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Apparently only the MacBook Air 2018 & 2019 models are dropped, the rest is the same as with Sonoma. Did not expect this. // *I just realised they did this before with the MacBook Air.* Big Sur supported 2013 MBAs but Monterey skipped out the 2014 ones and went straight to 2015 MBAs - Ventura skipped the 2017 one and needed a 2018 model.


Big rip đŸȘŠ to my 2018 😔


Well, you can wait for OCLP to work on it throughout the beta phase.


The saddest thing is after Intel Macs are dropped, OCLP won’t work for Apple Silicon probably. Though I guess that’s one of the reasons Apple invested into Apple Silicon in the first place: as much control as possible. End of an era is soon.


I don't think OCLP was a reason for Apple silicon. It's such a small niche. And if they wanted to end OCLP it would have been definitely possible with an external security chip for x86


OCLP , running Sonoma on my 2015 mba


I couldn’t get Ventura to run smoothly on my 2015 MBP.


Interesting my 2013 MBP went like a charm with sonoma


Did you run the root patch? I’m even running Sonoma on my 2012 mbp


I used OpenCore and installed Ventura on my internal SSD in June 2023. The widgets lagged a lot.


I can’t say that was my case , but even then I rather have the ability to extend my mac into my ipad and have latest photos and messages than run widgets


My 2011 MBP is running Sonoma like a champ. The fan don't like it, but it runs fine. Wouldn't want it as my daily mind That said the 2014 mini I use for work is running Sonoma damn near flawlessly.


not really, OCLP will get you on Sequoia in time for release no doubt


Maybe gradually eliminating x86 hardware. Fewer supported x86 devices each release.


I mean that’s just logical since they’re the oldest ones. What do you expect, M3s getting the boot first?


I paid a lot for an iMac Pro in 2017. It’s still supported. My guess is that because it is a Pro desktop, they might not EOL it as quick as one of the laptops


Is the latest OS not supporting a device considered EOL status?


EOL status means Apple won’t be making parts to fix a broken system.


I would consider your criteria to be EOL, but since they're talking about the 2017 iMac Pro, their device is still supported.


That’s not an unreasonable expectation. You may have noticed that the first to go are typically the Airs then the MBPs and iMacs then the Pros. As I wrote elsewhere, I was still using a trash can till last year, and Monterey (last officially supported OS) is still getting security updates till this fall. That’s a 2013 model, so 11 years.


It also had a decent GPU that metal can off load some processing to as opposed to airs.


I suspect that the iMac Pro will be supported as long as Intel is supported. The hardware was very capable and it's hard to argue that it doesn't out perform an i5 2020 MacBook Pro or something like that. I'm not sure how much longer Intel will be supported. (Honestly I think if Jobs were running things Intel would already have been ditched.) I'm legit surprised that the 2019 MacBook Airs won't be supported. Like don't get me wrong I can see them saying that some of the things they're doing won't run well so they won't bother. (Run well vs run is a distinction. If somebody is running OCLP. They're fully aware not everything will be perfect and they can't complain loudly that the new official update for their Mac made it slow or buggy.) Given that Intelligence features won't come to Intel Macs, I suspect that any further releases will mostly contain UI tweaks, updates to Safari and other core apps, but I doubt we'll see many wiz bang features releasing with the OS on Intel Macs. (Though I am rooting for Intel Macs, I sold my 2018 MacBook Pro to a friend to get an M2 Air and I am excited every year when I find out she still gets to update!)


The iMac Pro was also sold until early mid 2021 brand new whereas the MacBook Air was sold until early 2020. Workstation-class components like what was used in the iMac Pro and Mac Pro are also completely updated a lot less frequently than laptop components. So both the iMac Pro and Mac Pro use processors that are derived from Skylake which originally came out in 2015, they’re just refreshes from 2017 and 2019 respectively.


Can't believe my shitty i3 MacBook Air from 2020 just made it into the list. Guess Apple feels bad for us.


imagine if those old macs were used for an ad


It’s also based on processor generation. The 2018 and 2019 MacBook Pros are Coffee Lake chips, which means they are true 8th gen core chips. The 2018 and 2019 MacBook Airs are Amber Lake Y chips, which means they are actually lower power versions of Kaby Lake which is the 7th generation.


i have an hackintosh and the macbook is pretending to be is a macbook pro 2018 and the sequoia beta is available to download


Most likely due to OpenCore?


