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I like how her arc is kind of Max’s inverted. He starts off a regular guy and slowly becomes desensitised, cunning and ruthless but his vestigial humanity from the before time always makes him put himself in danger to save others, even when it’s stupid to do so. Whereas Furiosa was born into the wasteland and is seemingly ruthless and cunning from a young age. Her arc is learning the importance of selflessness and the lesson that in a wasteland like this all we truly have is each other. Yes keep your guard up for deceit is everywhere; but if you never let the walls down what are you even fighting for? Fuck man, George Miller is a legend.


Daily reminder that Miller won an oscar for a movie about a dancing penguin. He IS indeed, a legend.


I think fury road deserves an Oscar. It took something totally unique and rich and cranked it to 11.


Well good news for you, cause fury road won six oscars


Lmao I’m such an idiot.


It’s OK. Soggy Western sounds like slang from the wasteland


And that penguin movie is played in the national aquarium in 4D believe it or not. I watched it there like a decade ago, it was an abridged version of the movie unfortunately but still very good.


Hey happy feet is a great freaking movie lol And indeed George miller is the legend - I would kill to see his version of the JL movie


Different kind of film , fury road is a pure chase flick . Furiosa is telling someone’s life story


I forgot who I saw fury road with but they were like "it was all just driving around", whereas I was like "the hypest part of the movie is when they decide to turn around and do it all again".


Hahaha when my buddy and I rewatched it, all I could say was "I forgot this is all one giant U-Turn"


George Miller has referenced the Greek epics in interviews and I think he draws a lot of influence from the structure of them. Fury Road is like The Iliad (very intense action that takes place over just a few days in a single location) and Furiosa is more like The Odyssey (an epic journey spanning many years).


Much better way of putting it :-)


Furiosa also had that Garden of Eden opening and Prometheus ending.. chock full of mythic allusions


Also the treatment of Hector's body parallels the death of Jack.




That’s the root of it - I think a lot of people were expecting another wall to wall action film like fury Road, but actually furiosa is much closer to the previous Mad Max films IMO.


It does help going in knowing that info. I still would've loved it but I probably would've struggled a bit if I went in expecting Fury Road 2 before settling in. A lot of people cautioned against expectations so I was in the right head space for it. That said, the movie feels like there was about 15 minutes cut out of it. The movie flows right from the beginning and the pacing is fine. But it feels like they cut some of Dementus' story out just past the halfway mark Because after Furiosa is traded to Immortan's crew, we don't see or hear from/about him for quite some time. Then he just kinda pops up and we're told info regarding the war between Dementus and Immortan. From someone like Miller, it's kinda jarring since he's so good at showing the story and only telling where absolutely neccesary. With Dementus, it's flipped.


\^\^\^ Similar feeling that there was just a bit more time in editing that was missing. Maybe a trusted external view as well - sometimes great ones get great, lose their shackles, things get drawn out, but would actually benefit from hearing more external views. Not 100% sure, just felt less tight


It's weird because Furiosa is two and a half hours to Fury Road's two hours even but it doesn't feel that long at all. When I went to go check just now I thought it was around two or just under so I was surprised to see it was a half hour longer. The movie doesn't drag (for me at least) but it is missing connective tissue scenes that would give more weight to some of the latter parts of the movie. Given how well the movie flows despite that makes me wonder if the movie was longer and WB forced him to cut it shorter and he couldn't figure out how to do it without losing something.


It definitely dragged for me a little. I still liked it a lot, but I felt the pacing dips a bit in the early middle.


It’s hard to complain about wanting more from a 2.5 hour film, but I agree, but about a different part: After Jack asks her to join his crew by saying he will teach her everything she needs to know about road war and then will one day help her escape. It cuts from him saying that directly to them riding together and him saying “you’ve learned all you need to know. Give me a couple days to get it together”. Even a short montage of them battling in the rig would have helped create a sense of time passing. It is just a little jarring to be like “ok you’ve learned everything I can teach you already!” Of course lots of folks feel similarly about the 40 Day Wasteland War, but again, it’s already a long movie. I do think it’s worth it because the intro is such a great build and a slow burn.


I disagree. Fury Road isn't a "pure chase flick". It is a deceivingly well scripted story. The chase is more of a metaphor, like many things in the movie, of everything coming back full circle. For example, Furiosa trying to ask Max his name but him being the grumpy he is doesn't and only reveals it at the end. Max being forced to give blood to him willingly giving blood. Nux looking to give his life for Immortan Joe but ending up giving his life to stop him. The chase starting as an escape from the citadel then back again. Everything coming back in full circle, the character arc and the chase. Furiosa on the other hand is very messy. Its very bloated first half takes away from what is arguably the better parts of the movie like the villains. Or how Furiosa actually fought to survive in the hell hole instead of those weird time skip.


Something can be a “pure chase flick” and still be a good story. Apocalypto and Naked Prey come to mind. I don’t think the person you commented on is insulting the film, just pointing out they’re very different types of films and will be written differently.


