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We do not allow images of gore, or major injuries.


His insides are all bursted out. Heart, lungs, all of it is just a jello mush


pelvis getting crushed was probably the worst bit he felt


Idk, the lower spine mightve snapped first, making him fully aware of everything but potentially feeling no pain. Or crippling pain, or lastly just immediate death. Depends on how and where it snapped.


Def not immediate death, watch the trainer ~~abuser~~ twitch at the end


The elephant stepped on pretty much every part of his body except his head. Elephant wanted him to suffer.


Death twitch


That elephant turned him into human origami


Well i didnt expect this when i opened reddit today. The title "presses" trainer sure sounds nicer than the video was


I thought they were using “presses” as in threatening the trainer or grabbing the trainer with its trunk and doing something NSFW. But alas he literally just pressed him. Damn that was brutal.


They use to execute people with elephants just like this. [Here’s the Wikipedia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_by_elephant#:~:text=During%20the%20native%20dynasty%20it,limbs%2C%20avoiding%20the%20vital%20parts)


is there a wikipedia that is just a collection of different very old death sentences?


Yeah if you click on [Capital Punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment) and scroll down to history they list a bunch with links. [Immurement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immurement) is not on that list but it’s always one that stuck with me. >In pre-modern times the executions themselves often involved torture with painful methods, such as the breaking wheel, keelhauling, sawing, hanging, drawing and quartering, burning at the stake, crucifixion, flaying, slow slicing, boiling alive, impalement, mazzatello, blowing from a gun, schwedentrunk, and scaphism. Other methods which appear only in legend include the blood eagle and brazen bull. Edit: [I found another list here.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_methods_of_capital_punishment)


“After his entombment, the crowd cheered every time they heard him scream inside. Mesfewi could be heard for two days before falling silent on the third day.” Our species’ endless creativity when it comes to causing suffering is almost impressive.


For some reason, the NSFW didn't blur in this one for me. Noticed a bit too late what and from where.


same i have blur NSFW images on too and it didnt. OP did us dirty by not tagging it NSFW i think. and tbh this is kinda NSFL


Definitely glad I read the comments before watching this. The title just sounded suspiciously gorey to me


Agreed. This isn’t really what I’d expect from this sub- more like r/DarwinAwards or whatever. Maybe even r/thebullwins.


Not gonna lie, the pressing seemed like gentle at first until the last few steps then he picked him up and folded him like a rag doll lol


You know that "pressing" is a form of torture we inflict upon them to initially break them? You should check out what "pressing" really is. It's straight up evil.


pressing was used in an attempt to force people to speak or enter a plea, most famously in Salem you can say youre a witch, and you can say you aren’t (which is what a witch would say), but say nothing and you’ll be pressed Giles Corey was pressed to death during the Salem Witch Trials


My mistake, the torture method is called "pulling" or "pajan". It seemed like the title was trying to reflect the poetic justice, I guess I was wrong!


No, you're right. Pressing is a way of torturing people. People died during the Salem witch trials from have stones piled up on them in an effort to extract a confession of witchcraft from them. One dude just kept telling them to pile more on him.


Wow, that's brutal! Thank you for sharing that info with me. So there was an implication of poetic justice, lol.


Oops, I didn't realizing you were talking about "training" elephants originally! That's also brutal and yeah, fucking evil. Very ironic, and poetic justice indeed! You're welcome! [Here's a write up on the guy who asked for more weight.](https://salem.lib.virginia.edu/people/gilescorey.html)


Wow, what a story! Thank you for that, I saved it as a PDF. :) Whether towards elephants or humans, we certainly have the capacity to be very sadistic!


that elephant was fed the fuck up they were definitely abusing it


That is what is behind every trained elephant. The exotic rides, work use, circus etc. All achieved through abuse and brutal training. Really hope it would stop.


That was personal.


> abusing No no, we use the world training.


I know we shouldn't "Blame the victim"....... but that elephant had DEEP emotions, the kind you don't develop from a "Bad day at work". So I'll say "F*** that guy in particular, he had it coming" probably starved that poor elephant as punishment, used barbed wire as a leg restraint, whipped it with a stick......etc...... people can be sick assholes when they get power.


He turned into a jelly packet


Elephant gave him the Mr. Noodle treatment


Pretty sure he got the actual shit mushed out of him..


