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I dont know what you guys think, but i am starting to believe he really liked the movie


When he doesn't like a movie he writes "I've seen X in the cinema.", end tweet.


And posts a selfie of himself staring into the camera, usually wearing a mask.


I love him.


Well it’s working because Furiosa just topped Japans box office.


That was me! Saw it twice on opening weekend. Been singing it's praises to all and sundry! Witness!


Doing the warlords work. You're awaited,( not for a long time I hope.)


I also really liked the movie!


Easily the best film of the year


Second best, you forgot Dune 2


Dune and Mad Max are two of my favorite things ever. My dogs are named after characters from both series. I really think I liked Furiosa more than Dune 2 honestly.


I can see maybe being into the story more, tho Furiosa being original helps for me, but if nothing else, Miller is a master of action in a way Denis is just not. The action in Dune is fine, but it reminds me of the Nolan Batman movies where a lot of the action is propelled by the fact that we're engaged by the characters and the music and sound design, but if you actually pay attention to the choreography and blocking a lot of it is fairly clumsy. Whereas with Furiosa I was just amazed at how he was able to pull that stuff off while at the same time having the camera do all of these insane sweeping shots with so much of it being in camera, yet always keeping what was happening crystal clear. It's just another level.


The stuntman off the bike, skating behind it at 80kph, pulling open the 'chute, sailing above the truck and thundersticking a bunch of war boys in a single shot. Fucking jaw dropping, mike dropping find me a better action shot I dare you GOLD


Sure, there's a ton. The problem is they're all in Fury Road.


Yeah, that’s true. I really enjoyed Furiosa, but the action in Fury Road was on another level.


Yeah I think that's sort of my only problem with Furiosa. Furiosa was a great movie, really well done and I enjoyed it a second time just as much of my more than i did the first. But I'm not certain I'll be watching Furiosa ten years from now in the same way I watch Fury Road every two years or so.


Please tell me your dogs are Paul and Joe.


Wez and Siona


Missed chance to name them “Beast Rabban” and “The People Eater”


*Siona* is the character you pick? I'm not saying it's like, the worst character to pick from in the series, but it's not a character I'd ever think someone would name a pet after lol


I loved that scene when Paul looks directly at the camera and says LET'S DUNE THIS!


is your dogs name immortan joe?


I loved Dune Part Two. I saw it 6 times I think in theaters. Read the books multiple times. Seen Dune part one dozens of times Furiosa just hits different. I was fighting to stay awake after my 5th watch of Dune Part Two. Furiosa is like a cup of coffee to me mentally. Why I’m on 15 watches and still have until Wednesday to add more in premium.






A person of taste.




Yeah I only count full watches too. I have snuck into showings to watch some more on my way out. Probably 18 total if I counted those lol IMAX lacks bass, so it’s always second best to me. Dolby Cinema is the closest we get to the directors vision sound and HDR wise with how good dual laser dolby vision projectors and dolby atmos sound and seat rockers is in those auditoriums. Really feel the V8 engines I still haven’t seen a dual laser IMAX though.




Dune 2 was alright


Third best. You both forgot Drive Away Dolls. They're my top 3. Order could change with time. Furiosa was better than I expected. Did not expect it to be better than D2


Drive Away Dolls is a forgettable movie


Nope…he had it right…the best…Dune 2 was amazing, but it was no Furiosa.


Dune 2 was amazing. The opening shot with the dudes scaling the mountain.


Nah. Dune 2 was techincally amazing but story and dialouge wise i felt like it stumbled alot. Maybe just because i really like the dune books and i thiught it wasnt a great adaptation


That's a brave thing, insinuating Furiosa isn't the greatest thing ever made in the mad max subreddit.


Pt 2 didn't hold up for me. Like it was fine, but didn't knock my socks off like pt 1 did.


Gotta disagree there, part 2 knocked my socks off equallyish to part 1.


I agree. Part 2 was really good. Only thing I didn't like much was the semi-abrupt cliffhangery ending. But I haven't read the book yet, though I hear it's got a similar ending. Glad they're making a 3rd to finish off the story they want to tell. That said I did like Furiosa slightly more.


The book also had quite an abrupt ending. Messiah imo is a very necessary epilogue.


