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Discworld MUD has full weather systems, and seasons. From heavy snowfalls that gathers on the ground (and lets you make snowmen, snow-wizzards, snow-priests, and many other snow-things, includingr snowballs from to throw at others!), to blistering heat, to summer thunderstorms. You can catch hypothermia, or heatstroke, which in really extreme cases and environments (such as the sweltering rainforests of Klatch) can lead to temporary stat-loss, or even death if you are very careless. How wet you are also affects things - wet and cold can make you colder faster, wet and hot can help you cool off quicker. Different regions have different localised temperatures/humidities. Clothing affects things - heavy leather underpadding covered in full plate armour can be baking hot. You can get silk garments which help cool you off in very hot weather but can still give a little warmth when it's otherwise far colder. Weather also affects "nearby vision" - in extremely heavy snow and wind for instance, your map range will be limited and you won't be able to see surrounding people/npcs from very far away.




I've actually played Discworld MUD, and got to level 100 before being burned out. That was over a year ago and I should get back to it! (Is that you Quow? It's Mursi! I wanted to buy your pottery, remember...) Somehow I forgot about weather in Discworld. I guess that I was a little disappointed to find that weather had no effect on the social lives of characters. Few people could be found at taverns, especially those that were hiding in them from the weather, but I guess that's what you get in a MUD that doesn't enforce roleplay...


CLOK has a dynamic weather system that is based off of real-world weather stations. The winter cold can be particularly harsh, and it is possible to freeze to death. It is possible for severe winds to knock characters over or even blow them into adjacent rooms. Though, since it's based on real-world weather data, that kind if weather is super uncommon.


On Isylea weather was pretty important for sailing, i.e. in particular the intensity of wind. Other than that temperature could affect most races and have consequences, including physical damage, depending on the type of clothing one wore. In particular being too covered in a warm climate or too uncovered in a cold climate could even cause somebody to catch a sunstroke or a cold respectively. This temperature system was also linked to size, for example it was much easier to feel cold for a small goblin than for a giant barbarian, which was a beautiful adaptation of the physical principles of heat dispersion from a body.


I would love to try that game out, but I don't speak Italian. :(


If you are into roleplay it is a very worthwhile game. If you are really motivated I can suggest a few resources to learn the language. It should be even easier if you already know another Romance language, like French, Spanish, etc.


If only I had the time! :(


It does not take that much time to learn a language. You do need *some* time of course, but what pays off, in the end, is steadfastness more than time invested. I.e. if you manage to learn a little Italian, or any language, for, say, 15 minutes a day, in the span of 3 months, you will find yourself with surprisingly good results. Although, I guess we are now a bit off-subreddit. I happen to be a regular also on r/languagelearning ;P


**Here's a sneak peek of /r/languagelearning using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year!** \#1: [My friend just learned the true pain of language learning](https://i.redd.it/005r8u98oxxy.jpg) | [187 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/6bkivr/my_friend_just_learned_the_true_pain_of_language/) \#2: [Learning modern languages vs learning ancient languages](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKL9YxiXkAMU9Z0.jpg) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/71iidj/learning_modern_languages_vs_learning_ancient/) \#3: [Quatre-vignt dix-neuf](https://i.redd.it/yopumxhzpvsy.png) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/66o99w/quatrevignt_dixneuf/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/6l7i0m/blacklist/)


I -really- like the weather in HarshlandsRPI. Sure, it's mostly rain. Or the clouds look like their forming into rain. Or it's thunderstorms. Or it's black clouds. Or it's snow. But it feels oh-so-british, and it definitely adds to the mood.


I believe coffeemud.net has a huge range of features that includes weather affects, and can even go as far as requiring prosthetics (eg wooden legs) to replace humanoid limbs.


Sindome has weather patterns that affect players in various ways, but primarily they provide "ambience". I've seen everything from baking sun to actual hurricanes. Pretty cool stuff.


Medievia did this, RIP Medievia...


What happened to it?


The creator of it kind of went off the deep end mentally and the fallout from his tyranny just left a toxic shell of what the game used to be


Wasn't he responsible for the game to be called Meditheiva after stealing/using everybody else's code without citing it?


This is an interesting concept for a game. Weather can make the game more difficult, but is there a *real* purpose?


I can see the real purpose of it in RP enforced MUDs, that of getting folks together under a roof so that they could socialize and advance their plots. This is primarily what I'm interested in.


socialization? interesting idea, finding an excuse (reason) in the game to spend time with others and plan future play


GrimneMud (maybe all DikuMuds) has weather. When there's a thunderstorm, there's a chance of lightning striking, and that would randomly destroy one of your items unless you had Protection from Lightning.