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some of the comments on the other post were some of the stupidest i’ve ever seen are we really going to blame khabib because one of the guys he trained with turned out to be a terrorist? people in this sub become alt right as soon as islam is brought up 💀


I blame how being a muslim doesnt wash away their sins....


I'm not a fan of islam(the religion) by any means, but the way people just start drooling when they see an opportunity to malign khabib...is just vicious.


I'm not a fan of khabib by any means, but the way people just start drooling when they see an opportunity to malign islam(the religion)...is just vicious.


what in the copy pasta is this


TO BE FAIR Khabib spoke quite differently when he wasn't personally impacted by the terrorism like when a teacher got beheaded


Don’t you put his pookie bear in a negative Light


Dude, the guy who ran over my dog was driving a Tesla. I never knew Elon Musk hated animals so much


Now the monkey corpse mountain on the other hand


Agreed. Also my understanding is that eagle MMA is absolutely massive, like hundreds of members. You see this documentaries where they show khabib training there and it is huge. Any young dude in Dagestan trying to become a fighter wants to train there. Like he might really not even know the guy


It's like aligning any high school football star who commits a crime in Texas to Texas football. That's how big Wrestling/MMA is in Dagestan


The leaps of logic some people take. Given that Khabib is the most famous guy in Dagestan, his gym probably has insane membership. How many people does he actually know on a personal level at the gym?


it maybe that Khabib's father trained him or smth as he had a lot of students and he was quite popular as a trainer as I understood . But still media portrays it like Khabib was the mastermind or smth and everyone is quoting McGregor who said that they are terrorists while ignoring at the same time the cases and allegations against McGregor - especially of one woman who got beaten badly and raped. It's all political games they try to use divide et impera and use all possible avenues so people don't focus on the real pressing problems but continue to argue about irrelevant topics focusing on idols and entertainment mainly ...


never had a terrorist train at any gym I've been at 🤷‍♂️


Hahaha, what a joke. You guys would be saying the complete opposite if it was a right wing gym, and the owner had previously openly expressed his sentiment that anyone who offends his ideology should be tortured/disfigured….


Um. It's a gym formed by Khabib and a former oligarch. It's definitely a right wing gym. And yeah Khabib said Macron should be disfigured by Allah. And while the first part doesn't matter, and the second part is gross. So unless there's sarcasm here, none of that is really relevant to this situation. Unless details come out actually showing Khabib's involvement.


>It's definitely a right wing gym. Lol, you guys still doing that thing where you pretend that it’s the right and not the left, who has embraced Islamic extremism…? And I’m not really following the mental gymnastics that you attempted at the end of your comment tbh. My point is that the double standard/hypocrisy is blatantly evident, because if the gym owner was an American, right wing man who said what Khabib did and then had someone at his gym act on the extremist sentiment that he expressed, you guys would be demanding his immediate imprisonment.


Islamic extremism is inherently right wing. One could argue that anti capitalist part is left but the conservative religious and social philosophies that drive such movements are right wing views. They aren't Christian extremists, but they are ultra conservative. And Khabib and Magomedov are conservatives too. Now terrorists aren't limited to a left/right ideology. And neither is extremism. Are there those on the left that are overly sympathetic to Islamic terrorists? Sure. Plenty of useful idiots on either side of the aisle. But, even being sympathetic to a twisted cause isn't a crime. A twisted right wing cause to reiterate. Also, this goes back to the not relevant to this incident. Why? Because this attack wasn't even acting in Khabib's sentitments. He was specific in his violent language. If these terrorists attacked the French gov, you would make some sense. Though more accurately if they attacked Macron(if we're listing whether people are left or right will just say Macron is center lett, despite many leftist trying to claim he's right wing faking at being to the center because he doesn't go left enough for them). So even your weird American right wing gym owner fantasy starts off on a lie because there were no burn the churches down sentiments by Khabib either. The fact that they attacked a churches actually goes against Khabib's multiple public statements over the years of not having any problems with Christianity. I'm not going to pretend to know the man. His private thoughts could very well be celebrating these attacks. And while that'd be gross if true, until there's any actual evidence you're just making baseless accusations. I don't even like Khabib, not a fan of any person who says that only religion can give you a moral compass. Or says that women shouldn't fight and be home makers or any other of his dated things. But, guess what, that doesn't mean I have to automatically assume he's involved in a terrorist plot because one man in a group of terrorists trained at his gym for a few months.


