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Someone wants to get their ass beat. They can protest, but why take it out on the dead? And veterans?


> but why take it out on the dead Because they can only kick down on those who cannot fight back against them. Just like the group (Hamas) they're protesting for.


Based as fuck


There's a difference between supporting Hamas and being upset with Israel's actions in this war. I understand being enraged over these jerks but let's not let it cloud our vision here. Edit: Downvote me all you want but I don't want to support the actions of an army that can't hold itself to the standards of American soldiers. The IDF continues to show me it can't. I can also say f*ck the guys in the video above also. Both things can be true, imo.


There is no difference when all they do is repeat Hamas propaganda, while disrespecting and inconveniencing Americans. Just terrorists and their tools.


I'll always question anyone who with a civilian casualty ratio 5x that of the US. Many cases where American soldiers risked their own lives to ensure the safety of Afghani and Iraqi locals but we excuse IDF sniping women walking down the street with white flags. Crazy to me. I have no interest in defending an army that can't hold up to the standards of our own.


In what world are people excusing that? Last I heard was being investigated by the IDF. It also doesn’t give people the right to call for genocide, terrorize Jewish Americans that have nothing to do with it, repeat terrorist propaganda, and inconvenience all of us for no fucking reason… We know they are culture warriors fighting for Islamic extremism and women abuse, they can keep it to themselves, no sympathy is gained. I have donated almost $1K to Jewish causes thanks to these idiots, they are a good reminder of what Jews have to endure and their need for support.


My wife and, thus, daughter are Jews. I worried for them long before this. Like when I would constantly see neo-nazis posting Jewish jokes on twitter and such. So I'm glad this is bringing attention to it, but at the same time, Islamic extremism doesn't mean people get a blank slate/check to do whatever they want obviously.


No one is, right now as this last night, Russia, Assad and Iran, the same Iran who funds and advises Hamas, bombed a civilian encampment in Syria using drones. No precision strikes, no knock bombs as warnings, just indiscriminately bombing civilians. Where is the outrage? Where are the protests? Oh yeah, I forgot, these are not Jews to be abused so people don’t care. What about Ukraine? Russia has been using termite there decimating whole cities, but who cares? Fuck the Jews am I right? Escape the Russian-Iranian propaganda machine.


You missed the part where my family is Jewish? I live in Ukrainian-American neighborhood. I teach literal Ukrainian war refugees in my classes. I support their defense. I support Israel's right to defend itself reasonably as well. I just have high expectations. I have no love for Hamas or Russia or Iran. They have no regard for human life. Multiple things can be true at once.


That doesn’t exclude you from repeating propaganda. Either way we have people repeating genocide dog whistles, mocking kidnapped and raped women, attacking Jews in the US, defacing American cemeteries, all driven by Iranian propaganda and that’s a huge problem.


>I support Israel's right to defend itself reasonably as well. After you've spewed multiple lies and snake oil deals, you want us to believe you support israel? Heeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll noooooo


Lots of fallacies in your post mate, and the anecdotal is the perfect touch to boot. All the same, you're factually wrong. There is no proverbial "blank check". If you're Jewish, you'll know that the Israeli government holds it own people accountable. This has been evidenced time and time again. For example, Israel said they accidentally killed three hostages. Hamas didn't report it, yet Israel did. Thats called take responsibility and account, which routinely happens. So your arguments don't hold merit, sir.


Oh wow oh no, are you being ***inconvenienced***?!? Oh, the tragedy.


Economic activity is impacted as well dummy, all in the name of Iran. Life is so simple when you don’t have to think about nuances right?


Boo-hoo, tell me more about how inconvenienced you've been by the genocide of the Palestinian people 🤡🖕


Just one side is calling for Genocide, the flag of your buddies says Death to America, Death to Israel, glory to Islam.


The jewish community has been completely safe this whole time in the US…we muslims have experienced a 6 year old child getting stabbed to death with his mother barely surviving the encounter, 3 college students getting shot and nearly killed with one of them now paralyzed from the chest down, an Imam getting shot outside a mosque, a student getting thrown off a building + a cover up saying he killed himself, active/open Islamophobia by POLITICIANS AND THE MEDIA, and a countless number of unreported assaults since October and you people tweak out over people calling out an ethnic cleansing which has killed more children and journalist than any war in the past…Sick. In. The. Head. That is what you people are


The irony


All of the protests I have personally seen claim October 7 was "resistance".


