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They are useless though


counterpoint: i like looking at hot women


counter-counterpoint: name 3 right now or you're lying


Brooklyn Wren, no more names necessary


hello, men of taste? we got another one.


Red de La Cruz


Fuck I'm embarrassed that I can name more off the top of my head




You're literally watching buff dudes in their underwear for like 80% of the event




Hot Men® brought to you by Manscaped™


Paolo Costa exists


Unfortunately he's outspoken enough for me to know he's only pretty on the outside


A guy I worked with years ago called this the "light travels faster than sound" principle: when someone is hot until they open their mouth. Personally Costa doesn't do it for me, but some of his memes are funny, and I think he's actually a lot smarter than he lets on. Not a great dude, politically speaking, but not a total loss either.


Invicta has/had ring men


RIP Elias Theodorou.


Damn. The allergies are acting up again


Women can also start their own promotion and start putting guys on display no?




Oh yeah I agree, if they’re there all good, if they aren’t there all good too. I don’t really care, the girls that do it probably see it as an easy gig to make some cash so why not.


Invicta maybe


Invicta has had ring boys before




Not on every card but it’s definitely happened


give me ring femboys or give me death


you aren't the primary demographic




no. the primary demographic is men. you can narrow the demographics down further. for instance, it would be more precise to say that the primary demographic is heterosexual men. or heterosexual men between 18-44. or white heterosexual conservative men between 18-44 in the Anglosphere. you get the idea. EDIT: > mma fan it increasingly feels like the primary demographic is shifting from actual mma/combat sports/martial art fans to the general public/people who are more interested in the drama aspect.


No genius there's something called a customer persona


You gotta go to Thailand for that


Dumb as fuck to say


Yep my reptilian brain loves seeing hot women right before I see two men full of testosterone try to tear each others heads off


Yeah I can understand both the uselessness of their function but also enjoy that it's hot ring card girls


From a sport of drunk, bud light hating trumpies, I’m pretty sure seeing some boobies does help business.


How so?


I think this is a lukewarm take. I didn’t even notice they were absent yesterday. And I don’t think he’s off the mark about what type of sexual shenanigans go on behind the scenes (misconduct or not). Folks will defend them and folk will criticize them. This has always been a topic.


People like looking at beautiful women(personally minus the creepy smiling) and beautiful women like to be paid massive amounts of money to stand around being beautiful. Why are so many people up in arms about something so benign?


I think it has the potential to close off many possible female fans by making the sport look overly masculine and catering to the men. Why aren’t there ‘ring-men’, for example? However this is obviously completely unprovable


>I think it has the potential to close off many possible female fans by making the sport look overly masculine and catering to the men. I’d have to see evidence to support this notion. Women absolutely do not mind women being beautiful or even explicitly sexual. The thing keeping the amount of women watching lower than men is the fact that women are not as in to sports as a whole on average and there’s not enough female stars and the stars that are there don’t get pushed. There’s female rappers who are dress, act and rap about explicitly sexual things that have massive female audiences that eclipse the UFC’s. Ring girls are not holding women back from watching. Think to yourself, if there was a ring boy walking around being attractive, would that be a barrier for you being a fan? >Why aren’t there ‘ring-men’, for example? However this is obviously completely unprovable We all know why there’s no ring men and it’s the same reason female models are paid far far more than male models. Women are just nicer to look at and women are not stimulated by visuals in the same way that men are. If they were, or a larger proportion of men were gay or bi, humanity would absolutely have a long history of ring men as we do with ring girls.


> I’d have to see evidence to support this notion do you have any women in your life at all? just ask. anecdotal, sure. but more valid than your entire post


>do you have any women in your life at all? just ask No woman I’ve watched MMA with has commented on the ring girls and has only had issue with how violent it is. I seriously doubt there’s a single person on this planet who is fine with cage fighting but somehow draws the line at attractive women being paid to be there.


