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**Here’s one for the Corvette Owners/Fans like u/Alphacpa !** https://www.reddit.com/u/FitImportance1/s/QREepvG8mz


Very cool! You are very talented!


Thanks, I bet your wife would love a big print for the living room!😁


Very nice fit


Thanks man!


That is outstanding work there! What was the inspiration behind that masterpiece, if I may ask?


My son has a 2015 C7. I was just playing around with AI to get a flaming hawk like image then 4 hours later I had put the Corvette logo on it and made the bird more hawk like. Just fun to picture something in your head and see what you can come up with on the computer.


C7's are nice!


Excellent design there Fit!




https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2024/07/42d180b067cf-japan-to-require-unintended-acceleration-prevention-tech-in-new-cars.html Seems like something AEB could cover as well


Just got through binge watching Silicone Valley. I think I just watched exactly what our management team is all about.


Just sharing MVIS this week. If you haven’t seen my Q2 report. —> [Q2 Report](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/comments/1dw256u/2024_second_quarter_lidar_report/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [7/5/24 institutional % - MVIS](https://stocktwits.com/EustinPowers/message/578705590)


I hate seeing this thread so dead. 🥂 to a good Q2 report and a great news in Q3


Like how you said “a” great news. Typo or subconscious? If we could get a single newsworthy event in any quarter that would be grayyyyyt… (Lumbergh voice from Office Space)


Love the reference to Bill Lumbergh - but would have understood without the explanation




Up very early at the airport today. Headed to Florida for 9 days. I’ll probably be a little distracted this week, so seems like the time is right for the first deal announcement while I’m not watching ;)


Have a great vacation my friend. I was headed to the airport as well to Florida, from Atlantic City. Nice to be back home.


Kiladex, You were smart and escaped the heat and humidity that settled in NJ ;>)


It started getting hot on the 4th but yeah it’s nice and hot and humid down here today, back to the grind tomorrow morning my friend.


We took our 10 and 12 year old boys in July one year. The only thing that saved us was the sand bottom pool and water slide at the Yacht Club!


That pool sounds great! When we stay Deluxe, we like Wilderness Lodge. My family took us as kids there usually. This trip is at The Contemporary for my first time. I got a PIN code discount I couldn’t pass up! I’d like trying a boardwalk area hotel next time.


We will be at the boardwalk next weekend. Have a great Sunday buddy! … love the beach and yacht club sand pool and the yachtsman’s steak house.


Awesome, Kiladex! Enjoy your trip!!


I was in Orlando a week prior to jumping on a cruise recently. It was HOTTTTTT there


I have sweated more than my body weight. (We’re at Disney)


We were there for Dance nationals. Went to Disney once, St Pete Beach twice, Discovery Cove, among others. I will be back at Disney in February for another dance national. I will admit that I still really like Disney. If you have not done them yet, TRON and Guardians of the Galaxy are PHENOMENAL


Tron is tonight between 9-10pm for our first ride. My husband loves Tron, so that is the reason we are here.


I still can’t wait to try Tron. Guardians blew me away, like space mountain on steroids. Giddy up!


Guardians is one of the best rides I have ever been on. Space Mountain absolutely beat me up this last time.


I’m excited to try Guardians on Monday! Edit: also Tron was awesome! Very brief! But if you love speed, it’s a must do.


It is very short but fast. I bet you got some good pictures off of it too.


Guardians is my absolute favorite, “One way or another, I’m gunna get ya” that song is stuck in my head now, lol. Enjoy your vacation


Everybody wants to rule the world was ours


Your husband is a lucky man.


He is :) But I definitely have a worthy husband.


Lol dope reason to go! First ride of the night? How late are they open hahaha


Magic Kingdom was open til 10. It started getting dark around 8:30. Today I booked Tron for 8:35pm so we can get back to the hotel a little sooner. Also, I meant our first ride ever on Tron. We arrived about 3-4pm to the parks since it was a travel day.


Oh i see be safe and have a blast!


Meow Meow


Meow meow meow! So much value add, I know. Im just bored?


ALOT of accumulation has happened over the last 6 months or so. I think something is about to come of all that here pretty soon. 


I’m very much hoping to accumulate another xxxxx shares this week if everything moves across as planned


Accumulation has happened but there has been a lot of new supply also


Everybody needs to ask the question: If there is nothing going on right now why haven't they laid off people? I think Summit has something huge to report soon like a massive contract that will take us to the end of the decade. Something so big we are truly best in class.


