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Elect shite politics


We elect shit politicians in the US. You elect shite politicians over in the UK Bud.


I’m American, bud


Sorry to hear that, get well soon!


Canadians are the most likely to make fun of you for using imperial over metric but Canadians don't even really use metric, they use a stupid ass mix of both systems


Im european but sometimes cups are fine for rough measurements, don't overcomplicate things


From uk I do this to.


Bc imperial is better for every day life imo


Can i have an expample? I'm of the mind it's just worse, but I'd love to hear an argument otherwise. Other than it would be a pain to swap over of course.


It’s because the units are based on life. Some of the units don’t matter today but we’re used to them. For example, my foot is about a foot long so I can use that to measure out 15’ for a freethrow line in street basketball. A less useful unit is acre which has to do with land area that a team of oxen could plow in a day or something like that. Googling the origin of the units is useful to estimate with them. For precision, use SI, but for life I like imperial. I prefer Farenheit for weather but celsius for cooking or general use and kelvin for science.


How does this make the imperial system objectively better than metric? If my foot isn’t a foot long, I’d have no benefits at all. It’s just that you got used to it.


It maybe it’s bc I’m use to it but i would say it’s bc inches are a bigger unit and eye balling measurements isn’t supposed to be accurate. so you tend to get a good enough guess. Add in that there 12 in a foot and u can easily divide things by 3 and 4. I would say metric is better for science and math tho


Feet are smaller than metres. So we should use both inches and metres?


I’m just talking about inches and centimeters mostly. But we also have yards which are close to meters and divid into 3rds


We use feet in Canada, it depends on the application. And a metre is more closely related to a yard, which is also an imperial measurement. Never heard anybody argue against inches as a measurement I think inches are pretty great


So you just got used to it and there is no objective reason to prefer imperial


You know what else is easy to divide and multiply by? TEN!


12 divids into 3rds, 4ths. which is better than half’s and 5ths unless your using it for science


By what logic is dividing 12 by 3 easier than dividing 10 by 2? There's no difference in accuracy when eyeballing a measurement, you are just focusing on the divisibility of something you are used to.


The division is simply about there being more options for division. You have a half’s, 3rds and 4ths. Instead of just half’s and 5ths. and 3rds being more useful than 5ths imo. Not saying its easier to divide one than the other.


metric isn't "just half's and 5ths" though, maths is the same everywhere and fractions is a thing for both. IMO metric keeping to base 10 is more intuitive, therefore simpler and easier to teach.


Yeah but the point was that it is easier to use in everyday life situations. I’m not diving past 5ths in my head. More intuitive and easier to teach is great for the classroom and a lab but this is surface level. I would need something more intuitive if its going to get very complex. Metric has its strengths but if I Randomly need to guess the length of my couch and maybe divid it into 3rds (not saying this is a common occurrence) I’m using imperial


I'd say Fahrenheit vs Celsius, I'm not arguing for the efficacy of either but I'm terms of temp for us with 100 being really hot and 0 being really cold I find it way easier than Celsius


What about 0 being the freezing point of water and 100 being the boiling point of water. Not to mention the distance measurements related to water. Definitely makes more sense to me but i guess it's mostly just being use to it.


For water Celsius is 100% better, but for day to day use imo Fahrenheit is better as it's easier to show the extremes in temp for us as humans, at least imo. also why am I and the other dude being down voted? we were asked to explain why we thought what we thought, we shouldn't be punished for doing so.


You’re being downvoted in US legal measurements, while the upvotes are in imperial measurements. It’s a slight difference, but you should find the imperial measurement is slightly larger.


