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This is wild to watch. Movies take so much behind the scenes effort, it’s sometimes hard to appreciate that.


specifically george miller movies lmao


I was going to make a joke about the pig having to sit in the chair for hours for babe 2:pig in the city.. but that movie is unironically fucking amazing


That pig was actually Daniel Day Lewis


Under rated comment.


What are you, stupid? It was Andy Serkis.


all movies tbh. in some they have to sit/stand still for 6hours daily And in some they have to do other difficult things. making a movie is as huge a fit as starting and running a multi million business and its more difficult because their are more trolls and criticism around movies, characters and actors


This is why I go into every movie with an optimistic attitude, and always find something to like. Every movie is kind of a little miracle.


absolutely, thats what I too often think. an idea, manifesting around a set, then a computer, to silver screen and in our minds, hearts and pockets is surely a thing to be amazed about. back in my teens I wanted to be a filmmaker and I used to argue with my friends when they said a movie being shit flop, about how sad would we be if someone said the same for our hard work.


That's why my grandmother always made us stay to watch the end credits before we could leave the theatre


Huge respect to your grandmother


I’ve started doing this with my son. He’s waiting for a post credit scene, but in the meantime we check out the hundreds of people who work on the FX.


Sometimes I look at all the hundreds of thousands of movies out there and how hard they are to make. Like, it’s actually insane.


imagine 10 months of this shooting in desert blazing heat , sand everywhere


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Anya Taylor-Joy said she spent 78 days of shooting suspended under the truck in the stowaway sequence.


Wow!!!!! I did not know that, wild.


Movies are things where we take them for granted, it’s insane that movies get released at all the process for everything is absurd


This process is actually halved if she just committed and shaved her head lol


She wanted to shave her head like Charlize Theron did but she couldn’t because of her commitments to her modelling contracts stipulating she had to keep her hair long. It’s like Austin Butler in Dune Part 2. He wanted to shave his head as well but he had another film shoot straight after and he had to have his hair for that.


Your rational explanation has ruined my day


I love this response lol


According to her it was George miller's desicion to not cut her hair not because of a modeling contract or anything. 1. Movie wasn't shot chronologically  2. He said her hair was to pretty to cut it all off


I still dont get it though, surely paying for a wig + stylist for her other contracts would be more cost effective than the laborious process of hiding all her hair.


Viewers are still pretty critical of how wigs look, so the other studios she has contracts with probably couldn’t care less if she’s willing to go the extra mile if it still means not getting the best results for themselves. Ironically enough, its easier to get away with the bald/short hair look because characters donning that look tend to be more eccentric-looking in general a la the chrome dome here


I remember being fascinated by this as a kid after I read a book detailing how the ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ was made. Even as a child, that was a pretty unremarkable movie so the amount of work and hours that went in for such a generic movie, getting a movie made is actually a miracle.


When I was a kid there was a always a show that detailed all of the SFX work that went into whatever movie was coming out that summer. Entertainment Tonight would do that a lot. There was an entire PBS documentary about the making of Return of the Jedi. Now it’s just so rote, and all anybody can do is complaint about it.


I was recently an extra on a Guillermo del Toro movie, "playing" a dead soldier for a single day of shooting. Even for that, I had to do about two hours of wardrobe fitting before the day of filming. Then on the day of, it took about 30 minutes to get into costume, I had about an hour of makeup, and I had makeup touchups throughout the day. I was one of the easier makeups for the day as well, some of the extras were in the chair for closer to three hours. Again, we were all playing dead bodies just lying on the ground. The day started at about 6:00am and ended around 8:00pm. During that 14 hours, we filmed about three minutes of actual movie. Plus there was a day of reshoots about a week later (I wasn't involved in the reshoots, so I honestly don't know how long the day was). It's honestly insane getting that little glimpse into just how much goes into making a big budget movie.


Effort?! They got it done in 53 seconds!


her having a mom phone case is so cute 😭


I feel hit by this. Where the hell do people have their cards otherwise?


In a wallet in my pants pocket so there's never a chance of losing everything important all at once.


Unfortunately a lot of women's clothes don't have pockets.


Skill issue.


If women want pockets they should vote with their dollars. Designers have given them pockets and the close don’t move as fast. The aesthetic isn’t the same.


Only for the women that choose to buy that clothing. What a dumb line of thinking. This is such a stupid myth. There are vast quantities of clothing of all types for women, that have more pockets than you would know what to do with. And women have more clothing options than men. You are just mindlessly parroting a talking point with zero critical thinking.


In my purse in my bag.


If you bring a bag everywhere, that makes sense


Almost everywhere. Sometimes I don’t. You’re kinda fucked when you wear a dress or have jeans made by a manufacturer that decided to forgo having pockets that will fit anything, or any at all. Plus I carry so much stuff with me and when I need to carry something it’s so useful.