Gave him a physics lesson for sure


Holy fuck... HOLY FUCK! It's like being back on WatchPeopleDie


Or eyeblech when that was still a thing


Didn’t realize it wasn’t a thing anymore. That sub was worse than anything I’ve seen..


i remember when that sub was nothing but tubgirl…


Bro...do I even wanna know who tubgirl was...


Oh you sweet summer child.


It's your typical japanese porno where the chick's upside down in a bathtub giving herself a facial with her own breakfast cereal laden enema. Honestly it's more of an important cultural phenomena than a porno at this point same goes for goatse; tubgirl has spawned great discussions everywhere on the internet! I'm not going to go as far as saying that it's mandatory viewing but you're definitely missing out!


No thanks, I like my eyes




Yeah no idea. Imma just assume it's something that is meant to be forgotten lmfao


I haven't seen this image for like 20years and I STILL remember it perfectly.


Has it been 20 years now since I’ve had orange julius? Time flies.


First thought too


There's a website for it now Saw this vid on there a couple days ago lol


What's the website name?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wow that set is actually really smooth and user friendly.


I am sure I'd be disgusted by the site. I don't need more trauma. But you can't look away, right? Man. People can be so horrible to each other and people are out there just getting their lights cut out in so many upsetting ways.




Weird asf💀


That’s what you get for abusing some of the most intelligent animals on the planet


The title "trainer" is doing more work than that elephant did to smear him across the dirt.


Yeah there’s obvious intelligence in its moves, it didn’t get mad, it seems like it’s contemplating doing it or not then methodically makes sure that he’s dead. I knew they were smart but the more brutal side of their intelligence is crazy to see.


I know if I saw what the elephant did to the first guy I wouldn't have so hastily run in to be second.


He literally runs up and starts doing the exact same thing the first guy was doing. Insane


Injury my ass that mf spinal cord is coming out of his ass. Mark your shit accordingly.


Fucking for real. After that second step I was like "There's no way this dude lived" and it kept getting worse after that.


Wow okay I wasnt in the mood for liveleak today but ill take it


Especially at 7:00 AM


Man I know too early


I literally just woke up , took a dump ,got back to bed and looking at my 2 babies I thought oh maybe some cute Reddit stuffs .. wow, lol then the title said elephant presses trainer and at first it didn’t look like he was stomping hard ,lol then last few ones he’s like meh I feel I’m gonna get my ass beat either way after this so might as well go for it ..the way that guy folded like Jello .. I hope the elephant is fine afterwards .


They most likely killed the elephant for this.


Yeah, no way the elephant is still alive


Looks likes he's still breathing or attempting to at the end. Damn.


Some of the comments on the original sub/post are saying it’s not actual movement at the end, but rather the guy’s muscles continuing to move. According to google, muscles relax immediately after death. I’m hoping what we saw was the man’s muscles relaxing after death, not a live attempt to breathe.


Nah bro, guaranteed his spine was separated when he stepped on his lower back like that. He literally smashed the small of his back before giving a solid squish to his upper torso. Dude probably died as soon as the 3rd step was complete and he became a tube of toothpaste. Then again, I've never been crushed to death so idk lol sure would suck to be alive at that point though.


At the very least he lost consciousness with that 3rd stomp, which likely ruptured his: liver (bleed to death), spleen (bleed to death), heart (instant death) and lungs (instant unconsciousness followed by death within 2 minutes) and separated his cervical vertebrae, possibly at C1-C3, which would be instant death. Everything after that 3rd stomp was vengeance.


Ok then...


If the step on his lower torso didn’t sever the spinal cord and crush through internal organs, the step on the upper torso definitely shattered his ribs and punctured his lungs. Hopefully his body went into shock and didn’t register any pain.


What an agonizingly horrible way to go


That animal was extremely likely abused, i feel nothing but joy watching this. EDIT: Well, I might have worded this a bit edgy and dumb in that moment, apologies. I don't enjoy watching anyone die and this was a pretty painful and horrible death but the thought of someone who abuses animals receiving some karma feels pretty fine to me. And that animal was extremely likely abused, no animal does this for no reason besides fearing for it's life.


