one of my favorites c:


What r the rumors??


Holme headlining




Jarod Rosholt is returning 


O'Malley-Merab and Grasso-Shevchenko III. I'm not sure how it qualifies as stacked.


Thats way too stacked for a Conor card is what op is implying since past couple Conor cards have been like boxing cards huge main event and then all DWCS fighters making their debut or fighting for the second or third time in the UFC


Nice of you to think the Saudi Money goes to the fighters and not the ufc pockets. I doubt any fighters see a dime from them.


Generally true but Conor might be the exception.


Getting a title shot after chinning grandpa Ferguson and then getting choked out by DP, would be even more unwarranted than Colby’s last title shot.


Please God no. Chandler just fight Volk or something dude.


As well rounded and good as Volk is, dude really shouldn't be fighting that heavy of a hitter his first fight back. Dude needs some kind of tune up level fight.


I like the fight


Chandler vs Dustin 2 for the new 165 lb Super Lightweight division fuck it


That's a really soft way to gift wrap a belt for Dustin And then he gets demolished by Islam moving up or a killer at 170 moving down


If UFC ever want to introduce a 165 belt it will be for Conor


Tank vs tank match up


Trying to make the wait up to him, Chandler is in such a bad spot because if he keeps waiting he may never get the Conor fight, but if he loses he’s even less likely to be the fighter Conor picks if he ever does come back. Probably the worst position to be in as a fighter at the twilight of your career


if only someone had warned him


He wasn’t going to earn a title shot fighting 2x in the time he’s waited for McGregor. He’s at the end of his career, holding out for a big pay day and not adding to your CTE in PPV main card action fights isn’t the worst idea ever.


islam said it best. Go out and fight 1 or 2 times in that time. Connor fight may NEVER happen and as you said, holding out for a big payday is great, if you get the payday


Except Chandler is like 37-38yo and has had a long career full of wars. He has a family and opportunities outside of fighting. Why go out and rack up some CTE when he’s probably not going to earn a title shot and won’t make McGregor fight money?


Waiting 3 years for someone who could beat you with only half his limbs is certainly a career choice


Yeah dude, getting a title shot to try and win a UFC belt before you retire. What a loser!


He could've done it 2 years ago if he was serious about it. The human body doesn't exactly age like wine, and Chandler is getting old for LW now.


No he couldn’t lol. He was 2-3 wins away from a title shot in one of the toughest/deepest divisions. He had already lost to Oliveira, Gaethje, and DP…he wasn’t going to string together enough top ranked wins to get a title fight. He had seemingly resigned himself to putting on entertaining action fights.


Ahh we know full well title shots have everything to do with spectacle and nothing to do with rankings. For a guy like Chandler or Gaetjhe, who are fan favourites, they're always basically one exciting win away from a title fight


Except if Chandler has lost to all the guys above him lol, plus he already got a title shot vs. Charles. At the ens of the day it’s unlikely that he’d be able to string 2+ wins together vs. top guys, he’s been prioritizing putting in entertaining fights over doing what’s best for him actually win.


I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying it's the way the organisation works. No point in being in denial about it


I’m saying Chandler wouldn’t string 2 wins together against top competition and would just rack up more CTE instead of waiting for a big McGregor payday.


Here is a good test to identify those on this subreddit with critical thinking abilities...


Right! What has chandler done to deserve a title shot? Sitting out 3 yrs waiting for Conor to pick him?


He's put himself in good favour with Dana White. That's pretty much the pre-requisite to getting a title fight in the UFC. It upsets fans, but it is the reality of that organisation


And chandlers. Why the fuck would you deny yourself a title shot against one of the best. Then if you win you have a free mcgregor pass too for a lot more money


Yeah, exactly. If it's true, it doesn't make any sense for him not to take it. Win or lose, it seems the McGregor fight still remains a possibility.


There is no way they'd give chandler islam after being gone for 3 years and coming off a loss. gamrot and or even charles is more worthy


Who cares? It’s a fun fight (for however long it lasts) and a better fit for MSG than Islam vs. Arman


fans who care about the sport care. a guy whose last win was 2 years ago on a 3 fight losing streak tony ferguson, who has lost to poirier, charles, and gaethje, should not be getting a title shot over arman or gamrot. i rather see a mid entertaining deserving matchup than a super entertaining undeserved matchup.


While that's true, to the point of your first sentence-to grow the sport you need casuals, not real fans who care about the sport. Also, real fans may care but they'll also recognize just how crazy the first two rounds will be, especially the first round.


