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> do I really need to condemn this? is a great way to put it lol. however you feel about him, this is a perfect response on this situation from Khabib imo


Let's just hope Khabib never decides to actually read the Koran. 😂


I'm sure you know more about the Quran than the devout muslim


Given that you have no idea who I am, take a second to appreciate how incredibly dumb your comment is.


Are you an expert on the Quran?


Sure, let's just say that Muhammad doesn't share Khabib's tolerance of other religions. Like....at all 😂


[Quran 2:62] Those who believe, and those who are Jewish, and the Christians, and the Sabeans—any who believe in God and the Last Day, and act righteously—will have their reward with their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. Now...ask a Jew what is to be done with polytheists and what his views on Christians are. Next you'll be saying them spitting on Christians is their culture and we're anti semitic for saying it's wrong.


That doesn't mean what you think it means. If you have any doubts you can see for yourself below. I Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …" No verse before or after can change the meaning of these. There are more aswell. Islam is a religion of Death.


>No verse before or after can change the meaning of these. There are more aswell. Islam is a religion of Death. Let's see... If you keep reading, it's evident this is referring to the people who persecuted Muslims.... [Quran 3:172] Those who responded to God and the Messenger, despite the persecution they had suffered. For the virtuous and the pious among them is a great reward. And this is repeated throughout the Quran. The pagans persecuted Muslims, the Muslims fled, the pagans went to where the Muslims were in order to attack, then they went back to where they were expelled and fought. [Quran Chapter 2] 191. And kill them wherever you overtake them, and expel them from where they had expelled you. Oppression is more serious than murder. But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the retribution of the disbelievers. 192. But if they cease, then God is Forgiving and Merciful. You quoted like half the verse and without context. If they stop, you stop. Sounds defensive to me... [Quran Chapter 9] 5. When the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them. And capture them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every ambush. But if they repent, and perform the prayers, and pay the alms, then let them go their way. God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. 6. And if anyone of the polytheists asks you for protection, give him protection so that he may hear the Word of God; then escort him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know. 7. How can there be a treaty with the polytheists on the part of God and His Messenger, except for those with whom you made a treaty at the Sacred Mosque? As long as they are upright with you, be upright with them. God loves the pious. Dishonesty at its finest


Typical lier, you didnt find these Passages from reading the Quran, you googled or came across them from deceivers, you dont even care enough to look into the verses. You just googled them about 1 minute before you wrote that comment and didnt even care to the most basic research. So first Surah Imran 3:151 is concerned about the Battle of Uhud, where God promises to punish the Disbelievers/Enemies --> Where is the Problem? And do you have a problem with other Religions, that say the same or way worse. You not knowing anything, copied the verse from a deceiver that delibretly leaves everything aside, to make the suggetions that muslims must cast terror in the hearts of disbelievers. Second Verse 2:191 literally was revealed concering the Idea that one cant fight against Enemies (in that time that meant disbelievers) even if they break the peace treaty and start attacking muslims. People were concerned that they did something bad, when they fought against the People that broke the Peace treaty and started to kill them. You litteraly cut out anything in the Verse, that would cast Doubt in the Pereption that this Verse would not mean to simply go out and Kill "Non-Muslims". Literally cut everything out, so much that you needed to add (Non-Muslims) in brackets, so its understandable in any way. So you either didnt care at all to even look at the Verse or are deceiving intentionally, here is the Verse fully (one translation there are others): "Kill them wherever you encounter them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, for persecution is more serious than killing. Do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque unless they fight you there. If they do fight you, kill them- this is what such disbelievers deserv" --> "From where they drove you out" ; "Unless they fight you there" And now literally one verse before (one translation amongst others) : "Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed the limits.^(1) Allah does not like transgressors." I dont even need to add explanation. Going on: Surah 9:5 : I will keep it short, concerning the fight in Makkah, Verse before and after : Before "As for the polytheists who have honoured every term of their treaty with you and have not supported an enemy against you, honour your treaty with them until the end of its term. Surely Allah loves those who are mindful ˹of Him" After: "And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection ˹O Prophet˺, grant it to them so they may hear the Word of Allah, then escort them to a place of safety, for they are a people who have no knowledge." Again, Concerning this specific battle, but taht should be enough, its clear you didnt look into any of it, not even the most basic 1 minute, explanation search was done, you just googled it and copied it here acting like you actually spent time looking into the Quran. I dont wanna get into deep, but i hope you have atleast the same amount of resentment for all the (at least) Christian and Jewish People if not even levels more resentment. Also what do you know about Surah 2:62 and what it means. Also Surah Kafirun : "Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O you disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I will never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. You have your way, and I have my Way.” Also, you tried to deceive People into believing that Muslims according to Islam must attack just every Non-Muslim just anywhere at any time, which is even if you never had a look into the Quran just ridiculous.