The box? I'm not sure I know what you mean by that. I have the 6 original books and plan on reading them, but just haven't made time to do it yet.


Book* my bad. They get batshit, just warning ya.


I realized that's what you meant after I posted that lol. I've heard they do, around the 3rd book or so lol. Back when I was a kid I did start the first one a few times, but never got through it. I got to get back to reading more frequently so hopefully this summer I'll get to it.


That is how the book ends, and I also generally think endings like that are good. You get a story that ends with "oh fuck wait is this actually really bad that our hero won, cause now a lot of people are going to die". I don't need to see a big action scene of people dying, its implied. Same reason I have NO desire for a District 9 sequel. What people look at as a sequel set up I see as a perfect ending that is better if you don't have another movie telling you what explicitly happens.


For me it all depends on what the intentions of the cliffhanger are. Something like District 9's cliffhanger like ending where it's intentionally left that way because there were never any intentions originally of following it up are fine. I liked that ending actually. In contrast, something like Dune Part 2's ending, and to an extent the books ending, were intended to be left as a cliffhanger because there was more story that was to be told. From what I have been able to gather about the books, in an interview Herbert stated that parts Messiah and Children of Dune were written during the writing of the first two volumes (that would become the first book), but were cut and then expanded on in the sequels. So there were at least some ideas already written with the idea of sequels to the first book. With the movies though, Villeneuve stated a few times that he wanted to adapt Messiah as well as a third part of a trilogy. Having those plans in mind and making it known can make a cliffhanger ending like Part 2's less effective for someone like me, because we know there is more to it. That's why I don't like them as much. If it wasn't made known they were planning another one then a lot of times those kinds of ending work better for me. So many variables can happen that might throw a wrench in sequels plans that an author/director/writers plans could end up never seeing the light of day. I don't necessarily need answers to whats left unanswered, but if there are answers I would like to know what those answers are, officially. Hopefully that makes sense from my perspective.


I like the Chani in the books more. And not the drama they added in Part Two. Paul always made it clear to her that Princess Irulan was for strategic purposes only, and Chani is the only one he’s interested in. Why did he never find it necessary? Yeah he has the foresight to say “she comes around eventually” But still. Chani deserved better, and part two made her seem blindsided by pauls goals.


Chani in the books is not better at all imo, she's a groupie and barely her own character. She's there to support Paul and be the "love interest". She has no real personality outside of supporting Paul.


Shes mad because he embraced using the messiah angle to control the fremen, not because of irulan


The new Dune movies are completely forgettable.


I’ve enjoyed them immensely


Yo what??


Dune 2 chose spectacle over substance, I much prefer part 1. Furiosa is my film of the year personally.


Dune 2 and Furiosa got the cake for me. I enjoyed both a lot, and they are getting back to the "standard" movie style i used to love. After the marvel saturation, they feel really refreshing.


I absolutely LOVED Spy X Family Code White and The Fall Guy, but Furiosa is just DELICIOUSLY grand! It's a masterclass film!


I wonder how much he's influencing audiences in Japan; I hear the movie is doing quite well there. Obviously a lot of otaku hang on his every word, but I wonder how much influence he has over Japanese pop-culture at large.


Mad Max is popular in Japan (and other non English speaking countries) because the movies tend to tell the story through action rather than dialogue.


He's still well known, definitely more well known there than he is in the west. But he's not so prominent as to influence movie box office numbers. At the end of the day we do need to remember he's still just a game director, not an actor or politician or anything. His praise of the film might give Furiosa a bump of a couple percent, I'd guess.


I love this guy's energy!


That scene is so good. The second biker is not worried at all. It's a desert and he has an engine. Yet, you have hope, then no hope, then hope again, before he effortlessly grabs her up.


What was Dementus saying about hope?


There’s noaaarrr hooooaape!


Not for you, not for me, NOT FOR EVERYONE!


The beginning was easily the best part of the film. Such incredible suspense. For me action is always better on a smaller scale when all villains have individuality  That's why seven samurai is goated imo. That tally of the villains makes a big difference and while fury road doesn't do the same thing, you get to see each individual car and how different they are from one another


"'Hideo Kojima's Mad Max: A George Miller Story' by Hideo Kojima" when?