I mean I agree he had it coming being dumb and abusing and animal but I wouldn't say I felt joy watching a man be *pressed to death*


I think it’s … satisfaction? Not because someone died, but because the bully finally got bullied. It’s hard to watch an animal be abused, but it feels righteous to see the abusers being punished. That was a hell of a way to go. Edit: please understand my comment is not excitement seeing a man die. It’s seeing a victim stand up to its bully. Wild animals can and will kill you. Also, there’s a reason I put a question mark after satisfaction. I don’t know what the right word is. Justice prevailing??? I don’t know.


Animal abuse is bad, but I wouldn’t say seeing someone brutally getting gored and murdered is satisfying in any form.


“satisfaction” Reddit is full of weirdos


bloodlust is a human emotion for a reason


Cause we're stupid apes


Satisfaction? Animal abuse is bad but he didn’t do anything in the video worth dying over. He poked an elephant repeatedly with a stick. Worth a kick or getting knocked tf out, sure. But actually *squished* to death? And you felt… satisfaction? Virtue signaling aside, do not notice how edgy and ridiculous that sounds? Smh.


we can only speculate, but i think it’s a fair assumption that that elephant gets poked potentially hundreds of times a day, for weeks or months on end


Are you really not going to take 2 seconds to think critically and consider that it's unlikely this video is the only thing that set the elephant off? Do you not notice how ignorant that is?


Ohh nice, a psycho...


Okay, good for you. It still doesn’t change the point of this being an agonizing way to die.


You’re fucked man, you one of those edgelords that just watch gore all day?


I mean did what he did deserve the death pentally? If the answer is somehow yes, did he deserve it to be in such an agonisingly painful manner? Even serial paedophiles don't suffer such a fate.


Gross human being. It's not okay for someone to abuse an animal but to enjoy watching someone die like this is nothing short of psychopathic. The thought of them being dead may be okay, but to ENJOY watching it is insanity.


You need mental treatment


Ahh yes, a man is getting killed on camera by an animal and you feel joy watching it. Please get yourself checked out mate...


Idk what kind of job this guy was assigned to do but clearly he was unexperienced with it. On a side not you probably shouldn't watch a man get turned into jelly by what is essentially an animal tank and feel happy about it. What he did is probably equivalent to poking an 18 wheeler with a stick for all we know.


It's a human being dying, nothing joyous about it. Please seek help.


Gross dude. He deserved it, but joy? Somebody wasn’t hugged as a kid.


Animal abuse is bad. Feeling joy watching a human being die is; sad/insane/pathetic


Cursed back rub 😵


meat origami


Truly backbreaking work. Also, this needs an NSFL Tag.


To this day I am amazed at the ease the elephant break all his bones until he was like a rag doll


Thanks for the warning


I’m gonna say what I said when this was posted on r/nsfl__ I feel bad for that elephant


Tune in tonight at 11 when we interview Stampy; the elephant that never forgets....to kill.


This really got me 😂


Yeah it really tickled that other guys funny bones too.


One hell of a chiropractor.


It’s seven in the morning…


Get ele'fucked nerd.


Holy shit lol, lmao even. Your comment made me laugh way more than it had any right to.


Well, this should have been titled NSFL


Well I can't say I've ever seen an elephant bite a human before now :/


And that is why you don't prod am elephant with a long stick


I'd refuse to shoot an elephant with anything that wasn't an 50. Cal or a rocket launcher, nvm tapping it with a thin stick. (FYI I wouldn't shoot an elephant just stating that I would even try proding it with bullets let alone a piece of wood, elephants are huge and full of muscle)


Like the elephant knew that the "worst it could do" is crush his legs and make him suffer longer than just crushing his head instantly.


/r/TheBullWins would love this.


Holy fuck


He is 100% dead


Today's lesson: be kind.


Trainer got what he deserved. Murderous elephants are terrifying as fuck, once they realize how easy it is to kill a person theres very little to stop them from continuing to do so.


Is that true?! Like, they *know* what killing is and they just turn into what? Murder machines?


Pretty sure the notion is not scientific but rather empirically held. Historically, the person killed by the elephant is the person the elephant trusts the most (their trainer/rider) which means they inherently trust any other people less than the person they were already okay with killing. Additionally: Elephants typically associate humans as a source of abuse and encroachment on their environment meaning that fear is the key component in making sure they don’t realize how insignificant your fragile little human body is.


Little elephant tried to eat him like watermelon. You can tell he is abused all the time and just lost it.