I feel like it's kind of disrespectful and at odds with having women fight. There's this idea that you don't know what you're doing, you're just there to stand around and look pretty, you can't possibly contribute anything of substance. That's shit to start with, but when you have female professional athletes going out there and going to war, it gets worse. And it's alienating. We get inundated with all this bullshit from birth about how we're weak, we'll never be good at anything, the most important thing is looks/pleasing dudes, blah blah fuckity blah. Then here it is in a sport we love and maybe participate in, and if you don't think that furthers these perceptions in others, you've got another thing coming. The tenor of your whole post is "you're just ornamental and that's Real Science, so shush and sit down," and just...there is so much wrong with that. You want to look at ladies, go to a strip club, buy a skin mag, watch modeling competitions. There are places for people to indulge in those desires. But when it gets to be part of everything, when the dominant discourse is that half the planet is there to amuse/please the other half, yeah, it's a fucking problem.


Was this the case at Ronda Rousey's peak? I don't recall this being an issue when the sport had the highest female eyeballs on it.


Probably the best take on this I’ve seen.


Ramlaw in the wild


Sup dude, big game next Sunday




Right lol. 2 bye weeks in the first 4 games of the season is infuriating scheduling


Because it de-legitimizes the sport and it’s embarrassing. Look at any other pro sports league, does the Nhl have girls skate by naked when the period ends? I think it’s dumb because I love the sport and I wish it was incredibly mainstream and that won’t change with ring girls around.


Well, yes, kinda? After the period ends in the NHL they do have girls in minimal clothing skate around and smooth the ice surface. It's not usually on the broadcast but if you go in person you will definitely see them.


De-legitimizes the sport 😂 dude shut up.


The NFL has cheerleaders. I think ring girls are a waste but it isn't because they de-legitimize the sport.


>Because it de-legitimizes the sport and it’s embarrassing. Specifically in what way? The UFC is bigger than ever and only growing. In what way is a beautiful woman being employed to be present “de-legitimising and embarrassing” >Look at any other pro sports league, does the Nhl have girls skate by naked when the period ends? We’re not talking about naked women. Also it’s part of the UFC’s brand that they don’t bend over backwards for a small minority of people complaining about something they can’t even explain as to why it upsets them or should be removed. Do you think people’s viewing experience was tangibly improved by F1 firing all the grid girls because of “backlash”(small amount of complainers on twitter) >I think it’s dumb because I love the sport and I wish it was incredibly mainstream and that won’t change with ring girls around. Lmao. Are you out of your mind. The UFC is main stream now. The days of “human cock fighting” are decades behind us. The truth is that people want the ring girls out of the job because they think it’s progressive to get them fired. Take a step back and realise that your opinion aligns with religious conservatives like Shields and Khabib for a reason. Women should be free to have all jobs available to them and not be limited by sexists or puritans


The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are on the phone and would like a word.


You get that a lot of the massive sports...already have this right ? I get that you've probably never talked to one, but cheerleaders exist beyond high school. The fact you're calling them "ring girls" kinda highlights that they're in another very popular combat sport ...right ? MMA ..not mainstream ? 😂 I couldn't really give a fuck if they're there or not...but everything you said is bullshit


I disagree with their reasoning but agree with their conclusion. All ring girls could be replaced by a visual on the monitors and people would barely notice. If the UFC wants to keep paying them, whatever, but I'd rather that money went to fighters instead. No women's fights on the Saudi card either eh? Wouldn't want to offend the money with all that immodesty.


>If the UFC wants to keep paying them, whatever, but I'd rather that money went to fighters instead. Then again, the UFC can double their fighter's payment on any given night, and still have money left for ring girls. >No women's fights on the Saudi card either eh? Wouldn't want to offend the money with all that immodesty. I am fairly sure women cannot make a public appearance over there showing arms, legs, neck, or even wearing a tight shirt. They'd have to bring out the scuba suits [like the WWE did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-awhsGZVIU).


