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https://preview.redd.it/jugdd6nyw5ad1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1737828e0a027766c7d873cea5f814497bbe5ca3 I didn't notice his right hand until I paused it.


holy shit what? when did he even draw his gun? does he just never put it down


well, the guy questioned his bossority


fair point


Wtf are you serious? EVERYONE UPVOTE THIS NOW


Questioning my boss-ority


"Yeah, do what he says." Octoboss saw his hand on the gun.


Yeah, that explains his resigned response to it actually.


I only take orders from the Octoboss


Wow, I've rewatched this movie a couple times now at home and never noticed. Totally on point! šŸ˜…


I watched the movie four times in theaters. There are so many details in every scene. I couldn't see all of it.


that's fucking hilarious


Fun trivia, the guy on the right eats shit and dies during the Gastown attack, but in the War Rig sequence you see a different guy wearing the same helmet. Cool how they kept stuff like that to show how they scavenge everything in the Wasteland.


I hadn't noticed that one. But there a few moments of this resourcefulness in the movie (albeit more obvious than what you shared)--like taking parts off fallen comrades bikes or quickly looting their body before continuing a chase. It's a small detail that really enriched the world for me. It just shows that absolutely nothing can be wasted if you want to survive.


Which guy on the right? You mean the one being covered in white? Because Octoboss definitely didnā€™t die on the gas town attack, he was killed in the attack on war rig.


Until you paused it?? Itā€™s streaming now?? Edit : :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO movie night!!


Wow thats awesome!


goofy ass Hemsworth. i read he was able to be more himself in this film than most of them. cracked me up in the theater.


Yea and since heā€™s been basically locked into Thor for the last 10 years itā€™s amazing to see his acting range and potential. I personally didnā€™t think he would be my favorite from the entire film. Stole every scene


I'm curious if not having to hide his accent allowed him to feel more free at all


I saw an interview where he said he didnā€™t do his actual accent. He mimicked his grandfatherā€™s older-fashioned rural Australian one. Thatā€™s why his pitch is higher and his voice tighter than when he usually speaks.


Yeah his normal voice is closer to Thor, minus the British accent.


I love the rural Aussie accent.


That accent bangs harder than a buggered dunnie door in a dust storm.


This guy Aussies!


I see youā€™ve played knifey spoon before!


As a Yank, thanks to some life experience and "Bluey", i know exactly what you mean.


Na, that's not his accent. As somebody here said it's a old-school, rural accent. Hemsworth accent is more Suburban. I pretty much have a similar accent.


I'm certain that's not his actual voice/accent. It's amazing, but it's definitely exaggerated for the flamboyant character he's playing.


He was putting on an accent in this film to, extraction 1 and 2 is basically just him doing his normal voice vs his other roles


"Ā I personally didnā€™t think he would be my favorite from the entire film." Me either but he KILLED that role!


Same! I thought he was gna be super cheesy, esp when I very first saw him but he absolutely killed it


So damn good, it's like he wanted to do a reel going "Look motherfuckers! remember how well that I can act!?"


Absolutely. He played this character perfectly.


He was great. If you like seeing him play a baddie and you havenā€™t yet seen Bad Times at the El Royale, look it up. Heā€™s spectacular.


Iā€™m pumped for more extractionā€¦ but- Like get this guy in a Nolan film. lol


I think Love and Thunder was my favorite of them because he seems so genuine.


Honestly it was pretty similar to Thor


Dude is literally dressed up like a wasteland Thor


Because why? Cape? Hair? Nose? lol


You don't see the resemblance? I'm pretty sure it was on purpose


Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t see Thor in this, so much makeup, blood, dirt, bigger nose, chains, everything. I completely get what your saying but not the entire movie. I felt Thor come out a little here or there, but genuinely felt like a complete different person.


I'm just talking about the outfit at times, not the character. It's like a steampunk/wasteland Thor


I mean yea forsure but not most of the time, like if they didnā€™t add the big curly mustache and it was just the beard it would of totally reminded me of Thor. Now what really reminded me was when he held the bike cage and the chain like he held the star mechanism to make storm breaker, and also seems certain scenes he has one pupil dilated and it reminded me of the look the fake eye Rocket gave him. Also just a few lines of lower quiet dialogue got me but nothing when he was acting crazy or yelling


This is probably a really bad comparison but look at Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf VS Magneto. I donā€™t see him, but two completely different characters. Sometimes I see through the character and just notice the actor but not in these cases ^


I love how its clear he was having SO MUCH FUN with the role


I do not understand why the entire theater didnā€™t laugh at everything he did, I was.