My criticism wasn’t really even directed towards Khabib (tho I hate authoritarians so he can suck a dick tbh, free speech over everything). I only point out what he said to criticize you guys and highlight how hypocritical and disingenuous y’all are. Regardless, your mental gymnastics are silly. He literally proudly proclaimed that people who offend his ideology should be disfigured…


Just saying dumb shit all over the place. Oh, btw...did trump lose his freedom of speech during his trial?


Is the first amendment inalienable?


According to the douche nozzle above...in America no one can take away your freedom of speech. No matter what. Yet, Trump complained that his freedom of speech was taken away during his trial. Just seeking clarification.


Oi, nozzle. ...


You do realise the Republicans [as far back as Reagan]( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b8/Reagan_sitting_with_people_from_the_Afghanistan-Pakistan_region_in_February_1983.jpg/1200px-Reagan_sitting_with_people_from_the_Afghanistan-Pakistan_region_in_February_1983.jpg) were funding Muslim extremists in the middle east while the soviets were *fighting* them, right?


No shit, the military industrial complex needs their conflicts. That has nothing to do with the fact that the Democrat party, is the party that has embraced Islamist extremists.


In other words, it's bad when the Democrats do it but it's all conveniently someone else's fault when the Republicans do it.


No, I’m saying both sides give money to terrorist groups to perpetuate their never ending conflicts. But I understand why you’d attempt to use that pathetic whataboutism to try and deflect from the fact Democrats are the party of Islamist extremists.


The alt right do not believe this. You must be mistaking the alt left. Alt right respects Russians and their goal of ridding the world of western corruption. I find it funny that you did not know this? We align with morality.


Of course YOU think that lol. Mentioning Khabib’s numerous ties to extremists or the fact his manager had been convicted of terrorism, or any of the tax evasion issues is alt-right. It’s pathetic the way people just cop out to defend their hero, a hero that would stone you to death if he had half a chance. Delusional


how the fuck is khabib my hero? i don’t even like him 💀


And yet still you defend a guy who would spit in your face if you walked down the street ‘fem-presenting’ it’s insane💀 Look up Khabib’s links… it’s not an isolated incident


Next argument: let´s link Saddam Hussein to Bin Laden. Stop getting your news from social media, it impacts your brain.


Please use google - I guess Ali Abdilaziz wasn’t connected to Khabib either, only the manager he selected for himself. Stop getting your news from social media, it impacts your brain.


I don't get my news from social media, you clearly do.


I knew the second I saw that post that the comments on it were going to be absolutely braindead


The Tim Kennedy fans are probably all riled up. Just seems like some casual dude who joined training at the gym.


Ain't no part-time hobbyist fighters in Dagestan. If you train with Khabib and you better be willing to die every second of every drill - even during warmups and stretching.


The dude probably knew he would be amongst likeminded individuals after some of the extremist shit Khabib has said. But yeah scapegoat Tim Kennedy somehow, pft lol.




It’s unreal how reactionary this “progressive” sub gets the moment anything Islamic is mentioned. I think alot of Khabib’s beliefs are harmful and archaic but to lampoon him and his gym just cuz someone who did something bad happened to train there a little is sickening, especially since Khabib’s dad was cited as using training as a way to keep kids away from extremism.


To be fair, you can absolutely be a progressive and dislike religion. I’m a Socialist and I strongly dislike organized religion. There are some pronounced factors that I think make Islam specifically terrible in the modern day, and I think it would be a betrayal of my beliefs to say otherwise. Now trying to blame Khabib for this is really stupid.