Well my Jewish family have no love for Hamas but can still question poor IDF decisions. 🤷‍♂️


We all can. However, local to me, on October 8, the protesters were celebrating the attack in front of the Israeli consulate, cheering on the confirmed death toll of 700 (at the time). A Jewish group organized a prayer vigil for the hostages, the Palestinian groups organized a protest/Oct 7 attack celebration for the same time and location. To avoid violence, the Jewish group moved its prayer vigil to the suburbs. Upon hearing about this, the Palestinian group moved its "protest" to the same time and location to ensure there was violence. Needless to say, Palestinian "protestors" attacked a vigil attendee, ripping the Israeli flag off his car and destroying it. He had to fire his legally carried gun in the air so they would quit attacking him. After reviewing footage, both the police and prosecutors refused to charge him because it was crystal clear self defense. The organizers of the "protest" then went on the news complaining they don't feel safe because they can't violently attack innocent people with impunity (although I believe they worded it differently). This all happened in the town famous for a supreme Court case that allowed neo-nazis to march through it, because it had the highest proportion of Holocaust survivors living there. So yes, you can be critical of the IDF, however these "protests" are outright in support of hamas. I invite you to observe one of these protests, and not just watch what the news decides to show. Because local news ironically enough only interviewed people that were calling for peace on October 8.


Same defense as Nazi sympathizers. How dare Israel respond to terrorists with a FAFO policy


I feel like that doesn't justify them destroying Gaza, thousands of homes, and killing tens thousands of civilians, many of them children.


I support Israel more than Palestine but you said nothing here that isnt true


Why take it out on random Jewish people who have nothing to do with anything? These people are angry and want to be angry. With probably a decent chunk who just hate the West and Jews in general.


You answered your own question. Targeting American Jews based on Israel’s conduct is exactly what it sounds like.


Except it’s not the responsibility of random Americans who support Palestine to attack Jews in the name of a conflict that has absolutely nothing to do with them


I agree, that’s why it’s antisemitism and not activism.


Because these people are nothing more than terrorists, neo-nazis, racists and biggots. That is all they have ever been. If you are on the side of gaza, you are a security risk.


Same reason they attack random Jews and public libraries, dead veterans, Jews, and librarians are harmless and cannot punch them back.


Which people?


The people who support gaza/hamas.


Are you seriously equating every human being that lives in Gaza and Hamas? Were the 10,000 children killed (so far) in those latest escalation Hamas?


You would literally protest USA and USSR invading Nazi Germany during WW2. Thats how pathetic you are.


Really? And how did you come up with that gem?


For the same reason as with gaza, because their are children involved.


You are the average 1938 german citizen pretending you don’t see an ethnic cleansing going on…displacement is ethnic cleansing too


Roughly 30% of israels population is of arab descent. Tell me again how there is ethnic cleansing happening?


I think we have made it clear that israelis and Palestinians are different and treated incredibly different by the israeli government you are mistaking ethnicity with race. They want to cleanse the Palestinians out of Gaza the same way the germans cleared the jews out of their neighborhoods in Berlin to make space for more of their own people. Plus the oil found there recently which incentivizes israel getting all the Palestinians out of their homes. Also how would you know that they actually are Arab decent since they made DNA tests illegal for that exact reason. They cant show they’re actually European like how Gal Gadot is Gal Greenberg or benjamin netanyahu is benzion milekowsky and is from poland.


Because 28% of israel is muslim and 2% is christian. You made a critical mistake here. Palestinian was a made up term by the british after they partitioned the territory that would become palestine and israel. Palestinians are really just egyptians, syrians and jordinians. And said people already live in Israel. Palestinian is not an ehtnicity nor is it a race


Genuinely asking, what do you want Israel to do with Hamas?