Even lions don't fuck with elephants.


Well that’s depressing


It is, that poor, abused elephant.


The head crush in the jaws and the neck snap, makes me think this man had it coming. That was personal.


poor elephant probably got a beating after this


Sometimes humans need to be reminded to show respect to something that could easily murder and crush you on a whim. Hopefully this is a brutal lesson to other trainers.


*Yoga Stretching Gone Wild*


Oh damn he fucked his leg up.. oh damn.. ohh.. damn.


He won't do that again. Serves him right for annoying a large animal that doesn't forget


Folded that dude like a Tshirt.


Fucking ell mate that was diabolical


Jesus man, an NSFL warning or any warning at all would’ve been great:D


Good for the elephant


Guy got what he deserved. Stop abusing elephants.


ec viverra. Pellentesque a porttitor arcu. Quisque in lectus finibus, mollis nisi ac, lacinia nisl. Curabitur sit amet velit et purus molestie varius in at e


Walk it off and get back out there!


Don’t mess with animals…. Especially animals that are much bigger than you.


He knew where to stomp


Based Elephant ???


Fuck around and find out 🤷 Not that hard to leave animals alone


Oof the fact that he was alive for a good bit of that. Second dude is brave af for walking up after lol


That's exactly what my back needs


Absolutely deserved


People remember to be careful around African elephants, but forget that Asian elephants are just as dangerous. TBH I think that’s their biggest flex, they act docile until they’re done, then they step on whoever is abusing them. Don’t piss off anything that takes a shit bigger than you.


Fuck yeah, let's go elephant!


🎵He had it coming…he had it coming…he only had himself to blame 🎵


I think the tag 'Injury' is a bit of an understatement in this case...


Abuse leads to death. Of the human. Good outcome.


Smack it again you fuckin asshole


I didn't even know it was still legal for people to do this to endangered animals like elephants. That poor creature must have gone through hell.


~~trainer~~ abuser


Damn, this was particularly brutal. Maybe let’s not fuck with wild animals unless it’s to help them yeah?


Sorry but if you make a living by beating a very fucking large yet innocent animal you run the risk of bad shit happening. How many years has he been torturing that elephant?!?


Justice seems to have been served...


He's a 62 year old man with a family. He was an assistant trainer working at a safari park trying to guide an elephant into a cage before he was squashed. He wasn't the elephants original caretaker, which is one of the main reasons the elephant, who was unfamiliar with him, assaulted him. Caning elephants may be inhumane, but it is a normalised method of control in southern India. He was just doing as instructed and taught by his trainers. His body was given an autopsy before his relatives were handed it for their last rites. But you know, guess justice has been served or whatever. Human life is valueless after one instance of "animal abuse" after all according to Reddit. Fuck him and his family and all that.


There is no wrong or right here. Elephants are part of the big 5 for a reason. They are very dangerous animals. I have worked on a few game farms in Africa and I have seen the power these animals have and this video just shows it. Same goes for the circus guys that got attacked by their lions. Certain animals will never harm anyone and be content to do the trainers will until they die. But sometimes this happens. I can't say who is at fault the elephant who had enough or a strange trainer slapping a elephant with a twig. Point remains you working with a very dangerous animal and the risk is always there that shit just might get real. RIP to the man and condolences to the family. Hopefully the elephant does no more tricks and can now live its life peacefully and not be slapped with silly twigs anymore. Elephants are very clever animals and they belong in the wild not strapped down and getting slapped with twigs.


I tend to not judge animals for acting like animals. They don’t do this cause they are “bad”. We should stop caging animals, especially if the only way you can get them to obey is by poking them repeatedly with a sharp stick.


Agreed. It's a wild animal caged. The elephant does not know wrong from right. It just reacted to the situation of a stranger slapping it with a twig. Unfortunately humans don't do well when a 4 ton angry elephant decided it had enough. The elephant should never have been caged in the 1st place. They are way happier out in the wild with their family.


well, that elephant didnt wanna be in cage, nor in captivity, its not necessarily fair to say he deserved it, but any zoo imo is an unethical practice, and regardless of how normalized it is, sometimes the zoo bites back, and i cant blame the animal, nor does it deserve to die now. family or not he was an animal, abusing another animal, however the table turns, it does turn