I would be surprised if they haven’t laid off an additional 20% in Q2. Timelines have clearly shifted, and we cannot continue to pay this many people. Slow down cash burn…


They did lay people off. You can probably attribute that to those people being hired to do a specific engineering task and finishing, but they laid people off. I believe we were made aware of that in the last CC.


True, but there’s still a massive engineering team working every day and whatever they’re working on has not been disclosed to investors. Hope all the money the company is spending on their salaries is worth it for investors. I do believe that Sumit has his eye on the biggest prizes and that investors will be rewarded, the thing I’m less sure of is *when* we will have good news.


Has anyone noticed if they recruited any summer interns this year? They usually recruit at least one a year. I don't recall seeing anyone posting a job description/job for one.


I’ve been thinking that same thought… it’s like what do all those people in Hamburg & Redmond do all day?


Post on Reddit to try and keep the morale up LOL


I guess it doesn’t matter that we have to wait another 2 days for market movement if nothing is happening in July but it sure has been a slow start to a much anticipated summer. The rinse repeat cycle is getting old. New market kids I know are just following Nancy Pelosi by watching her buys on some app. That is working for them. Can someone pitch the MVIS info her way?


So nothing came out of the FTD’s. The we can dismiss that BS forever. Stupid’s hopeful info amounted to nothing, unfortunately. It is what it is. This is the first and only stock forum I will ever join.


We had over 1m FTDs due back on July 3rd (Wednesday) which was a shortened market day, and did the most volume all week and had a green day reaching as high as $1.15 and closed at $1.11 after opening at $1.07, so I think that probably was the or the remaining FTDs due back that day. We might get some weird non-news based pump, but really we just need some solid news as we all know.


They are gone but not forgotten 


Ftd day counting is pure bogus.


"Ftd day counting is pure bogus." That was learned a while ago on this board.


Lol, I must have missed whatever this FTD stuff was supposed to portend to.


Good thing you missed it. Total wishful nonsense


We should be part of the FTD suit that NWBO has against 7 market makers and is pending in court right now.


Well, you didn’t miss anything, haha.


This weekend would be a great day for some P.R.


Anyone here thinks that we will hear something before q2?


Which year?


Every year.  https://youtu.be/yMaiKjsAhIM?si=_ty9KLn8wjcfQTHx


We will hear something between the following Monday and 2100, for sure!


Yes, since we are in Q3, I assume you mean before Q2 2025. We better hear something before then at least lol.


I assume Q2 earnings call.... And no, I don't. I'm done prognosticating. I've got nothing but shares and LEAPS, so as long as we don't go bankrupt I couldn't care less what happens this year.


I was being a smartass hehe. While there is always a chance something happens ahead of the earnings call early next month….figured it’s just going to happen when it happens with the slow moving OEMs and sorting out the financial risk and terms for a deal. Long and strong though!


Good attitude, no pressure on management to get things done.


You actually believe that ragging on management on an anonymous internet stock message board is what motivates management to get deals done when Sumit and others have got high 7 or 8 figures and their reputations riding on it? Personally, I find that utterly absurd, but it sure explains a *lot*. JMHO! DDD. Have a good weekend, all.


The financial drain on the company indicates shareholders should be more concerned about success this year and not caring weather or not we we are successful this year is sending the wrong signal.


Agree, Bridge. It’s obvious the company tracks the discussion here and while View is right that management is already heavily incentivized to get things done, we can -at the least- encourage better communication.


Everyone has their own unique way of dealing with the waiting and resultant stress and worry to whatever degree they are prone/susceptible. If some long states they are OK holding even if nothing gets signed for another year I assume it is a form of necessary detatchment, and not just being unwilling or afraid to "put pressure on management". I personally do not believe that that method of coping deserves dismissal with a curt, sarcastic reply.. JMHO! Good Luck, Longs, however you manage to get yourself to fruition. Not investing advice, and I'm not an investment professional.


“Obvious the company tracks the discussion here” Really?? How do we know that …?


They literally invited Redditors to the fireside chats years ago, but everyone should keep downvoting my comment lol.


No downvotes from me. They needed things from us back then. I don’t believe there’s much attention paid here by them these days. I don’t see a reason for it other than a possible personal curiosity by some.


Befriend, That was an entirely different ball game. MVIS was circuling the drain at the time and management needed to engage with their shareholders.


Right Friend. Thanks for the reply.


I chuckled.


Day 1 of regime change here in the UK and it’s already getting boring. Have a good weekend everyone…


I know nothing about what each party represents.


Count Binface should have won


Okay so, hey next week let's get some news.