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I just bought 3 shares yesterday at .90$ and I didn’t have the 6.95 or any issue getting it filled. Filled right away. Only thing I need to do is wait one day for my deposit to clear and then I can spend it


Anyone got any of that hopium??? For the love of God let us get some good news Q3.


Pssst, hey kid…I got some hopium…much as ya need…but it don’t come cheap 


Don't listen to him he tried to sell me hopium for 1500 shares!!!!! Highway robbery!! And behind a Walmart of all places :(


Luxoft said our name no less than 3 times in a promotional video for something they (we) want to make money on! 


If share price doesn't reflect what is going on over at INVZ behind the scenes , ust imagine how off our share price must be! Let's see it SS, time to walk the walk. 


So what’s going on over at INVZ, besides having the same horrible pps as we are. Both below $1 and at 52 week lows.


Am I missing something? Where has Hudd been?? Down xx% could be worse?


MVIS has been getting a little too close to the point where you could really no longer say it could be worse, and yet it somehow does keep getting worse, a scary place to be!


I'm thinking he needed a break


I am thinking what he was doing broke him.  I hope to see him again on our rise back towards $5. 


Im afraid he was kidnapped by the Hesai boys. They know what he brings to this group and this is the final straw ! Unleash the dogs SS . Its on !


People were saying Frank was an undercover spy..... ;)


I am buying this on the way up


Lol, one person


Happy summer solstice All. Hoping for a finish above 1$ tomorrow and then double every week from next week. 1 ,2,4,8,16 and 32. That would help my financial health immensely 😅


And mental 💪


Next Friday is Russell’s reshuffle. Don’t know how it will impact MVIS though. Any thoughts?


Isn't tomorrow triple witching day too? Perhaps as people adjust their portfolio's, maybeee we'll get lucky and see some buying. Not holding my breath, but it'd be a nice note to enter the weekend on.


We’ve plummeted since we made the R2K, the opposite is the only option for a surprise


All that russell talk led to nothing but sorrow back in the day.


Been slowly sinking ever since we were included and also when they started offering weekly options. Don’t know if there is a correlation or if it is coincidence.


I’d also like to point out we’ve been sinking ever since the pop to $28 or whatever the top was, then shortly after that they introduced weekly options where previously there were only monthly options.


**New Developments in MIPI’s High-Speed Automotive Sensor Connectivity Framework** “ Automotive image sensors, which include cameras, LiDAR and radar, play a critical role in advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. Today, the systems that deliver advanced SAE Level 2 features typically utilize a combination of up to 10 camera and radar sensors. This number is expected to go up significantly to enable higher levels of automation, potentially requiring as many as 45 image and other sensors to deliver the most advanced SAE Level 3 (and beyond) features. As the number of image sensors in vehicles has increased, the MIPI Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2) standardized image sensor protocol has become the core imaging protocol used within automotive systems.” “**To meet these challenges, vehicles are becoming increasingly software-oriented, enabling sensor fusion, where powerful algorithms combine data from multiple image sensors into a single data model of the environment around a vehicle.**” https://www.eetimes.eu/new-developments-in-mipis-high-speed-automotive-sensor-connectivity-framework/ oz


Microvision is so heavily involved with all of this. Can’t see how we don’t win big.


I thought we weren’t pursuing sensor fusion any longer.


But we have it if someone wants it.


This would have to be developed. We don't have sensor fusion.


I wonder why we have had more volume. I know a lot of penny stocks have a lot of trades going down but that’s usually the ones like 4 cents and stuff. Green day with decent volume? I’ll take it. Better than the opposite for sure


Maybe retail cash is clearing and there's a rush to pick them up under a dollar. If so, I expect it to soften up short term. I have some cash in reserve if that happens as I already bought some low 90's.


Car dealerships hit with massive computer system outage https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/19/tech/car-dealership-cdk-cyber-incident-outage/index.html


Happy summer, enjoy an appropriate beverage... our diamond will someday shine. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=54W8kktFE_o&si=QTZPCftjm_IfmM3E


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. 


