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She’s a hero to everyone on that plane.


I feel like OP was working harder than the parent.


Nope. I had the same situation happen. Dad was trying everything he could. His daughter wasn’t having it. After 15 min, I popped up and talked to her (behind me). 2.5-3 y/o. I just talked to her about not wanting to be in the seat, where was she going, etc. I’m sure she didn’t understand any of it, but I was a new face and voice. She settled and dad thanked me. It was virtually no effort on my part and the little girl settled down.


That's not really fair. Kids that age are notoriously rebellious because that's just developmentally appropriate. The parents could be trying their best but sometimes they're inconsolable no matter what you do. The thing that almost always works for stopping fussiness is distraction and novelty. There was a video circulating sometime ago where parents plopped slices of cheese on their fussing toddler's faces and it snapped them out of the crying instantly. You don't need cheese obviously, but a brand new adult? Who is paying attention? Also funny? Distraction achieved.


Was on a flight with my one year old nephew and my sis who is a single mom. It was brutal to be apart of a situation you have no control over. We tried everything to keep him entertained and took turns but eventually they will get upset. I felt awful when he would cry. I’ve always had patience for things like that because we have certain responsibilities in our society. We look out for elderly and disabled people. We deal with crying kids sometimes because they are the future. I kind of enjoy that the older I get. Plus Bluetooth headphones rule :)


Yep. These last two comments are spot on. Let me guess: voice of experience? I’ve done the same, now that mine are no longer screaming random bloody murder at me; often the soothing chatter I’m distracting them with goes along the lines of: “I bet your grownup is dying of embarrassment right now, and they don’t know that literally no one cares — either that, or they are all on your grownup’s side, because they all know how hard it is to carry around a screaming baby as cute as you are, right?” (Mostly because I wish someone had said that to me, lol.) In fact, comedian Tom Papa has a great bit about this in his newest Netflix special— he says now he is on Team Baby.


Found the guy that doesn’t have children.


Three, now grown. Traveled extensively, had a kit of tools … we respected that others had equal rights to a peaceful journey. My spouse and I worked really hard… we didn’t get rest but had an adventure.


You have no idea what you're talking about. That parent probably spent every second of the fight trying to calm their child. Babies get bored and need constant new forms of stimulus. To keep your kid from losing it on a flight, you have to continuously switch to new forms of entertainment. It's relentless and exhausting. In my experience, you eventually hit a point where there's nothing you as a parent can do to make the baby happy. But usually when you hit that point, the baby is still delighted to interact with a stranger.


When my daughter was this age I had more than one moment when it took every bit of my self control to not lose my shit. There were times where I felt like I had done everything humanly possible to try to help her calm down and she just Wouldn’t. Stop. Crying. There was one time that I was so close to losing my temper in an awful way that I had to put my daughter in her crib screaming and crying and I had to leave the room and shut her door so that I could scream and cry just long enough to get it together. I hear what you’re saying and I definitely think every parent should be responsible for their child; but I also think parents can use some help now and then (especially in stressful situations) because sometimes you just can’t do more than not scream. It’s not a great pitch for parenthood, but it’s the truth.


Not fair at all, how would you know how hard the parent's been working to get their child to be quiet?


That’s why I wrote “looks”. I have no way of knowing more than what was provided. The the parent allowed OP to entertain their child.




Webster says I’m good. “In all cases, when the sex is sufficiently indicated by a separate word, names may be used to denote females without a distinct termination.” https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hero


I didn’t know this that’s cool


No thanks. I smoke weed occasionally but stay away from the harder drugs.


I tried coke once, but the ice got stuck to my nose.


That’s what the straw is for


Hero and heroine both work fine here. Honestly though, she recorded a baby and then posted said video online, she is far from being a hero.


What about herobrine? That dude creepy


Have you ever actually seen herobrine though? He cute https://www.clipartmax.com/max/m2i8N4d3N4G6d3K9/


When Minecraft came out I was around 12 and my friends got us into it super early days, when it got huge and the herobrine myth started we legit believed it to be real and we’re always creeped out when caving. But nah still haven’t seen him yet lol


Did stampycat fuel your beliefs?


This is something I would do. I cannot help it, if a baby looks at me I get all goofy trying to get them to smile. I would never record it though.