I had my 2017 Macbook Pro for half a year and then it got thrown out of the support line.


the way that the 2019 macbook air isnt even old and apple's decided to drop them 😬


So far the only thing I can find that's different to the 2020 Intel MacBook is the CPU family and core count and the type of RAM. If that actually is the reasoning from Apple or if it's less about the actual hardware - I don't know.


So basically only Apple Silicon ones are supported?


They did not specify this so I would expect the 2020 Intel MBA to be supported.


As far as Apple Intelligence goes yes, only apple silicon. Sequoia itself will work also on other machines


Here's the list! From the Apple website: macOS Sequoia is compatible with these devices. iMac 2019 and later iMac Pro 2017 and later Mac Studio 2022 MacBook Air 2020 and later Mac mini 2018 and later MacBook Pro 2018 and later Mac Pro 2019 and later


Those years seem way to close like I have a 2021 m1 MacBook Pro and seeing 2018 for the MacBook Pro makes me feel like the m1 is almost run its course even though it’s still very powerful.


As the other commenter said, there's going to be a huge rift most likely between the Intel chips (I have a 2019 Intel chip MacBook Pro) and the Apple M-chips. Support for OS updates typically goes about 7-8 years. Having an M-chip MacBook would give me a ton of comfort if I were you.


Same huge rift we saw with the transition from PowerPC to Intel. Not quite as bad though. Consider the iBook G4 (mid 2005). Shipped with 10.4.2, max supported OS 10.5.8 (10.5 released in 2007, latest version 10.5.8 in 2009).


I totally forgot they were going for longer between systems at the time (not a new version every year)


To ease your nerves. 2018 MacBooks uses the old chips (annoying to maintain as they use a whole different architecture). Typical for Mac’s to get 7-8 years of support so still got lots of time ! :)


you’d be incredibly wrong; but that’s why feelings aren’t facts!


Weird take. I have a 2019 13” 4-port MBP for light tasks and mobility, a 16” M1 Pro and a Studio M1 ultra, and looking at that list I’m taking away cool, even the 13” will at least have another 3 years of life in it (unless the keyboard dies ofc), more likely 4, so it’ll certainly be 5-10 years more for the studio, as I had planned. The 16” though will more likely than not be upgraded to a successor before that. “Run its course”, you’re funny.


Nothing to worry about your m1 macbook, Apple would never drop support for their own chip and their first buyers that quickly.


This is precisely why I went for a 24 GB M3 MacBook Air. People on that sub website it was overkill, but I don’t know. Considering the direction they’re taking, I think 16 is going to be the new base at some point.


you’d be incredibly wrong; but that’s why feelings aren’t facts!


Tell that to the other 99.99999998% of the internet


So my Intel MacBook Pro is still alive and kicking. Kinda surprise I must say. Apple dropped support for PowerPC in just 3 years.


I'm in the same boat. I was fearing the worst, but super relieved.


>MacBook Pro 2018 and later Yayy! Saved!


Ooohoo, my 2018 MacBook Pro just sneaking in there. I’m not even sure it likes running animated wallpapers, let alone whatever Sequoia is bringing.


Dammit, my 2011 MBP isn't on the list!


Just because you cant update doesnt mean your mac is now garbage


True, but it’s the first really interesting release in many years IMO.


Apple generally supports their hardware for \~7 years. There are some minor exceptions, but it's generally been true for decades. Also, not getting the latest macOS doesn't make your machine into trash. There are also 3rd party solutions that let you install newer macOS onto officially unsupported Macs. This is stupid ragebait.


Very true: My late 2011 MacBook Pro was still alive and being used by myself as late as 2018, until it committed seppuku one day, and it decided to serve me a bowl of boot loops, with yellow lines all over the screen.


Did it taste good ?


Pretty bitter, actually...


