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[Calendr](https://github.com/pakerwreah/Calendr) - access quickly your calendar from menubar [Clop](https://lowtechguys.com/clop/) - get your images, videos and PDF files resized automatically in the selected folder or when you copy them [Dropover](https://dropoverapp.com) - takes the MacOS experience of drag and drop to a whole new level [EasyDict](https://github.com/tisfeng/Easydict/blob/main/README_EN.md) - highlight (select) a text and get it translated to your language by multiple services (Google, Bing, DeepL, ...) [KeyClu](https://sergii.tatarenkov.name/keyclu/support/) - have the shortcuts at your fingertip and learn them for your frequently used apps [MeetingBar](https://meetingbar.app) - join your next meeting directly from your menubar [NewsExplorer](https://betamagic.nl/products/newsexplorer.html) - save your time by subscribing to your favourite subreddits, youtube channels and news sites (rss) [PastePal](https://indiegoodies.com/pastepal) - your unlimited clipboard history [Shottr](https://shotr.cc) - you won't find a better free screenshot tool, for a one-time small payment you can get rid of the most annoying sales-person which appears from time-time and support the dev [Raycast](https://www.raycast.com) - to really supercharge your productivity [Wipr](https://kaylees.site/wipr.html) - to get rid of cookies pop up windows and ads for Safari


Man, you deserve a donation!


Thanks for this! I’m coming in from Linux and have had a hard time adjusting.


Thanks for this! Long time mac user and this is a great list.


Wow thank u. Will need to install all of these


I second ray cast. As a content and ad blocker, I suggest adguard for safari or use nextdns on a system level. For a complete list of useful open source apps, see https://github.com/serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps


Yoink over dropover. Seriously.


Learn the standard keyboard shortcuts. [https://support.apple.com/102650](https://support.apple.com/102650) This is a huge list, you're not going to learn it overnight, but there's a massive amount you can do on a Mac if you know the shortcuts.


This. Before you add third party apps, of which there are many and they can add great functionality, learn what you can do with bare OSX. Many third party tools provide functionality that is already there. For instance, amphetamine and caffeine provide functionality to keep your system active. There is already a terminal command, `caffeinate` is on every modern OSX and already gives you this. Admittedly not packaged in a user friendly way, but it's there. Learn what you already have and then work from there to make it work for you.


Amphetamine isn't just an on/off app replacing a terminal command. It can be set to launch with specific triggers, like if a file is downloading or if a particular app is running. It's convenient to not have to got to the CLI every time. The added functionality is automation. And it's free.


100% agree, but 99% of people could use the CLI version because they use it to just stop the machine sleeping... Most people won't use specific triggers


But they're the one that need the little pill icon in the menu bar the most 🙃 I hear what you're saying, but there are annoying number of things that I think they could make available in the UI that are filled by third parties.


My point is, find out what you can do with the os. Learn the os... Then if you want a prettier interface look around. Or find out what doesn't fit with your workflow the apple way... Then look to fix it. Many people jump straight to trying to make MacOS work the same as windows. This is a mistake in my opinion. If you want windows, use a windows computer. There is nothing wrong with windows per se... But it's not osx... And OSX is not Windows. They have different philosophies with things like window management etc... Caffeinate and amphetamine was just an example


I agree, I actually jumped from Windows to Mac because of MacOS being more cli centered. I'd honestly be cool with it being more driven from the keyboard - so I'm slowly working towards doing more in emacs.


Though I'd add if there was any Linux based hardware that got anywhere close to Apple's, that's where I'd be.


Uhm ? Why would I learn how to use the machine as intended -theres an app for that!! It has a really cool ui and requires me to give full disk access, key strokes and record my screen, but it has a ton of great reviews. 😈


When resizing a selection, holding the option key will maintain its dimensions so you don’t mess up the aspect ratio. Shift-Command-3 for screen shots Shift-Command-4 for selection part of your screen, hit space for window selection Shift-Command-5 for screen recording options, the stop button appears in the menu bar during recording




If you're relatively new to macOS then I'd definitely recommend getting familiar with how it works and the standard shortcut hotkeys: ⌘+Q to quit an app, ⌘+T to open a tab in a browser/Finder and so on and so forth. There are a lot of Youtube videos to help with beginners to macOS in general. [**MacVince**](https://www.youtube.com/@macvince) appears to be a good one. But try to not install too many apps until you do get the hang of it. If there is an app I'd recommend to install straight and have its shortcuts hardwired into your muscle memory: [**Rectangle**](https://rectangleapp.com) for window tiling/snapping. There are other similar apps and people will side with one but this is my personal preference. Then there are the power user apps like [**Alfred**](https://www.alfredapp.com) or [**Keyboard Maestro**](https://www.keyboardmaestro.com/main/). And they are a must have for me but it depends if you want apps like these.