I never said you need to like and endorse all religion to be progressive. I have the same views in Islam as you. My point is that people on here are reactionary and turn into Alex Jones the moment any Muslim is mentioned and that’s wildly unfair.


*My point is that people on here are reactionary and turn into Alex Jones the moment any Muslim is mentioned and that’s wildly unfair.* Please give examples of this. You've spewed variations of this hyperbole multiple times, but I don't see it when I look.


Being progressive and bashing Christianity is standard, but bashing Islam gets you excommunicated. May be the most transparently peculiar, incoherent aspect of the Western left.


I find it funny the left protects Islam when Islam is all about everything they hate i.e oppression of women


>There are some pronounced factors that I think make Islam specifically terrible in the modern day, and I think it would be a betrayal of my beliefs to say otherwise. Isn't judaism far worse? The fact that the majority of jews are radicalised speaks volumes about how judaism is the more radical religion. Or is this anti semitic to say?


I look at material effect. The reality is that women and sexual minorities are second class citizens in the overwhelming majority of muslim countries to an insane degree.


Israel is far worse and Jews are more radical. Even if you say 30% of Muslims are radical or even 50%, that's nothing compared to the 70-90% of Jews.


This is a literal whataboutism. I have more smoke for Israel than I do for any individual muslim country. However, Jewish people as a whole are a lot more politically progressive than Muslims. I’d say Christians as well. Child marriages are common in many Muslim-majority nations and female genital mutilation isn’t too far behind. It’s actually a different level of oppression.


>However, Jewish people as a whole are a lot more politically progressive than Muslims. I’d say Christians as well. I don't care much about what Jews think of gay marriage when they think Palestinians should be killed. >Child marriages are common in many Muslim-majority nations and female genital mutilation isn’t too far behind. It’s actually a different level of oppression. Common in many third world countries and this is also an african issue, fgm isn't common in Pakistan.


You are literally a reformist muslim my man. You don’t believe what you are saying due to any actual moral convictions but rather specifically on the issue of Israel-Palestine you got morally lucky due to the circumstances of your birth and rationalized a worldview around that. If you were born in Israel you would be a liberal zionist. >I don't care much about what Jews think of gay marriage when they think Palestinians should be killed. One form of violent oppression does not excuse another. It’s the very same reason I don’t accept Israel committing a genocide after Jews were on the wrong end of one in the 1940s. This is why I think you would be a liberal zionist if you were born in Israel because the underlying motivations are literally the same. Muslim countries are on the whole- fucking awful to women, sexual minorities and everyone that isn’t the dominant religious group. If your first reaction to hearing that objectively correct statement is to say “Well actually…”” followed by the mention of Israel- then you might be a bit of a religious chauvinist. FGM is common in Africa. It is wrong when it happens in Africa. Were we talking about African countries as well? Or is that outside the fucking scope of the conversation.


>If you were born in Israel you would be a liberal zionist. I don't see how this is relevant...if you were born in Nazi Germany, you would have been a Nazi. >One form of violent oppression does not excuse another. It’s the very same reason I don’t accept Israel committing a genocide after Jews were on the wrong end of one in the 1940s. This is why I think you would be a liberal zionist if you were born in Israel because the underlying motivations are literally the same My point was Israelis are radical and more radical than Muslims but this is excused because they support gay marriage 🌈 and other stuff. How wholesome right? >FGM is common in Africa. It is wrong when it happens in Africa. Were we talking about African countries as well? Or is that outside the fucking scope of the conversation. It's not an issue to do with Islam. If you say Muslims oppose gay marriage, I'd say yes they do and if you said this is because of their religion, id say you are correct, but fgm is not a religious issue, it's common in certain regions and uncommon in others. It's largely an african issue and not exclusive to Muslim majority african nations so not a religious issue.