Nahh… massive shareholder celebration BBQ! 🍖


Green, it’s been too long my old friend


It needs to be at least $1 green to be considered old friend.


Happy Summer Solstice, fellow MVIS Longs!! (technically at 4:50pm, EST)


Green is green, gotta start somewhere! 




Amen brother. Schwab would not let me buy a share today since price under $1.00. Will have to wait till the 26th.


Has to be a 100 share minimum or something if it's under $1 right? I ran into the same thing on Tuesday.


If you set limit to $1.00, it'll go through at the ask.


Will give it a try!


My trade for 100 at limit of .90 was rejected until I set a limit of $1 then was able to buy as few as 10 at .89 on Schwab- with funds transferred less than 5 minutes before the trade.


If you're trying to use funds that were just transferred, then you can't use them to buy mvis until they settle. Mvis is on a special list of stocks that you can't use unsettled funds to buy. I have called and complained several times about this. This was the case even when we were trading in the $4-$5 range


Confirmed. Very annoying.


I also am unable to use funds prior to settlement in Schwab to buy MVIS. This wasn’t the case a few months ago. I’m not a very active trader, so I don’t know if it is MVIS related or for another reason.


Are you kidding? You need to sue them. {sarc}


In what kind of account?




Odd. The info I got was Schwab specifically allows it. Makes me wonder if it is somehow "meme classification" related. If so, I find that infuriating. Anyway, here is what my search turned up: Google search "which trading accounts wont allow buying stocks under $1?" ... (Other brokerages) ... "Charles Schwab Allows penny stock trading through its standard stock trading accounts, with a brokerage charge of $6.95 per trade"


I bought 750 today with some spare change in my taxable Schwab account. Used a limit order at $0.89, filled without any issues. Commission was zero, not sure where your search came up with $6.95.


The 6.95 fee applies to trades made on the OTC


The quote above is verbatim for the google search on my samsung. It may have to do with incredibly stupid AI. https://imgur.com/a/T4yAA4F


It’s using five year old data, nice job Google. Here’s a search on the commission: Charles Schwab introduced a flat rate commission of $6.95 for online stock trades in 2017. However, in 2019, they further revolutionized the industry by eliminating online trading commissions entirely.


Someone knows something.


And it’s not me!


Swear it isn’t me either


Looks like they added an optical engineer position on the jobs page, to be located in Redmond. [https://microvision.com/about/careers/current-opportunities?p=job%2FouIWtfwl](https://microvision.com/about/careers/current-opportunities?p=job%2FouIWtfwl)


Salary on this looks kinda low tbh, and I realize that adds nothing to the conversation, but it was just surprising. Always bullish seeing new job postings regardless though


At least we know we are still waiting for OEMs to nominate. Best news I've seen lately.


Yes, I’d imagine we at least work out 1 deal, but obviously hoping for more. We’ve gotten a lot of forklift videos this year, so hopefully an industrial deal/partnership gets announced this summer, and then the video Luxoft put out was great, and Sumit did say we will be getting revenue out of Mosaik this year at the Q1 EC. It would be nice for all 3 of these revenue streams to get some legit deals attached to them.


I'm sure there's a lot of salespeople on this board who've had a lot of experience with the difficulties in bleeding edge products like we're in. It always takes a long time for that first one but after that they can start flowing.


Getting software going and an industrial deal going if we can announce stuff on that front over the next month, will help land automotive RFQs because of the derisking of having other revenue streams going.


This is true.


I took care of emerging markets for high priced Neuro diagnostic equipment for clinics in my younger days. These were $50,000 purchases 30 years ago. Basically whatever country I started would take 18 months to get the first order. Paper work, budgets, testing, purchase orders, RFQ process to compete.. 18 months. So they better be getting some business in Q3.


Definitely. Feels like nominations are not imminent. But the other two are definitely in the funnel.


Feels like nominations are imminent to me.