Same, if I catch the eye of a baby or toddler at the grocery store I instinctively make a funny face and stick my tongue out. The goal is that baby-smile


I'm blind, but if I hear a kid ahead of me and then hear them move out of my way without being told by an adult, I stop, crouch, and give them a high-five. Had a youngin about 3-4 years old do that at the Sheetz today, I told his momma she should be so proud of him! Honestly, kids have much better awareness than their parents as a whole, but I'm gonna praise that behavior all day long!


Praising them for it as kids encourages them to become just as aware adults. Lovely thing to do. I've known a bunch of people who had physical disabilities, but if a kid started asking (and a parent sushed them), they'd answer the kids questions and help show them how to be polite to others who's bodies are shaped differently.


I've only been blind since I woke up like that on a Thursday in April but I worked in healthcare for 20 years, mostly with the disabled, and I picked up the praise thing from quite a few of my patients. I will absolutely tell a parent it's ok for them to ask me questions; there's nothing wrong with being curious, kids are always curious and it's a great thing! I'll let them try on my shades if it's not too bright where I'm at, let them look at my eyes because that's a common request (my eyes look completely normal because it's my retinas that are eaten away), but they can't have my cane. Sorry kid, but I feel super anxious and scared without my cane in a place that isn't home, but I'll show you how I use it!


That's great, though I'm sorry to hear about how you developed the condition. Kids are amazing, their curiosity fuels the future (I'm working on becoming a special ed teacher), and the way they see the world is with it all being fairly new/exciting. More adults should take inspiration from what kids can derive enjoyment from, it'd help the world be a little less dull imo.


It's ok, I'm dealing a LOT better than I was over the summer, when I was waking up, going to put in my contacts, then crying because I'd remember "this is my life now." I try to remember that it's a good thing I have a dark sense of humor-- since everything's pretty dark now lol And bless your heart!! My 13 year old has low spectrum autism and mild mental retardation, and his teachers are amazing! He didn't talk until he was 5, but thanks to their teaching, he never shuts the fuck up! I wish you all the joy and happiness in the world in your job; it really really takes a special person to work in peds in *any* form!


Thank you. I've seen how so many kids with disabilities get treated or let to suffer and it saddens me, so I wanted to go into the profession to help them. I just need to get high enough in a school to be able to say who can and cannot work with the students. Too many adults working with kids look down upon them, especially those with disabilities. I'm gonna have to cut myself off here, otherwise I'll go into a long spiel about my own pedagogy and views of the US (public) education system through which I had to suffer. Kids are amazing, and just because they're not so good with some NT things doesn't mean that they aren't phenomenal in their own ways that far exceed the NT expectation.


Oh, you're not wrong about people working in the wrong field and treating disabled kids badly. I had to go to bat for my son many, many times when he was in elementary school after the good teacher left, but since he started middle school, his teachers have been amazing. You're gonna do great as an EC teacher, I'm proud of you! *hug*


Thank you.


I work at a mall and yesterday a baby about the same age as the one in the video was crying. So I started making funny faces at her and did a hand waggle under my chin. And she stopped crying. It was really cute. My coworker thought it was hilarious too.


Yeah my child isn’t on social media and I’d be quite annoyed if someone secretly recorded them and put it online.


You’re in public you consent to be recorded. I’m sure old bro caught on the jumbo tron cheating on his wife would’ve liked to have a say, but them’s the breaks.


I'd also be annoyed at you having the audacity to own a child that makes noise.


No one owns a child. Children make noises, especially ones that drive you crazy. The only one who has audacity here is you. Fuck off.


Reddit moment


I like making faces at kids in queues and stuff then looking away or carrying on a conversation when they tell their parents. I'm sure their parents know too but it's funny watching them get all flustered about it. Just a happy goofy distraction from the mundane.


I sometimes stick my tongue out a kids when they are staring and their parents aren’t paying attention. Every single one of them smiles, laughs, or does it back.


You gotta acknowledge the little ones!


