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That dismount, though!


My favorite part of this video. It’s so smooth.


Literally Kratos/Atreus transition cutscene


Had to watch that a couple times- so cool


don't forget the mount, it's not as smooth but just as cool


Came here for the dismount vibes as well




While this is very wholesome. Id never drive on a public road with my daughter on a bike. Not saying the biker is a bad driver.. i just wouldnt trust EVERYONE ELSE on the road with my daughters life. Edit: im am NOT anti-motorcycle, ive owned several myself. Im anti CHILDREN on motorcycles.


So sweet and such a cool experience as a kid. But other people on the road can end their life far too early.


Agreed. I sold my bike the week my daughter was born. Maybe ill get another when shes all grown.


You sir are a man. You can ride whenever, but you'll only ever see your daughter grow up once.




As someone who walked into work one day only to learn a co-worker of 4 years was paralyzed from the neck down after a brutal motorcycle crash I was never tempted to tempt fate myself. Drove dirt bikes all my life but something about raising a family and putting it all on the line to drive a motorbike... feels like tempting fate, especially if you live in a big city with bad drivers.


Absolutely, family safety always takes top priority


Family comes before everything else


That’s a very respectable move.


Safety first, family always. Admirable decision, indeed


I’ve always wanted to own a motorocycle. Then my son was born and all the sudden the urge has severely dwindled


I kept mine a few years before selling it. My son used to help me take it out of the garage and wash it in the driveway on nice days and then put it back before I sold it. We went around the quiet part of the neighborhood a few times but I generally gave up riding it.


Wise words


[Becoming a father does shame things to a man. ](https://youtu.be/18_GgN-Z3aU?si=hBV0gfvfOWb4NvZF)




I've seen so many fucking idiots on the road. I used to walk up a hill to work 15 minutes from where I lived. I could see clearly into peoples' cars - 80% were blatantly on their phones driving at full speed. People are idiots and they operate these vehicles with zero consideration for themselves or others. Just incase my disdain isn't super clear - for anyone reading this - if you look at your phone while driving: **FUCK YOU**


In the hospital we refer to them as donor-cycles unfortunately. Motorcycle vs almost anything, vehicle or not, motorcycle loses.


There's also a reason why child seats are a required thing.


I used to carry donor organs and limbs for transplants. 95% of them were motor cycle related. The 16 yeah old that had just gotten his riders license was one of the worst because I was bringing in a heart while they were prepping to put this heart into a man no younger than 40 as the relieved family was shuffling out. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it, but I know he paid to get it transported 4 states in under 6 hours


Been there. I got sideswiped into a snow plow in 2019.




Spoke in class today


try to erase that.






Majority of motorcycle wrecks are the other driver’s fault


I work in organ transplantation. So so many of our deceased donors are due to 2 things - motorcycles and fentanyl…


Half the people I know who died under the age of thirty died on bikes.


How can you just donate fentanyl laced organs?! That sounds all kinds of messed up.


Obviously not your kidneys, but I should think most other organs would be available. It would also depend on how long you were an addict.


You can. I do tons of fentanyl and I just “donated” one of my kidneys last week.


Charlie?! Let's go to Candy Mtn Charlie!


Deep cut


What do you mean? The guy gets an organ and bonus fentanyl, what's not to like?


My friend lost her son that way. Motorcycles are for adults who can weigh the risks seriously and decide for themselves to do it anyway. That little one is so little, she wouldn’t stand a chance in an accident.


I know how many close calls I've had on my own on my bike. I sold it a few days after my kid was born.




It actually happened 11 years ago this year. Her husband at the time took their son on a short trip to the store, and they never made it. He lived for three more days before they made the agonizing decision to remove him from life support. It absolutely devastated her (obviously) but she still talks about him all the time. So incredibly sad.


