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well that’s considerably different than the Kayla match up they were talking about






“Draw me like one of your French Fighters or whatever, Californication760” - Nick Diaz


I guess she ruined her friendship with Holly for no reason then lol


Does Ailin Perez look like she's super smart if we're being honest?


POV: You're her son watching her interact with Paulo Costa.


Costa almost slapped her ass lmao




Who’s that


My arch nemesis on Reddit. As opposed to the Sean fan who is my bestie.


What has this boxman fella ever done to you?


I fear the Boxman is in the room with us right now.


Can you show me these boxmen?


Split personality doesn't count as two.


Not sure if you speak Spanish or not but she comes across as funny and sharp. Not at all like the typical MMA meathead.


Could you elaborate on this? What do you mean?




Ailin Perez is one of the most lower tier fighters on the roster but she twerks after her fights so they’re giving her favorable matchups. Being an MMA personality is the lowest bar in the world


I dunno where she’s even actually at, I just know she twerks and isn’t pretty so I dunno why she gets attention for it. But this is a considerable difference from what she was calling for. This Darya chick is rather lower level and inexperienced.


It's the trail effect. A 6 at the store is a 10 on the trail.


it's not an mma problem, if they are smart, pretty woman can sneak in any type of field they want with much less effort than a ugly chick that goes for men too, but to a much lesser extent. the real privilage in life is being attractive, it's playing life on a easier difficulty just look at the grown men commenting on this thread, honestly embarrasing


It’s happens in many (most) facets of life sure but in the context of sports it is an MMA problem because the UFC isn’t a meritocracy. In the NBA it doesn’t matter if you’re ugly as sin and have zero personality as long as you ball tf out and you’ll get paid well to do it. Definitely not the case in MMA lol


She is on a solid streak in a shit divison and seems to try to promote herself; makes sense to push her a bit imo. She sucks, but it's all relative in WMMA and HW.




Idk but probably a better base than saluting with a belly flop.












I'd like to never hear about Perez again


You're just asking for Nina Drama to do a twerking contest with her.


I'd like to see her be a better role model for her son. Come out dressed like a nun with the Bible before shouting "IT'S BIBLE STUDYING TIME" and ripping it all off and running to the ring full sprint. She proceeds to finish her opponent with the Crucifix position while making a 🙏 Afterwards she gives an interview with the Bible where she blames forest fires on the space lasers and tries to exercise the Arbies loving demon out of DC. "NO MORE BEEF AND CHEDDAR. YOU WANT A SALAD." "Not the interval running!" The Arbies Demon screams from within DC. it attempts to resist the exercising exorcism. Perez ultimately KO's the Demon. Joe Rogan attempts to interview the Arbies Demon. DC can be seen for the rest of the night eating celery. This was the early prelims. Her Son did not see any of this because he's too busy watching Twitch Plays Pokémon on stream.


I would just like to say despite the downvotes I found this hilarious


I do it for the fans. Posts like this sometimes do well but it all depends on the first two or three people upvoting or down voting. Bonus: When asked why she changed her gimmick, Perez screamed into the mic, "Nun of your business!"






















You do know you don't *have* to watch her fights. It's so weird coming on threads about female fighters and weird comments about their faces like wtf is wrong with you virgins lol.




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U may not agree, that’s my opinion though. Just like ur entitled to your own opinion. I’d rather the fight skills be the reason ppl like u, instead of having to resort to twerking that’ll get all the nerds excited about u.


Darya looking juiced


I'm super stoked for her fights.


No thanks, we don't need her on our once a year fight night...