The one gripe I think I had with Furiosa was that I became a bit more infatuated with everything going around her than her herself. Her internal motive was avenging her mother. The external was returning to her home. The internal was well communicated using editing. But because she is very much a Max-like character, a person of few words and more action driven, it means the characters around her appeared far more intriguing me. I do think less is more in a sense, what we saw of Joe, his sons, their society etc had me hooked on them. If I had seen more I’m not sure if they’d have to that same level of my interest. I still really adore the film for what it does. Furiosa is still an incredibly awesome character and story. But I still wanna see Max return properly, he’s the archetype of that world.


Younger Immortan Joe steals every scene that he is in. It was really cool to watch Fury Road right after and notice the differences. Even his ventilator hood is more tattered and faded in Fury Road, all of the little details.


If you only look at Furiosa as a story about the character of Furiosa, then it is indeed bloated. If you look at it as a story about the Wasteland itself, then it is an epic that packs an amazing amount of world building alongside its story.


It is the world building. It is a "show it, don't say it" film. It creates a believable car death cult of masculinity with very authentic dialogue and imagery. The dialogue is sparse like the wasteland. There is economy in the words like everything. Fury Road is sparce in a way that is poetic. Furiosa is more of an Epic.


Also the cinematography and general look of the film print. The shots of Fury Road in the Furiosa end credits really highlight that. I guess the Director of Photography Miller used for FR was unavailable? Edit - decided to do some research for once. John Seale is a Hollywood legend and basically came out of retirement to do *Fury Road* and then *Three Thousand Years of Longing* for George Miller. He really wanted to stop working so declined Furiosa. Link to an article from 2022 below: https://variety.com/2022/artisans/news/three-thousand-years-longing-cinematography-john-seale-mad-max-1235350300/amp/


I agree, I love the film, but it has drawbacks. The worst is that ATJ doesn't carry the film. In FR, CT carried it on her shoulders, there's just no competition. The other is removing Max completely from the equation, and wasting his cameo. If he was still on the edges of the story, but had more involvement, even 5mn of screen time, that would have enchanted the fans, the turned the film around. You can't remove Max from a Mad Max film and expect the same numbers. It's like no Batman in a Batman film.


It’s not messy but yes a bit bloated. I don’t agree that more Hemsworth would have solved it but like you say, increasing the mythos and rise of furiosa would have. I guess making a perfect movie isn’t easy.


It’s a different story that needed a couple more story rewrites. It wasn’t tight enough or interesting enough after the genius of Fury Road.


yeah, nah.


Yup. I liked both but I think which one is your favorite depends on what type of genre you like more. Hard to say which is my fav


I love how each of the 5 films in the series is a completely different beast to each of the others.


I do prefer Fury Road, but only slightly. It’s only a “step down” in the most technical sense for me. It exceeded my expectations


>I enjoyed the action scenes that appeared to benefit from being unshackled by over reliance on practical effects. That's funny, I felt the complete opposite. Fury Road had incredible action scenes that felt so real, because of the choice of effects. I felt Furiosa was a step down in that specific aspect.


Yes this was the exact opposite of my reaction. The reliance on CG is what bothered me


Yeah I think they turned it around in the 2nd/3rd act but the horse looked bad, the mom being on fire didn't look good, and the CGI dogs had me incredibly worried.  


The worst was the cranes at the citadel picking up the bikes. I can’t believe they went with what we got.


That's fair enough but I came to this conclusion after a lot of rewatches of Fury Road. This doesn't apply to ALL the action sequences, but a few of them are slow, plodding. This was obviously because the stunts themselves were so unsafe and real danger was present. Furiosa surely had a lot of grounding and reality to its stunts too, but the added CGI allowed a lot more zane and pace to some of the scenes without putting anyone at risk. We also got an added sense of verticality from the flying scenes that wouldn't have been possible with practical effects.


I like how you're like "guess we get the Marvel slop we deserve" while you praise CGI-tainted action scenes that didn't use CGI to enhance the groundedness but rather as a means to overcome it (which is not a good thing for this kinda settong).


The stunts in Furiosa were just as practical as Fury Road FYI. Those flying scenes? They were practical.


Can you provide a source that scene was practical? I saw a quote that George Miller insisted no one went into flying vehicles as it wasn't safe.


The only CG part of the flying machine was the black fabric. Miller was specifically talking about flying motorbikes in relation to what you are saying. But the “flying” stunts you see are genuinely practical stunts https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a60885360/furiosa-stunts-stowaway-to-nowhere/


You mean the black octo-kite? I loved that kite.


Furiosa was my FAVOURITE of the series


Honestly same, I think


I have to disagree with you. Fury Road may have been a less complex story, but it was a lot more focused and better executed. Furiosa had some major structural and pacing issues tied to its own limitations as a prequel project. Also had a lot of plot contrivances and half-baked themes.


Fury Road had a story with little plot, Furiosa has a lot of plot with little story.