Considering [his previous remarks](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/ufc/khabib-instagram-emmanuel-macron-islam-protests-latest-b1447229.html) linked to an Islamic terror attack, I think it's not a bad idea for him to explicity condemn this.


alright touché


Wrong translation. What he wrote translates to "put shame on his face" (shame on him), not "disfigure the face"


You're just clinging onto words, mate, the larger context is him attacking Macron instead of condemning the terror attack. Not to mention, in Russian he said "обезобразит", which can very easily mean disfigure.




Religious symbols and clothing as a whole are forbidden in certain French public buildings, like public schools and city halls. That includes crosses and kipah hats among others, in addition to Muslim veils. This is widely seen as a tenant of the separation of church and state, as opposed to an attack on personal freedom, and, although it *has* been instrumentalized as such, it never targeted Muslims specifically. These laws as well as the whole niqab/veil debate are also much older than Macron's presidency.


I'm not interested in defending Macron, I don't like him. The fact of the matter is that a terrorist killing happened in France, Macron spoke out against it, of course, and Khabib went after Macron, never saying the attack was inhumane, as he did for example with an attack in his backyard.


He did not defend the attack, he simply said Macron is wrong and insulted him. It would be interesting if a Jew commits a terrorist attack on Holocaust deniers, would reddit praise Holocaust deniers or attack them, if it's the latter, then how is that any different from what Khabib did?


Terrible comparison. Denying The holocaust and a teacher showing a picture she didnt draw are not the same thing at all.


You can be offended at either and there's nothing objective here, offence is taken and not given.


Yeah, it's not really the Jewish people you have to worry about committing "terrorist attacks". I think we all know that.


Why just randomly bring jews in? Kind of strange out random and off topic.


For it to make sense to white redditors


I mean that's a bit harsh no? To just generalize an entire skin color of people?


I think Reddit is overwhelmingly in America though no? I heard it's something like 70%


I looked it up reddit is about 50% American users. But the US is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, it has the highest immigration rates of any country for many decades. The population is about 60% white. But again why bring up jews and holocaust deniers? What does that have to do with white people anyway?


That other threads aging like spoiled milk. Islampahobes foaming at the mouth to blame this on khabib


I'm sick of Islamophobia being justified by these acts. Everyone of all beliefs are capable of good and evil. Simple they are no better than when racists see immigrant commiting crimes and blame all immigrants.


Well were i live most of the immigrants are trash, not all but enough to ruin the city :(


I mean most Immigrants I met have been roetty decent folk who go day to day doing their jobs and getting on with their lives. I dunno about you but I envourage you to have more engagement with the various communities.


Reading the comments it’s as if Khabib himself did the terror attacks or the one who did it is best buddies with Khabib This hate towards Khabib is weird


> This hate towards Khabib is weird I mean, come on, man... Amazing fighter, very obviously not a good dude.


how so?


He's obviously a religious fanatic with fundamentalist views, not to mention buddies with warlords, and doesn't say a single thing when Dagestanis are shipped to the meat grinder. He threw a tantrum about a rapper visiting Dagestan and about partial nudity in a play, but when people in Dagestan were protesting disproportional drafting from their region he couldn't give a fuck.


how is he obviously religious fanatic? I'm seriously asking because he publicly spoke against extremism. What do you mean by buddies with warlords?


This guy is making it up as he goes. Khabib is publicly against Kadyrov, even going as far as insulting Khazmat for associating with Kadyrov. Khabib's family members have publicly condemned the war in Ukraine and you better believe the Russian tax machine came after Khabib because he never agreed with the war. Athletes are as big in Russia as Hollywood starts in the US.


I literally gave examples in my comment.


I think he's great


Well, you do you, buddy.


I always will friend


Yes he would condemn the attack. Alot of people here engaged in collective judgement, I find it startling how many were so quick to resort to such tribalism.


I always felt like these gyms in those area actually might be more of a source of deradicalization. Heard similar stuff from gyms here where people really try to get that kind of stuff out of people's heads. And they know there how it is to actually have conflict and be at war, I can't imagine anyone wants to revisit the 90s and early 2000s


Abdulmanap said so himself; one of the reasons he made the boys do their own laundry and cooking was so they didn't grow up feeling like women were just there to serve them. He didn't want them to get into that mentality, because seeing women as commodities is essential to the worldview of extremists. He was very direct about using his gym to combat extremism.


He mentioned that he trained them in Freestyle Wrestling, Combat Sambo, Muay Thai and Judo and learning that made them feel respectful and confident after that most of his students became businessman and some got into MMA and Judo etc


Never heard that before. That’s amazing, good on him.


I believe it's from the same documentary that features him yelling at baby Umar for trying to exercise with the 55kg guys. Edit: meant Umar, not Usman


what documentary?


