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I want to, but I’m not an elitist that owns an Apple TV membership. Ima grandfathered poor.


Do the free trial my dawg. I’m just a retarded guy who forgot I was paying for it.


If you’re going free trial wait until the full series is released. Chess not checkers.


Good call. That would be the move unless you can find the 3 month trial I got somehow.


lol nah I’m actually really interested, and if a fellow dawg recommends it then I’ll watch it.


Don’t be that guy. I was the retard who was paying for it for like a year and haven’t watched shit


I got a 3 month free trial and never cancelled like an asshole. I think in months of having it I’ve watched Killers of the Flower Moon and this. That’s it.


Severance was really good. And For All Mankind grabbed me on the first season, lost interest but it started out strong. See was pretty dope if you like aquaman.


I’ll check out Severance. Thanks dawg


I saw kotm at the theater, first time I'd gone to the theater in like a decade. That movie was certified gay Martin has lost the plot


I watched it at home sick. I had to take at least 3 intermissions get thru it. Scorsese is my boy but I was disappointed.. That shit would’ve been better as a documentary or something. Snooze fest.


Yeah I'll never watch a movie that long in theater again. The Departed is one of my favorites of all time, love Martin's work. Shame he's full brainwashed now


ahoy matey, there are other ways ya sea dawg. If thats not your thing i definitely dont understand it. Im sure apple will appreciate it.


You can watch anything on the internet


Where da link then hoe?


[Use a pop-up blocker if possible, if not, just close any windows that open, it will play in the original window.](https://fmoviesz.to/tv/masters-of-the-air-61wk4/1-1)


Also very easy to torrent it in 4k








[https://fmoviesz.to/](https://fmoviesz.to/) is the new link. but seriously anyone subbing to a bunch of different streaming platforms or constantly subjecting themselves to ads is blowing it.




Watched the first two episodes last weekend. It’s a fuck ton better than any of the other new shows out right now (true detective). As someone who worked on helos in the Navy as an electrician I loved the fact that they gave the maintenance crews some shine in this show. Also not to be gay but Austin Butler with that cowboy accent might make me as gay as Bill.


I re-watched both episodes last night. I dig it. The maintenance crew scenes are dope. And yeah Butler and Callum Turner are hot as hell. Turner is nailing his accent as well IMO.


I just saw this was the same guy that did BOB and the pacific so I’m stoked both of those shows kicked ass. Are they not dumping the whole season at once? I don’t have Apple TV so I might have to wait till the whole season comes out and sign for one month.


If you got an apple account you get 3 months free of Apple TV when you sign up. And honestly this show is worth it. They stayed true to what made BOB and the pacific so good. And the actual combat scenes with the bombers are done really well


Ohh that’s good info thanks


Not sure what all you are into but Apple TV has some fucking bangers on it.


This. Don’t want to give much away but when the gunner grabs the machine gun when it jams and it’s ice cold, such an amazing detail.


Nah a new episode will come out every Friday. IMBD has it slated for 9 episodes right now. I could understand waiting. I already had Apple TV for no fucking reason so this at least makes it worth it.


Someone told me butler had to hire a voice coach after the Elvis movie to get rid of the accent.


I don’t think it worked lmfao I was high when I watched it and swear there’s a bit of his voice hangin around


No doubt.


I hear that too. Then I saw in an interview he said he had a week off after wrapping Elvis before going to England to start shooting this.


Hell yeah... I think he should keep it


They give props to supply too or what


Watching this show has convinced me Austin Butler is the fucking man. Idc how much slack he’s gotten for Elvis. He’s a goddamn movie star.


You’re not enjoying true detective? Slow burn but it has my attention and seems to have potential. Minus the main characters being bbg’s


The crime part is interesting and the always night element kind of adds suspense but the characters and dialogue are written like shit and that was the part I loved most about true detective honestly


Either Jodie Foster is a bad actress and I never noticed before or the writing and direction are terrible. The only thing True Detective about it is having a murder mystery in the beginning that gets solved the last episode. Cool to see Rusty from Eastbound & Down, though


True Detective: **Night Country** (season 4) is not True Detective. It was a show pitched by Issa López to HBO and they slapped the True Detective name onto it so it would do better due to the established fanbase. Nic Pizzolatto has nothing to do with it and has even said he'll refuse to watch the show since they're more or less appropriating his IP.


I also appreciated the fact they gave the maintenence crews some shine. My great grandpappy was a B-17 maintenence crewman with the 8th Airforce stationed in England during the war so that scene was especially cool for me


I enjoyed the first two episodes. ​ My take away, and its pretty obvious, is that flak would SUCK.


First two are sick. Has more of a Band of Brothers feel than it does The Pacific. Idk why but that Bremen part fucked me up when the reality is setting in for them.


Definitely. I like all the characters so far. That shit had me shook too. They all realized how quick they could get wiped. The speed of the German fighters looked insane too.


I just noticed your caption under the picture…my lady just hit me with accusations of tism because I ranted for 10 minutes about why the B17 was my favorite bomber.


Lmaooo dude I can tism out hard on some WWII shit. I gotta go to the museum in New Orleans. I think they have one of these beauties.


I mean, it probably won't be as good as Band if Brothers or The Pacific, but I'm hoping it'll be up there...


First two episodes were great but I don’t expect it to exceed Band of Brothers. That’s Shrek 1


But I thought Shrek 2 was better...


harrowing af. one of the scariest roles in WWII imo.