It’s different in that it invests more of its runtime to character development and plot than normally gets allocated in a typical MM film. I greatly appreciated it. Made it much more interesting than the exercise of just trying to out-spectacle Fury Road. I mean, I’ll take that film too, but the change of direction was compelling unto itself.


Fury Road was a film whose chief magic trick was having no exposition in a fully realised fantasy world that is essentially a non-stop chase sequence. Dr George has expressly stated as such. Furiosa is a film that tells us all that exact exposition and allows us to see how the trick was done. It’s an incredibly interesting movie, but it’s like watching ‘the masked magician’ show how the lady is sawed in half. Mind boggling to fans of the genre. But it ain’t the actual magic. How did David Copperfield disappear the Statue of Liberty? Wish I didn’t know.


I do agree the film spells out some things, but not nearly to the extent you're making out. Could you give a few examples of clumsy or poorly executed exposition that Furiosa includes? I think whatever exposition was included was to the films benefit, not its weakness. After all, what point is there in creating additional films in a universe if we're not fleshing out that universe?


The biggest miss of the movie for me was the amount of exposition that didn't result in the world feeling any "bigger"--if anything, Furiosa made the world feel less rich because of what they chose to show. In Fury Road you have all of these interesting characters and landmarks that are mentioned or briefly seen but left unexplored, which makes the world feel very lived-in, but then in Furiosa you get ....mostly more of the same people/places? And that's fine, but you lose the sense of grandeur that comes from a film like Fury Road.


Exactly plus Fury road is a unique concept and have unique characters on its own while Furiosa feels like it is just leaching on the previous film . It felt like George Miller made the film for his own satisfaction because if they were really telling us about Furiosa they should have showed us her real home more and how it functioned . It barely lasted 10 minutes or so . Felt like eating a good dessert first and the simple meal later . Its an enjoyable movie , Chris Harmsworth jokes feels a bit forced and have a lot more personality than Immortan Joe


Eh, I think what you’re describing is due to it being a prequel. Ever prequel suffers from being “less unique” because we know how it ends.


Fury Road is very cohesive and very exciting. The leads are incredibly good (especially Hardy as Max). It has a fantastic pace, excellent editing, and great sound. It also has very little fat- the film doesn't slug at any point. I think Furiosa does have some fat that could be trimmed (it's a long film) and although I like Ana Taylor Joy, she doesn't have quite the presence of Theron or Hardy. I also think something that hurts Furiosa is that much of it is retreading- the audience already has an idea about the Citadel and that area of the wasteland, and they already know where Furiosa will end up at the end- it makes the plot less captivating. It's also much more of a challenge to make a narrative intriguing that takes place over decades versus days. I really liked Furiosa but it was a bit too long and didn't pack quite the same punch as Fury Road for me. I also think the movie seemed a bit less manic and colorful compared with Fury Road. One last note is I think Furiosa would have benefited from a Warboy character getting more screentime. Nux created a compelling and tragic angle when thinking about Inmortan's warboys. Ultimately I think for many Fury Road is a 10/10, and Furiosa is a very good film but more like an 8/10 due to some of the aforementioned things


You should watch fury road before Furiosa. Yes the story has a natural progression but the introduction to the world of Fury Road would be so diluted. Could you imagine if your introduction to the doof warrior was as a character in the background. Fury road gave us so many characters and turned it up to 11. Furiosa built on those characters to give them depth but didn’t world build the way Fury Road did.


I don't know how we got our wires this crossed but I feel completely opposite to you. Doof warrior as a background character who we see at first and then wonder "What the hell is his deal?" works just as well, if not better than him just showing up and wreaking havoc. I also felt there was way more worldbuilding in Furiosa. We spend time hearing about Gas Town and the Bullet Farm but never actually see them, nor do we understand their importance outside of just being told they're important. The Green Place also is one that benefits from actually being shown to us, as does the story of Furiosa and her mother. The only thing I would agree on is that the introduction of the Citadel and all things related to it is done far better in Fury Road than in Furiosa, and that is simply to avoid rehashing things that were shown in it.


Film is a visual medium, it should always show rather than tell when possible. Fury Road showed, Furiosa tells. That’s basically the crux of the difference. 


I agree. Also the Immortan Joe introduction in Fury Road was awesome. The order should be - Watch Fury Road first, then watch Furiosa. Then watch Fury Road again.


I feel like the Value of FR is only increased after watching Furiosa. After Furiosa, I went back to watch FR after like 7 years and I enjoyed FR much more than the first time I watched it.


I thought it was better than Fury Road. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE Fury Road, but I love having the world building, lore, and mythology in Furiosa, as it makes a more balanced film for me. I don't find it to be as exhausting. Going again next week.


Also, even though I say "exhausting", Fury Road is infinitely rewatchable.


Fury Road made me wonder what else there was besides the Bullet Farm and Gastown. Furiosa made me feel like that's all there was.


