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Kind of bitter sweet news this one.


I'll never forgive the world for Furiosa underperforming


I wish I could have gone more than once.


Someone else here made a good point recently. Movies used to stay in theaters much longer. Terminator 2 was in theaters from July 2nd to November 14th. If I could still go see Furiosa, I would.


Not just that, but do you remember how long it used to take for films to get a home release? I'm sure I'm not misremembering that it used to take a hell of a lot longer. Fellowship of the Ring for example arrived in cinemas in December 2001, and wasn't available on vhs or dvd until mid August of the following year. Meanwhile Dune Part 2 came out in March and has already been available to buy on dvd/blu-ray for a month now. That seems wild to me.


Oh yeah it seems crazy to me that I can stream this movie soon. Like it JUST came out. I’ve never shaken off that notion that “ok it’s releasing in theaters now, so it’ll be 8-12 months til I can watch it at home.” Like that hasn’t been the case for over a decade, but I never realized it, I guess??


Top Gun Maverick was one of the longer turnarounds in recent history. The film came out like Memorial Day weekend and wasn’t available at home until late August and then wasn’t available on physical media until late October. Still a shorter window, but that film was killing it week after week at the box office


I thought Maverick took a few weeks to get going and stayed in the theater was longer than three weeks. Furiosa got done dirty


Top Gun: Maverick opened pretty strong ($126.7M, $248M WW). That’s not record highs (especially when compared to Disney/MCU films) but it’s good for that type of film. What made TG:M an anomaly, was that where every other film started strong and slowly made less and less money every week, Maverick continued to hold strong. There were little to no drops weekly and certain weeks the box office actually increased when compared to the week prior. For that reason, the film ended with a $718.7M domestic gross and $1.49B global gross. Furiosa opened to $31M domestic. As of Sunday the total global gross was $160M. Last week it made $5M in outside markets that have been carrying the film. I love the film, and will argue its value and merit, but it is not the theatres fault this movie failed. General audiences just weren’t interested and thus they didn’t go out to see it. They could’ve extended the run, and the loyal Redditors and fans that would’ve gone out to rewatch it would not have made a big enough impact in the box office to even justify the cost of keeping it in theaters. Especially with other major films coming out this summer. I love the film, but it wasn’t the studio or theaters that did Furiosa dirty, it was the general public


That’s crazy bc in my circles the word of mouth on Furiosa has been fantastic. It’ll probably develop a huge cult following like the other films in the series.


I actually looked. It's still playing here next week. I'm going to go on Tuesday, it's only $9 on Tuesdays.


Audience conditioning is the reason for that. Covid only exacerbated the problem with most streaming services dropping theatrical releases at home same day or shortly after their theatrical run. Audiences have been conditioned to wait for it to show up on streaming since the turnaround is only like 3 months at most now. In the case of films like “The Fall Guy” it’s two weeks. That’s a double edged sword. The studio might be able to ride the original marketing and recover some money at home, but they further condition audiences to skip the theatrical experiences altogether


i just saw it last night.


I’d have to drive 2 hours to go see it again.


I went 3 times, but wish more people did see it...


I went out of my way and travel one hour and paid 40 fr from two tickets ( totally worth it) to support it and the world just wants to see bad boys and marvel, I just don’t care about movie theaters anymore , I never gong to pay more that 4 euros for a movie ticket


Then who killed the world


We are not to blame!


Furiosa didn’t underperform - the world did! Mediocre!


I'm so mad right now. Watched it here in Germany opening week, then wanted to see it again but had a lot to do work-related and am now on holidays travelling. Now this weekend after my return I finally want to watch it again. But it isn't shown in OV anymore, only the german dubbed version and even this version only on a very small screen.


Who killed the world?


That's not how business works. You don't make the world like what they don't. Instead, you show them what they like.


I'm so happy it did ☺️


You misspelled "I'm an incel!"