I actually had a similar issue one day on my 2022 M2 MBA, where it started bootlooping and serving pink screens with green stripes. Apple Store told me it was dead (fried motherboard) and I couldn’t recover the data (I had care+ so the data was all I wanted), so I decided to try it myself. After some digging I managed to open a terminal from the BIOS (or that thing that resembles a BIOS but is an almost complete OS), and copy all my files to a drive through bash. The next day my MBA was back up and running on its own and I still to this day don’t know how.


I just bought a 2019 Intel Mac that was doing the same exact thing except it wouldn't boot into anything besides windows cause I think the person I got it from just had no clue what they were doing with boot camp. I had to revive it with another Mac and then once I did that it cleared the drive and allowed me to use Internet recovery to reinstall MacOS. Beta $200 I have ever spent.


Heck, I was using my 2010 MacBook Pro until *last year* without any major issues.


Seems like the Mac Mini 2018 will reach the 7 years.


For now. OCLP will likely cease to work with the death of Intel support .


Yes, but that is not this year. My guess would be next year, maybe 2026.


Stupid ragebait indeed, but I kinda like that picture


It is AI generated nonsense, not a real photograph.


I know it's AI generated, but that doesn't mean it can't go hard


AI generated images can't go hard


Right. I was still using my 2013 trash can last year, and _could_ still use it now, Monterey is still getting security updates until fall. So yea, I’m not getting nervous about the studio ultra dropping off the list any time soon. ;-)


Not the Power Mac G5. It got fucked over.


Ok but we can’t expect the machine learning models to run on anything except M-series chips.


...and ? No functionality is lost from older Macs. Not one single thing. They will continue to work just as they do today the day Sequoia releases and beyond.


Correct. Less the AI features processed on-machine.


It’s not a feature they ever had, so again as I’m saying they aren’t losing anything.


Except in an architecture transition: once they stop releasing Intel versions of their OS, you’re fucked. You can still go to Linux, but no new macOS.


Yes that will eventually prevent using 3rd party loaders to get the latest macOS. My guess would be with next year's release, definitely no later than 2026. Again, you're not "fucked", you just can't install the latest version of macOS. Your Mac will continue to function just the same as it did previously.


It's not stupid rage bate. Apple produces a lot of e-wast by blacklisting more than capable hardware. The long support for Macs has defiantly not been true for decades! Maybe since macOS changed over to California names.


They’re not blacklisting anything. Your Mac doesn’t stop working once you can’t get the latest macOS. You’re literally just making up bullshit.


Apple doesn’t produce the ewaste though, you can continue to use your old macs just fine. You don’t need the latest free OS update. You still get security updates in the old OS versions. Your computer will continue to work fine.




intel macbook air from 2019 is losing support. 5 years and it's done.


That’s wrong. It will receive 2 more years of security updates, which keeps it safe and secure til the end of 2026. And of course it can be used even after.


what about other Intels ?


All Macs supported by Somoma will be supported by Sequoia, with 2 exceptions: The MBA already mentioned, because it is simply to weak (2-core CPU etc.). The other is the 2019 iMac, because for whatever reason it doesn’t have the T2 security chip build in. I expect to see none of the AI stuff on my 15“ i7 MBP (2018), but in general it will update.


As I said, there are some exceptions, and they are always low end machines like this. The machine is by no means "done" lol... I will also re-iterate that it will still continue to function exactly the same on the current version macOS. It will also likely be able to be patched with OpenCore or another solution that lets unsupported Macs get newer versions of macOS.


5 years to stop getting new operating system updates and at least 2 more years of security updates is not bad, in these days. Especially being a complete different architecture. Not that it matters, since it continues to work. My sister still boots up her iMac G4 from 22 years ago and uses it as a backup for her graphic design. It can do everything it ever could do, which is everything she needed to do for the same job she's in today. Newer machines are fancier and have more stuff but unless your work fundamentally changes, it can still be used.


because apple silicon transition happened, and there were no neural engines in those intel chips, it’s gonna be heavy with AI processing built into the entire system from now on, it’d be hard to implement something on the hardware that doesn’t have necessary components in it, either that or it’s too slow to be usable. M1 will easily gain at least the same long support like they used to


Except a few apps require the latest version to be updated / supported / installed. So yes, it does make your machine less functional effectively. When there is literally no good reason to.