Yeah exactly i did ask it is very jarring for most of us the system just seems so flawed. Definitely unfair for people to downvote it though


Basic things like temperature are nice, because having smaller units in Fahrenheit allows for a more precise estimation of how weather is gonna feel (for example) without using decimals. Similar with feet/yards (at least for me, since it’s what I’m used to). I may be mistaken but I believe the next unit down from meters is centimeters, and having a unit like feet just allows me to have a middle ground between inches and yards (the closest equivalents to centimeters and meters). Part of it is also that I’m just used to it, and whenever speaking in scientific or abstract terms I prefer metric


I can estimate the same is metres and centimetres, especially because i am very nearly 2m tall. It's also alot easier to convert between the two


It’s also easy to convert inches to feet and vice versa imo, but that’s probably just bc I work in trades. Also admittedly not *as* easy as converting centimeters and meters. I just like the specificity feet provide without having to use decimal points


That would be partially incorrect, we commonly use decimeter, which is 10 centimeters. So a meter would be 10dm. As far as I'm aware this is widely adopted in Europe but I am under the impression that it is largely unknown in the US.


Fair enough. That’s why I put in the caveat that I could be mistaken. And you’re correct to assume that it’s widely unknown in the states


THIS ONE IS SO TRUE Canadians have the worst of both worlds lmao they don’t fully understand either metric or customary


It's healthcare, but expensive


Brits are european


As a British person I as well as most other young people want to be, but the Old generation remember these 'good old days' before the European union. Since we have left the EU however there have been literally no benefits whatsoever. UK economy isn't doing great, cost of living has gone up as most our goods are imports from Europe, and literally every private profession is striking for better wages. Not to mention we have had 3 different Prime Ministers within the last year.


Yeah but it doesn't change the fact that Brits are European.


Geographically, we are in the continent of Europe. But financial and politically we are not. We don't even have EU passports anymore


You don’t need to. Sincerely, a Swiss


Stop being so fucking stupid. We’re European regardless of whether or not we’re part of a political entity that has “European” in the title.


Stop using social media as a rage release valve. Eventually you won’t have time to post so you’ll just flip out on whoever’s around. It’s extremely unhealthy


No they're uropean


Stop reminding us.


They aren’t politically


Europe is a subcontinent What you mean is the European Union


It’s a continent not a subcontinent, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are a subcontinent.


Eurasia is a geographic continent. Therefore Europe and Asia are both subcontinents. Or did we get a fresh tectonic border in Russia?


Eurasia is a landmass not a continent all you have to do is type the question “is Europe a continent” into Google and this whole discussion is over. You don’t have to admit you’re wrong just stop getting uppity when you’re wrong.


Wtf. You clearly have no idea about tectonics. But why am I wondering, discussing with an American…


I know of tectonic plates, I also know how to consult Google as to whether I’m correct or not, go on dare you.


As a British person I can confirm this is true. We see the American political and legal system as somewhat of a joke. I mean arguing about things such as abortion rights which we quite literally see as last century. America has never even had a young or female President. It's hard for a country even as technologically and financially advanced as the US to truly advance when a good majority of power goes to old white guys. Not to mention how expensive healthcare is. Private healthcare certainly has some benefits, but all in all public healthcare just gives more security in case of an emergency in my opinion (there are good arguments for both sides with this point tho) Also how unhealthy food is (if I compare the stats in something like a Big Mac from American McDonalds to those in the UK the calories are crazy) And don't even get me started on gun laws. All in all, it's still a pretty decent country compared to some in the world, but I honestly find it hard to believe somewhere can be this advanced yet old fashioned at the same time.


I'd say JFK was a pretty young president but overall yea they are usually decrepit people


Honestly... Your honesty was much better than "much bad murca" thank you Pray we can get someone who isn't a senile dipshit into office..


Aren’t you all the ones that worship arbitrary humans just because of the vagina they came out of? You might think abortion is last century but your dumbass royal family is last millennia. And we think Brits are effing fools for keeping that collection of dipshits going. To say nothing of your caste system nonsense. So right back at ya, let us know when you grow up.


You dumb fuck, last century is in last millenia


Somebody is grumpy about their inbred royals. Sorry I’m sure they’re lovely.