"Idukki is the only district in the state where elephant safaris are still operating. Although Kerala High Court banned them in 2020, the park allegedly reopened a few months after closure." - https://needtoknow.co.uk/2024/06/24/shock-moment-elephant-crushes-zookeeper-to-death-after-being-poked-with-stick/#:~:text=An%20elephant%20crushed%20a%20zookeeper,animal's%20leg%20with%20a%20pole. Bro if the rest of India outlawed these safari parks and this one park stayed open. Then that's the very definition of not being normal. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mid-day.com/amp/lifestyle/nature-and-wildlife/article/over-36-percent-of-the-imported-animals-died-at-jungle-safari-park-gujarat-govt-23219093 I guess in your opinion it is normalized to kill 36% of imported animals in India too. Don't try to humanize these cunts that contribute to the premature deaths of endangered animals. You're acting like its more important that his family has a dad rather than stopping the animal abuse in the first place. And you're a psycho for thinking that. Here's another statistic from india, 95% of phone scammers worldwide originate from India. Should we treat these soulless fucks as humans as well because they have families and are just doing as they're told? Should say it's "normal" to ruin peoples lives around the world just because it's a trillion dollar industry in India? Fuck no. Here's the real headline: "62 Year old man trampled by elephant he was abusing while working in an illegal safari in India." No one cares that he had a family, plenty of awful people have families, I hope you don't though because you're a pretty shit person if you think abusing animals is "normal." Edit: A few more things cause I researched a bit more into this incident. The safari park that the Elephant was kept at is indeed an illegal park that shouldn't be operating anyway. The elephant wasn't registered under the Animal Welfare Board of India as is mandated by law. Only 4 elephants that they have, OUT OF 35, are registered. None of that sounds like it should be "normal" to me.


Regardless of what he did, stop gloating over a dead man. Do you like seeing your dead loved ones subjected to that?


If they beat animals for a living, fuck em.


HOLY SHIT, my heart sank when I watched this!


Yea for the elephant.


Copied this text from another comment on this thread: He's a 62 year old man with a family. He was an assistant trainer working at a safari park trying to guide an elephant into a cage before he was squashed. He wasn't the elephants original caretaker, which is one of the main reasons the elephant, who was unfamiliar with him, assaulted him. Caning elephants may be inhumane, but it is a normalised method of control in southern India. He was just doing as instructed and taught by his trainers. His body was given an autopsy before his relatives were handed it for their last rites. But you know, guess justice has been served or whatever. Human life is valueless after one instance of "animal abuse" after all according to Reddit. Fuck him and his family and all that.


Maybe this “normalized” method shouldn’t be normalized? Women’s rights are shit, and completely normalized, in southern india too. Normal doesn’t mean right. Your logic is flawed. Don’t cage and torture wild animals then blame them for acting like animals. This is such an easy concept. Even people react similarly to abuse. Dude didn’t deserve to die a horrible death. I feel bad for him and his family. But again, this wasn’t the elephants fault, or god’s lol. It’s not even an accident. The elephant felt the need to defend itself and it did.


I agree with you that abuse shouldn't be normalised, I just wanted to share the story of the man because people on Reddit are so detached it's kind of scary ☹️ The man didn't deserve to die and the animal doesn't deserve to be tortured.


What about the elephant's family it was stolen from?


That’s awesome, I hope a lesson was learned. Maybe just leave them in the wild.


Elephant went "It may attack at any time. We have to deal with it."


Good on the elephant!


love seeing people get what they deserve


I guess he'll no longer be able to ride the big roller coasters.


Wow! That’s insane




The thai lady who massages me mustve taught this big trunked fucker some tricks


Well he ded




Damn. Death by extreme deep tissue massage with a not so happy ending.


"This is for putting paint all over me. I don't celebrate Holi, I'm an episcapalian!"


Human pancake




Imagine living in Ancient Rome and you have to fight one of these things while it wears armor, has a guy with a bow on top, and all u have is 2 ft sword


That’s gotta be a bad way to go. Not that the prick didn’t have it coming.


3D to 2D treatment


Why the ever loving fuck did I watch this


that elephant neatly folded him into thirds


This doesn't happen if you leave the animals alone.


Damn I want to see the autopsy report


Bro was pressing for blood wine


Oh he dead dead


" you keep hitting me with that stick and you're not going to like How It Ends!"


Literally 50/50 never know what you gonna get 😂