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Biggest MMO event of the year !! Can’t wait !!


Of the year? lol WoW and FF14 both have expansions coming out and are much bigger than EQ2 getting a new server


Those games always get expansions. And they mostly feel the same. The excitement here is for something else


Difference being eq2 is good


Doesn't make it a bigger event


Perspective, dear fellow gamer, perspective.


If you were ever to do me just one favor in this life, it would be to never say "dear fellow gamer" again. Please




It's not just a new server. It's a 2006-era correct server with no expansions unlocked. We've been asking for a vanilla EQ2 server for *years*. Think of when WoW Classic first launched. For us it's like that, except WoW has had great classic private servers. There is no such thing in EQ2. The only vanilla private server literally has a 0 population.


I never played EQ2, one of the few MMOs of the past I didn’t play. Is it sub, b2p, or f2p? Is there PvP? Are there varied healing/support classes? How grindy is it? What’s the pve picture look like both mid and end game? Is crafting important/relevant? I could probably google all this but it’s midnight and I’m lazy xD thanks in advance!


Crafting is very useful, you can make very good gear in every tier for leveling. Housing is the best in any mmo. Three healer archtypes (Cleric, Druid, Shaman), two support archtypes (Bard, Enchanter) Support is highly wanted in group for buffs and mana regeneration. Early Dungeons are not instanced, you will share with other groups which makes it very fun, if there are a lot of groups a new instance of the dungeon will open up and the early dungeons are big. There will never be more than like 3-4 groups in a dungeon then another instance will open up. No pvp. Early all the way up to end game are some great dungeons, very good gear from Heritage Quests (items that were in EQ1) powerful and BiS for some classes. At 50, there is also an Epic Weapon Quest for your Prismatic Weapon at 50, a long questline with dungeons, quests, raids that is well worth it. Raids are 24 man, groups are 6 man. Sadly, a lot of this is very old and the 2006 websites with info from that era are gone. This is a great resource though, an old Game Guide but this was from 2004 so some things changed a bit, like no going to recover your soul shard after death. [https://archive.org/details/EverQuest\_II\_Prima\_Official\_eGuide/page/n3/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/EverQuest_II_Prima_Official_eGuide/page/n3/mode/2up)


will add : [eq2classic.fandom.com/](https://eq2classic.fandom.com/) ppl have been working on it while on beta ,


Probably gonna give tarisland a shot first since it’s free, then i may sub for a month and try this out. Thanks for the info!!!


You need to sub to play the EQ2 TLE servers (this one.) Holy trinity-based but with vital and powerful support classes.  A lot more grindy than most current MMOs and will be even more so with this release. Crafting is one of the best in the genre.


There is no grind in a good community. Its just adventures. Hopefully people act like its 2006 too. Tired of the 2024 trope of troll one another and talk about second rate(at best) politics.


>troll one another and talk about second rate(at best) politics. So exactly like 2006


Is there no free trial untill a certain level? I wanted to try it out but I don't want to pay for something I'm not sure I'll invest a lot of time in.


Unfortunately, no. Special game version servers are only playable with the subscription. I think you can play free on live for a while if you’re just curious about the world, classes, graphics, etc.  It’s not going to be the same gameplay experience, though and will probably inundate you with bloat and systems and confusion before you can run around.


What's the best place to find people to play with? I've never played EQ2 or EQ in any real way in my life. I come from FFXI though, and the forced grouping has a certain appeal.


There are bottlenecks when doing quests. You will find people adventuring in the wild. Just say hi. Also various chat channels for recruitment.


Fundamentally EQ2 is very different from the current generation concept of instanced content, linear progression, and (easy) quests. For most MMOs, FFXIV and XI included, the game is fairly linear and story driven (in FFXIV and XI). EQ2 is not. Someone, elsewhere seemed to say it best. It is a world to "lived in". A single "zone" might have both high and low level mob camps. The "dungeons" are "public" (and quite extensive). The game requires coordination and communication in it's players. You often come back to a zone later to do something else you couldn't before. Quests in dungeons (and sometimes elsewhere) have items to find. Those items will NOT be highlighted. Often they will blend in. You might need to move your camera around, or sit your character down to look under a table to find the quest item in the dungeon. Even public dungeons will have "unlock mechanics". Such as to make a given boss killable you have to do other steps first. Or to unlock a door to progress you have to find and kill a mob or get an item and use it in another location. In that way it is similar to Asheron's Call (another "lived in world" in game history). The dynamic in EQ2 is vastly different than any modern game. Later "retail" expansions have become more "modern". But the core of the game remains. To the point that you need to grind faction to unlock a raid, then regrind faction BACK to what you had before because now you can't get access to your bank in X location because they hate you now. You can move from Bad to Good and Good to Bad (sides) through Betrayal, a quest chain. All the while it still has "fetch", "find", and "kill X" quests, like any MMO. My oldest character for EQ2 is 2005. My guild, which I ended up inheriting, was founded in Dec 2005. So been at this off and on for a long time.


Were all the races available or only the ones from the 2006 era build before expansions?


Only the ones from 2006.


Can I be a frog ????? Please


yes u can


shame, but understandable


I am choosing human because I identify as a human in real life.