Totally believable. Gaethje is on the shelf past October to avoid future brain damage. Gamrot isn’t a draw and Dana would never consider him. Arman is suspended so nobody knows how that will work. Islam said he wants to fight and be active and he wants new names on his list of wins not repeats. Still think I’d give it to oliveira if not arman but chandler would make a interesting fight.


What if it's the BMF title? I could see that. Why not?


Islam wants a fresh matchup, let’s get Mike in there idc


but it should make sense, Chandler best win is hooker, he doesn't deserve it, let gaethje(who beat dustin) fight if he's ready, or give Gamrot a shot, even if he's boring he still deserves it more than mike


They could do whatever order they want and maybe that's their thinking too. Islam probably wins everything.


Yeah Islam would beat anyone they give him but if you give the title shot to chandler it sets a bad precedent for the sport, someone who is a company man and praises Dana can get the title shot even though he's done jack shit.


The UFC has had horrible precedent for the last like five years at least. And probably longer than that.


i dont think hes getting that conor fight


Conor’s not gna fight again


It was for Powerslap


Honestly, I wouldn't even be mad at this. Chandler gave up the tail end of his career based on good-faith promises from the UFC and Conor. If that's the case and it all falls through, let my man get demolished in one more title shot and pay him well.


He was greedy. Sometimes this happens when you’re greedy.


Please accept, Chandler Vs Islam is a banger


lol no


165 belt perhaps?


We know it doesn't hold much weight but in the 303 post fight press Dana reiterated that "as long as I'm in the company, not happening" talking about a 165 lbs belt


They would also have to change 170 to 175 and probably remove Flyweight


That was my thought too.


Its getting pathetic now.




Underserved Yeah Would I watch it Yeah


interim title for when Islam is taken to the Gulags


Idk dudes been in camp for 2 years...he's ready


doubt it


You know it would be nice if Chandler shut the fuck up


Chandler beats Islam, Loses to Conor, Conor Vs DP 4, DP becomes champ, DP v Justin 3 , just becomes Champ. We all live happily ever after


Dana WHite Privelege


If he somehow beats Islam(not going to happen) then Conor will really want to take his belt away! Maybe Dana can ‘offer’ to pay off Eagle FC’s tax debts….




Ok so this sort of supports a conspiracy theory I’ve been having lately. I believe that the ufc is going to start a new 160-165 pound division and Conor and Michael will fight for it. This post and the most recent discussion of said division is what’s making me think this. Of course he could always be exaggerating or hitting at a bout with Max.


That's hilarious. This dude is delusional. Coherent but stupid.


It will be hilarious if UFC give Islam, Conor. Hilarious for us but not so much for Chandler (and Conor because he will get whatever Islam is feeling that day) .


October 2030




On one hand, it's totally unfair on Arman. On the other hand, the UFC did sell him a dream and I can understand wanting to make it up to him somehow (even if it isn't entirely their fault but still). It's also a more interesting fight for Islam imo, people are saying Chandler is an easy fight but he's honestly quite good. People also said Volk and Poirier would be easy and we all saw how that went. It's a big and new name for his resume if he wins as well, so I think it's good for Islam. It's also good for Arman, he's young and the more time before his title shot the better he is when he finally gets it. 


Gaethje is the best threat to islam.


Islam made it clear he doesn't want to fight in the UAE, so I will be surprised if he fights in Oct.


Wow he is really going to sit out a title shot, however unlikely he is to win, just to wait on something that hasn't materialized in 2 years and most likely won't ever


Take the shot


Islam vs Connor for the title


This is number one bullshit


He’s got the punchers chance


What year was this? /s


Seems a lot like they’re trying to get him out of this fight


He's what, 1-4 in the UFC and hasn't been active for a year?


Dana White Privilege


Impossible, the ufc has no reason to do that


I'd rather see Chandler Holloway for the BMF. But if Chandler was to knock out Islam it would be awesome. I like Islam but that would be fun


Holloway should have first dibs on ilia unless volk is somehow cleared early


BMF title?


Just what I was typing. Dana even said a few weeks ago they were working on one. If MC’s statement is true it has to be this.


He’s 2-3 in his career in the UFC. I don’t believe it.


There's no way.


Chandler scores a freak KO on Islam -> McGregor fights Chandler for the belt




No. He can go fight some bum bum on the prelims. He's 2 years past his best before date and worthless if Conor doesn't hand him red panty night.