Please let her know that she's not alone in her grief


I ride and there is an absolute ZERO chance I’d ever put my kid on my bike, for exactly the same reasons you’re saying. most riders I know with kids this young OVERWHELMINGLY have never put them on the back of a street bike - if you haven’t had your “moment” yet where someone tried to kill you - it’s coming.


As a guy who got t-boned from a distracted driver - I agree 100%. It's one thing to put yourself in danger...


I almost had this happen to me yesterday. Light was green for a few seconds and the guy blew through after I was halfway through, good thing it was a one way street cuz he came from the right and I would have been toast.


Glad at least you had your head screwed on - and are still here to tell the story today!


My best friend is now raising her two sisters because a guy ran a red light killing her mother and stepfather on their bike. So much pain created in one short moment.


Anyone arguing about this with you is a future statistic. If you consider yourself a good driver, but you'd take a kid with you that can't even reach around your body to lock their hands, you're not a good driver.


It's completely avoidable. The dad is old enough to accept the risk of driving a motorcycle, the child does not have this luxury. Motorcycle accidents can result in life-long impairment or death. This and TBI's are avoidable.


5x more likely to die on a motorcycle. Undeniable fact. These people are thinking of one person and one person only.


The rate is more like 30x (and 40x more likely to suffer a serious injury) when you account for actual distances travelled. Cars have a whole pile of safety systems like airbags, belts and crumple zones to protect you. On a bike you are the crumple zone.


The stats in my state are that motorcyclists make up less than 5% of road users, but are involved in over 40% of serious road accidents.


Some info on the UK which i know from curiousily researching and living here, the percentage of each vehicle is as follows: 75% cars 18% Vans 5% Lorries 1% Buses 1% Motorcycles In 2022 (latest year with full data) per 1 billion miles travelled nationwide there were 123 motorcycle fatalities, and 3 car occupant fatalities. so 41x higher death rate. For Casualties (anything from fatalities, small injury to severe injury etc) it was 5971 for motorcycles and 305 for car occupants.


I ride motorcycles and would not do this with a kid this young. If they're too young to get onto the bike themselves. They're definitely too young to ride. *Maybe* around the neighborhood.


Ask a doctor the top 5 things to avoid in life. Motorcycles, regardless of gear, is on the list. This is cute as hell. But. He may be the best motorcycle driver on planet earth. The problem is the idiots in cars (I am human, I make mistakes - count me as one of the idiots).


So I’ve been hit at a red light from behind three times. One car hit me so hard, sound cut out, everything slowed down and I remember floating for a split second. The seat belt pulled me back to reality. So yeah, no motorcycle for me, I’ll take my faraday cage any day of the week.


I know right? I've been rear ended four times in highly visible cars, once by a stoner who didn't even brake. Forget being on a motorcycle that's apparently invisible to half the drivers on the road.


I've lost too many friends, and most to the fault of the other cars driver, to motorcycles. I get that this is supposed to be adorable, but I find it awful. As a dad I couldn't imagine putting my kid in that kind of danger needlessly.


Meanwhile in asia 3 whole generations fit on a bike riding out into the sunset.


It's a bit different in Asia where everyone is driving smaller lighter vehicles and not Ford F350's


And the traffic is so fucked that nobody can go above 40kmph. Also, we're more used to bikes and pedestrians and dogs etc on the roads


Yeah, and there are kids involved in accidents daily.


Because motorcycles aren't inherently dangerous, cars are the thing that makes existing outside a car dangerous.


This is what I had to get into my friends head. She likes to let her kiddo run free, which is great! He’s a trooper and likes to be independent but he has a tendency to be a tiny bit too confident… yesterday he was on his balance bike and was having a right good zoom about but he just kept on going XD of course his little 2 year old brain was having too much fun and couldn’t hear us telling him to turn around so had to go chase him down. It’s not him we are worried about, it’s other people. All it takes is to take your eyes off them for a minute and they’re gone. I told Lil guy he needed to make sure he didn’t go to far like that again. “Mummy trusts you to stay close on your big bike and stop when she asks you too. If she can’t trust you we will have to go back to the little bike.” He would zoom forward like 4-6 meters then stop and turn round come back and then zoom forward again. I told him I was very proud of him for listening so well because the praise from is Auntie seems to be like crack to this kid XD


This is seriously reckless and there are reasons why child seats are mandatory. Dude might be the best dad in the world the other 99% of the time, this is just plain fucking stupid


Very good point i didnt even think about. That child would need a car seat in a car, but you can just throw her on the back of a bike?