Well, they could start by not propping it up any more - Netenyahu has been supporting Hamas for a long time. I would also have them work to alleviate suffering and reduce the radicalization they create by their systematic abuse of Palestinian people. Killing children, jailing people without cause, dehumanizing and removing any sense of hope from a people only serves to create radicals all too willing to commit violence. I would have them stop the illegal colonization and takeover and wanton destruction of Palestinian homes and land by “settlers.” These actions further drive people to extremism. I would have them help the Palestinian people get on their feet, and help them to have free, fair, and regular elections to establish legitimate governance, and then work to support that government. Hamas was put in power before more than half of Gaza’s population was even born. As we have seen for nearly a century, in this region in particular violence only begets violence. These back and forth retributions for the atrocities that either side commits (and they both do) are not ever going to lead to peace. I put it to you. What would you do? You’ve lost your home. You have no prospects for work. The occupying forces have slaughtered many in your family. They have imprisoned family and friends without charge. Now they are seeking to push you out of what little country you had. It is a horrible situation. That I can understand why many Palestinians are angry doesn’t make me a supporter of Hamas. I am against the mistreatment of innocents and civilians. Regardless of where they are. I am absolutely against the slaughter of children. Anyone’s children. This shouldn’t be a controversial view


Those people


Populists and authoritarians


Wanna be socialist activists. Police are going to step back and just not see when these people get their digits broken


I have doubts vandalism of a military cemetery is going to get people worked up in LA.


You obviously don’t live here. There’s a reason why LA has such a large veteran cemetery.


B-b-but Fox News told me California bad!


Which is something I've always found ironic, considering how conservative large portions of California are


because it's Palestine and they sympathize with people who burn children alive. seems pretty straightforward to me.


The same children indoctrinated to hate and become terrorists against the Jews? You don’t say! The same people who cheered Hamas terrorist actions openly in the street and then cry foul when they are targeted? You don’t say!!!


You mean the Palestinians, right?


Dead US vets are doing that?


These people wouldn’t know anything when it comes to sacrifice or virtue. Literal scum.


If you did that, you would go to jail. Not them. They are leftist, so they can do whatever they want.


My guess, purely speculation, but I'd assume it's because those dead veterans fought for a "colonial" empire. Or they are just stupid and wanted to vent their anger in a way to offend the most people.


The dead don't mind, trust me.


Disgusting and disgraceful.


Ship them off to Palestine


They can’t, it’s not a real country 😂


True, but it’s a place. So they could still be shipped there.


Fuck it just send em to a Russian trench.


Maybe this is just me but people who pull this kind of stunt makes me not only oppose whatever it is they want, it makes me want to pick a stance i know will piss them off.


Yep. The louder they screech that I’m a bad person for not caring and the more ridiculous, infuriating stunts they pull the less inclined I am to support their ideas.


That reminds me of when someone wanted to debate with the streamer Destiny but said they would only do it if he donated to some BLM charity. But they flaked out of the debate so Destiny instead donated to the Detroit Police Department or something.


You didn’t give a shit to start with


And in NYC they blocked bridges and tunnels. Really not thinking this through.


Yeah they really aren’t going to get a lot of people that weren’t already on their side with this type of stuff, especially when the blocked the road to the airport, I bet anyone that missed an important flight because of it that might’ve been indifferent is now against it, because the people fucked them


Whenever there is a controversial issue, protest generates complaints. For those who are not sympathetic to the protesters, there is never a good way for them to protest.


Yah that too, also crazy


They desecrated a military cemetery for veterans of WW2 which isn’t really a great look


They didn’t just do that they had a protest at the WTC memorial. Screaming ALLAH AKBAR. It’s almost like they have no concept of optics.


In Chicago they blocked the entire expressway system... multiple times.


SMH. Are they trying for the opposite result of what they advocate?


The day after the 10/7 attack they were cheering on the number of casualties (700 known at the time) in front of my local Israeli consulate, so I'm not sure they hired the best PR firm out there.




Absolutely -- there are many illegal acts short of actual terrorism.


I personally think this is terrible. No matter what message you are trying to get across no matter what cause you are standing up for, you don't do that by damaging the memorials and memories of our troops who died fighting for us. This is the lowest of the low right here. Link to the full video here: https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1744155895402058002?s=46


“I may disagree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it” doesn’t exactly include vandalism.


"This was just the event that made me realize they were right and we must do everything they demand now," said nobody ever.


If it's not this vandalism of where the dead are laid to rest that really puts the exclamation on why everyone should support them, then its certainly the blocking of roadways throughout major cities, prohibiting people from going to work, the hospital, schools to get a sick child, doctors appointments, etc etc etc. Yes, you've finally gathered our support. Thanks for getting me fired from my job! I have time to stand with you now!!!