In a wallet bro


And where would I keep the wallet? Just having it on the phone is more practical, I feel


I mean you asked where people keep their cards and I gave you an answer. I don’t like my phone and wallet being together in case i lose it, i dont want to lose everything important all at once. Also wallet phone combos are really chunky and dont fit in my pockets.


Alright, fair enough


I was thinking the same!!! Haha


Looks like she has 2 cases?


Yeah two phones


Funny thing is half the work was unneccessary- when george miller called her to tell her she was the new furiosa she said "GREAT! ILL GO SHAVE MY HEAD!" and he insisted she didnt She was 100% willing to shave it off lol


Do you have anymore to the story? Im wondering if they wanted to keep her long hair for other adverts or promotions? Or is anything you heard even true?


It was because of their shooting schedule. Furiosa doesn’t have a shaved head the entire time and I’m assuming they shot scenes out of order.


Do you have a source for this? Because they can obviously give her a wig.


The interview where she revealed she didn’t shave it. George told her not to because of production schedule and how she is playing her at different stages in life. They could have done a wig but then that’s more of a money issue. She’s only shaved for the very last part of the movie, she spends way more time with long hair. Easier to do extensive hair and make up for those ending shots then to do a wig for the rest of the film. >"I was so excited to shave my head for this movie. George very quickly said, 'It's not going to work with our schedule and the fact that we have to follow the character throughout so many different stages in her life.' It was just an incredible prosthetic, and we also had a prosthetic that I could actually shave off, because that was something that was really important to me."


That’s interesting. Between the time of the makeup artists as well as Anya herself, I wouldn’t have thought doing bald cap makeup so many times throughout the shoot would have worked out to be cheaper than getting a few wigs made. Plus I’d have thought it’d be easier in terms of continuity to keep the head shaved to a specific length with a few specific wigs per time period. Serious wigs must be hella expensive.


Bear in mind that studios have wigs on hand and re-use them across different productions. For a big star in a main role like ATJ they'd probably make a couple of new ones, but those would either become valuable movie memorabilia or be later repurposed. I used to act and had a smallish role requiring a wig. At the initial fitting they had brought three or four which they tried on me and settled on the one that would be easiest to re-fit and trim to my head size.


Can confirm as an ex-actor who once had to wear a wig in a film. Putting that shit on takes a good hour with all the glueing and make-up to disguise the lace, getting it off again not much less as you have to sit there for ages while glue dissolves and you certainly can't just cut/pull it off because the wig is expensive, yo.


Apparently its in part because they filmed it out of prder as most films are and miller wanted the transformation moment of her Becoming the furiosa we know, including shaving her head


May i ask for the source where you read this! Sounds interesting.


I reckon it’s because for 80% of the movie she does have long hair


That is also a wig.


Maybe He’d feel bad if she shaved her head for one movie


The story makes it sounds like she was literally leaping at the chance to do it.


I think she needs hair for dune 3


https://youtu.be/YyGmRA6gTlw?si=C56Qk7eTvAMx7R1Y She was incredibly hyped to shave her head; everything they say is true. She also was excited to get to use the ingenious prosthetic panel for the hair that let her cut *something* in the moment, and it was incredibly realistic.


As a woman who went from long hair to buzzcut there's something incredibly liberating in it when you do it based on your own decision. I understand the hype lol


Because she doesn’t have a shaved head the entire movie and the production schedule wasn’t going to be shooting linear.


I’d also read she couldn’t shave her head because [her modeling contracts forbade it.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12037194/trivia?tab=tr&item=tr7355167&ref_=ext_shr_lnk) *Edited to fix link.


She had modelling contract shoots lined up that stipulated she needed to keep her own hair long


She had modelling contract shoots lined up that stipulated she needed to keep her own hair long


I thought her head did look a little bulbous when she had the shaved head. I didn't think that was her natural head shape.


Why they didn't run the ponytail down her neck and CG it out is beyond me. I pulled this off with my Darth Maul Halloween Costume back when I was 14. She looked like a bobble head throughout the entire film.


Yeah and the goggles really didn't help.


You're looking at between $5 000 to $10 000 additional cost per shot to VFX her hair away with that method. The average action movie has about 4000 shots. So doing it this way would increase the cost of the film between 20 to 40 million dollars. Even if only three quarter or half the shots have shaved head Furiosa. That's still a lot of cash to drop when the bald cap won't even be noticed by most people.


That’s amazing they did all that in under a minute!


What's really incredible is how fast she texts. I would have spelling errors in every mesuge. Just like that.