Heā€™s actually got great comedic timing


I really want to see him in a full blown comedy.


he was hilarious as the secretary in Ghostbusters. stole every scene he was in.


He's fantastic in a comedic role, as we saw in Thor Ragnarok.


A few scenes I feel he took inspiration from Deppā€™s Jack Sparrow, to great success


I got that and Heath Ledger's Joker vibes. At first, it was immersion-breaking because it was so obvious, but the later scenes were a more successfully unique character.


Agreed. His character changed throughout the movie, subtly but noticeably.


wait, but, he was the bad guy lol


exactly....makes you wonder don't it?


I think it was a real weird decision to take the guy known for playing Thor and then have him play a totally different character but still wear a breastplate and red cape making him look exactly like Thor. All I see is Thor.


That was my reaction for the trailer, but while watching the film that went away. His character was so good that now I have a hard time believing he's the Thor guy lol


He's a true artist! https://preview.redd.it/723sc2cul5ad1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf86473581a044494563aafe7afec739c5cd3f66


I love that they had Dementus do this to the mural, becourse it shows his character degeneration in a wonderfully subtle way. This art piece shows a group of water nimphs luring a man into the water for him to die (I believe. I've read somebody's explanation of the art before but it's been a while) They tempt him with beauty and bliss. In the original, the man is shows as still hesitant. He can still feel something's up. Not Dementus though. His modification shows him taking what he wants, without any consideration. He takes the bait hook line and sinker. As he does with Gastown. But in a short matter of time he loses control. He's over promising on everything, sharing his new won bounty with everybody and anybody, without consideration that when everything runs out, he's screwed. He's started to believe his own version of his epic conquest so much he doesn't stop to consider the reality of what's happening anymore. He's been tempted by something wonderful he wanted, the nimphs (Gastown, later the bullet farm) and then start drowning in it, by his own carelessness and shortsightedness.


Yep, and in a more literal sense: Dementus tries to be more sophisticated than he really is. He learns words from the History Man to flaunt them, probably not fully understanding their meaning like when he called Furiosa's tears 'piquant'. He tries to be an artist and he fails. It's part of his facade he's cultivating,


I recognized it as Waterhouse as heā€™s probably my favorite artist. A lot of his stuff is based on classic myths so itā€™s on brand for Miller to feature a bit of his work. And you remember well, in the myth (I just looked it up) Hylas is a companion of Hercules and one of the argonauts, he is seduced into the water by the Nymphs and disappears.


I always felt Joe didnā€™t know that was going to happen but he banked on that it was going to happen.


I mean you say that, but he took Gastown, he took the Bullet Farm. If not for Furiosa he takes everything.


Yes, he's a good leader of marauders, but not of men. It's one thing to cleverly steal something but it's another thing to properly cultivate it and keep it working. Furiosa didn't make him lose control of Gastown. He did that himself.


He still would have had it though. He still could have crippled the Citadel. You don't have to have a good plan and any chance of long term success to get that short term W. And he had the leaders of Joe's faction out-thought all the way.


The what-adel?? Lmao


But in the time he controlled Gastown, it went from what seemed to be at least a relatively stable place into barely having a lid on a seething mob of starving people, and that was \*with\* the increased shipments of food he leveraged out of Immortan Joe. He's good at being a locust, taking over and stripping places bare, but in terms of leading a community long-term? Forget it.


That's not really his problem until he takes the three settlements though, and he very nearly did. That's a problem for Future Dementus. We didn't get to meet that guy.


I mean based on what we saw in the film I don't see any reason to believe that he'd do anything other than run all three places into the ground and eventually the survivors move on to find somewhere else to strip for parts but we don't strictly \*know\* that, sure.


The paintings were censored in my country tho, glad Iā€™m able to see dementus pure art prowess here šŸ‘Œ


Which country?


Asia (yeah Iā€™m not disclosing which part of asia, but itā€™s a pretty conservative country here)


Gotcha gotcha. Thx anyway!


dang nice catch


Oh my gosh, I didn't notice on either viewings that they didn't deface the painting but actually added arms and hands. That's such a thoughtful character-building detail.


I love the mysterious red handprint on her boob lol


Octoboss actor has tremendous presence.


Yeah! I wish we saw more of him. Or at least showed his face before he died.


I want to see his face while he yells at Dementus, the mask is great and all but damn he doesnā€™t seem like the type to yell so when you hear him scream itā€™s awesome, like he genuinely feels betrayed


I was really hoping for some deleted scenes that are about him and his gang.