Who knows maybe it does well digitally, not everyone wants to go to the cinema


was it shot on film? i don't think the theater i was at even has 35mm so i'm assuming it was on dcp.


What has that got do with the digital release?


dcp is digital. so are dvd and blu ray.


But why does it being shot on film have anything to do with it?


Nothing does well digitally pysical is were its at you can't make money digitally.


You’d be surprised. Lots of people just don’t wanna go to the theater, or incorrectly view the theater as too expensive then buy it for more than a theater ticket on Amazon. People in rural areas use this more often too as they might not be near a cinema (or a good one at least).


I don't see how it's incorrectly viewed as too expensive. If you watch with more than 1 person that renting it digitally or buying it is absolutely cheaper


I think they were saying that buying a digital copy might be more expensive than a movie ticket. But this is only applicable for a single viewer. 2 or more people watching at home and it's a better deal.


That is what I was saying. Not as applicable for large families. My wife and I both use AMC A-List, which is $25 a month and you can see up to 3 movies a week. It’s a hella deal if you love going to the theater, but I also have no children. Also depends on days, if you don’t have a pass like that, a movie ticket is around $20 on a Friday or sat night but often like $9 or something on a Tuesday evening. Theaters get a bad rap, and kinda deserve that bad rap for how expensive their concessions and things are, but they aren’t as insanely over the top expensive as many make them out to be.


Many do though Inside out 2, Bad boys etc also still doesn't explain how streaming makes money that is why studios are starting to turn their back on streaming and forcing them to wait 6 months to have more people do to the cinema.


It’s a bad situation the studios have put themselves in. They’re all losing money on their streaming services, so they rush content out of the theaters to get it on streaming if it doesn’t immediately blow up the box office. But then they don’t make money off the theater run and are training viewers to wait for the free VOD release. It’s complex and they aren’t handling it well


And yet they still don't make money off of streaming hence HBO, Netflix and Disney relaseing pysical copies of their show.


Not as much with Netflix, but in regards to Disney, HBO, Paramount; the streaming side of the company is competing with the studio side for funding and resources. If you’re in the streaming department, it’s a win if a movie fails in theaters but captures and audience on streaming. That’s not good for the company overall, but is a win for the streaming side when they need more budget.


Yet that tactic has faild Netflix learnt that the hardway.


Netflix is profitable, they aren’t struggling, especially compared to the other services.


You really have absolutely no idea what you're talking about do you? What was the last show Netflix released a physical copy for? HBO Max, Netflix, and Disney+ are all profitable.


What studios are forcing them to wait 6 months before being released digitally? From what I can see the gap between theatrical release and digital is shortening, not widening. Furiosa will have been in the cinema for a month before being available digitally.


Sony with all new films going on ward, Lions gate etc.




www.latimes.com Los Angeles Times Why did Sony buy Alamo Drafthouse — and is it actually a good thing?




What has that got to do with them delaying their digital releases by 6 months? I swear I'm talking to an AI bot here.


This is absolutely untrue


Then tell who one makes money from digital platform when subs are the only way to make moeny out if a library of billions? I am not ring to arguing I am really asking a question.


You do realise people digitally rent movies on Amazon, Apple TV, etc, right?


And we buy digital copies too.


Yeah for a much lower price that doesn't cover the cost of said film.


Rent very few do that it si either sub or buy pepole feel rushed when renting.


What are you basing this opinion on? When you rent you have 48 hours to watch it as much as you want.


yep, sucks that it didn't have better legs in the box office, but very much looking forward to watching this many times at home


Jfc not even a month Studios are letting the cinema industry bleed itself dry in an attempt to quickly capitalise


I’m bummed, me and my friends were all geeked to go see it this last weekend and were shocked it was already removed from our theatre. We were busy memorial weekend like we always are with family/travel plans.


Same, I saw Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes instead and don't get me wrong it was great but I'd have preferred to see Furiosa in theater and wait for POTA on VOD.