I, too, am a speed reader


Anyone know what book she\`s reaing?


Henry and June by Anais Nin Happy cake day!


I came here for that information and you made sure I didn’t leave disappointed. Thank you!


A lot of them actually) https://preview.redd.it/oibhikuxw09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605bb684e5b70c56404524bf2da6f2ba8d275eb2


I thought it was House of Leaves, so came here to sus out what others clocked.


I'm curious how many hours this actually was.


I slowed the video 25 times and it kinda seemed natural then but you cant really tell because a lot of frames are missing but I would guess atleast 30-45 minutes


So cool! It makes sense for her not to shave her head for this movie since most film out of order. I still love the story of how Furiosa ended up with a shaved head--Charlize Theron and Miller were talking it out, couldn't settle on a hairstyle that felt right, and she called him up in the middle of the night to say, "I want to shave my head, I don't think Furiosa would deal with hair." Legend ❤


No wonder her head looked shaped like an alien, they bundled her hair under an afro.


I wish they would’ve let her cut her hair. The make up artists did a great job, but she just has too much hair to make the bald cap/buzz cut look right. I remember a couple of scenes in the theater where I was thinking to myself “man, she’s got a really bulbous looking head.”


Look at her once they get that bald cap on, its down pretty low. When you put an even 0.5 inch of growth on most people, it makes their head look like a weird globe. It's not a flattering look. She's got a bulbous head, so do you, and so do I.


Its a shame because even though well made it still looked like a baldcap




George Miller told her no. She has stated in multiple interviews she was totally on board to shave her head and George looked at her hair and said no. She also mentioned how they shot scenes out of sequence so she needed the long hair.


Meanwhile Charlize Theron had to shave it on like 3 separate occasions because of delays and reshoots.


Maybe that played into why George was pretty against Anya shaving hers 🤷🏼‍♀️


And it's funny because to me, she is definitely one of those people who look better with short hair.


She's said she really, really wanted to, but they also shot things out of order and her schedule for other things. She said George loved her real hair and goes, "You're not cutting it!" So she says. LOL


Actors' schedules will vary. If they need to be on the set of another film, cutting off hair is not an option.


She is also a global brand ambassador of Dior, who most likely did not allow for drastic changes in her appearance while she's under contract since she basically represents them at all times


Was Natalie Portman a big fave of Dior at the time she buzzed her hair for V for Vendetta?


No--according to Google, Natalie joined Dior in 2011 and V for Vendetta came out about five years earlier Funny enough, Charlize Theron was also the face of some of their perfumes


Nice, had no idea. Thanks for lookin into it. I just knew that it was possible but wasn’t 100% sure.


Yep, plus a mandatory minimum of Instagram posts, magazine photo shoots and commercials. But she should go bald because u/ColonelKasteen just feels like it.


I don't think they meant it like that, I think they just misunderstood why she was not able to go bald


No wonder why I thought her hair looked weird


The wallet phone case…always a choice


Decent flick


note the SPF 50+ sun screen an absolute essential for being in the outdoors in Australia


The shaved head scenes looked off, and now I know why.


Wait holy shit I thought she actually shaved her head. It looked so good.  Wish they do it like this for Bryan Cranston when he cameo as Walt in El Camino. 


The one good thing that came out of that latex fail was all the great Megamind memes


Furiosa is still the best movie I saw this year.


It's funny how it took so much time to capture the look of a character who basically just took grease and smeared it on her face and forehead.


Couldn’t have chosen a better furiosa


One of the many things that took me out of this movie was the bad shaved head wig.


We failed these movies. Best action movies out there and they all generally flopped.


She is incredibly beautiful. Pictures don't do her justice


Oops they forgot to remove her arm, classic mistake


What an absolute talent. It’s been a joy to watch Anya’s performances.


this movie is imho the best Mad Max movie out the entire series, it is a TERRIFIC ride, tight explosive, every single character, every. single. one. memorable and impactful. the chases are stupidly epic some scenes have them quite literally burst out the screen into the viewers face with a kind of animal mechanical emotional monstrous roar that had me and the audience yelping and punching the air. its GREAT and unfortunate that it didn't do well although i suspect people will come back to it in the years to come to give it the credit it deserves.


It's amazing that they can do a buzzcut wig over really long hair, but man it would look better if she'd just shaved it off.


That seems a bit excessive to me. Feels like that makeup took about 3 hours. Must be the details and contouring, that made it take so long.


legit how the fuck do they hide so much hair under a skullcap or whatever you call it?


I'm glad they didn't include the part where they chop her arm off. It must be exhausting going through that every day for the role. Sorry that was a spoiler.


Should've just shaved it. Look a little off during certain scenes


Why would anyone bother going through all that when you could just shave your head and slap a wig on if you need hair for the next role?