We killed our royals in Switzerland.


It really depends what you look at. Yes theres american food thats bad for you, yet on the other hand americans dont drink as much as people in the UK. I have lots of family there, and drinking seems like the national pass time. Is that really any better than our food? Then take laws against drugs like weed where the uk still holds laws making it illegal where as a lot of the us has changed that making it either legal or decriminalized thus putting the uk behind the us on that front. Add to all this that supposedly 1% of the population owns 50% of the land in england. A good chuck of that being royalty and nobility. If we wanna talk about old fashioned, that sounds like the definition.


UK definitely isn't perfect either. I personally don't drink, but it's a pass time for many to go to the pub and get drunk watching football. Around 48% of UK adults drink around once a week, which is still quite a significant amount. As for weed I wouldn't necessarily say legalizing it is better or worse than not. It has some pros in healthcare, but in England would definitely have more cons with all the drug addicts we have. The last one is probably true, but never really thought about it till now. That being said the land the nobles and gentry own is mostly random forest up North so doesn't really affect most that much. The rest of the top 1% are successful business people so I'll allow them.


> 1% of the population owns 50% of the land in england. A good chuck of that being royalty and nobility. I'd like to see stats on America here. Everything besides state and national parks is private land. See a nice scenic pasture with no house in site while driving? Better not walk on it, that would be trespassing. All land aquired in the olden days, none left for average folks.


Idk you can buy land pretty cheap in the us tbh. Houses too! It just depends where you wanna live. If you want land in new york, then no you probably cant. If you want land in texas then yeah its gonna be mega cheap. Looks like 4 bedroom 3 bathroom houses with big front and back yards are selling for around 300k near houston. My main point was that a lot of land in england is owned by people like dukes and lords. These families will have owned this land for possibly many generations. They even have castles and stuff on some parts of it where i believe some actually live at for periods of time. Pretty sure this also extends to some neighborhoods and areas where people live.


Vote Conservative. 😵‍💫


TIL Brits are Europeans. Also if you think that Europe is like America then you probably never visited any country in Europe apart from a few selected Western European countries.


Having large food portions when eating out at a restaurant


I’ve found restaurant portions in the US and Canada to be identical and I travel between countries fairly often.


Impose the death penalty on woman wanting abortions, you smooth-brained chucklefuck


Being fat


Fast food




At least here in europe have healthcare and no guns...


BMI >25


2 numbers. 3/1/23 1/3/23


Both hurt my eyes.


I wish I lived in America, Canada has its own problems


And a lot of Americans are just as nice or nicer than Canadians


Very friend shaped :)


Are being sarcastic? Please tell you are


I forgot I made this comment I was joking about wanting to live in the US but some Americans really are genuinely very nice people You also see a lot of fucking assholes in Canada as well, it’s no where near as perfect here as people think it is


Terrible politicians. This one ain't even different in other places, but some Americans will die defending their politician, so it's more fun to take the piss out of their politicians knowing someone idolizes them.


And? We're not just going to let the Americans get away with insulting everybody else.


Hey we do it cause y'all did it >:(


You literally rebelled against us over taxes. Taxes that we needed for fighting for your prolonged existence.


Damn someone's been indoctrinated


Health care.


Well at least are schooools arnt shooting ranges


Something something queen Yeah honestly we've heard both alot. .


Coming home from school.


At this point. Coming home.


Truth bomb.


Canadian Healthcare is just as bad as the US American one, just in a different way. While "healthy" people are not being made bankrupt. If you are disabled and have constant pain, they will often not pay you the medication you need to able to remotely life a liveable life. Like you know, not in constant excruciating pain. But they might suggest you consider assisted suicide, as the Government found that its WAYYY cheaper than enabling people to life. Doubt that? Well then you don't any disabled people in constant pain in Canada it seems. And have missed or wilfully ignored that this is exactly what Trudeau's government is doing.


Then the Aussies go and do it upside-down