Hos delivery of where are you from is soo goddam good


i had to look him up because he looked familiar and i didnt see him listed for anything i would remember but noticed he does the mocap for the xenomorph in alien: covenant


Hemsworth knocked it out of the park. You can tell how much fun he's having from his performance.


So often, when sequels are made, someone tries to incorporate more humor or jokes in an otherwise action/sci-fi/drama/etc movie. That has consistently been the thing that ruins se/prequels for me over the years. They take a joke or moment from the source material that audiences loved, and they force it into consequent movies, and beat it to death. Forced, unnatural, and cringy af. I HATE IT. The Mad Max franchise has been refreshingly different. Miller has consistently made these great action movies, with strong storytelling (not too on-the-nose) and kept them naturally humorous. I've laughed quite a bit at every movie, but never felt like I was trout-slapped in the face with dumb one-liner jokes.


Miller incorporates the ridiculousness of this world into the writing. It's a over-the-top setting so having characters that match the energy works. Unlike Marvel which will try and do a dark storyline but needs a joke every now and again because the studio doesn't want the movie to be 'too sad'


Marvel Mad Max would dare someone to drink with him in a bar where "two men enter, one man leaves"


We donā€™t need another (super)hero


My boss said that while in college, his frat buddies held a drinking competition they called Chunderdome


their first interaction with a war boy was so hilarious, I was unfortunately the only one in my theatre laughing out loud.


The nipple scene was hilarious. I love this film.


His line *"Someone competent and exceptionally resentful"*, had me laughing hard


ā€œExcessivelyā€ resentful :)


>They take a joke or moment from the source material that audiences loved, and they force it into consequent movies, and beat it to death. Forced, unnatural, and cringy af. I HATE IT. My first thought from this comment was the dice from >!the Millennium Falcon. Do I really want to bring up *that* franchise in another thread to devolve into pointless tirade?!< If I had to point to one singular object that encapsulates my frustration with -quels, that is it. The dice start as a sight gag in the disco era, a few smudgy film grains not acknowledged onscreen for 40 years, then suddenly command extreme close-up shots and deep emotional significance to several characters. The further *explanation* of that significance comes in the -quel released after the -quel, at which point the audienceā€™s emotional investment is drained because the character the dice pertains to has been dead for two movies. Weā€™re told to care after the story is done. The emphasis on the dice is gratuitous, incoherent in its non-sequentiality, and kills the fun of the initial gag. It is the on-screen equivalent of killing the joke by over-explanation, smothering all enthusiasm in the process.


The scene that follows is esentially what it's like joining a group of neo nazis. They're your best buddies until they have to stage an attack and annihilate you.


You must remember ā€œYOUR SCUM DEMENTUS, SCUMMMMā€


Moment like these are golden. The sorcerer's tear during the torture scene or "the other arm" scene.


Stay Golden Pony


Lmao as if *you'd* know


Character of the year


I didnā€™t remember the octoboss speaking, such a great movie . Canā€™t wait for that blu-ray!


You don't remember the Piquant delivery of YOURE SCUM DEMENTUS!!?!




Guess Iā€™ll have to watch that Blu-ray over and over.


He talks in several scenes!


You don't remember him talking in this scene? Did you watch the film?


I donā€™t remember this scene him talking . Saw it twice.


Dude you hear him when he says I only listen to the ocotoboss and he speaks, and then right here... Like it's right there how do you not remember that... Why eyewitness reports fking suck


That last little flick he does at the end šŸ¤£ idk what George Miller does on set, but he clearly creates an atmosphere where every actor can *fully* embody their character like few other filmmakers can create. Obviously huge credit to Hemsworth himself for the outstanding performance, and all the other actors in these films. It's just amazing to me how every actor in the series embodies their character, to their core. And I have so much respect for George for that!


I know this comment is two days old, but in a recent interview with Hemsworth he confirms this very thing. George loves taking ideas to help make the story unique and Chris had a lot of leeway because of how involved he became with the character Thatā€™s honestly a directorā€™s dream right there. Itā€™s no wonder heā€™d love to continue working with Chris


That's awesome to hear! The mutual respect all the participants had for each other really comes through in the film, in a way that is quite rare.


In a franchise with so many great villains, Chris really deserves a lot of praise for possibly being the best one. It's also interesting to compare how much Charlize and Tom Hardy struggled with George's/Max Max style of film-making, while Chris and Anya just ran with it.


I think cause they definitely knew what they were getting into(since even the public knew how hard it to film)


i love the octoboss in this scene


What the hell was that white shit?