Honestly that team deserves more financial support, no matter what they're getting now. I had an old MBP in storage, and now it's sitting on my desk running macOS Sonoma perfectly stable. Imagine how many people have upgraded or thrown out old devices because Apple dropped support for *unknown reasons*


Apple dropping support doesn’t affect how it works. All that happens is that it is added to a list sent to all authorized mac dealers notifying them that they can no longer service the machine. Any non- authorized service supplier can continue to do repairs for years to come with after market parts.


I hope they support 2019 Intel macs


Here's the list! From the Apple website: macOS Sequoia is compatible with these devices. iMac 2019 and later iMac Pro 2017 and later Mac Studio 2022 MacBook Air 2020 and later Mac mini 2018 and later MacBook Pro 2018 and later Mac Pro 2019 and later


Time to say goodbye to 1Password


Once again: your computer will keep computing after it stops getting updates.


Eventually software stops getting developed for older OS’. Say you’re an audio producer and that plugin only runs in a DAW that’s not supported by your OS. Sure you can still make music, but without that feature/option/sound.


People are using more and more analog. Who cares about new versions.. you can still do your job!


Did I say one cannot? The same principal applies to just about any task. I am a software dev, a couple OS versions ago, apple dropped support for SVN (software versioning), I had to rely on a 3rd party solution. If that solution wasn’t available, I’d be SOL. Sure my computer still works, sure I’d be able to write software, but there would be a big issue. My case isn’t unique.


But it won't be secure


Older versions of Mac OS continue to get security updates


Not really: [https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/10/apple-clarifies-security-update-policy-only-the-latest-oses-are-fully-patched/](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/10/apple-clarifies-security-update-policy-only-the-latest-oses-are-fully-patched/)


That article says that old macs do continue in fact to get security updates, except when the version of the system can’t support those updates because the system doesn’t have features necessary for that update. So, they do continue to get security updates. Not getting every single one doesn’t mean you don’t get them. And it’s a valid reason to not get them.


What about Open core? My 2012 is running Ventura.


Already knew mine wouldn’t be as it is not compatible with Ventura or Sonoma.


Why does people think that a PC without the latest operating system becomes obsolete? I still use my my Windows 8 PC and older just the same


Mostly it depends on when the OS stops getting security updates.


Looks like it supports all Mac’s with Apple Silicon and the Intel Macs with the T2 security chip.


Like a Sequoia, could we have a release of macOS that lasts more than a year?


What does that even mean? Operating systems last forever. It’s not like Sonoma will stop working.


Agreed but a release cycle where a version of macOS is close to fully stable instead of waiting for .4 or .5 releases would be nice!


They are going to get rid of the intel Mac’s sooner or later


intelligence will only be available on M1 and up anyways :(


macOS Sequoia device compatibility list: https://www.apple.com/macos/macos-sequoia-preview/


I would like to note that it appears while Sequoia still supports x86, it appears that AI and its features requires an Mx processor. So in many ways the x86 machines are quickly on their way out. I know I will most likely be replacing my 16" MBP 2019 this year.


It’s literally on their website. They actually didn’t cut support nearly as much as I thought they would


Fear not my friend, r/OpenCoreLegacyPatcher will defend you


Once x86 support is dropped, opencore patcher won't do shit.


Then Linux it is I guess?


Not for T2 lmao.




Their images are nearly unusable on laptops (aka the vast majority of T2 Macs)


I’m sorry what


You \*can\* stay in whatever the most current version of MacOS is supported. It doesn't stop working nor does it stop doing all it did at that moment.


I know that. I'm just saying once the support is truly over and there are no security updates. Then it might be time to switch.


I suspect once the drop all intel support maybe newer Windows Laptops and Desktops running Arm64 will be the only ones could work with opencore if the support arm64 machines. Qualcomm did confirm the will be making MBs for the new desktop chip the are making. So it wont only be limited to just laptops i suspect it will just change to you must have a Arm64 machine and would clearly brake anything that relies on something specific inside Apple Silicon.


