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Told myself I was going to hold at 35k shares and direct my investments to less risky areas… just hit 40k today.


I was in your position a month or two ago and did the exact same. welcome to the 40k club. just sounded so much nicer.


Microsoft transitioning from an XR hardware provider to software provider. https://www.xrtoday.com/augmented-reality/is-microsoft-transitioning-from-an-xr-hardware-to-software-provider/ EDIT: as I predicted 5 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/ji8nvdN2sy


>”The device’s life hasn’t ended yet, as partnerships like Microsoft’s IVAS deal fuel its future.” And yet Microsoft keeps plugging away at IVAS with an up to $22 Billion windfall in its sights provided that they satisfy the Army/DoD. And recall that MSFT doesn’t own the LBS IP that helps make IVAS possible. So assuming that IVAS gets the green light, how much will MicroVision’s IP be worth to Microsoft with up to $22 Billion at stake? If IVAS gets canceled by the Army, we’ll likely never know the back story. Yes, Microsoft’s strength is software, not hardware, but seeing the potential of true MR (as opposed to Apple Vision Pro’s camera pass through) they had a multi-year lead in the field with HoloLens 2 and dropped the baton rather than persist in the marathon. Was it a wise decision on Microsoft’s part knowing their limitations in hardware or will it be another blunder to be regretted in the future? u/gaporter


As the Apple Vision Pro is not the mammoth success some thought it would be, Microsoft’s HoloLens remains at the top of the AR heap as the company focuses on the IVAS 1.2 variant and a reported “ruggedized” HoloLens that would seem to be based on IVAS 1.2. https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/YCDDn8rDQC https://www.ign.com/articles/apple-reportedly-slashes-apple-vision-pro-shipments-due-to-unexpectedly-low-demand#


forgive my ignorance but does that mean Microsoft would need to negotiate with Microvision for a new contract? I don't know if their previous contract was exclusive to the Hololens but it seems they would really need Microvision to be a software provider.


Nailed it in the prediction side. Curious to see what happens to MVIS AR tech down the road or if anything ever comes about from IVAS.


I'd say that every foray Microsoft has taken into hardware has been a failure. Zune, Windows Phone, Xbox, Kinect, Hololens. Xbox is moderately successful as a platform to sell Gamepass subscriptions, but when compared to Sony they just don't have the numbers.


Their foray into hardware in this case was ultimately to become the platform by which all hardware developers succeeded. That's what they do. Read my comments from five years ago in the edit above.


Yeah, but that was DOS and Windows right? That's software, not hardware. You're absolutely right though, Microsoft is a company that knows how to build operating systems and software platforms - it's what they do best.


Don’t mind a slow a steady climb


Oust and Aeva are best performers among the LiDAR stocks. Both are up 9% and 10% on very low volumes though. Lidar roulette is truly on


Tea, SSDD until we get some good news. Totally, constrained right now.


Traded a few at 1.17 and bought back at 1.11. It didn’t amount to a lot but it was more then zero. #herotrader #killingit


Gm folks. Classic Mavis action. Nothing to see here. Here’s to a big fat PR this week. Tomorrow would be nice for a start !


It can’t be tomorrow as I have said it will be on a Thursday. I don’t mind being wrong though.


Best Mon, Tues, or Wed, so the pps can run on news. Of course, that lets the shorts start to cover, and if Thur after close, then they have to stew all weekend, with a second big spike on Mon. Oh, well, they can announce anytime, as long as they announce, lol. I'm going with the 22, or 23rd.


While it can all be manipulated…[V bottom pattern](https://www.asktraders.com/learn-to-trade/technical-analysis/v-bottom-pattern/). Should see more up if / when the neckline breaks. Also, a [broadening formation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/broadeningformation.asp) on the 5 year.


Do a little search on Reddit. There is a screenshot somewhere. He doesn’t want to be bothered.


Were you replying to someone with this comment lol?


+800 shares today at 1.11


Classic MVIS price action


Why do you expect anything different. Totally manipulated price until Microvision puts the screws to them which could happen right out of the blue. They are fearless for now but would not want to be caught short in a massive price squeeze.


From ‘someone knows something’, to ‘no one knows shit’.


JLR - lots of interesting connection between MVIS and JLR I just noticed that at University Village in Seattle, there is a Rivian store and a Tesla store. I almost wanted to go in and ask them if anyone had heard of MVIS... Rivian is the up and coming thing.


Buckle up.


Let’s goooo


I like it


We also using https://www.linkedin.com/posts/luxoft-auto_violared-car-luxoft-and-red-hat-car-paving-activity-7216019731231735809-mAzq


I hope this bump today is the beginning of a breakout.


Could be. Shorts don't appear to be concerned at this time. It would be nice if it developed into a squeeze later.


The hedge funds are never concerned. The small retail short really doesn't mean much in the big picture. The hedge funds place their short bets and they don't know or care what is to come. They will cover at whatever price they need to when they have to. They are mathematical models without feelings.


Right, no issues KY. I had checked Fintel for availability of shares at that time. It was at 150,000; up 50% from 4 hours prior. For what it's worth it's down to 50,000 now. I like to see 0 for when I think a squeeze might be happening.


Probably going to get downvoted here, but……. Why hasn’t Frank Bertini come out and updated everyone if he was indeed hacked?


I highly doubt he was hacked.


Yup, you’re going to get downvoted. Why? 1) I always downvote people who lead with a martyr complex. 2) This question has been asked and answered many times. Try the search function.


You could kindly link me?


Click Search Bar. Type Frank. Click comments. Read top comment.