Fucking A… “your mission is to fly a bus to your target and drop a couple bombs. Pretty simple….. quick little side note, they will know you’re coming cause radar is a thing and it’s daytime, so expect them to throw everyone including the kitchen sink at you. You will get fucked up because you can really only fly slow and strait. Also, there are these fighter planes that will more than likely pick you off like a pack of wolves hunting sheep, so there’s that.” I need a Woodman Oral Presentations ep for this shit.


Apparently, according to Air & Space Forces Association, 50% survival rate for the B-17 crews on those bombing missions. Insane.


Like I’m sure the survival rate on some random shitty pacific island the marines invaded was as bad if not worse, but these guys were going on basically the same mission day after day


I think I saw somewhere that the 8th suffered more casualties, doing these daylight precision bombings, than all Marines within the same period.


The book was great. I'm loving the show. If you're enjoying the show, do yourself a favor and avoid the show's subreddit. There's a lot of airmen in there calling out characters uniforms not matching their ranks, propellers spinning the wrong way, etc. I'm curious to see how the show handles or avoids addressing the bombing accuracy of these bomber groups, because they missed their targets A LOT and killed TONS of civilians not directly involved in wartime industrial production. The Norden bomb sight was marketed as being able to drop a bomb into a pickle barrel from altitude. Under combat conditions, this turned out not to be the case. From Wikipedia: >Under combat conditions the Norden did not achieve its expected precision, yielding an average CEP in 1943 of 1,200 feet (370 m) (a CEP of 1200 feet means 50% of all bombs dropped land within 1200 feet of the target), similar to other Allied and German results.


Yeah I have already seen a LOT of it in that sub already. As far as the Norden goes, that’s insane. I thought they’ve done a good job so far showing some difficulties of the bomb sight. The bombardier was struggling in ep 2 under heavy fire.


Not yet. How was the Pacific? I loved band of brothers, going through my 3rd rewatch right now, but never saw the pacific yet.


The Pacific is great dude. Absolutely necessary viewing.


I don't know, the Pacific theatre always leaves a salty taste in my mouth. The war with the Japanese was a bit of an overreaction. Two Atomic bombs all because the Japanese hit Pearl Harbor with like 2 propeller planes?


I feel you. Could’ve been a double F. Could’ve been actors.


My little brother asked if I wanted to watch it, his first time asking to watch anything world war related 🥲


Future dawg


For any Pennsylvania WW2 autists, the Mid Atlantic Air Museum has a yearly 'WW2 Weekend' where reenactors, war birds (mostly authentic), and vendors go and set their shit up. For a few hundred you can take a trip in a B17. Haven't been there since high school but it's a wet dream for history nerds.


I went every single year with my dad from elementary school until college. Amazing time.


My Papa flew seven times on D-day, trailing gliders, dropping troops, vehicles, and equipment. Had some badass stories. There’s one picture of him smiling down through a bigass hole in his wing from the German AA guns. Said on one of the runs they were flying so low that dudes were taking potshots at em with rifles, a bullet punched up between his feet, clipped the bundle where all the wires for the panel instruments came together, and exited right above his head. Killed all his flight nav stuff, so he had to look out the window following rivers and railroad tracks in order to get back to England.


It's a great show and I've already re-watched the first two episodes. For more content I highly recommend The Cold Blue on HBO/Hulu also - it's interviews with B-17 crews with colorized/remastered combat footage.


I had to re-watch them both last night and it was even better the second time around. I just looked up that doc. Looks sick. I’ll check it out.


I’ve listened to too much WarMode. Now any time I see Tommy boys name I have to scream out loud for the children.


i thought it would suck, the main dude is too handsome, like it would be pearl harbor or some shit. but it’s pretty sick, seems faithful to band of brothers and pacific. i was afraid it wouldn’t be like them but it’s close. seems historically accurate ish


At first I didn’t like him at all. I thought he was being Mr. Cool - which he is - but it didn’t bother me when I re-watched. Also I feel like those higher ranking pilots are Mr. Cool in real life so I can forgive.


yupp i just saw elvis but at least he doesn’t sound like him. he was great in once upon a time in hollywood tho


The partners fucked shit up back then boss


I'll wait until all the episodes are dropped


I really like it


Its fucking great so far


Fuck yeah


I just listen to warmode


Produced by Spielberg and Tom Hanks, does one of the episodes include a dogfight over a pedo island?


I am now looks dope


A lot of hot guys in uniform and cool leather coats. Idk what else I need to say.


Say no more I’m sold


Haven't but want to. Love band of brothers. Just like how we're the band of Dawgs


Curt is my guy in the sky


He’s a good bro


Oh yeah bbg.


I can’t stand that swedes face




Skaarsgard. His face is just punchable. Decent show


Skarsgard isn’t in this show (none of them) lol. I think you’re referring to Austin Butler though. Still a punchable face. Handsome bastard.


I’m a retard. I listened to dog brains that it was one of them swedes. But yes thank you for correcting me.


Lmaooo honest mistake bro I actually didn’t even realize they looked alike till now.


Not really


Probably some cool shit but Hanx and Spielberg? Nah bro, real dawgz don’t fuck with pedos


Who the hell has Apple TV 🤦‍♂️


Looks gay


It's alright. 1st episode takes a while to get rolling and you don't get to see the saltburn guys dick in it so 5.6/10 so far.


True *Matt voice*


It looks like an over-polished Hollywood turd tbh. I have Apple TV and am not super interested.


I just saw the first two episodes and thought “has Shane talked about this yet?” Lol