>I don't see how this is relevant...if you were born in Nazi Germany, you would have been a Nazi. You see what you want to see. You understand my exact analogy and know precisely what I mean. You are pro-Palestine because you are Muslim. I am pro-Palestine because I hate genocide. We are not the same. I mentioned that jewish people are slaughtered and treated as second class citizens in your countries and rather than acknowledge that you made the hilariously incorrect (and homophobic) assertion that Israel’s genocide is accepted because they are pro-gay. >My point was Israelis are radical and more radical than Muslims but this is excused because they support gay marriage 🌈 and other stuff. How wholesome right? You said Jewish people, now you are saying Israeli. These are not the same. Your point isn’t coherent because your beliefs aren’t either. The average Jew is a radical in their belief in Zionism. About any other issue? Muslims have them beat and it’s not even close. We can literally go point by point. It’s not flattering for you, reformist. And no, Israelis aren’t accepted because they’re pro-gay. They’re extremely fucking homophobic and the entire world is condemning them. >but fgm is not a religious issue, it's common in certain regions and uncommon in others. It's largely an african issue and not exclusive to Muslim majority african nations so not a religious issue. You are correct that FGM isn’t necessarily a exclusively a Muslim issue, but that is irrelevant. That is one of many ways women are subject to unimaginable oppression in muslim countries. I need you to understand that it is a horrible look at me describing what happens in these authoritarian theocracies and instead of even defending them immediately pointing at Israel.


"My point was Israelis are radical and more radical than Muslims but this is excused because they support gay marriage 🌈 and other stuff. How wholesome right?" False. Islamic extremists have targeted a wider variety of groups; gays, christians, apostates, blasphemers, other muslim sects. All to great degrees of brutality. Just watch an ISIS execution video. Also, radical muslims have a far more global outreach than zionists do. The number of jihadists attacks around the world completely eclipse radical jews. Almost everywhere there is a Muslim community, there are extremists. Just look at the Phillippines, Southern Thailand, Sweden, Germany, France, UK. It only took 19 radical muslim men and two towers to change the course of the 21st century. Those attacks have a far greater impact on the entire world than Zionism does. Literally, you've failed to explain why Zionists are more radical than Muslims, the only reason you brought up is because they want Palestinians killed. Well, Muslims want gays, jews, apostates, heretics and blasphemers killed, and global Sharia. That is far more radical. "but fgm is not a religious issue, it's common in certain regions and uncommon in others. It's largely an african issue and not exclusive to Muslim majority african nations so not a religious issue." The Hadith allows circumcision of men & women. "I'm against minorities being oppressed in Pakistan too, religion plays no part." You're in denial, it definitely plays a part. Blasphemy and heresy are prohibited in Islamic texts.


Nobody said that you can’t be a socialist or follow left, leaning beliefs, while also being a racist, sexist, or otherwise prejudiced


I get why some people make the presumptions they do, Khabib has historically [reacted like a fundamentalist loon](https://www.bbc.com/sport/mixed-martial-arts/54744830) on the topic of Islamic terrorism, but "trained at gym" in a vacuum is not much of a tie and this shouldn't really be a story.


It’s also cute how the one religion where progressives will toss out all of their values to aggressively defend it, is also the most repressive and conservative religion (in practice) on earth.


This is what I meant by REACTIVE. I never defended Islam, I literally said some of Khabib’s beliefs are archaic and harmful. What I’m saying is that turning into Piers Morgan the moment a Muslim and something negative are mentioned in the same sentence is embarrassing. If you have terrible impulse control, that’s on you but for me, I like to think about things before making determinations.


I just don’t understand how liberal progressives ever defend or have anything good to say about anything involving religion in general. All religions have conservative values that don’t align with modern progressives. Lashing out at religion would be ideologically consistent. Defending it is not.