At least he has her in full gear. There was a similar post yesterday with a tween son, but the kid was in shorts and a t-shirt.


Same. My ex husband has chosen to live on a small sailboat and have that be the location of his 50% time with our toddler (who he refused to agree to swim lessons for because it “wasn’t safe”. It’s great as a novelty or lifestyle for an adult, but I wish he would prioritize safety over fun for our small human until he’s able to make decisions for himself.


As an ex biker came here to say this.


My friend was president of our safe driving club and was killed on his motorcycle going to work... Haven't ever thought about commuting on a motorcycle since


I'd never drive on a public road with me on a bike lol. If not for my utter lack of trust in everyone on the road I'd have gotten one already, I love bikes, but I love my body unmaimed more.


Second this. Motorists are way too careless. This is borderline endangerment to me. Don't put kids on motorcycles.


Look man, I know if I get on a motorcycle I won't have self control, so I just will never get on a motorcycle. Further, every story I've been told of a motorcycle accident, the rider was doing *everything correctly.* It's always *somebody else* who isn't paying attention, or they're drunk. You cannot trust people enough to not make you a bloody and oily smear in pavement. That all being said, I'm ordering a bumper sticker that says: "Check once, check twice, check thrice." with a little motorcycle on it. I love you bikers I wish it wasn't so dangerous. This is just the world we are in.


This was my first thought too.


Everybody drops a bike at some point and it can hurt. Worse for kids. Be perfect out there! (or smudgy kid)


Agreed. These days people behave absolutely insanely on the road. Literally driving like they have nothing left to lose.


Yeah same, I really hope this was just a “one time show off to your friends” type deal. You only need to work in a hospital for a short time to know how dangerous these things are


Doubtful given the specific (and expensive) child-sized gear they’ve invested in. :(


Yeah that’s what I thought, but I’m just hoping that’s for hobby driving on weekends. My brother was obsessed with motorbikes at that age, my father had one road worthy one (that he crashed two months later, broke five of his ribs, punctured a lung and almost died) but they also had all-terrain motorbikes that they’d just take out to relatively safe trails on the weekend.


I agree that’s why I have such a love hate relationship with driving in general. You can only prevent so many accidents yourself you hav to rely on others doing the right thing


Couldnt agree more






You're right. This is an unnecessary and potentially catastrophic risk. Take the kids on a bicycle ride on weekends or something.


So as soon as you get on a motorcycle, you are anti-children? Monster


Yeah as both a parent and an avid rider, this is a giant nope. It’s not cute. It’s not sweet. It doesn’t make me smile. It’s just dumb and selfish and irresponsible. There are so many amazing ways to bond with your children without grossly endangering them. Do better, dad.


The only time I've ever seen kids this small on a motorcycle are on private residential streets and the kid is usually *in front* of the grown-up. That scared the crap out of me. She's not even big enough to wrap her arms around him


I drive my daughter to school every Friday, we stop for hot chocolate and coffee along the way! In my car, tho.


these simple routines and moments that often become cherished memories.


Hot chocolate for you and coffee for her right? She got stuff to do!


Duh. 😂


I did something similar in high school. Wednesday was double punch day at the local coffee shop (10 punches on a card and you get a free drink) and then I would go down the road to the local bakery to pick up a donut for myself and maybe a friend. It became the best part of my week.


Good plan. No cup holders on a motorcycle.


