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I loved *Furiosa* before watching *Fury Road* for the first time yesterday and I still think it's brilliant. *Fury Road* is just...bloody brilliant. The only question I have is why *Fury Road* took all the epic music.


Haven’t seen *Furiosa* yet but am baffled at what I’ve heard about the Doof Warrior being present but never actually doing his thing. ![gif](giphy|XXo6LQ3Ujyy2s|downsized)


He's present in a montage as a cameo


I was like "YEAH MY BOY" but I was the only one to be happy to see him lol.


He shreds the guitar, he just doesn’t do the flamethrower.


Yea, I saw this as just a natural evolution of the doof and Joe's wasteland band - like they're just figuring things out in a jam session in Furiosa, but they're full on arena rock performers in FR.


You even see two distant warboys jamming out in front of the stage, it’s great.


You can't over use the Doof. He's special, only to be used when absolutely necessary.


The bush doof


He's really not in the movie. It's a quick reference.


He is though? His gear isn’t as refined as in Fury Road, but he was there playing his guitar when they were burning the bodies from the war with Dementus.


I'm just saying he's not in the movie much. It's pretty much a single slide in a PowerPoint.


Joe wasn't on campaign for most of it, so there's no viable excuse for all the diegetic music


Yeah but what about all the strings music?


They had a different composer, I'm just saying most of the good music was diegetic so there's an in-universe reason why it's not there.


Both movies have the same composer


Oh could've sworn I saw they were different. In any case Furiosa has a different tone so a different take on the soundtrack makes sense.


I believe it’s because the composer is credited with his stage name “Junkie XL” in Fury Road but now goes by his real name “Tom Holkenborg”


Ah makes sense


The composer said he approached fury road like a Rock Opera, while Furiosa he framed the music around furiosa’s perspective. He mentioned wanting to keep the music more constrained so when it kicked in it really added to the build in momentum, makes sense since he’s done a lot of time as a DJ, you have to know when to drop the beat and when to come back in. The whole chases sequence music doesn’t start till we see furiosa, which is actually really cool.


It’s the same composer. The funny thing is that in the movie the composer goes by his name but if you check on Spotify the music is credited as Junkie XL lol. It’s the same composer.


I thought that was a common knowledge because I frequently seen his name as "Tom Holkenborg aka Junkie XL". Don't people listen to his own music?


I can’t say for sure but I personally thought the silence during the Octoboss chase was absolutely incredible.


Yea. Nothing tops that darude sandstorm scene ever!


Because The Doof Warrior was not in his final form yet.


Furiosa works with or without Fury Road.


The what-adel?


I watched Furiosa because I heard it was good and then I watched the rest of the series! I loved Furiosa in its own right before any of the others, though I do think that Fury Road takes the edge. :) It’s a once in a lifetime masterpiece imo.


I would probably have a heart attack in the theater.


Yes. And having experienced Fury Road WITHOUT Furiosa for years…i will say that Furiosa makes Fury Road a better movie.


No doubt! Both are in my Top 10 of all time and I'm a disabled guy who watches hundreds of films 🤣 everything from the silent era to pre-code to today's best. Fury Road and Furiosa are both truly special in their world building, level of detail, cinematography, the way every actor truly *embodies* their character..all of it.


I wish it didn't spoil fury road during the end credits. I would have liked it to allow people to watch fury road going in blind.


Exactly! I had to hush my boyfriend out of the theater because he hasn't seen FR but is now hyped and wants to!


I wonder if that was a studio missive. It would have been better if they’d mixed in the credits storyboards & concept art from Mahiro Maeda, Mark Sexton, etc. Like the end credits of LOTR: ROTK


Yes. But I like Furiosa now, so not much would change.


Yes. I very much think I would. The way it's structured like an epic and The Oddessy. The plight of Little Furiosa is gripping right from the start. Dementus is an engaging and outlandishly cartoonish villain but also super freaky.


Furiosa is great, it has what I’ve always wanted from Mad Max: some lore. Mad Max has to be one of the most mysterious franchises, yet Furiosa gave me a timeline of events that lead to the complete collapse of civilization (even if I have a lot more questions now).


The world building in Furiosa basically makes it the foundation stone for the rest of the series, especially moving forward.


I mean, *Fury Road* is my favorite film and I still love *Furiosa.* It's a great duology!


I’d probably like it more. Fury Road was that good . Still, I really liked Furiosa. Just when I compare the two Fury Road is the clear winner for me.


Furious was great. Fury road was just faster paced and if you ask me, better cinematography and production. I think it is the better film but I still think Furiosa is good.


Hell yes. Best movie I’ve seen all year.