Insane how stupid this comment is lmao


No, your statements are just logically inconsistent. You can't simultaneously argue how regressive and harmful Islam is, but call others "reactionary" and "Piers Morgan" and "Alex Jones" when they point it out.


Yea you nailed it. Being logically inconsistent has become an unfortunate requirement of being progressive.


You’re missing my point. I’m not LITERALLY talking about Piers Morgan or Alex Jones. I’m talking about reactionary political figures LIKE them. Islam should rightfully be criticized. However, I’m not going to jump to conclusions and pretend like Khabib was best friends with a terrorist just cuz he was in his gym. These sorts of generalizations are mainly levied at Muslim people due to Islamophobia. I genuinely don’t know how that’s hard to understand lmao


*You’re missing my point. I’m not LITERALLY talking about Piers Morgan or Alex Jones. I’m talking about reactionary political figures LIKE them.* lmao, I didn't miss anything, that's what I am criticizing. And then you obliviously go on to do the exact same thing again. Yes, why is this so hard for you to understand?


You literally are not communicating with me rn, you’re just arguing for argument sake, not interested in that man.


No, you're just incapable of understanding how illogical your statements are. They're reliant on erroneous, hyperbolic accusations that I don't see anyone making.


It's unreal how reactionary you all get to defend *anything* you perceive as oppressed.


Give me an actual argument to respond to sweetheart


It's not "reactionary" to point out just how unprogressive anything related to Islam is, you fool. Islam is extremely oppressive by nature. It means "submission" in Arabic. It's perfectly normal to scrutinize members of a religion that are bound to such regressive belief systems. The fact they need to actively distract children from extremism is indicative of a deep-rooted problem. At best, you have nowhere near enough evidence to suggest it's out-of-line to take a closer look at Khabib, his gym, or the area in regards to extremist ties. Yet you're already declaring it an impossibility, which is much more of a reactionary response than any of these alleged examples of people "lampooning" Khabib. Why are you trying to shutdown and criticize those who express trepidation about what should be seen as a global problem?


Nope this guy is definitely Islamist the way he talked after the comic in France really showed his true colors.


Islamist? Do you even know what that means? And have you actually read his comments with the correct translation?


It tells you a lot about Khabib's popularity that all the headlines and articles are more focused on him than Islam. Meanwhile, he's been retired for several years & Islam is the current champion. Khabib just had that 'it' factor. He became an icon.


Also Islam isn't the owner of the gym, Khabib is


i dont think its simply a popularity thing. Makhachev doesn't really claim to represent anything but himself to the fans. he's just a great fighter. all he really talks about are his friends and fights. He fights on a big stage but he keeps his world very small. Khabib is very vocal about world issues, his opinions, and his beliefs. khabib puts himself out there for these kinds of discussions.


It’s more likely for US intelligence to know more than Khabib ever did about this guy.


Not even more likely. They 100% do by now. The American feds are quick with their investigations


Beforehand I meant.


Yeah fair


It entirely depends on who is the target of the investigation. Their political opposition? Yeah, they’ll play “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” at record speeds. A member of the Biden Crime Family/corrupt establishment? They’ll protect them (like the agents/whistleblowers from the team who investigated Hunter Biden exposed).


