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This is what the 1980s looked like to me.


Lmao yep that's what my house looked like when we would move and the pictures and everything came down the white behind them was like woah


Are you heavy smoker?


she was talking about growing up


No I am not


Do you think this is why they liked brown so much? To hide the smoking strains?


Congrats, your house now has jaundice.


Among them having 74 diseases from just being in the same mile radius.


Nasty. Also, I knew 2 brothers who were each pack-a-day smokers. They had to get their computer cleaned out once a year because it was too full of yellow gunk.


Imagine how their lungs would look like.


probably decayed from being in a cemetary for a year or so


My grandmother was a heavy smoker, and my grandpa had smoked most of his adult life before quitting. After they passed and we had to clean out the house, we were shocked to discover that some of the light fixtures were actually meant to be clear, not amber. My mom scrubbed the wood paneling and it was absolutely disgusting. We got rid of all of the soft furniture and had to scrub all of the hard surfaces. It was truly the single greatest advertisement for not smoking I’d ever seen. If the nicotine can cake the walls like that, imagine what it’s doing to your body.


Yea. I feel ya. My brother and his wife are heavy smokers too. Any homemade gift she makes I end up having to throw away. No matter how much I try to wash and air it, the stench never goes away. It breaks my heart because she puts a lot of care and effort into them. I once also inherited a ps3 from my brother as well. Told me to either keep it or sell it. It still reeks after 5 years.


The 2700k light is potentially exacerbating the severity of it quite a bit. Look at the difference where the sunlight comes in on the left.


Yea the light probably makes it look more yellow but it is still bad!


U stinki


That light is probably 3500K but the nicotine on the shade is yellowing it out to silicon fab 2700K.


You would think so, but even with good lighting, it can look even worse if that's the main room they smoked in.


I just bought a house where people smoked in for 20 years. Anyone have wall cleaning tips? or like.. chemical tips to use? I plant to repaint after, but it's uh.. pretty gross as of current state. Wanted to get some tar out before hand.


Ozone machine. I rented a place and the guy before me was a big smoker. Left it running over a weekend and it took care of it.


This is pretty much the only solution when it’s this bad. I learned that ozone is bad for people and animals and can damage electronics.


It unfortunately doesn't get rid of everything. Speaking from experience, you're gonna get cooking oils, like curry, that will still come out after several ozone treatments. You can get sealing primers and repaint which should do a better long term job


I was only focused on cigarette smoke. Btw curry is not an oil but I get what you’re saying.


I wrote a comment about renovating a house a little worse than this. We had to literally sand the plaster walls and ceilings down while wearing respirators, then painted to seal it, added drywall on top and painted that too... it still smelled like shit after the complete renovation. The stuff soaks in to the point of dropping nicotine into the walls. Depending how bad it is, you might be stuck with that without tearing out walls.


Man I feel you! Had the same experience. I don't have the product at hand but I used a special cleaning product for nicotine. Even then I needed to do that at least 3 times. Don't forget to clean the doorframe window frames also. We had the problem after cleaning 3 times that we wanted to paint the wall and still yellow nicotine spots appeared on the wall. (in corners, at the doorframes, etc.) So we chose to use a paint that sealed everything behind it. I hope this helps a little bit.


Try greased lightning


That only works if you sing and dance too.


Coffee beans in the corners of rooms apparently helps a little bit by absorbing the cigarette smells and masking it with coffee. Charcoal can also absorb smells too


Gross af. I renovated my ex brother in laws house after some NASTY people lived there. They had a 5yr old little girl and kept her in a bedroom with a dog that shit and pissed on the wood floors in her bedroom. The fumes from the ammonia in the piss were horrifying to imagine a little girl living in. It was absolutely child abuse and neglect. The mom sat her fat ass in the living room on the couch all day and smoked like a chimney, while ordering off the home shopping network. With all the nicotine, it looked EXACTLY like this and was dripping down the walls. Bleh! We had to sand the plaster walls and celing down to get rid of it, but even after complete renovation, it STILL smelled like nicotine. Ppl are disgusting.




Who the fuck doesn’t decorate in 17 years


They were repainting with every puff.


No wonder they were smokers they have no joy


Not that they didn't decorate, but they never even bothered to clean their walls.