I havent played EQ2 since the 2nd expansion, I just heard about this today. Currently installing it. Such fond memories playing OG EQ2. Not sure how long I will stay as I am currently waiting on Ashes of Creation, but I will definitly be p\[laying this, at least for a few months at min.


Don't install the Live version. The Anashti Sul server is a completely different codebase and you have to do a separate install on Wednesday. If you want to mess around character creation or make a low level character, go on the Varsoon server as it is a little more similar. EQ2 Live is just a completely different beast, which is why the Origins (Anashti Sul) server is so exciting!


Ah, damn. lol. So where do I go to get the Origins launcher? Because I assume it’s not gonna be on Steam.


https://preview.redd.it/qzuenic1f67d1.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3e571ebbd5988f629b8002002b5e23f208ac4c8 There is a drop down in the top left of the EQ2 launcher, where you can choose what version of the game you want. Right now it still stays Beta but that will change to either Anashti Sul or Origins. You basically have to choose a different Region. That is how they are separating the code from the Live servers.


Ah. It’s been a while since I played. A long while. I have 1 level 60 character. A cat person Paladin. lol. A lot has changed. Also have a random monk that’s level 85, but I think that was some promo waaaaay back when Daybreak took over.


Is it unplayable as a solo player or "just hard"?


u can still solo mobs and quests , and isnt hard , just dont feel rewarding xp wise , but for gold , some extra xp , or if low on time.


it basically 1/5 as fast as grouping if I had to estimate. Just a slog of an experience. Tradeskills are solo tho


1/5 if only....to me after lvl 20ish it feels like 1/20


It’s really fucking slow. Group xp is slow too, but solo xp is just dogshit. Source: Have done every time-locked server since 2015 and have just done this server (Origins) beta. IMO about 30-40% will get to 50, and a LOT will peace out by the time they hit 20.


I think a lot know that this isn't fast leveling TLE and everyone keeps saying it is grindy, people shouldn't be surprised.


I am looking forward to this ;-) Will the server be accessed via a separate version as per the beta?


Yes indeed, with all new character slots.


I wonder if betrayal quests are in.


They are. They were buggy but were fixed and working by the end of Beta.


what do you mean by It will not be free trade does that mean that there is no p2p trade? or something


No, "free trade" is a term EQ2 uses for gear that drops that does not bind when you pick it up. You can definitely trade items to another player.


so it means that the drop from raid will be bind on the upcomming origin server?


Most likely, but you can still have people join your group and assign them the loot even if they were not in the raid. At least you used to be able to. You have an hour before a Master chest decays, if I remember right. This is how people will sell Bind on Equip loot, or give it to someone else in the guild that can use it. Not 100% sure how it will work on Origins though. The beta level cap was 32 so we didn't get to 50 and raid.


I launched Eq2 the other day and it feels so fucking jank.  I dont have nostalgia for it so not sure if $15 is worth it. Even eq1 played much smoother.


It was probably still downloading as you entered zones. The game runs fine.


I will give it another go. Do you think necro will be alright in origins?


For sure. They aren't as op as on the recent TLE's, but they are where they should be. The class balance seems to be very good overall and there are no "bad" classes.


If only I didn’t have to pay the monthly fee to play on this server I’d try it.


Are we going to be able to pre-download so on launch we can just login?


Unfortunately no.


While I love your name, your words make me sad.


I heard there aren't going to be any druid/wizard ports. Is that true?


True. Ports were not in until the EoF expansion.


I've never played EQ2, only a bit of EQ(Project Quarm). Can someone run me through what i need to access and play this Origins server? I see a lot of hype, so i assume it is going to be fun. How to download it, do i need to pay something and for how long will that server last? Thanks a lot <3


Hope you found the info but if not [https://www.everquest2.com/news/eq2-anashti-sul-is-live](https://www.everquest2.com/news/eq2-anashti-sul-is-live) It's been a ton of fun, full server


Is it the original spells? For example I quit at 20 when EQ2 went live because the bard didnt have a selos spell


Uh, yeah they did, rofl. So much for rage quitting out of spite, they get it later on. All scouts get a small runbuff early on and yes, troub/dirge get Selos. That's really funny you quit and they do get the spell, rofl.




It was pathfinding at level 4. They did eventually get Selo's later and have always had a run buff, not a crazy fast one though.


Are there classes and subclasses? That is, is a new character there already (e.g.) a conjurer?


No subclasses like the original game. You start as a conjurer. The server has been super busy, was actually Full.


Thanks. Do you know if the betrayal quest is the original (you get killed in Qeynos or Freeport, have to physically run to the other one while having no base at all, then kill 500 orcs or gnolls) or the later reputation grind?


I know betrayal is in. I didn't do it but heard people saying it was not kill the 1000 mobs or whatever it was. But I don't know for sure.


Anyone know if there will be pvp?


They have had multiple TLE pvp servers, and they die. Not enough people want pvp apparently


big disclaimer. there is no pvp at all, which was a major factor to the excitement of early eq2.


Eq2 did not launch with pvp, and it has never been a major focus in this game. The pve was much much more of a draw for the vast majority of players. It is the class synergy, epic weapon quests, non-instanced dungeons (early EQ2) and raids, that make EQ2 great, not the pvp.