I knew a guy whose brother died while at a red light while on his motorcycle. Some drunk lost control of their car and ran him over while he was waiting at the light. Risking your own life is fine, but man I could never take my kid out like that.


Her arms can't even reach around him. That's what's crazy to me. They should clip together in some harness or something.


A harness in the backseat of a car.


Like some sort of car... seat. Wild idea


In some sort of... enclosed... bi-wheeled machine? I don't know. I'm just brainstorming. Still not sure what the final image is, but we're getting there.


Can you make it a bi-bi-wheeled machine? Quad wheeled if you will, then I think you're onto something!


Helmets are pretty durable, how about we shove the entire person into like a really big one?


Not a motorcyclist, but I feel like her being strapped to him in the event they fall off and slide a ways could make it more dangerous. Wouldn't want to use your daughter as a sled...


Yuppppp. Just arbitrarily putting kids at risk. Super hard to find this cute or wholesome.


When my sister was in high school in the 70s, a few of her male friends had bikes. They came around a couple of times on their bikes. My dad calmly told one of the boys that if he ever heard that my sister was given a ride he would kill him. They never came around with the bikes again.


Good dad.


No? Crazy dad


Seriously… my parents also had a rule that I wasn’t allowed to ride a motorcycle with any friends. They explained the dangers. My dad also took me on the motorcycle with him a few times (when I was a teenager not a child) but he specifically explained how dangerous it was already with a grownup, who was being incredibly careful and then how a teenager on a bike was an insane amount more dangerous. What he didn’t do was threaten any of my friends that had motorcycles. He just told me not to ride with them. No need to be crazy and threaten teenagers…


I'm surprised this isn't against the law. I seen kids her height and weight still on booster seats.


It isn’t? I would imagine you would be required to secure her somehow and not expect her to be able to hold on effectively on her own


I hate being a downer but I can’t fucking believe it’s legal to have a kid on the back of a motorcycle. What if they get distracted and let go of you? I don’t know it just seems so scary. I’d be having a heart attack if I was the mom. No disrespect to this father, it’s obvious he has her in safety equipment


He has her in safety equipment but considering the way people freak out if you don’t properly strap your kid into a car seat I have no idea how anyone would be ok with this. Driving around in a car can be dangerous enough but plopping your kid on the back of a motorcycle with nothing but what they’re wearing to protect them is insane. It doesn’t matter how safe you drive it isn’t a risk worth taking.


> the way people freak out if you don’t properly strap your kid into a car seat For good reason.


That’s part of my point. If there are safety laws about having your kid safely strapped into a car seat in a vehicle that has air bags and an outer body that’s designed to sustain the impact of another car how the hell are there none regarding children riding on back of motorcycles?


These were my exact same thoughts, I totally agree


>He has her in safety equipment I just want to point out that flammable fur and a unicorn horn on a motorcycle helmet is a terrible idea. Aside from the obvious fire hazard, that horn could get caught in the chain if they went down. It'd be worse yet if the horn was stiff. Then it becomes an easy way to break her neck on impact with the road.


I'd be even more of a downer and say that for me, having a young child would come with the choice to not ride a bike anymore... At least until they're old enough to survive without me... It would be time to put safety first, and not just their safety, also my safety for their sake. I realize that's unthinkable for some people. Just my opinion.


There's a lot of things I can't believe are legal. Not schooling/educating your child at all. Perhaps through some ineffective home-schooling or un-schooling. Rarely done for the right reasons. Not vaccinating at all. Emancipating before they're 18 to get them off your hands. Refusing critical medical treatments. Electing for dangerous and harmful treatments not approved or recognized Hitting them with a stick of legal size. Piercings and tattoos. Giving consent for them to be married while they're going through puberty. Putting them to work in show-business.


Aslong as she can reach the footpegs it's legal. But in this instance I doubt she can


In my area its not legal. If its a motorized vehicle the kid has to be in an appropriate car seat.


I doubt daughter even understands the risks of riding as a passenger on a motorcycle.