Agreed. Fury Road is such an amazing film, really a once-in-a-lifetime type movie, but Furiosa just expands the world and characters so much more.


honestly i think the focus on Furiosa is a way of carrying the legend of Max forward. Furiosa's arc between Furiosa and Fury Road is pretty much Max between Mad Max 1 and 2. she was broken at the end of Furiosa due to losing her arm and losing Praetorian Jack from the same guy that killed her mother. she loses it and toys with Dementus in a similar fashion to how Max did with Toe Cutter and Johnny boy. then at the end she's crazy as anyone else. we don't see her resolve to actually save the wives as Max resolved to help drive the rig in Road Warrior, but she must have been every bit the reluctant hero Max was. and at the end of fury road her injuries on her face and everything mirror those of Max at the end of Road Warrior, which was very interesting to see.


I kinda wish we'd seen Furiosa make that decision to help the wives. Or just cut out the final scene where she's loading them onto the rig. It didn't feel like a natural progression of her character, it was just to set up the next movie. We don't really see her with the wives at all before that, except very briefly as a child, and up until that last scene she seems wholly motivated by revenge.


Now we need The Wasteland to finish this masterpiece of a trilogy.


Sadly that might not happen based on the masses passing on seeing Furiosa in the theaters.


The poor box office performance isn’t proof we don’t deserve good movies, it’s proof movie theaters are just not worth it anymore. Tickets have gone up concessions and gone up extremely. People suck. Streaming is great I’d rather buy/rent the movie than go to theaters anymore.


I didn't hate Furiosa, in fact I liked it, but it did not come close Fury Roady. It felt to me like Miller knew if he did another 6 months to a year out in the real desert doing real stunts again like fury road, it might kill him or somebody on his crew, so they opted to take it a little easy, and that shows. A lot more obvious use of cgi, lots of Instances of CG body doubles, interior sets, and other things that don't blend quite as nicely into this film as they did in Fury Road (of course this stuff was there too, it just played better and felt more real. Fury Road was a work of sheer willpower, a masterpiece made through blood, sweat, and chrome. A piece of art decades in the making... Not saying Furiosa was easy, but it was made safe and fast (maybe not story wise, but production wise) and it shows on the screen. As a sidenote, I would say Furiosa is way more similar to his most recent film before it, 3,000 years of longing (in both the way the story is told and edited) than it is to Fury Road.


Casuals , the first three films were the tale of Max , the last two films were the tale of Furiosa. The entire theme of the series is how the wasteland destroys even the best people. That being said my preference is Furiosa then Fury Road as one big movie. I know it’s out of chronological release date but it even makes sense from the perspective of the OG movies Mad Max followed by Road Warrior.


I keep telling people the way to view the movies is back to back as one film. Sure they were 9 years apart, that doesn't have to make people happy, but we got it eventually right? Whatever happened to take so long is moot, the story is here and now the two movies together play so well


This is 100% my own head cannon, but Miller needed Fury Road first so Furiosa could be made. He needed the Mad Max name recognition to draw people in IMHO. Ideally we get a third film to maybe see what happens at the citadel


It was though. The graphics were worse. The story telling was worse. The acting was worse. The stakes felt lower. The action scenes were lacking. The hero felt more like Jack than Furiosa (and maybe that was intended, as Furiosa felt more like the hero in fury road?). Too much CGI. Disjointed narrative. In fury road, every chase seen or action set piece was for the most part real. In Furiosa, it was mostly cgi motor cycles and unnamed henchmen getting blown up. The timing was all over the place. The Max cameo felt out of place and unneeded. Her losing her arm was anticlimactic and unseen. And the “40 day war” wasn’t even a montage. It was skipped entirely. And the narration at the end? And then to show clips of a far superior movie during the credits was a head scratcher.


These two movie are way different. Can’t compare quality when they were made with a different intent


What I loved about Furiosa is that they showed a charismatic and unstable leader unable to manage the takeover of resources in a wasteland. While Imortan Joe was a dictator, it showed that people could also not be trusted with free reign of the resources. The people running the oil pump base in The Road Warrior were the exception.


I think the problem is marketability. It’s a prequel of a spinoff character from a 9 year old movie, and they changed the actress. Tbh it was predictable. Even though people who’ve watched it loved it…


I agree with you and Fury Road feels longer to me, though it's 28 min shorter. I've seen Furiosa 3 times now, so witness me.


The movie is fantastic. The big action sequence in the middle is awesome.


I thought it was fucking great. Glad I saw it in a theater.


For me personally it was a step up. But in the same way The Godfather Part II was a step up from The Godfather. They’re both still individual masterpieces.


Hey don't lump me into those naysayers just cause I love an occasional quip and superheroes : ) As a proud Australian I will defend Furiosa to the end.


My dude... almost all films are worse than Fury Road. A film that is a step down from it can still be a fantastic movie. The idea that the action scenes are better because they are 'unshackled from over reliance on practical effects' is something I strongly disagree with you about.


Was I more interested in a sequel to Fury Road? Yes, still am. Is this better than Fury Road? Probably not. Is it a great movie? For sure.


