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Sooo you see…it’s gonna have explosions…and boobs definitely boobs…and you start off as a pimp…and there is a cane…and a Cadillac…oh yeah and Snoop has to be in the game as game master or some shit…and you’d have to blow the bong and that will make you fly for some time…yeah all that 🪐⭐️☄️


OP grinding his teeth as this comment wins the prize


Rules are rules :) I just wanted a fun activity; it didn't go as planned, but at least it was something 😂


Thanks for participating, everyone. While all other stories were really well. I can see people like boobs way too much. So Danro1984 DM me here on reddit and I will send you the prize :)


How do I condense something as massive as MMORPG lore into a Reddit comment?


Doesn't need to be indepth


I would love a western setting but with magic and monsters. Think of something like an alternate timeline with the discovery of the wild West but they also discovered something that caused a portal to open (maybe it was something the native Americans knew about and had warned the cowboys not to tamper with but they just couldn't resist. This portal caused all sorts of mythical creatures to be allowed into the world but it also unlocked magic. The combat would be similar to wildstar because I really liked the telegraph system. It worked well for both melee and ranged combat. There would be a huge open world and instanced dungeons and raids. The portals could allow for future expansions to add new areas but other expansions would just be discovering more of the wild west. For races you could have humans but you could also have more races because the portals allowed for some races from other worlds to come through who would also be playable races. This alternative history could also have steam punk as an option especially with the addition of magic on gadgets and steam engines


so you want stranger things lol


you mean like the "stranger things" tv series? because that's not even close to what I wrote. If I were thinking of a tv show I would think of it as closer to "Deadwood" with some "cowboys and aliens" thrown in. but not so much aliens and more supernatural. I don't see where you get stranger things at all from what I wrote.


Too many 12 year olds "developing" mmorpgs on this sub.


-Eastern MMO -High fantasy theme -Mount system, can add cars, planes, chickens, cute bunnies. -Auto walk/quest/attacking system, let's you play the game completely automatically! No more need to spend hours and hours grinding. -Fun gacha system, repeat items give you a small amount of currency that you can save up to buy items that potentially drop. -classes associated with each Gender. Masculine men, hot women with large breast's. -jiggle physics -the ability to fly with angelic wings -storyline about you being the chosen one to fight off the darkness, an impossibility evil entity.


View in your timezone: [12th May, 4pm GMT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240512T1600?tl=%5BGiveaway%5D%20The%20MMORPG%20you've%20always%20wanted!


2 ways to make a huge lore for a game. 1- history/stories 2- fantasy(every MMO tried that) fantasy always cool but most MMOs tried that and only few had good story and almost non read it. third option might be just mix between since you will have our rich history + fantasy feel. gl all


Combat system: Lost Ark + BDO Lore Depth: FF14 + ESO Progression: GW2 + FFXI Balance: PvP and PvE separate balancing Support: Monthly balance patches, active pvp seasons, subscription based




So Amazon has the rights to most of Tolkiens works and a lot of money. Give us his lore with New Worlds engine. Maybe buy up Bethesda and add in the monsters from Morrowind for some added flavor. Also buy up Projekt Red and give us some Witcher action. Ok now put all of this in Aincrad and give us major orders to climb floors. Did I win?


I want there to be powerful spells, like how you could turn into insanely big dragon in neverwinter nights, or something like a ritual you can do to attack people across continents. Maybe such spells could have a day long cd or so.


Storyline I'm not the most creative with. But a super human world with magic and more physical/traditional super powers, think Marvel's wide variety. No heroes or villains but more factions fighting to gain and hold their territory against neighboring player factions while enduring an interdimensional visit from alien species. Using polls and player influence will be whether war or peace is how it is proceeded with them. Barbaric npc factions will play a part wreaking havoc. A crafting style economy where both crafting and content has top tier gear. I'd love to see a class or job system involved somehow where you could play try to be a king of a faction or just a shop keeper. I like the idea of camps like in New World, but with more function somehow, feeling more purposeful. Join guilds within factions, challenging other guilds in that faction for influence, show of strength and power to fight for the king role or other powerful roles in the faction. Have both pvp and pve and many life skills. Raids, dungeons, battlegrounds, open world pvp and such. I prefer subscription based games often. Less p2w chance, and I don't mind items being super rare or near impossible to get as it shows the work that player showed to achieve it to flaunt it.


Another comment reminded me of an old idea where it's more historical and non fantasy. As last one country/faction style but as celts, British, some of Rome, and ultimately based off choice the pvp aspect of the game is to fend off roman invasion or as a roman to advance and expand the empire. Not sure how to execute the idea on an mmo exactly, but I like that setting and provided game continues to grow and has good pop, can maybe slowly add in more countries, factions, or maybe (which I'd love to be on) a barbaric, nomadic faction.




Do you really think someone is paying anyone to downvote people in this thread? You can literally get a free one month trial to all three of those things (Discord nitro, Crunchyroll, and Netflix).  What if people downvote your content because they don’t like it?