Salty clay mixed with gasoline I believe, not 100% sure though


Guzzoline\* But yeah it's white clay, fairly common in the Australian outback. It's what the Aboriginals use as body paint.


wait, are warboys naturally pale due to their half lives or are they coated in this stuff?




I suspected it was a mixture of mothers milk. caught octoboss sniffing it too lol


You literally see him scoop it out of the ground into a bucket then pouring gas into the bucket.


Like mud and gas mixed.


Saw this film twice in the cinema. God damn it was good!


I wish I did! No idea why I decided to wait until the penultimate day it was offered in IMAX. I was hooked from start to finish, it was epic.


First time I was by myself then when I came home I said to my fiancĆ©e you have to see that film. Normally sheā€™s not that bothered about Mad Max films but she loved this one. So much more story and lore in this one. Canā€™t believe itā€™s being considered a financial failure and we might not get more of these. šŸ˜ž


I just know Hemsworth was having a great time covering that dude in mud


You could clearly tell he was having a blast.


You have to never take your eyes off Dementus. Hemsworth had way too much fun.


I know its a silly ass character, but Hemsworth gave an amazing performance. That small moment where he loses it with the "There is no hope" is great.


Its like when they drug Jack and he was just sitting there for hours just thinking ā€œthis is fkd upā€ with the craziest look in his face. At least that was my interpretation of his emotion. Do bad things to people cause been done bad himself


"Stop, stop, that's enough! ...I'm bored."


Lol I booked that in the theatre šŸ˜‚


This movie is the gift that keeps on giving šŸ¤£


The fking flick had me dead Iā€™m in bed and I donā€™t want to wake my wife. Was this movie good? Funny? The hand flick alone makes me want to watch it lmfao


It was a fun fucking ride


Mental note; Rewatch Wolf Creek


Dementus is the best part of this movie.


The little panache he had when he threw the last little bit of ā€œpaintā€ on that guy was awesome, with a little flick of the wrist, lol. I loved him in this role.


The octobossā€™s crew are so cool


Bro is making a masterpiece.


This was a great movie.


So often, when sequels are made, someone tries to incorporate more humor or jokes in an otherwise action/sci-fi/drama/etc movie. That has consistently been the thing that ruins se/prequels for me over the years. They take a joke or moment from the source material that audiences loved, and they force it into consequent movies, and beat it to death. Forced, unnatural, and cringy af. I HATE IT. The Mad Max franchise has been refreshingly different. Miller has consistently made these great action movies, with strong storytelling (not too on-the-nose) and kept them naturally humorous. I've laughed quite a bit at every movie, but never felt like I was trout-slapped in the face with dumb one-liner jokes.


It would be so cool if Octoboss and his Bikers were alive and began working for Joe or become their own group again, killing Octoboss and Fang was a bad idea to me


They actually were their own group when he died. They had broken off from Dementus at that point and had "gone rogue".


Should have kept him alive actually, he was pretty cool, him helping Jack and Furiosa to beat Dementus sounds nice but Dementus and his gang still have Gas Town


Honestly,.CH was oscar worthy as Dementus


I knew his naturally manic energy would be perfect. Also the biggest thing i got from furiosa was that human women are milked for breast milk and that milk is mixed with sand to give the warboys their white coloring


Today weā€™re hauling mothers milk!! Also thanks for sharing i didnā€™t know that


That appears to be what happens. The mothers milk is leaking at dementuses feet in this scene and he mixes it with sand to make the muck he puts on the warrior


No, it's kaolin clay. Native Australians have been using it as paint with different colors for tens of thousands of years.


Ah excuse me then id never heard of white clay before


Ohh I thought you meant real war boys not mortifiers? I thought this was just salty clay and gas, sorry Iā€™m confused now lol


I suspect its both. Because the liquid was white.


Hemsworth grabs a handful of it before he mixes it with anything and its already white just the top layer was dust covered


I had always assumed the concoction used on the real war boys was different than the ones dementus' crew used. Dementus created a makeshift, crude disguise with different materials.


Thanks now Iā€™m gonna go watch again lol


What is that stuff he was spreading on them?


*laugh track* smh


Shite film




Honest and nice.


Looks like a grimy Thor!


Man furiosa was such a letdown.


Bullshit. It was awesome. Dementus was hilarious.


For you sadly


Garbage movie. Deserved to bomb.


Does that make you feel better? Nope your life is still miserable!!


Iā€™m pretty critical, but in what world was this garbage? Lol