This is how most people feel


I’ve never really considered a sequel to FR… the ending too hopeful I feel like lol


Yeah, that makes sense.


Mad Max 2 is better than both.




After having rewatched the entire series recently, absolutely agree. It’s the best purely because it feels like the most grounded in what could be a reality. Plus the Gyro Captain and Humungus.


The Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-a!!!!!


Yeah, having seen Furiosa three times and rewatched Fury Road a couple of times in between, I couldn't with a gun to my head argue that one movie is better than the other. It's like trying to decide which half of the Mona Lisa is the best half. They're structured so differently and yet they compliment each other perfectly.


U do not need a theory on why people prefer one thing over the other, people are allowed to have opinions lol


I did say "some" reviews. Obviously not everyone is going to like this movie, but that has the same weight as saying "Some people don't like the Godfather". From an objective critical evaluation using the determiners or a successful piece of art, this film is a success.


Fair enough. But from what I heard is actually the opposite, people expect another fury road going in and they have super high expectation. In my opinion I think fury road is one of the best action films made in the last decade(s) and I did not expect furiosa to top it. Surprise surprise I still think fury road is better but furiosa is a film I thoroughly enjoy.


Nobody agrees that Furiosa was bad, I literally haven't seen 1 post yet saying anything nearly negative about Furiosa. So here's yet another 1 of a million "I disagree with the bad reviews" post even though, there are barely any/no bad reviews???


Go look at some of the controversial comments in this thread, there are plenty that disprove your argument.


I said lots of negative things in my post. But I had super high and too-specific expectations, I think (wanted another Fury Road) and that definitely colored my watch.


That’s because we all get downvoted to hell, found Furiosa to be a meandering boring mess.


Sounds like an attention span issue


I have got my venting out, go look at my history if you care (you don’t). Internet is a lovely place, disagree with the sub and get insults hurled left and right. Hope that one gave you the sense of superiority you clearly deserve.


No need to get so defensive lmfao


Sorry it was too hard to pay attention to for you I guess, everything we needed was delivered on screen and just required a tad bit of critical thinking to connect it all. I loved it. Guess you didn't. Thanks for participating!


Dude, relax.




It's really subjective. I loved both movies but I found Furiosa a bit lacking in the action sequences compared to Fury Road. The worldbuilding was pretty good and I think it greatly improves "Fury Road" too.


Yeah, I that they were on par with each other, in different ways.




I don’t think it was either. I loved both. Fury road felt very situation dependent. It was essentially a massive car chase and it helped explain the world a little bit. Furiosa was much more in-depth on explaining h to world. It was awesome seeing how little life met, the crazy characters and how they viewed life.


The only drop in quality between the two films is that the score for Fury Road was so much better, especially during the action scenes.


I think both were amazing. *Furiosa* had a better storyline and character building, *Fury Road* had more "epic factor" with the big chase scenes, more "real" and original stunts.


I think it was, buy Fury Road was a really fucking high bar. Dementus ultimately made the movie for me.


I’m with you. I agree on all points.


I thought it was an expansion to the mad max universe! Fuck all those haters! They just butt hurt that either max wasn't a main protagonist or that Mel Gibson is still not in this movie anymore. I 100% loved that movie! Left the theater wanting more. So these hateful neigh-sayers are not valid in their opinion. IMO lol


While I didn’t love the film I thought it was a crazy action experience. I think my issue was expecting something as propulsive as Fury Road so I almost immediately had issues with the pacing. Once it’s on home release I want to do a long watch with Fury Road and I expect my feelings to change to more positive.


I liked furiosa better, but they were both amazing fun


Furiosa was UHHH MAAZING


I think the movie is just a completely different movie from fury Road and too many people went in including myself expecting it to be just like fury Road, and even though I loved it the first time it wasn’t until my second viewing, I really took it in on its own merits andfrom that measurement, I would agree it as good as fury Road, but they are just very different types of movies


In terms of CGI it was. Everything else was great


Why would people expect Furiosa to suck if they were happy with Fury Road? And did the last 20% of Fury Road drag and fizzle out? If not, how is Furiosa not a step down? The logic doesn't track.


> I enjoyed the action scenes that appeared to benefit from being unshackled by over reliance on practical effects. I haven’t seen furiosa yet so I don’t disagree or agree with your overall assessment one way or the other but this in particular sounds like insane cope. I’ve never heard someone say “hmm I wish this movie had *fewer* practical effects”.


Yea this is a truly unique take that I do not understand.


I love every Mad Max movie and Furiosa is no exception. It's such a great foil to the other films and keep the recurring theme of legends going. Cinematography wise I think its a little worse than Fury Road but that's about it.


New Mad Max fan here! I saw Furiosa first and immediately watched Fury Road. In all honestly, I much prefer Furiosa - and that’s still saying Fury Road was an awesome film! (And definitely the more miraculous marvel of filmmaking)


In terms of epicness, it was a step down… But that was absolutely intentional and not at all a detriment to the film. It still kicks ass. So it’s a win!


