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Nice work everyone!


Battle for $1 begins!!!


1+ would be huge 




Until the last month or so I had blocked maybe 2 or 3 people in the last 6 or 7 years. I now block 2 to 3 plus a day and it has made a positive difference. I almost stopped visiting this site, but still appreciate many people here. Best wishes to the longs.


Happy cake day to you and thank you for always being awesome. 


Thanks for sticking with it. Hope the family is well


Happy cake day from a fellow cake day.


Thank you! Best wishes!


Happy Cake Day, Alpha! We are sure glad that you decided to stay aboard! We appreciate you.


Thank you so much and best wishes!


this is the way.


Amen brother. Just posted a long winded story about my time with Ms Mavis over the last 14 plus years.


Happy cake day. You are one of the ones I always pay attention to reading when you post. Wish I was brave enough to swing trades like you do!


Happy cake day Alpha!


Yeah, I do skimming for known users or at least posts with substance. Helps a lot.


INVZ is getting some heavy volume today. Wonder what’s going on over there…


[https://www.tradingview.com/x/yLZM0uH7/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/yLZM0uH7/) Bouncing off my trend line


Perhaps time to chance some closed dated $1 calls there


Is Jeff2104 on reddit? Yes, not active any longer, it seems though. Was doing my daily lurk on stocktwits and they single handedly made me want to invest more 😂 Edit: question solved


He was u/Sensitive_Ad9350 at some point, not sure if that's changed


Good find, post history matches and checks out 👌


Is it JeffBoud possibly on here? Can’t remember if that’s the same person, doesn’t post all that often on here, but I’ve seen the name.




Roger that!


Hopefully we hear some news about the deal Devon was working on by July 1st.


MLGO making another run


love to see that


More shorts getting hurt


First there’s the one dolla holla then two to five. Before you know it we’ll be at our old friend 16.50


Lol okay


17.50 but loving it either way


lol you’re right. The ptsd from doubling down on margin at those levels messed with my memory


If we can hold a dollar for a close here soon I think we start going the other direction in a big way. 


Shit in one hand, wish in the other


Luckily we can't do  99.00000099


was wondering, what would happen to the stock price if Elon decided to yolo his 45 billion pay package on a stock like ours? (I know his package is probably not all cash, just an example for fun)


What do you mean ? At the moment he could give proposition of "mere" $2 billions buyout and it would pass with him being praised as a hero and a get a free bed in people's homes. At this moment $1B offer would be something like 600% premium which would be considered absoduckinglutely bombastic. We need those promised wins FFS !!!!!!


Yeah I guess I said an impossible amount. I meant it more as — a big buyer causes FTDs and price improvement from big purchases made on the open market. Basically GME replicating for us. I know, I should stop dreaming


Don't stop dreaming (or believing) :)


Ya, dreaming is good, but being realistic may be better.


I just got an email from Direxion that they are closing A few of their ETFs and liquidating their holdings on July 31. One of the ETFs is MOON which includes 438,916 shares of MVIS. Does anyone know if that amount of shares sold likely to affect the SP on July 31?


And you just tell me this now??


Ha ha! I just got the email this morning. I did my best!


Manipulated right back below $1


Looks like it got manipulated back over a dollar. Can’t complain.


That’s good. What are they planning for tomorrow? lol. The company could eliminate some of what they are doing to the price with a nice fat deal or two or three.


Every stock is Manipulated everyday. It’s called the stock market brotha….


It's still manipulated


Of course it is. On the books, in the numbers, our fundamentals suck and are ripe for the picking. They’ve made fortunes here that I can’t imagine. You don’t make that money without stacking decks. That all changes when we lock in deals or partnerships.


That is one thing they are not thinking of until it’s too late for them.


Manipulation ≠ Daytraders


Manipulators are the market makers, hedge funds, etc. Exactly what goes on every day unless there is news. Day traders are the little fish. The big fish hide within their schools.


I tried, bought at 1 at the top of the run like a boss/idiot


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCza8rNXDVM Interesting... seems like this sector would also be a good fit for us, don't we have some relevant patents?


Up, up and away? I hope so!