Missed ya Don


They wouldn't let Khabib's dad into America, you know? His cousin Frodo Khasbulaev also kept facing Visa issues due to suspected ties to terrorism, too: >Internal e-mail exchanges obtained by [MMAFighting.com](http://MMAFighting.com) back up Bellator's claims. Tracy Lesetar-Smith, Bellator's lead counsel, tells Coker in one of the correspondences that the U.S. government revoked Khasbulaev's visa and that Bellator believed "he was flagged for a security check, which usually means that the government has red-flagged him for organized crime or terrorism ties, and once flagged, the Department of State will not issue a visa unless it is conclusively proven to be false." >Other e-mails show both Lesetar-Smith and Cliff Rosenthal, a third-party immigration lawyer commissioned by Bellator, actively attempting to get Khasbulaev's visa renewed. Lesetar-Smith wrote in one e-mail that the sanctions battle between the U.S. and Russia were also making things difficult. >Sam Caplan, Bellator's matchmaker under the previous regime, backed up some of that information in November, tweeting that someone from Khasbulaev's Champions gym in Dagestan had ties with terrorists. Caplan said in no way did he have anything to do with Khasbulaev's visa issues and he seriously doubts that former Bellator MMA president [Bjorn Rebney](http://www.mmafighting.com/fighter/2242/bjorn-rebney) did. [https://www.mmafighting.com/2015/1/27/7856003/one-of-the-saddest-stories-in-mma-where-has-former-bellator-standout](https://www.mmafighting.com/2015/1/27/7856003/one-of-the-saddest-stories-in-mma-where-has-former-bellator-standout)


This is collective judgement, how yall claim to be progressive and engage in this is beyond me.


Most people here are just liberals with polite racism/Islamophobia, the same liberals that MLK and Malcolm X warned us about. Real progressives are extremely rare here.


Pretty much.


Please try to be honest for just one second. If Strickland owned a gym, and someone from his gym did some coward terrorist bullshit like this towards groups that he has made extremist statements about (like Khabib did towards people who offend his religion), would you guys be defending Sean?


When has Khabib advocated violence against synagogues and Christian Churches? if he advocated violence against them, then yes I would say he has endorsed terroristic actions. That didn't happen though? Like if Sean keeps saying a group is predatory and violence should be done to em, and then someone does violence who is connected to Sean, yeah imma say he endorsed it.


Come on now, you’ve been on this sub long enough to know that this place was primarily created because of the backlash Khabib was getting about his extremist statements of disfiguring anyone who offends his religion.


Bruh ..




I guarantee you won’t be able to prove ANY evidence of what you just said. Where are the extremist statements?


What are you talking about? Just google what Khabib said about Macron (who I am definitely no fan of to be clear).


You made a claim, and you have the obligation to provide sources when asked for. You cant say “just google bro”. Fuck up completely or provide sources of “extremist views”. 


>Fuck up completely or provide sources of “extremist views”.  First off watch your mouth weirdo. I will make whatever the fuck claim I want, and I’m not linking shit for people who are too radicalized to accept reality. If you can’t even type 2 words into google then you can just pretend I made it all up.


Indeed, you do make up a lot of bullshit.


You don't remember the whole macron comic thing ?


The translation is unintelligible


Khabib is an asshat but he’s pretty irrelevant to the situation at hand.


Khabib coaching up terrorists


Khabib is buddies with Putin and Kadyrov, he only supports state sanctioned terrorism


Look into the past of Ali Abdelaziz 🤫🤫🤫 hard to find anything on Google unless you do digging


Ziyavudin Magomedov founded Eagle FC... he is an oligarch in Russia who was arrested.




Khabib surrounds himself with bad people and then procreds to say that he is not one of them xD. Guilt by association.


Lol..k den








>He did not condemn them so yes Excellent use of logic to leap to a conclusion. I hope you never serve in a jury.


Everyone with a moral compass should say that about Macron tbh


You can't blame khabib, but you HAVE to be skeptical of him and who he is around now.


Is Khabib an islamic extremist? There. Now please STFU fanboys. Khamzat said something even worse, He said he'd fight for Hamas indirectly!? & no penalty?! Keep fighting for extremists, until it shows up on your front door. Unreal.


Conor said it long time ago...


Osama studied in US before, so US is the foster home for terrorism?


Oh yeah, it's not like his manager is DIRECTLY LINK TO TERRORIST. Like how could you even have the audacity to have questions about the gym or the folks involved? Either way ya put it Khabib an what them guys got goin on over there ain "good faith" practice 🤣.


Wrestling became huge in Dagestan as a way to give kids something to do to keep them away from Islamic terrorism in the area. So to see a bad apple or two is expected


Religion of peace, I'm sure