Watched Furiosa last night, and then immediately went home and put on Fury Road. My wife, who doesn't like action movies, loved both.


I think Furiosa made Fury Road an even better 5 star film than it already was. Those two movies back to back just kicked so much ass.


I hate senseless action movies, I hated Guardians of the galaxy 3 when I was dragged to see it as a social event, what a waste of time. I hated any superhero movies and racing movies where there are always some side characters explaining what is going on with the story. For a long time I wrote off any action movies in the cinema, that was why I missed Fury road in 2015. A few years ago, I put it on as the background noise when I'm browsing on my phone and to my surprise I was instantly hooked. The "show, don't tell" is great, no lame jokes, no unnecessary romance, it was just a visual feast packed with actions and a story that the more you watch, the more you find out about it by yourself. Something that you can rewatch multiple times and get excited that you found more about the story each time. I still don't warm up to action movies in general, especially those that belong to franchises. I like how each mad Max movie can be a standalone movie on its own. Fury road was easily the best action movie I've seen for a long time.


Kojima my homie. He gets it.


This was a great scene that unfortunately was spoiled by the trailer. I loved this movie waaaay more than I thought I would but the trailer did ruin a lot of shots, scenes, and lines.


That’s why I always avoid trailers for movies I’m excited about, trailers these days are way too long and reveal most of the good action scenes.


I couldn't be more with you. I hear "george miller is making furiosa" and that's the last thing I learn about the movie until I go see it. Trailers spoiling things is not the fault of the trailer.


The "Quiet place" movie advertised before Furiosa was clearly showing all the best scenes and removing all the mystery from the movie, lol


Same. I haven’t seen a Deadpool Wolverine trailer, and I won’t. I know I’m gonna go see it anyways


He’s not wrong


El5 who is this Kojima guy?


Famous, well-regarded video game designer


Inventor of the "hideo" game.


Some folks 'worship' movie directors. Some folks 'worship' video game designers. He's the latter


Created the Metal Gear Solid video games which are critically acclaimed and popularized the “stealth” genre


The inventor and creator of "strand" Type of game


i do find it interesting how kojima says he is very inspired by miller considering that they both have very different approaches to telling a story, particulalry when it comes to dialogue interrupting action lmao


You guys realize George Millers likeness is in Death Stranding 2 right?


Game recognizes game


That is how you Review a film, knowing this kind of stuff, noticing the details the Director makes. Things like the CGI or the film not having Max are pointless, almost pathetic to point them.


I adore how much he has been geeking out, especially because his own art is equally as unhinged.


The opening scene/act was amazing. Any origin story movie world can be built on from that first chapter.


I was absolutely captivated by the beginning. (And the rest of the film. But especially the beginning.)


He’s just like me


Just like Fury Road, directors and creatives are probably going to love Furiosa.




I honestly didn't appreciate just how next-next-next level George Miller is a director until i watched Fury Road in Black&Chrome. I already appreciated his talents and thought of him as a great director, but watching that film in a stripped down version where my senses weren't overloaded and I could concentrate solely on the direction...wow. Easily convinced me that George isn't just great. He is one of *thee* greats.


Being glazed by Hideo kojima must feel like shooting heroin through your urethra


Miller and Kojima have glazed each other. They could be the strongest film/game duo ever.


I agree with him on that scene. 


My husband and I saw Furiosa mad max when it first came out. Really loved it! Yes, it’s better than Dune 2, sorry Timothee. We are 76 and 77.


Glad you and your husband enjoyed the movie!


During the press tour Anya Taylor Joy said multiple times that George Miller "paints" with his direction. In part, this is the sort of thing she was talking about. Every detail matters.


I loved Furiosa… and I love Kojima… and Miller is indeed a God Tier director no doubt. But I don’t think the example he cites is the best example of this. Surely it’s just a bait and switch. Make the audience think something bad is going to happen, then it doesn’t at the last minute… but then BAM, something else bad happens seconds later. Pretty sure this sort of thing happened in Home Alone a lot 😂😂


It’s not that it’s never been done before that impresses Kojima. Obviously it’s an element of storytelling that goes back to the very beginnings of narrative. It’s that Miller does it so expertly, all in one shot, and with no action wasted or dialogue needed. He makes the visual storytelling look effortless. It’s not. It’s a lot of work to pull off something so elegant. That’s why you have so many filmmakers, cartoonists, and video game designers worshipping Miller’s work on the Mad Max movies. Talent recognizes genius.