She wanted to shave her head but Miller supposedly talked her out of it. She may have had other obligations that prevented her doing that as well.


I read somewhere that Miller didn't want her to shave her head for some reason


Apparently a lot of the movie was filmed out of order and she has hair in much of it, so they needed her to keep her hair long.


I had to pause this half way just to say the movie was amazing. Can't recommend it enough.


That wig was awful.


Amazing they can even do this! Hiding all of that hair. I was certain it was buzzed!


Her head looks like a 💡


All this to get flopped


👁 👄 👁


I had no idea she had hair under the buz cut. I think that's one really good makeup effect


Seems like a lot of work


So that’s why she was texting me so much.


How long is this entire process does anyone here know?


Wow and I thought she just rubbed axel grease on her forehead.. next you'll be telling me destructo didn't have a big nose..


If it was me personally, I would’ve just gone bald for the role.


she wanted to, but had other contracts that required her to keep her hair long


Anyone notice she uses two different phones?


probably one is her private phone and one is professional/related just to the production she is working on. \


That's pretty rad. For the amount of effort all those involved put into it, I wish movies could go back to being about stories told instead of box office records.


I cannot wait until august for the bluray. Too long fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfucjfuckfuckducjfuckfucjfuckdycjdu jdu jfucjfy jfu jfycjfy jfucjfy kfucjfy jfucjfy jfu jfu jfu jfucjfy jfucjfckfu jfucjfy jfucjfyckfycjfycjfyckfucjfuckfucjfucjfucj


They changed the actress!!


Banana Boat getting that free ad


That's wow! Where can I watch full video?


How long did it take?


Looking like a a tim Burton creation


Wow she was completely transformed!!!!


That’s honestly incredible


A $30 razor and a tin of black Dulux probably would have sufficed.


Makes me remember of Star Trek The Motion Picture. They took Miss India and shaved her head for every take so she could portray a bald alien. If that movie were made today they would have put her in hair and makeup for 4 hours instead of a 20 minute shave.


Really cool to see the amount of effort and the process of the look!


thats a bit too much really....she should of simply shaved n dyed her head and one person could of added the charcoal make up on forehead and eye makeup in 5 mins Done, and much less time in chair every day w 5 people, seriously


Still wearing masks?


I believe the movie was filmed in 2022.


I find this lady incredibly creepy looking


Does make you appreciate the talent to make the face paint look plausible just smeared on oil, while being meticulously painted to be perfect


I want her to be griffith in a live action berserk


“You could save an hour a day if you get a crew cut” “Nope!”


Is her phone a pokedex?


The make up and hair team is so good!


We can all relate to bringing a book and then using your phone time whole time.


I don't get it. What are they actually doing that takes so long.


Meanwhile Charlise Theron just shaved her head. Twice lol. Once for shoot and then for reshoot.


Damn I think I’d just shave my head and skip a ton of the process, but I’m sure there are reasons why they didn’t. Then again I’m a guy with short hair anyway so it’s not a big change for me.




Real dedication would have been if she shaved her head and just smeared axle grease on her face.




Are you done yet?


Oh she didnt shave her head like Charlize?


Why not just cut ur hair? GI Jane style? Wouldn't that be way easier? Be more authentic?


Imagine being a Klingon or Ferengi on a 20+ episode a year Star Trek show in the 90’s and having to do this every freaking day without a smartphone…..


Anyone else get Mars Attacks! vibes from this, or


It's quite amazing. And quite something to have to go through that every morning if you're filming on set. Doesn't that ruin your hair?


I thought they shaved her head


That was me who was texting her


very cool


I'm glad she didn't cut her actual hair for the film. Her locks are ethereally silky if you watch any of the press stuff she does. I'm curious as to how much/ what products she uses for her hair


I thought she just had a large head.


Crazy how much makeup work goes into a look that in universe is just her smearing grease on her face.


Where the fuck did all the hair go


Her makeup artists move so fast.


I’d just cut my hair. Save us a shit load of time every morning. I’d do it for the team.tbh


big head


That's so much time!


So funny seeing her eyes darting around like that


Man thats a lot of work to do what charlize theron probably just shaved her head to do


Why are they throwing up gang signs??


Is makeup like painting where they do something, don’t like how it looks, and have to redo or cover up and go again?


I also kind of love the fact that it's also a random ad for sunscreen. I dunno...that made me giggle.


I had to pee so bad but once the last act with “arm” I happened I held out for her just cause that’s a character you suffer and power through for.




How long it take?


That wig is amazing!!!


Too bad she was in this role cause she would be perfect as the lead for any future Senua’s Sacrifice movie.


Witness me furiousa