I found the MacMost YouTube tutorials to be really useful, even after using the Mac for years. He has a ton of them, but this one is probably a good start: https://youtu.be/eLBjS5ndNN4?si=tJFtyVpJz9SEFzIM [edit typo]


I recent discovered https://youtube.com/@macvince?si=XqzZyjrOJ-Nfccp_. He offers helpful tips and tricks.


The first thing: Create filing rules and nomenclature. Choose where you want downloads to go. Basically you start with a Documents, Desktop and Downloads folder. You add logical subfolders to your Documents folders. You need a logical file RETRIEVAL system. Finder has a Sidebar and you can add subfolders to it for quick filing and retrieval. I use subfolders in dox like this: FIN(finance), BUS, KEY (people), WEL, LYF, TEK and make subfolders in those. Every significant folder gets an -INFO and an -ARK folder, so I can quickly move the clutter away. Mac has Tags, limited in colors but infinite in quantity. You can group or sort by tags. If you will deal with a lot of files try Hazel I tag files and set a rule for Hazel to move to that folder. A file tagged TEK gets moved to the TEK folder. This handy when you’re looking for the registration code for upgraded software. Hazel: auto file desktop files to downloads. Read an invoice (OCR) get date due and invoice number, rename file and file. auto file bank statements PopClip, amazing inexpensive app. TLDR. Filing system, Hazel, PopClip, Magnet


Apple provides extensive (though incomplete) help files for the OS and all their apps. Start reading them. Also, set up Time Machine backups.


Three finger text select is one of my favs. Most CMD + whatever shortcuts have a CMD + option + whatever option. In finder column view, double click the resize line to automatically resize the column, option + double click will resize all columns. Option click on the red close icon will close all windows from that app. Hold option + CMD while hovering over the green fullscreen button, to turn it into a maximize window button. Explore the trackpad options, there are more trackpad options in accessibility. CMD + space to quickly search the system. There’s a preloaded app called tips, it has some basic navigation hints. I really like an app called Cloudclip, it plays nicely with apple’s native universal clipboard


[Default folder](https://www.stclairsoft.com/DefaultFolderX/index.html). Has many perks for Save dialogues. My favorite is option - click in Finder to save in that folder.


I recommend getting a launcher such as [Raycast](https://www.raycast.com), [Alfred](https://www.alfredapp.com), or [Monarch](https://www.monarchlauncher.com). They're like Spotlight, but more feature-full and customizable to your needs.


Shift + cmd + . = show hidden files


For what purpose, though?


For when you need to edit/delete the config file for some app that writes the files into hidden folders in your home folder. More relevant to people like software developers though (who tend to work with unix-y tools).


Sure, it just seems like a not super useful tip in this thread particularly. I browse the hidden files with Alfred by typing the . out.


Not my tip, I was just explaining what you might need it for. I use Alfred for loads of stuff, but for me that would be an absolute pain in the arse with more than a few hidden files. I've got over 100 hidden files/folder in my home directory and firing up Alfred is about the last way I'd want to go in and manage any of them.


I use ZSH with 'Oh my Zsh' .. Sometimes when I have to do some configuration - perhaps about plugins or to config the .zshrc it is useful to have an overview about our files in folders on Finder. So u don't have to go to the terminal and put a long command inside it.


Learn to do things "The Mac Way™". It's so much easier when you don't try to force things to work the way they do in other desktop environments.


Atext for things you type often. Address, email, websites.


Reduce the size of taskbar icons, let it magnify on scroll. Leave the left corner alone, put a shortcut for something on other 3 corners. Make a habit of using globak search (whatever its called cmd + space) Learn the equivalent of Windows (for files : copy is cmd + c to paste file as copy it is cmd + v, to move it instead is cmd + option + v)