I do




I don't see the point in comparing them, when the intention is clearly that it exists to add depth to Fury Road. the bonus is that not only does it do that successfully, it stands on its own as great entertainment.


In story quality or execution? There was too much CGI, and some of the CGI was outright bad. That knocked it down a peg from Fury Road.


dude it's absolutely worse than fury road, but thats because fury road is a masterpiece. Its a furiosa is a good movie but it drags on and makes weird narrative choices.


Furiosa was fantastic, I went into it expecting another fury road, and it’s not what I got, but I’m not mad about it. Fuck me did Chris Hemsworth play a FANTASTIC villain.


100% agree with all of this.


"I enjoyed the action scenes that appeared to benefit from being unshackled by over reliance on practical effects." Call... CGI almost never looks better than practical. This opinion makes me wonder what else is flawed in your opinion.


Prefer "Furiosa" to "Fury Road." Even the special effects in "Furiosa" work better for me, and a lot of imagery, such as Six Foot or Furiosa charging uphill on a motorcycle, really set in one's mind.


I loved them both. Try seeing them in black & white. Fantastic films but so much better in B&W in my opinion.


Furiosa is every bit as good as fury road. It’s a worthy 2nd film


I just saw it two days ago. Fury Road was a better action movie but... I very much appreciated the backstory getting fleshed out more.


Before we went to see Furiosa me and my mates watched fury road the same day as a refresher. I really enjoyed it and liked it more than what I remember. When I saw Furiosa there were a lot of things that erk'd me. While overall I would say it was a good movie, the splitting up into chapters really dampened my enjoyment, and there were a handful of times there were really obvious and "goofy" special effects that I couldn't help but dislike, especially when I hadn't noticed anything like that in fury road earlier that day. I don't really care about box office success determining if a movie is good or bad, I enjoyed furiosa, but thought overall fury road was a better movie, even without taking into account the age difference of the films. Obviously people can like different things, but I was looking forward to furiosa, especially after the fury road rewatch, and afterwards I would have to say I liked Fury road more.


Not to say your points aren't valid, I went in forgiving the fact this was going to be more cgi and didn't really care that it was getting bad reviews... but I was still severely disappointed by the movie. It's a mixed bag of amazing and terrible, as if they smashed pieces in that they thought were going to be cooler than they were. It wasn't cohesive at all and does a really poor job of explaining the characters' actions. In Fury Road when asked why she wanted to save the wives, she says "Redemption". What causes her to go save the wives in this movie? It seemed like she never did anything wrong and never truly wanted or took seriously her position with Immotan Joe. Why did Jack want to help Furiosa? Love at first sight? Maybe, it just is never shown of anything deeper Why did Dementus want to take over the wasteland? He couldn't possibly believe his drivel about unshackling people, he couldn't even get Gastown from revolting, so it's not like he's a good ruler. What motivated his decisions? And the pacing was jarring. Jumping from one place to another without any context. What was Furiosa's life like pretending to be a boy her whole childhood? Did the maggot tunnel lady mean anything? Why was Dementus just roaming around the dessert instead of fighting the 40 day battle and how did Furiosa find him? How did Furiosa become Immortan's lead general? I just loved and hated this movie


I liked it but Anya Taylor-Joy never stopped seeming like Peter Pan to me.


Being worse than one of the best action movies of all time doesn't necessarily mean it's not a really good movie. I liked Furiosa but Fury Road is pure insanity.


I liked Furiosa a lot - day one purchase for me. But I did like Fury Road so much more. I really hope WB gets their head out of their assess and let's Miller make the next installment.


No I think ots equal. I am glad it wasn't just a big ass car chase again


I do not believe you were wearing your glasses


I like Furiosa more




I like it more, tbh.


I agree, and I also liked Fury Road more - those two aren't opposite views to me. I really loved this movie. Maybe it felt like it needed another editing view - I know they were working very close to release date. Feels like it is only tiny bits of tightening that are the difference between the two for me. The highs of this movie are very high.


It’s quite a different film to *Fury Road*, but I think that’s to its benefit.


Furiosa is a fun good movie. It's problem is that it follows one of the greatest sci-fi films of the 21st century.


My only gripe is that Furiosa was her actual name. I always thought of it as a moniker given to her by her peers, like Toecutter/Immortan Joe or Mad Max.


I mean, this was my most anticipated movie of the year, and I really liked it, but I do think it's a step down from Fury Road. A lot of that is just taste. I love an action movie with no fat on it. As I was writing this, I thought of The Raid, another very simple, very tight action movie that nevertheless packs a strong emotional punch. The Raid also has a follow up that is much bigger in scope and as a result (I think) is a little less effective.


Meh, it is. It’s not a good movie but it’s also not bad, just bland. Mad Max was great all the way through. 