I’d stop crying too




God bless her. Back in 2009 when my 13 year old was 3 months old, he screamed almost the entire flight to Des Moines. Holy shit, I could not stop apologizing to everyone. I tried rocking him, walking him up and down the aisle once the seatbelt light went out, was putting him on the breast every few minutes, etc. Nothing worked. About 30 minutes into the flight I was in tears, and other women and two men started offering to take the baby for a few minutes to try their hand at soothing him while giving me a break. It didn't really work, but I was SO grateful to everyone for being kind and understanding and trying to help soothe my son. The funny part was after I'd landed and I told my daddy about it over the phone: "oh my God, you gave your baby to total strangers!? What were you THINKING, Kat!?" "What were they gonna do, Daddy!? Exit the plane at 30,000 feet with my son?"


Lmfao exiting the plane


Once you start peek a boo good luck stopping peek a boo. The littles give zero fucks about it being the gazillionth time your still doing it. If you can sacrifice your time & your mind by all means let the games begin!


Think he was making a racket before, wait until she stops peek a boo!


That’s so sweet!


Just made everyone’s journey so much sweeter.


This maybe unpopular, but if i catch a stranger making a video of my child to upload it on the internet, i will make them delete the video.


Totally agree. Intention of making the baby smile is good, but I don’t understand why every kindness needs to be filmed and shared. It’s insincere. Also, you don’t know if someone has a serious reason to not have a social media presence.


I was thinking the same thing, probably shouldn't be filming someones babies. It is at minimum in bad taste. I know people, including myself that want their kids to have a zero social media footprint, until they are old enough to decide for themselves.


Maybe it was her aunt or something?


Came here to say this. Why are you recording someone else's kid on a flight? Answer: so you can share it on the internet for internet points.


Exactly. So infuriating. Not sure what gives her the right to do this nonsense.


It's staged so not really applicable.


VAN! 💜


When my 1 yr old was crying on our descent a few years ago, the woman across the aisle suggested we try giving our kid some gum to help with the discomfort. Nice gesture, but a little misplaced given my kids age. This woman's help was clearly much more effective / useful.


I got a similar advice but instead of gum, it's pacifier or milk bottle. I guess breastfeeding could work too? Since i believe the intention is to make use of the sucking motion to relieve air pressure.


Yep I was always told any kind of feeding/sucking! Paci, bottle, booby. We took our 3 month old on a flight several years ago and I believe we used a paci and she didn't cry at all.


Same! My little dude was so chill on his first flight with his pacifier too.


This is why I pop a mini bubble blower in my pocket/carry on whenever I fly, even if I'm not travelling with kids of my own. They're light, and absolute gold in the waiting lounges and in the air. And they often bring a smile to adults too.


Ooh good idea, I might do that next time I'm on a long haul flight!


Wait you can do that? Never thought about it


Peek a boo works every time


As a parent I appreciate this woman more than she could ever know. So nice to see a different reaction to a crying baby, other than people shining that Edge lately about babies existing.


*holding sign* the sign: "i have a bomb, if you don't stfu I will kill you, your family and everyone else on this plane"


Let me just say: love the BTS eye mask. I’m jealous :)


Huh, the old peek a boo method 🫣


I helped a lady with her nightmare kid behind me on a flight for hours. All I wanted to do was relax but I was felt bad. Lady never said thank you or anything. Never again.


Rock Star ⭐️


Babies usually instantly stop crying when they see me. I assume it’s my big nose and glasses. I was at a real estate closing and the people had to bring their baby in the car seat. Baby starts flipping out and I was like “watch this…” I looked at that kid, said hi/waved, smiled and made a slightly funny face..he stopped immediately.


Peekaboo is like catnip for babies.


I will bet money she didn’t ask the parents consent to post their baby on the internet for all to see


Ever tried to identify a baby in a lineup? They all look the same.


I’m betting most of us are smiling just as large as that kiddo after watching this


Is it weird that I thought the camera was gonna turn and she'd have just a whole bunch of cleavage? Distracting a hungry baby LOL. xDD


[ Everyone liked that ]


Sweet. I always do this - making a baby smile is irresistible!


I totally expected she’d got out the jugs.


It takes a whole community.


These people are true hero’s. I just came back a few days ago from a trip. We flew from Japan to the US with our 19mo son. On our longest leg (13 hours) my son was getting a bit bored and restless. He was standing on my lap trying to find something to do and fidget I noticed he stopped. Only to realize a kind stranger behind us was making silly faces with him. Not only did this give me a couple minute break and rejuvenate his spirits, it showed me that not everyone on my flight is thinking “oh great a baby on the flight.” True MVP’s and kindness of strangers.