I bought more at 1.035, bringing my avg down .04 cents to 1.91. Still small fish, but this fish is hungry.


Average twins. Also at $1.91.


Hey buy more to match mine at 1.88 :p


I tried, picked up another ~1k to get to $1.89. Fell just short.


Buy Der Stack


Been a while since we've had concrete positive news. Hoping to get something solid to celebrate soon - come on MVIS, Sharma and team - hope you're having great days at work making progress! edited.


Sunak? You're getting confused with Rishi. He's absolutely useless.


Ha! Serves me right for reading too many things at once!


Somebody knows SOMETHING


IMO.. I think we are headed for a buyout. I did not connect these dots but if you look at the ST board.. Jeff2104 has made some amazing connections. MVIS employees looking for work and Uki giving recommendations for them. SS contract still not renewed, and the silence. Stay strong our day is close. IMO. DD.. not a financial advisor. 


Jeff seems like a nice guy, but his hunt for, and need for, confirmation is too much. I don’t say this to be mean, but more so as a heads up to take everything he says with a large bottle of salt.


Unless your average is within $0.20 of the current share price, youre very unlikely to want a buyout. The premium in acquisitions will never be 2x or more the share price. If we are at $1.25, the share price is not likely to exceed $2/share in an acquisition. That's a huge premium. I think Jeff is doing a disservice, it could simply be that those employees don't update every part of their LinkedIn. There's a ton of reasons why their profiles have those descriptions. They may not be actively looking, but are open to offers, etc.


Current Ms Mavis share price is not relevant. Unlikely any acquisition interest until potential acquirers can see revenue. Revenue visability and discounted cash flow valuation is key. We need an OEM deal first.


Happy cake day my furry friend, lol 


This is flatly wrong. You can't say share price isn't relevant but revenue projection is key, because share price is informed by revenue.


So this is the response I get for trying to help. Share price is not "informed" by revenue. Best of luck to you. You will need it.


Posters have asked in the past what happens to pps when a buyout is announced. There is a classic example happening now with ALIM. Premarket announcement this morning stated the 5.50 pps buyout price. Price immediately pinned to 5.50 plus a few pennies up and back. That is what it's done all morning. Pinned. Now I have not checked to see what the short situation was but I'll guess there was not much shorting on this pharmaceutical stock. If you look at the 15 minute chart the BB's are kind of unique. Not saying this is what will happen to any other stock including MVIS but it is an object lesson for anyone interested.


This *is* a classic example. The stock has been sitting around 3.5 for a year and the offer was 5.5. If the stock had fifty-odd million short shares my opinion is that the buyout offer announcement would have been likely to be punctuated with some appreciable amount of fireworks. DDD. I'm not an investment professional


> https://stocktwits.com/Jeff2104 Definitely seems like a decent amount of layoffs, this may have also included Frank and the 'tape out' engineer from a few weeks ago, gotta reduce your redundancies I guess. Didn't SS have some 'change of control' payout clause in his previous contract that is separate from the CIC severance plan? Perhaps they are hashing out the details if this is indeed a buyout, if i remember correctly SS is excluded from the latest CIC plan that was ratified on June 4th and I believe we received an 8K specifically stating SS is not part of this plan. This is also an insightful post from a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/ly7bmb/how_will_falling_share_price_affect_the_value_of/gpsfmmu/ Drew didn't come out of retirement for nothing, right?


I'm curious about the experience of others related to company-internal awareness in buyout scenarios, too. Would regular employees even be aware that was happening prior to any public release of info? My guess would be no, at least officially, though the general knowledge that layoffs are occurring could also be enough reason to brush up the LinkedIn and resume. My limited previous experience toward the matter was as an employee of over 10 years at a private company that was sold to a public company, where only a very small group of the top-level folks were involved in the bidding/purchase and none of the regular everyday employees were made aware of any such proceedings (even if there were some smart guesses by some smart people based on their own perception of minor differences or just gut feelings).


