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I have streamed a bunch of things for The Eternal City on my Twitch channel! I posted most of them up on Youtube afterwards. [RealBlankspace on Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/realblankspace)


These were really good videos. You guys should check them out. Not only a well produced video but also exactly what you are looking to find.


Blank is awesome. TEC is awesome. Anyone interested should watch Blank's videos and check out The Eternal City.


https://stickinthemudpodcast.com/ Tark did a couple of live streams - although he seems to have gone a bit inactive. I know he is on this subreddit - i forget his handle.


This guy :) Come 2019 life should hopefully settle down a bit, and I've been working to plan out my time/schedule my life/stop being a disorganized mess, so content should start happening again.


Just finished listening to your backlog of podcasts and hoping to get more in the new year.


Hey there, I do exactly this... Though the game we're buildiung is what I'm terming a "hybrid" MUD/MOO. I'll drop you a Discord invite :)


I would love to watch people code a MUD. Might inspire me to finally try myself! Gotta be a MUD tho. I want classes and combat and all that haha.


Perhaps check out our game NuTokyo 2199. It's under heavy development and is coded from the bottom up. :)


Streaming playing isn't going to work well as the text will be way too hard to follow (hell it is sometimes as the player) and I can't imagine anyone is going to sit there and watch for more than a few seconds.


My thoughts exactly. It is like streaming somebody while they read a book. Most forums for muds will let you just copy and paste logs of interesting interactions. That would be infinitely more useful to people so they can digest the info however they want.


@SwiftAusterity I've live streamed MUD gameplay with OBS to our Facebook group and it's got more viewers than the regular posts do. I created a PR for Mudlet regarding creating a streamer mode and doing more with GMCP to advertise one is streaming. @midmud perhaps there is some hook via Gossip/Grapevine to communicate global streams and/or streams per MUD. -Tamarindo@StickMUD


Hmm, that's kinda neat. We could probably do some kind of flag on your account to display your stream is live on the home page. I'd be up for talking more about this!


I've been streaming my coding/building efforts at https://twitch.tv/seanohue\_


I stream my development and building from time to time. https://twitch.tv/holl0wstar


I've seen a few streams of people playing MUD's, but they've never been particularly entertaining. Something like a podcast would be more engaging.


I’m current coding a mud like game with a browser frontend. I’m not streaming and have only been at it for a few days but you can follow my progress at https://github.com/thesmallbang/oddmud Edit: the components are interchangeable and by switching in a custom transport implementation and view builder it could have telnet clients


I streamed a bit of CLOK's development two weekends ago. Nothing major, just updating the database we use for player housing. My plan was to make it a regular thing once a week or so, but this time of year spending lots of time with my family so that didnt quite pick up. I will probably try to make it a more regular thing after Christmas.


I've been streaming some ExVenture/Gossip development over at [https://www.twitch.tv/exventure](https://www.twitch.tv/exventure)