Pointing out masterful use of film making techniques is not valid now? If home alone had just come out people would probably point out some of those scenes they like too….


Yeah 100% INVALID. That’s precisely what I said,


I fucking love it when artists explain the significance of shots like this. It helps me appreciate it so much more and understand what makes something “good” or effective


Isn’t George going to be in death stranding 2




In case you guys were unaware, George Miller is going to be in Death Stranding 2 as the captain of the ship.


I thought praetorian jack's forehead paint made him look l like Snake does with a bandana in metal gear. Furiosa protecting jack with a sniper rifle reminded me of MGV's silent.


Kojima & Miller need to collaborate on a game; as soon as Miller’s done with The Wasteland, of course.


Its fucking insane he actually talks like that. Is he fluent in english? Youd think he would be since he loves western media so much


That shot should have held longer on her running away then we hear the roar of the bike “behind” us getting louder and then the bike pops out. In the shot there is no sound then out of no where is a loud motorcycle. We knew it was coming but it felt weird the sound just appeared as soon as the bike did. Maybe a stylistic thing but still… Regardless the opening sequence was my favorite part of the movie and one of the best action sequences I’ve seen.


I enjoy the film too but fella with a bike and still gave foot chase is quite unbelievable. Maybe for the sake of which Kojima mention then everything goes


Kojima loves Furiosa and Miller would like a HIDEO KOJIMA GAME based on Max. A really wet dream.


Oh, i really liked the film a lot. But now, if Kojima says so, i still really like it.


Guess we are gonna get a furiosa reference in death stranding 2 now?


Who is he?


People thought the main character in a prequel of a movie about her might die? Lol


Kojima x Miller when?


Support the movie


This compared to “saw captain marvel.” 💀


Yeah this movie was the most unexpected in term of scenes and i love everything about it


You guys know he is asked to develop a mad max game, right… right!?


No miller mentioned his name in one interview. Stop spreading bullshit.


He did more than that, played a character in one of Kojima’s games. Start opening your mouth


Ok, but a Mad Max game developed by Hideo, him being asked to make a Mad max game has not been announced anywhere


Kojima is shilling hard for whatever reason and you know it. What other movie did he hype in the past…? Right


I mean I hope you’re right but it’s too early to get hyped


My favorite part of the movie is when furiosa makes her escape. All 42 times.


And on top of ot all using silent film era framing


Eh, not quite. The vast majority of silent era pictures utilized flat framing, typically with all subjects involved in a scene in frame at once. This notion that only filmmakers who still stick to using “old tricks” from a long-gone classical era of filmmaking are the only “pure” filmmakers left is a goofy one. The silent era was like the Pleistocene of filmmaking evolution, people were just starting to get their footing. We’re at the point now where filmmakers who still use actual film are being inefficient and not cost-effective. Miller has absolutely shown that he’s evolved as a filmmaker.


>This notion that only filmmakers who still stick to using “old tricks” from a long-gone classical era of filmmaking are the only “pure” filmmakers left is a goofy one. The silent era was like the Pleistocene of filmmaking evolution, people were just starting to get their footing. We’re at the point now where filmmakers who still use actual film are being inefficient and not cost-effective. Your words, not mine. As a filmmaker i absolutely reject the film vs digital debate. I really don't care. I don't like the look of most generic films, look too clean for me, but that is just bad filmmaking not necessarily due to digital. I'd film on a super8 or vhs cam though, just to try it but not something im really aiming towards. Cost-effective productions with artistic freedom and intention is whats important for me. That said, millers frame uses a wider spectrum of movement and space in one shot, only seen in wes anderson, sergio leone, coppola (props for coppola's use of early effects such as in dracula) and etc films and the action scenes are the best ive ever watched. Camera placement and movement is amazing.


Yeah what you described has nothing to with silent era film framing, so…


Then enlighten me, please. Silent era framing for one, uses a lot of front and back movement, opposed to left and right which is more common today (also back then), plus, wide shots with several things happening in the frame without cutting. Am i wrong?


He did the same thing with Fury Road and it gets tiresome.