Well, the issue is that x86 Macs used the same cpus/gpus as regular PCs, so it was easy to build a machine with supported hardware. ARM is an architecture. The CPUs and *especially* GPUs on Apple Silicone are vastly different than those in Snapdragons solutions. We would need native GPU drivers, which just isn't going to happen.


Folks from Asahi are doing an amazing work regarding this.


And that's relevant to what now?


I would not be shocked if it puts the final nail in the coffins of all Intel Macs using the excuse that Apple Intelligence needs Apple Silicon. Thus they have to kill off Intel support to achieve that.


Nope. Here's the list! From the Apple website: macOS Sequoia is compatible with these devices. iMac 2019 and later iMac Pro 2017 and later Mac Studio 2022 MacBook Air 2020 and later Mac mini 2018 and later MacBook Pro 2018 and later Mac Pro 2019 and later


I believe all Macs running Sonoma support this release


Not quite, some MacBook Airs definitely didn't make the cut.


Right I totally didn’t notice
 2018 and 2019 were cut


Weird why the 2018 and 2019 MacBook Air models were cut off, but not the early 2020 Intel MacBook Air? Are they any different besides very minor performance improvements??


The performance difference was quite significant though: Iris Plus G7 vs shitty UHD 617, LPDDR4X versus previous gen RAM, 10nm versus 14nm, and apart from the cheapest i3s there was a bump from dual to quad core CPUs. So yeah, basically an upgrade in every way. That's why it probably wasn't cut


Interesting, thank you - that makes me a tiny bit happier for my 2020 Intel MacBook Air.


sorry you can't update your computer forever. That's life.


That is fine. But at least allowing to submit new builds to App Store using older Xcode would have been better.




You have it at the end of the page: [https://www.apple.com/macos/macos-sequoia-preview/](https://www.apple.com/macos/macos-sequoia-preview/)


When they realize that the 2017 iMac Pro get Seqouia


My Mac mini 2018 is supported. I was surprised.


Should i update to Sonoma now?


Looks like my air isn’t supported, but my studio def is


Nope. Wanna go back to High Sierra. After that is just trash.


For me it's Mojave.




they better support the ai stuff on m1


My 27" Imac hasn't been able to upgrade for years now. It still works great, but replacing it would cost me a bundle, since they aren't coming out with new models.


I bet it say supported on many iMacs but runs sod dam slow it takes a month to boot all apps in. They really need to sort out there os and have better support for there fusion drives


All the Macs in that photo are supported!


I still have my 2012 macbook pro and fucked up when I upgraded it as much as it could go. Became buggy but now it’s okay. When this battery dies completely I have to upgrade.


Planning to use OpenCore on my 9 yr old MacBook Pro for this exact reason


im still on macos ventura on my 2017 imac and i don’t think i really need any of the new features tbh (also third party patchers exist)


So early this year..


I'm curious how long will my M1 Air be supported. I have a 2011 iMac and it tops at High Sierra. I don't mind not having the latest OS that much, but the problem is apps just drop support and there's nothing you can do. With some, you can find older versions, but for example I can't use Google Drive there at all. I tried the OCLP shenanigans, but first it was such a pain in the ass to setup and second I didn't really get anything meaningful plus it was buggy so in the end I just went back to good ol' stable High Sierra. So now I don't view OCLP as a real solution.


Will be supported for years to come. People see that the 2018-2019 MacBook Air won’t be supported and assume that next year will be the last os update for the m1. But that makes no sense.


Yeah it scares me when I see that those still capable machines like for example 2018 iMacs are getting dropped. But I guess 2020 Airs are from the new era so they should be supported for the next few years.


Well there were only capable for light work. Nothing else. Putting more features to them will make them unusable. Go check the benchmarks of these models. They don’t even come close to the m1.


Are you talking about iMacs? Because I was. I assumed there was a 2018 iMac, but just found out there actually wasn't. There are only 2017 and 2019 iMacs, the latter being supported by Sequoia. And those older iMacs are still very decent and pretty sure they could run Sequoia no problem. I guess Apple dropped because they might not have the T2 chip? But If you meant MacBook Airs, then yes, the pre-Silicon ones were not powerful and indeed only suitable for light work. The M1 were the first Airs capable of more heavy duty work.