It's in Russian only as far as I know. It was up on YouTube last year with bad English captions, but I haven't been able to find it since then. It had footage of them training when they were teenagers, as well as that video of Khabib wrestling a bear as a kid. https://youtube.com/shorts/PFI-_6zFTVE?si=Xg-D8Ax2UwSYMPek This is a much better translation of that clip with Umar. I wish I could find the rest.


Tank you! I didn't know anything about the existence of this documentary, but it seems like pure gold!


LoL he thinks his opinion counts


LoL you thought your comment would be relevant


Stfu bitch, your boy is a got damn terrorist and so was his bitch ass daddy. They trained child soldiers 




While firing on non-combatant civilians in places of worship is inexcusable (and even prohibited in Islamic law), keep in mind that the Russians have brutally subjugated and slaughtered Caucasian states for centuries. The Chechnyan war is not even 50 years old. The Chechnyan dictator Kadyrov is despised by so many of his people and is labeled as a traitor. Everyone knows that Muslims, [including Khamzat Chimaev,](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-let-go-palestine-khamzat-chimaev-allegedly-expressed-desire-fight-die-allah-ufc-294-victory-speech#:~:text=Khamzat%20Chimaev%20continued%20further%20in,Allah%20be%20pleased%20with%20you.) want to liberate Palestine. What does Kadyrov do instead? [He criticizes his people for asking to fight for Palestine when they can instead go fight in Ukraine.](https://www.tiktok.com/@doamuslims/video/7303912388892347680) I don't know exactly who rules Dagestan or what is happening there, but what I can tell you is that subjegated people lash out, and they often inflict attacks upon defenseless targets - alongside their actual oppressors - to show their anger with anyone who seems aligned with the occupier. Is that unacceptable? No doubt. However, it's not wise to simplify these people as cartoonsihly evil villians who just love to disturb peace for fun. There's a larger and more complex context here that isn't clearly black and white Just some food for thought.


You may claim that you're not trying to justify it, but it really does sound like you're trying to justify it.


Killing people in churches or synagogues is horrendous and unacceptable. Russian occupation and slaughter in the Caucuses for decades is also unacceptable. Edit: Not just decades, centuries. Russian imperialism has been opposed by leaders like Imam Shamil since the 1800s.


Innocent civilians died, that had nothing to do with wars/genocides/whatever. So why bring up the Chechen war in the first place? What exactly is the point you're trying to make?


Because it's obviously linked in the time line of events and history of the region. There's nothing wrong with discussing the historical implications of such an attack in this region.


There's no fucking "historical implication". Innocent people died. Killed by some nutjob. Him and only him is responsible for his actions. No amount of mental gymnastics or "generational trauma" is going to justify his actions.


Dude this wasn't some psychotic lone wolf mass shooting like what happens in the United States. It was an explicitly politically motivated terrorist attack. You're literally just putting your head in the sand lol.


So massive Dictatorship, killing and torturing innocent, Opposition ,Mafia state, forced to fight in Ukraine, Subjugation to another People, Religious Discrimination on ones own Land, forced assimilation, literal Genocide and this for centuries has nothing to do with whats going on in the Caucasus? It has everything to do with it, its not 1 or 2 Guys having mental Problems, but its coordinated and Planed. And what do People like you mean with Justification? If People mention the Conditions of most School-Shooters however it may be (mobbing, drug Problems, bad househould) or the Conditions of many violent criminals (poor etc.) that doesnt mean one things the murder or crime is justified and deserves no punishment.


I'll ask again, do the innocent civilians that died have anything to do with anything you just listed?


They were caught or directly aimed in the attack, which is (as fas as one can tell now) linked to all the Conditions? Its pretty clear, no idea why you are so keen on keeping on your Point. Its not something that happend in a Vacuum without anything causing it, this stuff doesnt happen all over the world just randomly. This happens in the Caucasus for years, time and time again.


Progressive stalwart Khabib Nurmagomedov.


It’s crazy seeing the switch up on Khabib now. Islamophobia at its finest


Why do we generalize all Muslims when there is a terrorist attack ? Why did we not do this to Christians when bush invaded or all the crazy shooters …..


This is a delightful suprise. As a Jewish fan of khabib I worried he shared some other notable fighters anti-semitic world views. His global influence makes even small statements like this massively important to combating hate, especially in the middle east and caucasus.


Yeah, right. His PR manager "condemns" it, not "Kill all women, gays and President of France" Khabib. Not that this radical Muslim infested subreddit will care.


Disgusting glazing going on in here. Reddit has fallen off so bad in recent years to allow this horseshit 


Isn't Khabib the guy that rejoiced about the fact that a terrorist chop off the head of a teacher Samuel paty in France ?