They are not doing this to convince people. They do it to reach their goals through intimidation


please Americans ,beat up those "people" and tell them that they have no right to vandalize your things,or at least say something about it in public!


Oh some of them are lucky that they weren’t attacked because people have been even killed for far less and this is a major thing. There are plenty of folks who wouldn’t hesitate to hurt them for desecrating our dead.


You can’t do that in LA sadly. Too liberal


I believe that Middle Eastern people have faced discrimination and Islamophobia since at least 9/11. I believe that Israel has a right to exist where it is with the borders originally defined. I believe Palestine has a right to exist by the same standard. I believe that neither side is a Saint. However, the past treatment of Palestinian civilians by the IDF is no excuse for calls of genocide and anti-semitism, which I also denounce. I believe in supporting allies, although Israel has made it quite difficult to defend them under Netanyahu. I believe in not making snap judgements about entire nationalities, ethnicities, creeds, religions, etc. I believe protests aren't meant to be convenient for the general public. That being said, I believe this crosses a line, and I am not happy about it.


Why isn't this viewpoint more common? This is literally what I believe and it seems there is no room for it in our world


You make war on Israel, and you lose territory. This is a given, and it's fair. People want a do-over. 🤦‍♂️


And Israel has afterward offered to trade land for peace, e.g. Sinai Peninsula for peace with Egypt. It's something almost no victorious nation has done. And it has worked. Israel has also made peace with Jordan and others. They were even just about to make an agreement with Saudi Arabia when Hamas struck on 10/7, probably not a coincidence. The difference between these cases and Hamas is that, to make peace, once needs a partner for peace.


Gaza and West Bank, Golan.


What do you believe typically happens to countries that launch failed conquests?


That seems like it depends on a lot of factors. When we tried to take Canada? We were OK. When Russia tries to steal Ukraine? I hope they suffer pain, misery, and collapse, but I'm quite biased.


>When we tried to take Canada? We got our ass kicked, Washington DC was sacked and looted, and the White House was burned down. We absolutely suffered pain, misery, and very, very nearly collapsed. Keep in mind, we consider that relatively “mild” almost by war standards.


I wouldn't say near collapse at all. Look at us now, top power.


Ok sure. Now we are. When DC was burned down during the War of 1812, we were not the top power at all and almost stopped existing as a country completely.


I don't understand why this view is so difficult for people to hold.


Probably a product of a media and culture that operates on "us vs them" thinking.


"If you aren't 100% with us, you are clearly against us" is the mindset of these mental midgets.


Well, this will definitely not add to the people that are with them...


Whoa! Whoa! What is this?? A reasonable, respectful, nuanced position?? GTFO of here with that nonsense! This is social media. We don't do that stuff here. /s


Exactly what this guy said ☝🏼


You've made excellent points, mate. Very well done, indeed. Many of these I agree with, however; I disagree about "treatment of Palestinian civilians" to a degree. You've made this sweeping generalization that the entire IDF is this bloodthirsty monster. They're not. If you're going to make such an appraisal, best remove the snap judgment bit. I could provide to you, with ease, over 100 different examples of Palestinians attacking and/or murdering civilian Israelis. Those examples would not represent all Palestinians as a whole. That would not be right. So, let's keep it even keeled. Just saying.


I don't have a problem with Israel taking land from its neighbors who attacked them in an attempt to conquer them. To the victors go the spoils, I consider that fair. They invaded them and attempted to rob them of their sovereignty, so to me its fair and just for those neighbors to lose some of their land as reparation.


It's fortunate you don't make policy. I bet you'd hand Ukrainian land to Russia.


Ukraine invaded Russia and attempted to conquer them? I must have missed that, when was this? Edit: Why did you delete your comments and block me? You were doing so well at making an ass out of yourself.


You have a literacy issue?


“Middle Eastern people have faced discrimination and Islamophobia since 9/11.” And why do you think that is?


So you're going to judge random people in our country just because of their religion or external factors that make you think they're of a certain faith? Nah, fuck that.


You’d probably eagerly judge Nazis unironically.


Of course. However, by your logic, I should judge all of white people. That doesn't go over well, does it?