>Then again, the UFC can double their fighter's payment on any given night, and still have money left for ring girls. True. >I am fairly sure women cannot make a public appearance over there showing arms, legs, neck, or even wearing a tight shirt. They'd have to bring out the scuba suits [like the WWE did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-awhsGZVIU). Oh I'm sure the women on the card would be grateful for the chance to fight in a cavernous arena with no energy, wearing a full body suit, in a city with average daily max temp of 45 degrees Celsius. Apparently there will be women on the next Riyadh card so now I really wanna see what they're gonna do.


Say what you want about WWE because odds are if it's kinda greasy they've probably tried it


It’s consistently embarrassing having fights on around people new to the sport.   The irony of Dana talking about working to legitimise the sport, removing figjter sponsors, USADA etc, but we still have a bikini clad women holding up a card and blowing a kiss. 


As a woman I think they're useless. They don't bring more eyes or money to the sport. Use the money for their salaries elsewhere, like fighters or better graphic designers ffs lol. This isn't because I'm some sort of prude, I love looking at beautiful women (I mean I'm a lesbian after all lol) but I'm not watching fights to see beautiful women do nothing but blow kisses to the camera in between rounds. However this is far from the biggest issue with the UFC. Abysmal pay and mistreatment and favoritism from the top is a huge problem. Corrupt judging is another.


100%. They're useless and contribute to a lot of negative shit, however indirectly, but it's not the biggest issue in the UFC today.


Guys like him and Strickland would be considered unusually well-adjusted in most Muslim countries.


Just give us ring boys for the women's fights and we'll call it even


Most of them are lesbian so they wouldn’t enjoy seeing that.


Khabib and Jake Shields. Two guys i'm not taking advice from on much of anything. I'm not supporting the opinions of men who think women's main priority should be to please men.


Khabib is such a stupid man. He has literal caveman ideas on how the world should be. No open mindedness to anything aside from his narrow religion and mountain life outlook. He's an amazing grappler though, but ring iq doesn't mean real life iq.


You want Caitlin Jenner and Leslie Jones as ring girls


If you can have cis girls as ring girls, you can have trans girls. Caitlyn jenner is old as shit and I have no idea who the other one is, so no


Leslie Jones is an actress and comedian. This dude here is probably big mad at her for being in the remake of *Ghostbusters,* which should probably tell you a lot.


Well yeh they are just promoting the objectification of women. Real feminism (respecting women for what they do and say and not for looks) vs fake new feminism (low standards for women, disguising objectification as sex positivism). If the casuals need it, whatever. But I don't watch those parts of the show.


I’ve been wondering for awhile how much longer ring girls will be a thing. Seems like something that’s well past it’s prime as a concept and like many here, I actually didn’t even notice there weren’t any yesterday until this post.


Ring Girls are Models and they work for Agencies, many are mma fans and I have no issue with them either, I commented it once and MMA fans bombarded me with threats, I don't comment anything now


There is only one male cheerleader in the UFC and his name is Dana White. He's always there to steal the spotlight from the many knuckleheads Endeavo/TKO employs.


Backward sexist pigs. We want to look at women's tits because they make us horny. If you disagree with this idea, you hate women.


Khabib was right. Replace them with iPads.


Guy just wanted to be progressive and employ some ring goats


Real talk, I didn't even know UFC Saudi Arabia didn't have them, so yes. they're useless.


This isn’t even the gayest mma sub


I think less people on stage is better - sometimes boxing is so dumb bc of all the people on stage


Very lost on why we’re forgetting these are peoples jobs we’re calling for


They served a purpose as brand ambassadors back when UFC actually wanted people to know who the ring girls were. They haven't cared about them in years, same as the fighters.


Always Muslim men who shroud their wives in bee suits making these comments. Lulz…


Not wrong. Ring girls should have gone once they entered their 40s. Completely unnecessary and not missed at all yesterday