I already had to bypass Apple's block with Op nCore to get Sonoma on my 2017 MacBook Pro, it runs perfectly but every update you need to patch again, probably I'll stay with Sonoma


Side question what font is that, and how did you create this?


Can it be used in M1 pro macbook?


One of main reasons I love Apple is because I still can use my iPhone 7 with no limitations at all. They just support their tech so well


Hope it takes a while before they drop Mac Pro 2019 đŸ˜„


Macs that don’t run the latest OS continue to work fine. If people feel like throwing a computer into the trash even though it still works just because it doesn’t support the latest OS, that’s a reflection of their own greed for novelty and wanting the latest shiny thing, and their own planned obsolescence mindset.  There are people that still use computers from every era of computing, going back decades.  And prior versions of macOS continue to get the security updates, so there is no reason to feel your computer is obsolete. 


I mean, all of my old MacBooks still receive security updates.


Well in this case its probably really actually down to the older intel chips not being able to handle those kinds of tasks..




I use OCLP for my DJ macbook. Late 2013 15“ Retina, 512gb SSD, 16gb RAM, i7. It feels stupid to buy a new, 11!!! years newer device with lower base-specs


(AI generated image)


I’m actually surprised my iMac is still supported. Does look like this may be one of the last versions to support it, though, even though it’s plenty powerful and could probably handle updates for many more years.


Waiting for more people in the neighbouring sub posting "pulled the plug" :D


oh man... knowing this list means that my MacBook Pro 2019 16" will no longer be supported in 2 years 😟


rip to my 2019. it doesn’t make sense to drop it when the 2020 intel is the same thing but with a new keyboard. but that still gets supported?!?!


Installed the beta dev on my mac mini 2018, running fine


Damn I was browsing on getting a potential M2 Mini sometime later this year as I thought I had a few updates left with my 2019 Air....sad to see it get dropped all of a sudden. I mean it was free from my brother back in 2022 but it's in too good condition to just recycle (granted not now but much sooner than I expected). Guess Ill start saving now for that Mini


When my old (but new to me) 2015 MBA loses all support from Apple in November, I'm going to look into possibly installing Linux on it. But...in the meantime, I'll be enjoying my macOS device (the very first working Mac I've ever bought with my own money, which in turn, I won in a sweepstakes) for as long as I can!


I just want them to fix what they broke in 14.5 causing me not to be able to login to my 2020 M1 MBP - now I can't reboot or turn off my system without dealing with the login process hanging with the only solution being a reinstall. But they'll probably just push out a lot of new 'features' with maybe one or two minimal bug fixes included. Apple really needs to quit dropping the ball and actually fix all of the problems they have created, and I mean ACTUALLY fix them, not say they did


Interestingly, only the MacBook Air 2020 and later are supported. I'm guessing the Intel MacBook Air from 2020 will recieve the update, too.


Yes it will.


And here I am and haven't upgraded to Sonoma yet lol


ubuntu runs just fine


This is Apple's way of telling ya'll to step your game up and get out from under those Intel Macs.


Imagine they drop everything except Apple Silicon Macs


Only M series? Given the emphasis they gave on Apple Intelligence needing it


Well I believe they almost always do 7 years of update, so intel would die in the 2027 update (I think). For now, Intel Macs will probably just not get Apple Intelligence, since they cannot physically run it.


Here's the list! From the Apple website: macOS Sequoia is compatible with these devices. iMac 2019 and later iMac Pro 2017 and later Mac Studio 2022 MacBook Air 2020 and later Mac mini 2018 and later MacBook Pro 2018 and later Mac Pro 2019 and later


macOS ctrl


Probably all of it can be used with OpenCore Legacy Patcher.


I’m still doing fine on my 2019 i7 MBP running Ventura (always run at least one version behind). I’ll probably upgrade to an M-series before that becomes an issue.


New major macOS just dropped. All older Macs are literally unusable! đŸ€Ą


It’s m1 and up plus 2020 MacBook


OCLP lets you install the latest macos, also Ashai is supposedly getting goof for M-series, and basically any Linux distro works on Intel machines


i may be weird but im still on ventura. why does it matter if you can get sequiola?