Nothing came up


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/Fd8vEnDO9O) didn’t come up? Or [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/UoTsobHrkI)


I don’t even think you read my original post. Those are old. I asked why (in the 31 days since the incident) he hasn’t responded to the incident. He hasn’t come out and said “update on the investigation, still nothing but it’s unfortunate all the lies they told” he hasn’t once “denied” it.


Why would he? He no longer works for the company. He’s probably trying to distance himself from insane investors. Can’t say that I blame him.


Why would he? Oh, I don’t know, because his future employment kind of depends on it. Not sure why you are being so defensive. I ask a legitimate question and you cut me down.


The state of this sub has made me suspect everything. If you are an actual long investor asking a genuine question, I do owe you an apology. It seemed obvious to me that there would be no update, but I hadn’t considered the angle that you pointed out.


He already did.


I couldn’t find a single response




Why would he?


little nibble at 1.16


Steps up to podium, clears throat. “Somebody knows something.”


\[One hour later\] Steps up to podium, clears throat. "No one in fact knows anything."


Haha, business as usual 🤪 or in other words, not “too late to get in?”


It looks like it is building strength and getting ready to explode. I have no basis for saying this and just thought it would be a nice thing to say. Have a good one. Guess I'm just in a good mood because I popped 30% trading ZAPP this morning. Premarket that is. Looks flat now. I trade small potatoes with stuff like that.


I made a bit on ZAPP too. right on!


Good for you. Still going after hours. Squeezed hard I guess.


Im always in a good mood trading. Threw some small potatoes into BITO because the dividends are pretty sweet. Just have to pay attention because it's not "set it & forget it". Last three monthly dividends have been $1.76, $1.78, $1.50 a share..... Been a fun three months.


Interesting. May the fun never end.


MACD turned positive on the Weekly.


a little volume one of these days with little pop could portend some good things .


It's starting to get interesting again. 


T-1 month to the Q2 call. I want to be optimistic, but at this point I’m resigned to wait and wait some more.


I know one thing for sure, it's more enjoyable battling upward pivots than down side pivots when we barcode.


The last 14 day chart looks pretty bullish. Nice to see. Keep it going.


premarket bouncing around like a fart in a coke can


Stuck at 1.14 like Shaq in a Mini Cooper


Hold on to your shares this morning. They are looking to steal a few more shares.


I knew you were gonna say that!


Well, they did steal some. Hopefully, the strong hands stayed strong for the long run. Up a nickel is nothing. Can't wait for the day, when we are going up by dollars. The shorts hopefully will be screwed and gone by then.


The going up by dollars days were unreal. I believe they’ll come again. At this point if you’re still long and strong, it requires next level patience and absolute belief in what we’re doing and what we’re up against.


Just one good deal will do it


Morning everyone! Economic report(s) for the day is(are)^[i](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek): Consumer Credit at 3pm. Coming up this week Powell talks on monetary policy before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday, Several other Fed speakers will chime in over the week, CPI is on Thursday, and PPI is on Friday. The news media has tuned into mergers and acquisitions that have gone through in the entertainment industry, falling consumer demand is beginning to show signs of affecting hiring and sales, and end consumer focused businesses selling products are aiming to innovate. These kinds of headlines and article content is to be expected as unemployment rises and companies look to compete for dwindling consumer cash. Premarket futures are mostly flat apart from the Russell 2k being up a bit in early trading. MVIS ended the last week up 4.32% from the previous week, while down from day to day by 0.9%, with lower than average trading volumes as the holiday week saw the markets closed for a day and a half. Recent developments in the automotive sector shows the great expectations for the Volvo EX90 may be scaled back as shipments are pushed out and full capabilities described for the vehicle are not present upon shipment. A big question for many came about the large FTDs that were due by last Friday, and it should be recognized that such could be resolved before that day, which may well have occurred as the share price rose to the share price related to those deliveries that had failed in the first place, May 31st. There was also associated volumes reflected in two large volume days over the course of the subsequent 35 trade days, with two days volumes exceeding the average that may well have been the buying side of that volume. ## Daily Data *** |H: 1.14 — L: 1.06 — C: 1.10 ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/historical/) |[Calendar](https://fidelityfiplus.econoday.com/byweek.asp)| |:- |:-| |**Pivots ↗︎ : 1.14, 1.18, 1.22** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pivotpoint.asp)) |**Pivots ↘︎ : 1.06, 1.02, 0.98**| |Total Options Vol: 2,075 ^([i](https://researchtools.fidelity.com/ftgw/mloptions/goto/underlyingStatistics?cusip=&symbol=MVIS&Search=Search)) |Avg 90d Options: 1,759| |Calls: 1,914 ~ 46% at Bid or ↘︎ |Puts: 161 ~ 47% at Bid or ↘︎| |Open Exchanges: 730k ~ 56% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/) |Off Exchanges: 565k ~ 44% ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/exchange-volume/)| |**IBKR: 100k Rate: 25.97%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/borrow-fee/) |**Fidelity: 272k Rate: 11.50%**| |**R Vol: 49% of Avg Vol: 2,666k** ^([i](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/averagedailytradingvolume.asp)) |**Short Vol: 305k of 639k ~ 48%** ^[i](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-mvis/short-volume/?tblshortvolix=0)| ^(Follow links for sources. Bold text represents key points or larger data, Italics are slightly unusual or lower than normal.)


Not currently drawing any correlation to it but there were multiple conspicuously low volume days prior to the run starting that led to 9.74 on Dec 22nd 2020. Point is, low volume can have a number of explanations, including building (obfuscated) demand unmet by supply. Unknowable by design, but something to keep in mind. Thanks for all you do, T. Not investing advice, and I'm not an investment professional


Good note, something to keep an eye on there with the flow of volumes. Maybe we can get some RFQ nomination wins under our belts and go seek out that ten range again on some squeezy fun.


Thanks for the daily reporting T\_Delo.