Of course she doesn’t she looks about 5 years old. The dad doesn’t seem to understand either


yeah. they don’t wear any gear. he must have no clue the dangers.


I was thinking this, she’s so small and won’t even know how to “crash” properly protecting her important organs and neck. I’m guessing/hoping this is just a few min drive from home? My daughter bikes and walks to and from school and would be in about the same amount of danger I’d guess.


Have you ever been in a high speed crash? Nobody’s using correct technique.


Lmfao. There is no technique to protect your organs in event of a crash. There was lady in my moto class that asked that 2nd day. She got kicked out bc she couldn't figure out the clutch and kept dropping the bike lol


Crash properly? Thats not a thing.


As incredibly adorable as this is, idk if it’s responsible. She’s not old enough to understand the risk she’s taking getting on a bike. I’m sure the dad is a fantastic rider, but you just never know what is going to happen when you get on a bike man.


I've been riding bikes for 15 years, the dad is a reckless fucking idiot. This makes me so angry I can't even explain. And of course he's recording the whole thing to put on social media, because that's the real objective here.


no offense but HELL NO


Agreed. This took my smile away. Why is it on this sub?


Because this sub is basically unmoderated and Reddit skews young and male, who just think that motorcycles are cool.


No, no, no. This is irresponsible.


There's nothing to support her. If he has a bad swerve she would go flying.


Incredibly irresponsible- taking someone under 18 years old on a motorcycle should literally be illegal only because of how dangerous it is. I'm serious- I love america and our freedoms, but riding a motorcyle is insanely dangerous no matter how you look at it. If you are an adult and want that, fine, but theres no reason children should be on a motorcycle ever. Go look up the stats, go talk to any ER dr, etc.


Maybe in America…. It’s incredibly common literally everywhere else.


Everywhere else motorcycles are like 10x more common than in the US though so people are more aware of them. It's situational blindness, people in a car are thinking of cars looking for cars because that's what they see 99% of the time.


Plus the sizes of trucks and SUVs in America decreasing visibility and increasing lethality.


You know. That’s a good point. Cause I’ve seen some wild baby contraptions on bikes in other countries but yep most people use that mode of transportation. Makes sense.


People in cars are mostly texting from what I’ve seen.


Most other countries operate at speeds much less than America. And also have much higher auto death rates than America.


Whether it's common in other countries is totally irrelevant... here in the USA riding a motorcycle is so dangerous that riding with a small child is incredibly irresponsible. Other countries have different roads, cultures, block systems, speed limits, etc. So your comparison is irrelevant tot he point I'm making.


Agreed! Motorcycles in the US are 5x more likely to be involved in an accident. Without safety features like seatbelts, airbags, or a metal chassis, the risk of serious bodily injury or death goes up as well. I met an ER surgeon in Greece who gave me some solid advice, “I amputate a leg almost every week because of scooter accidents. Please do not ride them.”


Just a fantastically memorable way to unnecessarily put your kids life at risk. Yeah I know we could all just trip and hit our heads wrong and die in some dumbass way, we don’t know what’s gonna happen in any second past the one we’re in right now, but for fucks sake strapping your kid to the back of a juiced up piece of metal with spinning wheels that’s completely open and unsecured, to travel around next to a bunch of other way bigger and heavier pieces of metal that *are* closed and more secured, seems nuts. But fuck it, she only lives once.


It looks like she's holding on to his upper arms. If he has a bad swerve she would go flying!


You wanna turn yourself into a meat crayon? Fine. Leave your kid out of it.


I went to school with a kid in a wheelchair. He lost the use of his legs after a crash on the back of his dad’s motorcycle.


I know 4 friends who were motorcycle riders and every single one had a major accident. 3/4 were clipped by a car.


this is respectable and moveable move....