Being different films aside, I think Furiosa tops Fury Road. You can say Fury Road is just one long chase and isn’t meant to be the epic story spanning years of someone’s life, but also in terms of film making techniques, being a vast and complete story, fleshing out the world etc. it just beats what George was doing in Fury Road. Both great movies in their own right, but Furiosa basically has its own Fury Road built in it with the amount of road war, and yet it’s a huge epic and shows us a lot more of the world too. George flexing his artistic vision in Furiosa by showing that tree growing from the cliff to show the passage of time, the narration from the History Man, the montage of the 40 Day Wasteland war, the movie being episodic with the named chapters. All that stuff builds it up into a better made movie than Fury Road in my opinion. I don’t think it will win tons of awards and be the best reviewed movie of the year like Fury Road was though because at the time that came out it really broke new ground and Furiosa just expands on that.


Best film of 2024 so far


Great film anybody who says otherwise is wrong


I haven’t watched fury road in a long time but I don’t remember coming out of that movie thinking it was the best movie I’ve seen in years which is what furiosa was.


Comparisons to Fury Road were inevitable, so I wouldn't begrudge critics for this. Plus, the film is highly rated regardless of the unfavourable comparisons to Fury Road. >Anyway the poor box office performance is proof we don’t deserve good movies, It's not the audience's job to get themselves hyped to watch a film. If the studio can't figure out how to market the film then you can't blame the audience. >hope everyone enjoys another decade of quippy superhero lowest common denominator fan service. Oppenhiemer made close to a billion dollars last year. There's a big potential market outside of superheros. Its just a lot harder to tap into unfortunately.


Don't worry about the Box Office... opening in Asia currently, might take care of things. Agree they're both just different films - like Star Wars & Empire; Pitch Back & Chronicles; Alien & Aliens; Terminator & Judgement Day; Silence of the Lambs & Red Dragon... I could go on


Pacing was not great and some of the CGI was rough to watch (especially characters in the background). Good movie, but Fury Road is one of the best action movies ever made. Furiosa is just “decent.”


Bad CGI is one thing I could understand from the negative reviews. I personally had no issues with it (only seen it once, will probably notice things on other watchthroughs) but being how Fury Road used almost no CGI for its main effects, it'd be disappointing to watch furiosa not only lean on CGI more but then to have it stand out as well, when they did such a great job with the fx and editing in Fury Road


I came in with (relatively) low expectations, feeling uninspired by the choice to do a prequel. But boy, this movie was even better than Fury Road in my opinion. I liked the stronger diversity of characters, settings, and action sequences in Furiosa, as well as the greater emotional and narrative heft. But I will need to rewatch Fury Road again to be able to compare them properly.


i think fury road is fantastic but to me it always felt kinda…lifeless? like i had no reason to care about anyone in the story even if i was absolutely LOVING the spectacle of it all furiosa by comparison adds so much to the characters and their motivations in a way that made me actually care and i couldn’t agree more with OP. this movie just hit me so much more than furry toad ever did. it’s not a step down at all and imo it’s even better than fury road


Agreed. To me Furiosa/Fury Road together is now a 5+ hour 10/10 cinematic experience. I don't get why some people feel the need to separate them so much, or even at all. George Miller storyboarded them together and in my mind it's now all one huge amazing film, equally amazing in both parts.


To each their own, for me it went from a 10/10 to a 4/10, to call it a step down is an understatement.


The quality of a Mad Max movies is proportional to the amount of Mad Max in the movie.


Nah, I like furiosa better than thunderdome, and there's a ton of max in that one.


I totally forgot out Thunderdome. Ok inversely proportional to the amount of Tina Turner. :)


Omg Furiousa is a bad movie but fans don’t want to admit it. I was laughing at scenes that were supposed to be serious. It was an hour too long. The endless torture porn could have ended sooner. It’s simply not a good movie. It’s a big movie, but it’s a straight to video movie.


Not gonna honor this with a proper response. Give actual substantive criticisms that are specific and pointed or don't chime in at all.


Tbf he gave pretty clear reasons why he didn’t like it. Not that I agree with him


2 of his reasons are "it's a bad movie" and "it's simply not a good movie, it's big but straight to video" so we can rule those out as invalid and dripping in moronic fluids. "Serious scenes were funny" Assuming he's not referring to the scenes ricocheting between serious and zany, I can only assume he was delirious when watching, as I and everyone else in the theatre were deathly silent during the dramatic moments. "An hour too long" If you personally want shorter movies, go for it, but when I'm enjoying a movie, I don't want it to end, I want it to keep going. Like I said I did think the last part of the movie dragged on SLIGHTLY but not an entire hours worth. "Endless torture porn could have ended sooner" cool this is a proper criticism, but it's also a single sequence in a 150 minute movie. One scene dragging on doesn't spoil an entire movie.


Ok but what you’re doing is telling someone their opinion is wrong and that’s pretty obnoxious. Cue you calling me the obnoxious one


Nope I won't call you obnoxious, I am obnoxious. I don't think people's opinions are "wrong" I think they are often founded on false information, bias or misinterpretations. I think such opinions are stupid to hold and should be discouraged, not tolerated.


False information? Lol what “false information”. Dear god uratool


Just an example, not saying you did that.