**Aethel: Tides of the Eternals** **A World Reborn:** Aethel is a vibrant world bathed in the soft glow of two moons, Elara and Luna. Yet, scars of a bygone era mark the landscape. Shattered remnants of floating islands, known as the Sky Citadels, dot the sky, remnants of a celestial civilization mysteriously wiped out. Players awaken in Gaia, the sole remaining continent, where mortals rebuild after the Great Cataclysm. **Races:** * Humans (Aethelborn): Descendants of survivors, they revere the Eternals, powerful beings who once walked Aethel. They are diverse, with splintered factions vying for control. * Sylvans (Children of the Wood): Ethereal beings attuned to nature, they guard ancient groves and hold the secrets of forgotten magic. * Ferals (Kin of the Wild): A race of anthropomorphic beasts, they excel in combat and revere strength and primal instincts. **Classes:** * Weavers: Masters of the arcane, they channel the residual magic of the Eternals, wielding elemental power. * Wardens: Defenders of Gaia, they utilize ancient Sky Citadel technology to forge powerful armor and weaponry. * Oracles: Mystics who commune with spirits and possess limited precognition, crucial for unraveling Aethel's mysteries. **Epic Quests** * Echoes of the Eternals: Players delve into the Sky Citadels, uncovering the truth behind the Cataclysm and the fate of the Eternals. They face corrupted guardians and solve celestial puzzles. * The Sundering: A dark prophecy foretells a second Cataclysm. Players must unite the fractured human factions, forge alliances with the Sylvans and Ferals, and prevent the imminent destruction. * The Weaver's Loom: A legendary artifact rumored to control the flow of magic is hidden somewhere in Aethel. Players embark on a perilous journey to find it, facing moral dilemmas and powerful entities guarding its secrets. **Myths and Legends:** * The Eternal Pantheon: Beings of immense power who once shaped Aethel. Legends speak of Elara, the Moon Weaver, and Luna, the Sun Forger, whose conflicting ideologies may have triggered the Cataclysm. * The World Tree: A colossal tree rumored to connect Gaia to the celestial plane. Its roots hold immense power, sought after by all who crave dominion over Aethel. * The Lost Library of the Sylvans: Whispered tales speak of a hidden grove containing the collective wisdom of the Sylvans, lost during the Cataclysm. It holds the key to restoring balance to Aethel. **Aethel: Tides of the Eternals** offers a vast world to explore, filled with diverse landscapes from lush forests to scorching deserts, each with its own unique lore and challenges. Players can choose their path, forging alliances or rivalries, shaping the destiny of Aethel and unraveling the secrets of a world reborn.


So I'd say Pet system: Rappelz Combat type: Tab Target Story based progression with story unlocked dungeons Pvp is a separate game mode and balanced separately Has Job XP separate from player progress A life skills system like XIV MTX is mainly cosmetics but raids drop mounts and scrolls to craft them.


Shadowrun or clone IP 50% in Seattle 50% outside Smuggling into/out of city, ala archange packs with all pvp implications. Instanced pvp (DMZ games) Item breakage on upgrade, with money spent on attempts and a nearly impossible top-tier level, to make economy work. Lots of character development and possible builds. Open world housing apartment blocks, pvp enabled. Cooking drugs as a crafting skill


>Think about the overarching storyline The "storyline" should be created and maintained purely through player-to-player interaction, in a fully dynamic way. Should absolutely not be forced by game developers themselves through any [static, linear, poorly-written fanfics with predictable plot and cardboard villains/heroes](https://www.finalfantasyxiv.com/). All developers should do is just provide the right tools for players to do that. >the different races "Races" should be whatever players choose to be when making their fully unique, custom player character with something like Blender and then importing it into the game (with a physical limitations, of course, such as overall character dimensions which cannot be smaller or larger than specific range) where every other players can see them. >factions Only factions/alliances that should exist are the ones created through player interaction based on common interest, and must never be any developer-forced forced nonsense like "Blue vs. Red vs. Green". >the ancient legends See above. Only players should create "ancient legends", through something extraordinary they did inside the game's world. Am I doing this right so far? ;) ​ >an incredible prize pack Don't see anything "incredible" in that - Discord is a garbage company that keeps making their service (especially mobile apps) worse through unwanted changes (see the app store reviews) and lack of any acceptable customer support. And Crunchyroll or Netflix - well, I'm not gonna go into detail, but any person can find any content from those sites absolutely for free with 5 minutes of spending with search engine ;) But hey, good luck with your contest.


I am commenting just to say that I think this is adorable and I love you and your pure heart OP. Never change ❤️


Seems like you're talking about [Land Of Might MMORPG - Web game / Browser game ](https://landofmight.alwaysdata.net/)


FFXIV everything but in Unreal 5. The ERP would be even more immersive 😍


The world is a patchwork of floating islands, each a fragment of a shattered dream. Long ago, a Dreamer, an entity of immense power, dreamt the world into existence. But a cataclysmic event fractured the dreamscape, scattering the land into these ethereal islands. Players are Weavers, individuals who can manipulate the dream essence that permeates the world. They can weave new landscapes, mend tears between islands, and even delve into the subconscious of the Dreamer to confront the nightmares that threaten to consume the world.