My personal taste in vehicles is cars, so Fury Road and it's many cars and rigs absolutely made me fall in love. Furiosa's focus on bikes kinda pushed me away, but I still liked the movie. Without Fury Road though, I likely wouldn't have gotten much of an interest in the franchise


I'd still like it, but there are many problems that would still stand out regardless of Fury Road's existence. The only real advantage that would come about is having a little extra tension from not knowing which characters survive to see Fury Road, which is countered by not having Furiosa make it home by the Sanderson promise rule.


I don't think I would


I'd still love it, having never seen the original trilogy, but I imagine the greater lack of Max would be an even bigger sticking-point for some.


I don't like it with Fury Road. Wouldn't have even watched it had Fury Road not been a thing.


After watching Furiosa , Fury Road doesn't exist to me. 🫢 Just like it was hard watching the OG trilogy after Fury Road but in all seriousness I love them all. Each one a high quality movie on its own. This is what franchises like Fast and Furious wish they were.


Unpopular opinion; I prefer more Mad Max in my Mad Max movies. Just sayin'.


For me yeah cause ive never seen a Mad Max film until this came out and Chris Hemsworth acting got me interested in the movie. I did watch Mad Max 1 and Fury Road before going into this movie and I love Furiosa the most because of the world building


Hell no, the hatred of it (both deserved and undeserved) would skyrocket, you have fans of the franchise waiting years and years for a new Mad Max Movie and you give us a Prequel Story for a Non-Mad Max Character???


Friend of mine had never seen any Mad Max movie including Fury Road and she went to see Furiosa a second time because she loved it so much.


Yes, I would actually.




Yes very much






I like Furiosa but if the first new mad Max content I saw was a spinoff of a character I didn't know anything about I would be miffed


I don’t see why Fury Road is required for Furiosa to be good.




its great on its own but i probably wouldnt have been excited for it if not for fury road introducing her significance to the wasteland.




Yeah, it's a stand alone movie that's good enough to stand on its own merit


I hadn't seen Fury Road when I saw Furiosa. So... yeah, absolutely.


I like Furiosa more than Fury Road so yes


Yes. It’s the closest film we’ve had to Mad Max 2 (in terms of feel/style) since Mad Max 2 in my opinion. And the story takes queues from Mad Max 1. It’s awesome!


I’d still like it, but I don’t think I’d like it as much. I really enjoyed the emphasis on war boys from the first movie, and I think charlize theron was a perfect Furiosa.


Absolutely. It’s visually and narratively compelling, incredibly well acted, and has some insanely well choreographed and exciting sequences. It’s everything I like about movies.




Yes,  she's a mad max character. Not a hero but has good intentions. Fails but keeps going. And is quite 


Yes, if anything I'd like it more because it'd be the first Mad Max universe movie we'd have gotten since Beyond Thunderdome.


Yupp I definitely would still love furiosa


Probably more. The music is worse in Furiosa but still ok / good. But the use of music Fury Road is much, much more epic. The moment when the cat poles come within sight is so overwhelming great Face it, the action in Fury is better. All the quirks that made the world in Fury road so compelling and alive are also present in Furiosa, but the novelity is not there anymore. Without Fury road the small things like spraying your teeth and witness would have been better.


Absolutely. I really like the character of Max Rockatansky, but it's the world and the cars that I love most about the series. And I've had 3 other films focused on Max, so I didn't mind Furiosa getting some screen time at all. And after The Menu, I really enjoy Anya Taylor Joy.


I’d love Furiosa either way. Just like I would love Fury Road even if The Road Warrior didn’t exist.


I don't really understand why I wouldn't? If anything you'd probably have people on the fence liking it even more


I loved both movies regardless. Both are very well done when you factor in all the events and conditions of the behind the scenes and end product. I’m going to see Furiosa again tonight after work


This is a dumb question and a non-debate. The only thing in Furiosa that requires the knowledge that another film exists is the final frame and credits.


I like Anya Taylor-Joy, so yes.


1000% Unequivocally YES!


I guess. As long as they were continuing the world of MM and FR was on its way. I want to see the adventures of Max. Also while I LOVED FR and Furiosa, would like to see another region and story. Is the entirety of Australia a big desert now beyond the Outback or is the series just 100% set there? I am guessing the insane storms have started spreading sand all over the place. Actually, Thunderdome was 100% desert too.


Yes. I have been a fan since seeing *Road Warrior* as a kid, and for much of my life that has been one of my favorite movies. I loved *Fury Road* when it came out. *Furiosa* has become my favorite movie in the series.


Does this imply that the other three movies still exist?


Yeah definitely


If Furiosa was a stand alone film.... I'd have thought it was mediocre, totally worth watching.


Yes, imo every movie in the franchise could stand on it's own individually as if the others never existed. However there not All Mad Max Movies imo, just the first two. The others are also post apocalypse movies from the same director.