Cars always beat motorcycles. Make sure your kids are on the winning side. I’m all for bikes, it’s your choice to take that risk… but not only is it harder to ride with a passenger as it changes the balance of the bike, but you, as the rider can react your body to whatever you’re about to do with the bike and you can do so in the blink of an eye… your passenger has no idea what you’re about to do. So if you have to suddenly brake or swerve because of something on the road, you can brace yourself or lean to counter that. Your passenger can’t. So the risk to your passenger is significantly higher in general than the risk to the rider. It’s not about the rider, it’s about all the other cars on the road who famously have trouble seeing bikes and often cut them off, turn in front of them, or any of the other ways cars can kill riders. I know two guys, one is my BIL, who rode for decades and thought they were invincible because they were “smart riders”. One of them ended up with most of his skin smeared on a major highway (he survived but barely) and my BIL ended up with a broken back and severe scarring on his shoulder. In both cases it was the other driver’s fault. Don’t ride with your kid. Just don’t. Sorry cute video. But stoppit.


Don't take children on motor cycles


In healthcare, bikes are called “donorcycles”. That dad might feel confident in his driving, but often it’s cars that are the issue. You’re basically putting your child’s life in the hands of reckless drivers. 🤷‍♀️


Dude the way you got her off the bike was FUCKING CLASS. That smooth AF leg swing


I feel so crazy overprotective of my son sometimes. I can't imagine being this Dad. Not where I would choose to roll the dice.


Holy shit this is irresponsible.


How she swings off his leg at the end was adorable and pro af


I used to go to school on the back of my mom’s Ducati. We don’t have a relationship now but I miss that


There is so much to unpack here. But I hope you are living your best life despite what may have happened.


Fuck that, that's stupid.


Yeah, no. This is dangerous and stupid. An adult getting into an accident on a bike is terrifying. A child? Just dead. The helmet won't save her. Not wholesome, not cute - arrogant and dangerous.


My best childhood memories were of riding on the back of my Dad's Harley...especially to or from school. ❤️


People In here acting like this dude took his kid on the highway to school on the other side of town. Girl is probably in elementary school, located half a mile away in their own neighborhood, calm down. These are the memories that they'll cherish for their entire lives and act like the father is incapable of riding like he doesn't have his most precious thing on his back. It's not that hard to ride with the assumption that no one sees you & use defensive techniques accordingly, any good biker knows how.


When I was probably this girl’s age my dad would take me on motorcycle rides, and damn those were some of the coolest moments ever for me as a kid. He bought me all the proper riding gear and we had a blast. Now that I’m older and ride my own motorcycle, I agree that the dad had to have had the skill and awareness to be *extremely* careful while doing this. In rider’s education for bikes they spend a shit ton of time teaching you about escape routes and situational awareness. Not saying that every driver doesn’t know bikes are there or every biker drives recklessly, but competent bikers do everything in their power to be as safe as possible while on the road. This dad is doing a great job and making some awesome memories with her daughter


My dad used to take me for motorcycle rides too! I was a bit older though. To this day, those rides are some of my favorite memories. Before we even rode, my dad made sure I was aware of how serious riding on the back of the bike was and how I was to act while riding. He said the first time I didn't behave was the last time I would ever ride. He always seemed super aware of what was going on while we went out. And the only issue we ever had was when a driveway had really loose rock.  Part of me wants to learn to ride myself. The other part of me is a nurse and says hell no haha. 


Right I was like she’s on the bike for like two minutes. I get accidents can happen anywhere but it’s not like they are going across cities. Did they even hit a stop sign or intersection? One stop sign it seems and the dude can weight all day long till he thinks it’s safe.


Hey it's the Pie Fucker!


For some reason reddit is VERY anti motorcycle. Every time I see a popular bike post on any community other than motorcycle related ones all the comments are negative. I saw a post a couple of days ago that said any parent who even OWNS a motorbike is irresponsible… not taking their kid on there, just owning one.


Yeah, well by it's nature Reddit is full of people who live a good chunk of their life behind a screen. Of course they'd see it as an unnecessary and reckless danger, I'm sure they'd say the same about skydiving and rock climbers. When they find out that you're going to bite the dust one day regardless of how you live then they might get the stick out a little bit lol.