Yuck. You'll never get that smell out of there.


😒 🤮


Both of my parents were 3 pack a day smokers. I used to put a towel under my bedroom door to try and keep the smoke out. When they finally quit, they had to replace all the carpeting, and the living room furniture plus redo the whole house. Cost a buttload.


I can smell this picture 🤢🤢🤢


So can I


My grandparent's house. And they are suprised nobody ever comes to visit or let them babysit.




I can smell this picture. Grew up in a smokers home and started myself with like 14. This is really the best way to advertise against smoking. A smokers brain is fried. I quit 3 years ago and still have cravings




My first job 30 years ago, the office was filled with perpetual smokers. Went in once on a Saturday when it was empty and there was a smoke tide line level with the top of the doorway. So weird being there without the smoke.


Damn, I thought I was looking at a GTA IV screenshot


thats whats happened to their lungs too 🤢🤢


Oh man this brings back memories of my first house. The tenant before me was the first tenant who had been smoking since the beginning and that for 40+ years. The landlord Did not want to clean it so I took it upon me. After removing 6 layers of wallpaper you could still see where the clock was mounted and where the paintings and pictures hung on the wall. I had to clean the whole house (walls, doorframes, etc) at least 3 times with nicotine removal and still it was not completely gone. I finally used a paint that sealed it completely. Man it was a pain in the butt.


That sounds like a lot!


It was, it was precisely like your picture but the whole house.


pictures you can smell


And I can smell the tar, smoke and nicotine. We bought a rustic house (50 yrs ago?), and the previous occupant was a long time heavy smoker. It had knotty pine paneling, also on the ceiling and wagon wheel "chandeliers"... The clean up was rancit but so satisfying ! The big fireplace on the end of the room didn't need deep cleaning, but the stuffed deer head had to go in the trash, not savable.


This should be shown to children to put them off


When you can instantly smell a picture.


Now imagine their lungs...


Why did I read "heavy smoking for a 17 year old"? 🥲


Nuke it from orbit.


seen the same thing when i emptied my grandparents house.. spend a week washing the walls, then used a special paint that im pretty sure will some day kill me.. was the worst


Remember it well from a boyfriend’s house in the 80’s.. I ended up with the lung cancer


Forbidden paint job


My grandad was a very heavy smoker. One of his favorite things to do was smoke a couple cigarette on the toilet and read some James Patterson. After he died, my mom used 2 whole rolls of paper towels and a bottle and a half of lysol to clean his bathroom. We brought home a lot of his clothes and even though he’s been gone 8 years, the suit I have of his still vaguely smells like cigarette smoke.


Yup grandparents house looks just like this you can wipe you finger down the wall, wave it over your nose, and catch a nic high


Smokers are the most disgusting inconsiderate assholes I have ever seen! They think that everyone else should have to smell it and be exposed to secondhand smoke! Why do they think that it's ok to wave a dirty cigarette in someone's face during a conversation and not think what they are doing is fucking disgusting! Then you have the inconsiderate asshole that tries to squeeze into a covered bus stop that is clearly posted that smoking is prohibited and lights up!


societal conditions also have to be considered. people don't smoke for no reason usually, they smoke because it's a major form of stress relief, along with it containing addition creating chemicals. From this we can safely conclude that people today are under far more stress than they should be, and that products like this nefariously abuse the existence of addictive chemicals, which is most definitely true. Goes for smoking, or any kind of drug abuse really. of course people should avoid smoking in public areas, but this isn't the root of the issue at hand. You should always try to find the root of such issues, and not blame one of the symptoms for the whole thing.


And smokers will never acknowledge their wrongdoings.




Take down the walls to the frames and put new drywall everywhere, this is the only solution


Just paint the walls dark yellow and all your problems are solved!


So this is why the 19s house looks decrepit


Pokój Polak 2137


How would you fix this?


If it wasn’t caused by disgusting smoke, I’d probably like it. The light caramel brown gives the room some nice color


Reminds me of my Japanese friend’s bathroom, heavy smoker, the whole ceiling is tar 🤢


most tame post on this subreddit


So did America, can’t keep everything in good condition.


Well just do the Michael Jackson then (he used to be black)