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That is new and I have no idea what it means. I have been constantly passing on this subs concerns to John Adams, the President of AFA, and maybe this is a change he has put in because of that effort. I hope so. In my view, concerns about the PPL model are the main thing keeping AFA from reaching a much larger audience, because it is not fully transparent and because scares a lot of guys away. I hate that, because among guys who use AFA for personal meeting the percentage of satisfied or extremely satisfied clients is very high - well above 90% in my experience. I will check with AFA and get post what I find out. EDIT: I spoke to John and this is their new system to try to be more transparent and avoid some of the confusion over the letters. I feel like it is a real good step in the right direction.


It’s for sure true that those initial letters are from matchmakers. The website has a disclaimer about this. But I’ve never seen the label before—that’s cool/helpful. thank


I think Afa seems like a good company but as far as I can tell the letters are all a big scam so don’t bother. Either go in person or don’t waste your time.


Why do you have those turned on? I figured everyone turned off that spam.


This is nothing new under the sun. Most people with honest intentions, who know what they are talking about will not recommend PPL under any circumstances.


If its an actual addition its very good but I highly doubt it, I think a bug is more likely unfortunately.


This is the new system to be more transparent.


I think that the change being made so that we can easily see if the letter is from a matchmaker or the actual user is good however I think it raises a few more issue and could require a few more tweaks I kinda find it weird to have to pay for a letter from a matchmaker (especially an introduction letter - it just feels scammy as if after opening the letter, I am not interested in the lady in question - it's basically just money lost. There really has to be a way to choose a maximum age to be open to receiving letters as I am still receiving letters for people old enough to be my parents and I am not super interested in that to be honest.


Voices being heard would be my guess….


The introduction letters were always sent by matchmakers. But they normally have less transparent subjects. If you reply to the intro letter, it is then passed to the woman and she picks up after .  AFA can feel pretty SUS, and it's pricing model poisons relationships, but the women are real. 


Well at least they are saying that it’s not the woman writing you. I like how they load up the letter with photos to drive up the cost. These ppl sites are such a scam. I would be happy to see the trash owners of these sites locked up.


What would you do differently to change the system.