In a public company, the masses would not know a buyout is underway. Or at least, they shouldn't. But, as you point out, people may interpret certain actions such that they may have a good idea a buyout is in process. I would venture a guess that the recent observations regarding Microvision employees on LinkedIn who are seeking work, is more probably related to Microvision paring back their expenses rather than a signal regarding a buyout. If a company who had resources (i.e. strong balance sheet) were seeking to acquire Microvision I doubt they would want anyone to leave before they had a chance to assess the situation, especially engineers. Microvision has a balance sheet/cash runway issue. They have a low stock price issue, which equates to higher dilution. Sorry to throw water on the buyout party but it is more likely that Microvision is paring back expenses to extend the runway. Just my honest opinion.


Thanks for your confirmation of my thoughts. Great point that retaining the engineering talent would likely be a key consideration of a buyer completing a purchase, as well. I agree with your opinion; I can't, myself, make the connection between the employee LinkedIn/resume updates and a prospective buyout.


Went through it almost two decades ago. We knew nothing until the same time the public news releases occurred. Dark knight>>white knight>>fair competing offers from two parties took share price to about a 4 x premium when all was said and done.


Thanks for the reply. Sounds like it was a bit of a ride!


Interesting link, thanks for highlighting it. I missed that when it was originally posted.


And Dr. Luce is *still* with the company.


I think buyout has always been the long term vision. Sumit’s task since he took over as CEO has been to prove that MicroVision could stand on its own as a business (i.e. as a lidar company without revenue from MicroSoft). If he is close to landing OEM nominations, then he is close to proving this. I think MicroVision needs to win a nomination or two before any buyout will give investors the value we are looking for, but a company as smart and well-connected as NVIDIA could move forward in advance of any announced wins from MicroVision if they know where things are headed.


Is a fanciful to think that a buyout partner could be involved in the commercial stage of an RFQ? It would all be under NDA and would be a potential win-win scenario.


That would definitely be the Hawk Tuah!


Who is Uki?


Uki Lucas director of software and firmware at microvision




UKI LUCAS is a director at microvision


Pennies on the dollar if Microvision gets bought out


If that was going to happen it would have happened a few years ago. $18/share is the named target for the incentive, correct? If that is pennies on the dollar I'd take it.


Absolutely no way a company would buy MVIS for 3-4 billion right now.


Don’t the shareholders have a say in what a buyout would be? Because I’m not agreeing to anything w penny’s on the dollar in it.


Think our vote counts? They will find the votes when needed. They always have.


What makes you say that?


I hope for partnership or strategic investment. I agree that a buyout now…even 15/sh would be optimistic  Edit: but I would take it with a smile on my face


Because there is a reasonable limit to the multiple that the acquiring company can pay to buy out Microvision. When our price is so low, that multiple can’t get us to what we consider a fair value.


True, but I would expect a run up in share price to immediately precede any buyout or offer. Its happened before, it doesn’t really matter where the share price is right now, only where the price is the minute the offer is announced.


Just added 8k shares at 1.03. Brought my cost average down to $7.00 even. Like the chart set up now. Hopefully some good news on the way. LFG!!


I've been doing the same. Bringing the avg down weekly. It's a long road.


I'm in that range as well. Good day to you!


Hi, I have never in my life witnessed having a stock that skyrockets after a deal is announced. Say that happens with MVIS and we go to the moon ($30+) , what's the usual end game? Do people sell when it moons? or, they keep holding it for life and sell when needed ? Of course, it will depend on the future deals and performance of the underlying product.


Depends on the timeline. If we went to $30 within a month like 2021 I’m fully out…fool me once….




Have a plan. I have 13,500 shares. If it went to $30 I’d probably sell 1,500 shares to shift into other positions and hold the 12,000 for retirement purposes - assuming the company follows through and is able to command a big share of the lidar market.


This is virtually impossible to answer in a general sense. Personally I've got a pile of stock (10k+) and a pile of jan'25 calls (100+). I'll start offloading calls a few at a time as they (if they) become profitable; a DCA out, if you will. The stock will depend entirely on future outlook. I don't need the money invested any time soon (fortunately, given my current paper losses). So I'm in no hurry. If we are still hoping for 80% of a tens of billions market in 10 years, I can wait. It gets more complicated if somebody like nvda buys us out. But still the plan is a long term hold.


That's up to you.


I wonder how many naked shorts are keeping it below a dollar..


Added 100 at 0.97 at open. Hopefully we have a good week!