And it looks like the physical copies will arrive August 13th if my just-updated Walmart preorder is to be believed Edit: Amazon now lists the same date too


I imagine that is around when it will move from paid VOD rental/purchase to free on Max as well.


Max has been premiering films one week after releasing on physical media, which would make it August 20th I suppose. That’s what they did with Dune 2 anyway.


Any extras?




I want to get a physical copy with a vudu code to be able to add it to my list there.


Crazy, the people that see it now are going to wonder why they didn't go see it in the movies the same way they did with Fury Road.


Fury Road was one of the best theatre experiences I ever had, and was the primary reason I saw Furiosa right away. It definitely did not disappoint.


I have had my 4K Blu-ray steelbok pre-ordered for a couple weeks. But there’s no release date on that yet.


My preorder for the U.S. steelbook just updated from a placeholder date to August 13th


Ah sweet, where did you preorder?


Walmart. Amazon lists the same new date too


Nice. Gruv is showing similar now too.


I think Blu-Ray is a separate date, this one is about streaming


I said that. Physical is a couple months after VOD. So August, September, maybe


I have it pre-ordered too, but I’ll still be picking up the digital Monday. I gotta inject this movie directly into my veins for the rest of the summer.


I haven’t bought a physical disc in a while but I’ll do it for this one.


Too soon too soon


Came at a realllly bad time for me. Was more pumped on this in theaters than anything for quite some time and I just couldn’t afford to right now. Really wish it stayed longer 😢 Edit: I made it out and did my part


i mean, The Northman turned a profit from VOD so hopefully Furiosa can do the same


WB would need about 10 million people to buy it at $29.99


...the chance isn't zero-


I would hope there are other revenue streams still to come in addition to that like VOD rentals, streaming licenses if it goes on MAX or Amazon, licensing it to airlines, etc?


Very good point. History will be very, very kind to this film.


30bucks for a film? WTF? And you don’t even get a dvd?


Well I know what I'm doing next Tuesday.


Wow... Less than 4 weeks!?!? This is sad. Godzilla X Kong took 8 weeks... Apparently they were hemorrhaging $$$$$


I had a guy on the internet try and make fun of me going to see this movie. Because it was doing bad in the box office. So dumb. That being said. I hope they make all their money back and more, but vod means going right onto pirate sites.


I’m bummed to not see it in the cinema anymore BUT ALSO SO EXCITED to pause every frame and be a big fuckin nerd about every detail on rewatches


gonna buy it on the fanciest format and packaging possible (4k steel book) this movie deserves more love


Haven't seen it yet, but this is the first time I've seen so many comments on an ad. I loved Fury Road and am stoked to see Furiosa


VOD I don't really care for, but when it comes out on Bluray I'm ordering it.


This is good news. It's going to make money. Not unlike DVD sales digital sales matter. It has a chance to make money Once it it's the services, then it's basically done.


Instant purchase. Great movie to add to my collection. I’ll buy it when it comes out on disc also because I want to hear and feel the Atmos track in the living room.




This amazing film flopped at the box office while Disney’s “Emotions In A Child 2” just made $1,000,000,000,000 and counting……


I am glad I was able to go to the theater in my hometown to see it once. There were only 3 people in there on the second Friday it was out. Witness.


I'm so mad right now. Watched it here in Germany opening week, then wanted to see it again but had a lot to do work-related and am now on holidays travelling. Now this weekend after my return I finally want to watch it again. But it isn't shown in OV anymore, only the german dubbed version and even this version only on a very small screen.


Preordered that shit!! Bittersweet, but also so fucking stoked because the theater i saw it in sucked balls and i couldn't hear shit. Boy and the Heron and Furiosa on the same day??? FUCKKKK YES


I remember when movies used to stay in the cinemas for 2-4 months.


Fuck off I work full time and have three kids I was hoping to make time over summer to see it again smh


This is why movies bomb, if they don't even have to wait a month why would they bother


I made sure I saw this in theatres, it did not disappoint. People should not have slept on this one!!


It’s so over