Cool Dad, 😎 sweet girl and sweet ride. Happy Father's day to you, stay safe out there.


🥹💖 Look at her little helmet!! All of her riding gear. Oh my goodness, she is adorable.


Aw man I had a school friend who's dad used to take her on the motorbike. I was always so jealous and hoped one day he'd let me ride too. Unfortunately he died pretty young but I have very fond memories of him.


Everyone in the comments needs to chill. The daughter & father are geared up head to toe. The speed is very controlled. They're driving perfectly safely. About not being able to control other drivers, with that logic ban all bikes, bicycles, anything that does not have 4 tin walls. And stop walking around on foot, that's super unsafe, you're not even wearing any gear. Let her have her fun Friday, jeez! On topic: That leg dismount by the kid was smooth ♥️


Doesn’t really matter how safe they drive when a 2 ton vehicle hits them. Incredibly stupid and irresponsible


I biked to school on residential streets as a kid. I don't see how this is any less safe. Maybe even more safe with all that gear. Granted my city was probably more pedestrian friendly than most of the US. I feel bad for anyone that has to travel by car to feel safe in their neighbourhood.


Right? Didn’t expect the negativity when I jumped in here.


Super sweet... But I just can't. It's a me issue. I do remember going on rides as a kid - this age & littler and loving it. No problem. I would beg to go on a ride. I don't know what happened, maybe it was the first funeral I ever attended. ( young lady killed riding on the back of her bf motorcycle. Died 21). Or my uncle getting smashed & getting plates in his head a few days after giving me a ride (he was never the same) Or something else... but I can't ride on them. From about age 10 and up it's so torturous for me to attempt to ride. I panic. I'm a dangerous passenger. Like I will flip the bike I can't relax. I feel so vertigo like it's completely uncomfortable & I feel physical pain gasping to balance. I naturally fight the bike and pray for it to stop. Let me ride the tallest & fast rollercoaster on repeat- I might be able to keep a "Mr Bean" face 👀 but don't even try to take me around the block on any motorbike. I just can't.


Everyone here shitting on other peoples passions or lifestyles because they're scared. Selling your bike when your kid was born doesn't make you a Saint. A good decision? Possibly yes. Everyone dies in many different ways. And not every motorcyclist dies riding their bike. So what if you know of someone who died on a bike.. Your own experiences are just that.


Guy is not joking with security ! The girl have all the protection you can imagine : back protection, helmet (of course), boots, gloves !


I'm sorry, if she were in a car and not wearing a seatbelt or using a booster seat we'd all call him irresponsible. This is 1000x worse than no seatbelt and booster seat.


I literally smiled from beginning to end watching this 🥹


There are some good memories to reminisce about


My dad drove me to school on a motorcycle very often. It was a Honda CBR1000 RR. I'm a dude, so it was a little less sweet than this.. but I'll say this: everyone I knew thought it was fucking cool anyways!


That dismount was 👌


The way he helps her off the bike with his leg. Omg I love it


Please don’t. No matter how cool you think you are, you aren’t. And putting your kid in a very risky and hazardous situation for your ‘cool’ factor is why some people shouldn’t be parents just yet.


Damn, kids clothes are expensive, I can't imagine buying new riding gear every 8 months.


Me: never wants kids 😾 This video and me after: man can we just get talking dogs already this is too adorable but I don’t want kids of my own 🐱


I was about to have words, but then I released that was a unicorn helmet and not a hoody. I now want to know where you get that from. Edit: bonus points for the vest and pants. This is awesome, but please be careful and make sure your child is always hanging. There was a bike rally when I was growing up, where one of the kids didn't and it did not end well.


its all fun until you crash. or someone hits you


It’s honestly wild to me that it’s legal to have kids on the back of motorcycles. They can’t even wrap their arms totally around the driver.