I am praying, seriously praying, that your reasonable, humanistic take is the silent majority opinion


Send them to Gaza. They can stand up for Palestine there.






Ever notice how in these marches worldwide the phrase death to Israel is usually preceded by death to america?


It's like these guys are trying to people hate them


Vandalism in any form is not an acceptable method of protest. The constitution gives us the right to PEACEABLE assembly. And this ain't it chief


While I agree this wasn't an appropriate place to do it, saying vandalism never is an acceptable method of protest is a pretty poor take. The Boston Tea Party was vandalism, there was a lot of vandalism in the civil rights movement in the 60s, graffiti especially is one of the oldest forms of protest in history. Again, I think targeting a military cemetery with the protest wasn't acceptable, but disregarding all vandalism as not valid forms of protest isn't accurate and ignores history.


That's a fair point, I can't disagree with that


Honestly, (presently) surprised to not see an angry response on this website. So thanks you for your reasonableness.


I'm not the master of knowledge... I'm a grown ass man that is open to correction lol


Lol wish more people were like that! Reddit/the world would be a much better place


Looking back at it now, I'm neither happy nor angry about the Boston Tea Party, but if I had been there, I certainly would not have said "wow, I wasn't sure whether the colonies should pay their fair share toward their own defense without having representation in Parliament, but this destruction of property sure changed my mind!"


Thoughts? Throw every one in a fucking prison cell for vandalism. That’s thoughts.


Yeah that going to do the opposite of support, people are just going to oppose now.


Yes and most of these fools have nothing in common with Palestinians. They’re just riding the victim wave like a lot of groups do. If they truly cared they could do a little more than vandalize dead people’s graves.


No one's going to decide to support the genocide of Palestinians because of an act of vandalism. No one's going to oppose it because of that either. People tend to be either anti genocide or pro genocide, depending on whether or not they have a soul and very little will change that.


Wrong. People crazy enough to support them in the first place won’t stop doing it


They’re doing a good job of making people hate them abroad. Now I know why Egypt doesn’t want these trouble makers


Fuck em. It’s not about the Gazans. It’s about their own domestic politics.


Prison time.


This in no way makes me more sympathetic toward Palestine.


These people are insufferable. Protest should set an example, like Ghandi's non-violent resistance. Some modern progressive protest looks a lot like the violent left wing extremism of the 1960s.


This is so fucking inappropriate. They also protested outside Biden’s commemoration of the Charleston church shooting victims.


Most 'pro-Palestine' protestors don't give a damn about Palestinians. They are just 'anti-West'.


The easiest way to verify that is check their opinion on Ukraine & russia. Not 100% accurate but really close.


And anti-Jew anything …


Yes....this will get the public on your side....dumb asses


Call them what they truly are. Neo-nazi vandals


Fuck them all


I can't understand these modern protest tactics. How does inconveniencing and pissing off the people you are trying to get on your side and effective tactic? I mean if I punch you in the face and tell you to vote for prop B, are you moved by my argument?




This will surely free Palestine




Anyone doing shit like this is either so incredibly stupid or they're paid actors from pro Israel people who want to make the pro Palestinian crowd look bad. Just because you want to protect the Palestinia PEOPLE doesn't mean you support HAMAS (the government of Palestinian, NOT the actual civilians. It's the same bullshit with just stop oil. Their stunts do nothing but pull people away from the climate crisis. They're paid actors meant to discredit the environmentalist movement on behalf of Oil companies who want to continue slowly killing us.


That’s a good way to get a lot of angry vets with nothing in life after you my dude


Fucking disgraceful, I don’t think you could find a faster way to turn Americans away from your cause.


Has anyone asked any pro Palestine supporter why they themselves won’t go fight in Palestine?


I've said it before, I can say it again. These people have the shittiest PR team.


I think this is a good example of the pro Palestinian protesters not being anti-Semitic they just hate US power, and Israel to them is a shining example of what the United States can do even though the Israelis fought so hard and bleed so much for their own right to exist. Either way, fuck them because they hate America.