As a fan you should appreciate any universe expanding movie GM throws at us! Furiosa is pretty good IMO, sad the music is almost non-existent. Action scenes could have been so much better with music from Fury Road


I think I would like it even more than I already do. It would be my introduction to a world where the Octoboss was a thing, rather than Fury Road doing that


I would find it...alright. It has some super fun ideas on the level of the first movie, but overall feels like a very typical overdrawn Hollywood movie. I did not like it in comparison to Fury Road because it messes up so many thing that Fury Road got right.


Would probably like it better, yeah? My biggest problem with furiosa is that it's not Fury Road. That and the pacing is a little wonky I think.


Furiosa would have exploded my brain in the same way Fury Road did, I'm sure, because it did.


Fury Road Furiosa is a bad ass. All the women in Mad Max are generally very interesting, to me. Even the beautiful harem pregnant with the children of warlords, are not just pretty faces. I don't necessarily WANT to know Furiosa's backstory, I'm much, much more interested in the character going forward.


Let’s say when fury road came out is when furiosa came out, and when mad max wasteland is supposed to come out, is when fury road comes out hypothetically. I would go see furiosa because they are dipping into the mad max world again. I think I would, especially with dementus. Because he’s an anti max (lost his children and wife as well, even has a leg brace) but the movie would have to really establish that max is alive and will be coming to meet furiosa, but i like her as a character.


I probably wouldn't. Furiosa wasted 2.5hrs of my life I'll never get back. She was utterly boring as the protagonist, action sequences looked a lot worse than in Fury Road because of the utterly overused and extremely low effort CGI. I've seen low budget movies with much better CGI. That's the worst Mad Max movie to date. Plus Taylor-Joy just doesn't work as an action movie actress.


I rewatched fury road. It has the same CGI. The main difference is the colour grading which makes the splicing / merging of scenes more obvious But it was also in Fury road


I'm not saying it had no CGI, but the way it was added there isn't as jarring. All of the action sequences and chases in Furiosa looked extremely artificial to me. Fury Road looked much more "realistic" (yes, I know it's fiction!) when it comes to all the car chases and action in it. CGI in Furiosa is some of the worst CGI in a huge budget release I've seen and I've watched a lot of movies in my life.


I already stated the reason why. It's the colour grading. They pretty much used the same CGI tricks in Furiosa that they used for Fury road. I also thought it looked funny, but they were consistent with it throughout the movie, so I guess it's a stylistic choice. Since it's a "unreliabel narrator" point of view and since I guess they wanted a distinct visual style, I can accpet it. If you don't liek it, it's fine. But the CGI isn't worse than in Fury road


That last sentence you've put is up to a personal opinion. To me it looked worse. Majority of Furiosa was a blurry mess of a very bad CGI, which maybe if done poorly and I would watch it on a small screen at home, I wouldn't notice. Seeing bad CGI on a huge screen at the cinema though looks terrible. It can also be due to the amount of extremely weird camera shots in Furiosa where it seems like they have used a ton of drones to film them, which in turn made it feel "fake" to me. The whole action in Fury Road was, and still is, much better in my opinion. It had far better cinematography and camera shots/angles were far more enjoyable, whether they both had bad CGI or not.


You really don't understand. they used the same CGI tricks in furiosa as in Fury Road. Qualitywise they are the same. The issue is the overall look of the movie.


I do understand that they both have the same bad CGI (which is weird though given that furiosa came out 9yrs after Fury Road), but it wasn't as jarring in the previous movie. 90% of Furiosa looked like a blurry mess because of the way it was used. It wasn't the case in Fury Road which I re-watched just last week, a day after I saw Furiosa in the cinema.


Loved the movie, but it truly didn’t integrate practical & digital half as well as Fury Road did. Fury Road had it a bit easier given its scope as just an extended chase, but some CGI choices in Furiosa were really perplexing. I saw the movie twice & it’s better in standard, the XD screen’s higher resolution made those bad FX a lot more jarring.


Nah. Furiosa was honestly pretty forgettable compared to Fury Road. I mean…they even had to throw in the quick shot of Max to keep people invested because they knew the movie was in kind of a lull to that point.


I think Anya’s a good actress but she really don’t fit action roles like Mel Gibson, Tom Hardy, or even charlize Theron do. Movie is good and worth a watch but imho falls short of the other films.


Nope even harder. Max ain’t in it? Not interested.


It has to be sad being so attached to specific characters that even in franchises more about themes and setting you are too obsessed with a specific character to appreciate it.


Try again, I can't understand a word.


I know you can't buddy <3


Some can’t be helped. Blocked!


Would have had no context on its own and not sure how there is so much belief that this is more than a b movie with wonky visuals..