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Woah, this really surprised me. I don't really check Reddit that much, wasn't until one of our players pointed this out that I noticed. Thank you so much for nominating and choosing CLOK. I've been trying to do little bonus things in CLOK for the weekends lately, but as a bit of a celebration for getting listed here, I'm going to keep the bonus going all month. Summers starting soon anyway, so it's always good to celebrate. There's currently a 50% bonus skill and riln (the in-game currency) bonus, which will stay in effect until July 1. We've got a pretty helpful community, so if any of y'all decide to check out CLOK, don't hesitate to ask questions either through the in-game chat/question channel, our discord server, or our forum if you feel lost. Thanks again dasyus for nominating us and qinweiqi for offering some advice here.


Holy shit why is the website so slow?


Reddit hug, maybe?


Probably this. it's usually pretty stable and fast. It's on a dedicated server in a professional data center, not my basement. Can't say I've really noticed much slowness on the website myself, so going to assume everything's been resolved.


Anyone here playing this? Any tips for getting started? Do you need to focus on joining a guild as soon as possible or just play as the base class for a long time?


Aside from the basics (doing the tutorial, utilizing the question channel, etc.), you can read the [wiki](http://clok.contrarium.net/) and peruse the [forums](http://bbs.contrarium.net/). There is a pretty good starter guide in the forums, but the biggest take away is that foraging for herbs is the fastest/easiest way to get the riln needed to take on a profession and/or gear up for combat. You don't need to dive right into a guild (most guilds require an entry fee that'll take time to work toward, and some are only able to be entered via RP which takes time). I would encourage you to be guildless for a while and try out several different skills and combat styles to see what you like best. Edit to add: Oh, and I would strongly advise against attacking townsfolk. That's mentioned in the tutorial but for some reason every few months someone starts out with a notion that they want to RP an evil murder-hobo and die in 5 minutes because they attack a town guard. Don't be that guy.


I think I will now use the term "murder-hobo" internally with the GM team any time we discuss these situations, just makes me laugh for some reason.


Definitely don't need to join a guild right away. I would say take your time to learn the game and figure out what your character wants to do before making that decision. I kind of like to start in either Haiban or Mistral Lake, check the town donation crates for a starter weapon, and jump straight into combat by fighting the weaker infested mobs in either the river village (Haiban), or the abandoned caravan (Mistral Lake), but it's totally possible to start a non-combat route and work on things like foraging and logging instead, really comes down to personal play style preferences.


don't chop trees or the huggers will kill.. drama is real bad in this mud


We've been working really hard to correct this. Unfortunately, there's a very skewed in-character oppinion that certain members of a guild with access to druidry should be policing the wild and forcing loggers to stop logging. In order to help correct this, we've greatly increased the number of trees required to be felled before warning signals start getting sent out to druids. We've also eliminated the penalty to druids at lower tiers of distress and drastically reduced it at higher tiers. There have been plans for some NPCs to start spreading some information to player characters about how the Gaea being in distress isn't as severe an issue as people are making it out to be and doesn't necessarily warrant immediate hostile actions. I can't say I've observed any real drama over this, it's more just people acting the way they think is appropriate for their characters. We're trying to shift those virws a bit, but those same people will be very friendly to you OOCly, in general.


ruins the game for... there's many types of druids... for on look at druid beliefs in the iron age... they all don't follow the same archetype... I'll be lumber jack on less fun mid till this problem is rectified. get harassed iclly about this trivial matter is a problem... oocly I don't care about... this is an ic mud I think?


why can't the bother people who fish or forage... why is it just logging?


One of the few things known about real druids is that they practiced worship in groves of trees (the Romans told us this.) I suppose destroying trees would be akin to desecrating a Christian's church.


actually the used stone rings too....


druids back then were more into healing... and controlling weather.. also a lot them received power or magic through death.. ie sacrafice


can't believe your supporting this twink type game play


Bits and pieces of this seem a lot like DR/GS and it throws me off even though a lot is totally different too.


The original creator played a lot of GS, so there are definitely some influences from that. Certain things just make sense for realism in a RP enforced environment, such as action times (roudtime), the wound locations or the inventory management and left/right hands thing. I feel it differs significantly from GS/DR apart from those though. CLOK is 100% original code built from the ground up, so it's got more features influenced by what the developers have played rather than having stock features from DIKU derrivitave MUDs.


Woohoo! My little random suggestion made it!