Fury road was a masterpiece. A master piece is a combination of skill and luck. You can't create a masterpiece out of pure will sinply due to the element of luck. Anybody expecting another masterpiece is a dillusional and greedy person. Furiosa is fantastic movie, and it is a different movie then fury road. If they attempted a fury road 2, it would have been a disaster and boring. Absolutely not a step down.


I consider it equal in quality and enjoyment and that's quite a high bar. Furiosa does have one fatal flaw (that I mostly overlook) - the 40 year war is a small montage and the main conflict buildup between immortan joe and dementus was completely glossed over in the final act. If Miller had found a way to rewrite how the final Furiosa <-> Dementus exchange happened, specifically by having it launch from an epic final act action scene with Immortan and Dementus, I would consider it a fully flawless film.


If anything it was a step up.


It's a step down because it was not what most of the people wanted to see. The Wasteland. And prequels have a tendency to suck IMHO. A story needs to move forward, not move backwards. The fact they glossed over the 40 day wasteland war like they did seems like an odd choice. That could have been a major part of the movie. Probably balloon the cost beyond comprehension but still. They did that plot point very dirty. And yes, re-casting Furiosa is a major oversight. And naturally we lost Hugh too so our dear boy Immortan Joe was a shell of what he was. The CGI wasn't great either. Just bad compared to Fury Road where it seamlessly blended with the action.


You may be correct but the movie going public does not agree with your comment unfortunately


You mean because of sales? If so I don't agree with your assessment.


That’s fine. But you don’t have proof to your observation. Feelings aren’t data. Whereas nobody is going to see it and that is data. Sorry to offend you. Not trying to upset anyone within this group. But Furiosa isn’t getting a sequel.


There's nothing offensive to your comment, I just don't agree that sales necessarily determine how people liked a film. I saw the last avengers film twice when it came out, I thought it was dumb fun at best and I'm sure I'm not alone in this opinion among its audience. Everyone I know irl that has seen furiosa, which admittedly is not many people, is ecstatic. I don't have any hard data either, I just don't think sales determine quality or even public perception.


People freak out about the smallest disagreement on here so I just wanted to make sure nobody was getting upset, thank you. Absolutely, box office number don’t imply whether a film is good or not. But they do imply how the masses react to them. People aren’t seeing this movie, there was 4 other people in the theater when I saw it on opening weekend. I think the people who saw the Mel gibson mad max movies don’t like it because it’s absolutely nothing like those movies. Fury Road didn’t have a large opening but people came to see it through word of mouth. Furiosa has too much cgi and is seen as a cash grab by those fans. That’s great you like it, I personally want to see more films in this series. George miller definitely has it in him but i don’t think he’ll get the chance to make any more. A movie needs to make 2.5 its budget to be considered successful and this movie won’t hit that.


I'm not a reviewer. I went in only wanting \*Furiosa\* to be at least *nearly* as good as \*Fury Road\*. I thought it was a definite step down. The story was okay, but massive plot holes like >!letting her hair grow out despite trying to hide that she's a girl (even though it apparently didn't matter, Joe saw ATJ and was like "Nah, not my type")!<, >!however the fuck she got away without that circle of motorcycles noticing her!<, etc. completely taints the story. The action was alright, even good at times. But There was a groundedness in \*Fury Road\*, it felt like a completely plausible movie. \*Furiosa\* felt like a silly dystopia. Fair enough if you enjoyed that, but I don't go to a Batman movie hoping for the next \*Devil Wears Prada\*.


The new mad max movies are dogwater.


Such a marmite film. Don’t shoot me for saying this but it felt too much like a slightly darker Guardians Of The Galaxy film set in the Max universe. It just fell flat for me.


"lowest common denominator fan service" Isn't that what you got with Fury Road and Furiosa? Just another excuse for a wasteland , chase, crazy car, stunt movie to impress the lowest common denominator fans? First you got a movie that had Max as a minor character, then you got a movie virtually without him. As long as it's a chase in the Wasteland, with stunts and cars then you all seem happy enough.. LOL, some mad Max fans you guys are, The thing I find the most entertaining is that all the "Mad Max" fans have failed to see that Furiosa got boycotted by the base..


I'm a terrible fan, loved Fury Road, not interested in Furiosa enough to see at the cinema. I just want a Fury Road follow up with Max 😞


You're right, Fury Road was awful too.


I think it's a very great decline from Fury Road and also Mad Max 2.


Do you mind explaining why? I thought it was amazing and I'm a life long Mad Max fan and would place it equal to if not better than Fury Road.


Never mind... You're a Critical Drinker fan... Pretty obvious why you don't like it.


Ha! Got him!


I don't dislike Furiosa. It has lots of flaws though. Dementus is just Thor with more monologues. He's a terrible leader that can summon 200cgi bikes nevertheless. The ending is unsatisfactory and it's way too long. Max's five seconds cameo just reminded me about his absence. I still wish it'd done much better though. Anna was good.