One dolla holla!


It's like old times


Lol, so when is $28? 


October lol, wish I knew. How did that happen back then? Goodness


I expect the bad guys to try and push us down away from a dollar shortly after the open. Let’s hope the good guys come and run us up over a buck! 


3 million shares traded on Friday's close, crazy.


saw this under recommended posts [https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/1dncxbm/swing\_trading\_plan\_june\_24/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/1dncxbm/swing_trading_plan_june_24/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I think for MVIS he's missing a period and should read 1.50 not 150.


I don't think he's missing anything.


I'll gladly take that!


Happy cake day Rooster


Thanks. Didn't realize it was that time again.


With kisses


I can't put my finger on it, I just have a good feeling about Sumit and crew.


I used to feel the same exact way!


used to ?


Yes, used to have that same good feeling about MicroVision under Sumit’s leadership. That feeling has faded to a cautious optimism. I am hoping it was not all wishful thinking. Looking for signs of life in early-mid Q3 with our first OEM nomination(s). The sooner the better. All of MicroVision’s revenue is coming from Ibeo products and software, but the cost to keep those engineers employed is more than the company can continue to justify without customers. When are we going to see any value from the LBS technology the company has touted for decades? We need some validation for Mavin and more money from the legacy Ibeo assets (at least movia and software sales figures have started to creep up).


Profoundly optimistic? :)


There ya go ;)


Morning everyone! Economic report(s) for the day is(are)^[i](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek): Dallas Fed Manufacturing Survey at 10:30am; Fed Speakers today are: Waller at 3am, and Daly at 2pm. Coming up this week is Consumer Confidence on Tuesday, New Home Sales data on Wednesday, GDP on Thursday (and several other key reports), and Personal Income and Outlays (PCE data) on Friday. The news media is finally catching up to the reality for many US citizens: Consumers cutting back, Home sales down, Home prices up, Renters struggling more than homeowners, Companies promising upgraded equipment for employees and failing to deliver on that, and so on. None of this is particularly surprising, though it was interesting to see it spread out across a few different sites under different headlines. Premarket futures are up ever so slightly overall though the Nasdaq is flat to down slightly. MVIS recovered som from the recent lows, though it has a very long way to go to reach better average share price once more. The potential for a breakout to the upside certainly exists here, though that could be said for every time the stock has even come close to striking distance of breaking out for the last year. It should be recognized that when the stock does break out, it tends to move quite rapidly and provide quite a bit of opportunity to turn a substantial profit, last time it was over 400% from bottom to top, and looking on a large enough timeframe one could see the 2020 low to 2021 high was far more extreme by far. Should the latter kind of move occur, it would represent a significantly larger all time high than has been seen in the past five years, and these kind of moves do occur, if very infrequently. What could shape that… well a convergence of opportunity meeting preparation, and I believe the company has prepared the products as well as can be done at present. ## Daily Data *** |H: 1.02 — L: 0.89 — C: 0.97 ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/historical/) |[Calendar](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek.asp)| |:- |:-| |**Pivots ↗︎ : 1.03, 1.09, 1.16** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pivotpoint.asp)) |**Pivots ↘︎ : 0.90, 0.83, 0.77**| |Total Options Vol: **3,045** ^([i](https://researchtools.fidelity.com/ftgw/mloptions/goto/underlyingStatistics?cusip=&symbol=MVIS&Search=Search)) |Avg 90d Options: 1,757| |Calls: **2,686 ~ 59% at Ask or ↗︎** |Puts: 359 ~ 58% at Market ⊟| |Open Exchanges: 4,293k ~ 65% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/) |Off Exchanges: 2,332k ~ 35% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/)| |**IBKR: 60k Rate: 17.18%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/borrow-fee/) |**Fidelity: —k Rate: 9.25%**| |**R Vol: 216% of Avg Vol: 3,064k** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/averagedailytradingvolume.asp)) |**Short Vol: 1,431k of 2,289k ~ 63%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/short-volume/?tblshortvolix=0)| ^(Follow links for sources. Bold text represents key points or larger data, Italics are slightly unusual or lower than normal.)


Thanks T. Have a good week sir.