Filming and uploading a video of someone else’s baby on the internet without, what I would guess, the parents consent, is just fucked up.


Such a creep recording someone else’s baby.


No offense to OP! But…this is all it takes! In our super selfish society, we dipshits think “fuck that kid, can’t the stupid mom shut it up??” When all we have to do is THIS….we are the village that it takes to raise a child…unhappy listening to a crying baby? Guess what? THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM. You are the baby.


I don’t understand what makes people happy anymore. This just annoys the shit out of me.




I love playing peek a boo with babies


God's work


He saw a hottie and instantly started to smile <3


glad this wasn’t a final episode of MASH situation!


Get paid....


Welcome to /r/MadeMeSmile. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules/) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). * Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card. - [More information regarding rule 1 as well as how mug/shirt/poster scammers operate can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeMeSmile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Baby: where does she go?


I would do the same but in the funniest way 🤪


When we flew with our one year old, he did fairly well but he had a rough time with the decent (ears hurt I think) and other passengers around us were so nice and multiple people were playing peekaboo and one nice lady was showing him pictures of her dogs on her phone. Made all the difference. Those people are amazing. We went out of our way thank them after we landed.


Not all heroes wear capes


A little peek-a-boo can go a long way to helping a parent travelling with a kid. I usually try to pull it off without parent noticing...they don't need to thank me or anything, I do it to help everyone


I got a daughter and, for some reason, her cry is silent, she barely makes a noise, but it's so cute to hear her laugh because she has one of those exaggerated giggles, and I'm all for it.


Babies have the “I’m bored/annoyed” crying which you can basically stop with giving them some stimulation. They also have the “I’m severely uncomfortable or in pain” crying which is harder to stop with simple distractions. Source: have baby.


It’s not expected at all for strangers to help an overwhelmed mom. It is 1000% appreciated.


That is very sweet!


Had to take my son on the plane when he was that old. Luckily he wasn't noisy at all but the number of people we flew with that said don't worry, we'll do silly things to keep him entertained. He was heartwarming.


Now if she can only keep up the game of peekaboo mask for 3 more hours...


Peek-a-boo is god tier.


My wife carries bubbles with her. She has saved many a young child from mom's hand with a simple breath


I'm happy for that baby and that woman. I tried raising the vertical line to the top. I increased my sound to 100% . Couldn't hear anything. Is there a way to listen to the video?


You are an awsome human being!!!


How is no one commenting on this baby’s rizz?? The eyes, the lick of the lips, lil dude’s got better game than any of us


OP is CUTE! No wonder he was playing cool lol


Pediatrician said preflight Benadryl was perfectly appropriate and we agreed 😊


Lasted 4.4 minutes


Nah, being mad at the parents is much easier


She invented peekaboo!! Omg such smrt lolbrbjk


Everybody knows it’s the job of the people around babies on planes to keep them entertained, not the parents. This is just common courtesy


Playing peekaboo from behind my laptop had my youngest fascinated and happy for HOURS on end, and it's just adorable and fun...at least to me🤷‍♀️


Instructions unclear, punched child in the face.


Sometimes mom is just ugly like that and you wanna see somebody else for a while


If you're on a plane, while there is a baby crying and a passenger takes the time to help ease that child to stop him/her from crying throughout the trip, give him/her a huge thanks. Personally, I buy a drink for her


No all heroes wear capes. But they do wear a mask.


So good.. you’re hired by the airline to fly all over to keep toddlers happy..


And I bet if she ever stopped doing it the baby would start crying again


Faith in humanity restored - thanks to both the video and (most of) this comment section. Saw another video the other day of the same situation with a crying babybon a plane, and some old dude was just loudly being such a giant dick about it. It just stayed in my mind for way too long! Somebody even yelled at the baby, as I remember it.


Knowing kids, that only helped for maybe the duration of that video. After that the kid is like 'ok bored now time to cry'


It takes a village. What a great human being.


I hate that people take their little children on to a plane 🙄 pffff


Good job!


I winner if she has to do that same thing for the rest of the flight.