Inhuman garbage, people who died for our country mean more than the stupid people want current service members to die for a people who will never appreciate the support. Every time we have tried to help we have just become more hated, we should just stay as our founding fathers intended... out of other peoples business. I am fucking tired of people feeling entitled to other peoples time and lives. If you care so much go over there yourself and sacrifice your own life you fucking piece of shit. I give no shits how evil some group of people is I just want American lives and service members to be be prioritized in any way they can. Fix the VA, stop fucking with the money supply, stop trampling over peoples lives. Sorry if I offended anyone but this shit really gets to me.


Looks like someone needs discipline


Round em up against a wall


You may be advocating for the best principles in the world, but if you trash sand vandalize stuff you are just an idiot.


Desecrating a cemetery is despicable, do they have no shame?


You’re asking that about people who consider Hamas’ rapes and burning people alive to be “legitimate resistance”?


And IDF soldiers rounding up men and young boys under 14 with no charges, beating them, lining them up on their knees execution style in their underwear and raping Palestinian women in custody is okay with you?




I want to punch each and every one of them. Disgusting behavior.


The democRat party falling apart like wet toilet paper, because they can’t unite the antisemitic base 100% with the leadership, outside of the radical (D) activists in congress.


At that point, it's not about making a statement, it's about finding an excuse to shit on people you've taught yourself to hate.


A poor way of endearing others to the cause.


They really seem to know how to persuade people to their side.


Sounds about par for the course for terrorist sympathizers


It's okay palestine will be rubble soon


Deport em


You cant deport Americans for supporting Palestine


But you can jail them for vandalism


This is desecration at a National Cemetery. Deportation should be the least thing they are afraid of.


Arrest and deport every single one of them. They have zero place in our democratic society and they take their privileges for granted. Send them to the countries they glorify and see how long they last.


Hand them a toothbrush and a jail sentence until its spotless.


Even if for a good cause hurting people who did not deserve it is not good


Fuck them. They make more and more people mad at them and their cause every single day


Thugs and terrorists and gonna thug and terrorize.


My personal opinion, anyone caught defacing a statue, grave, or cemetery, should be forced to clean it, then if they're a foreign national, deported to their country of origin and barred from re-entry. If they're not a foreign national, indentured hard labor and public shaming. Unfortunately, our culture seems to have lost our ability to feel shame.


Well I though Palestinians and their supporters could have been redeemable, but after this I don’t think so. Honestly Gaza should be glassed. Sent back to the Stone Age so this shit will end


Very typical of leftists to riot and vandalise places that no relations to their already worthless cause to begin with. Might be too political but it needs to be said, these people are causing trouble…


Why you blaming lefties


Thoughts? The reason underlying the protest aside, crime is crime. Blocking traffic is preventing people from leaving. That's a crime. Vandalism is a crime. Don't get me wrong, genocide is a crime. But a crime occurring doesn't give someone permission or the right to harm others or others' property. * Peaceful protest * Vote * Permitted protest * Serve in the military * Boycott There are many ways to make a difference without harming others.


Go to your local sporting goods store and buy a can or two of bear spray. Keep that in the trunk of your car for "special occasions".


This person should be prosecuted. It’s an obvious crime. FAFO


Stink ass b!tch


Direct to jail.


Not how you make people sympathetic to your cause, but somehow i doubt they have any meaningful affiliation with either side of the issue. People who lack the mental/emotional bandwidth to take on all the world's woes doing just that.


Maximum and most extreme penalties


If the local government hand ties police and won't do something about this citizen's should. Writing ACAB on private property gets you a class on how much a beating you can take before you break on your acab principles and call the cops to protect you


fucking savages.


Why don't we kill these people.gif


I support Israel just because these free Palestine people are so brain dead.


Why is it so ducking hard to get arrested for shib like this?


thoughts is this is a propaganda post


Listen here you little craps


I'm all for it. it's not going to change anybody's mind. But if the whole world's willing to close their eyes and allow these people to be brutalized maybe we deserve some inconvenience too.


I hope that the United States will stop supporting the genocidal actions of the state of Israel. That said, vandalizing a veteran cemetery is not the best venue for lodging a protest.


Hope you’ll criticize the genocidal actions of Palestine. Islamic extremists launch a terror attack while calling for others to join them, you sleep. Israel responds and you cry genocide The genocide rhetoric is where you people lose me. You can say the same shit about Palestinians Through Hamas and other groups, but you’re absolutely silent on that, just like other ongoing genocides


i really don’t care at all lol, this is their freedom of expression