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Eh I'd just marry rich people make sure I'm in that will and wait it out


Save and buy property.


Over a century of wars and government scams??! Imagine doing a minimum wage job and looking to buy a property now


I believe immortals seek for richness in knowledge. Money, gold, relations-based-property: all vanishes in time. People just go away, but not your knowledge of them.


True, but imagine living for thousands of years with knowledge and still fighting for day-to-day expenses.


Ahahaha, that song ... Who wants to live forever... ... going to work every morning... DDD


Besides that lols, well, you should really agree, living long centuries does mean fighting for day-to-day, as the world was never stable, and wars, and dangers, and crushing of any business lines... Come on, world has crazy dramatically changed just in former half-a-century like 2-3 times... PCs, scanners, internet, robotics... 100 years ago you had no fridge... 150 years ago firearm injury would mean loosing part of body, or a life... So what could be any "stable income" in nowadays illusions are just limited time phenomenon, businesses are crashing, laws are changing, safety disappears unexpectedly with wars, rebellions, pandemies etc. So that any, let's imagine, "Dracula", would have vast experience of "packing bags in urge and running away"... in the carriage, or Rolls-Royce, or... without having finished breakfast... with that eyes rolling up "oh again"... And so, the only stable, or any "unchanging" thing would be just what scientists call stable: human nature, be it dressed in toga, or medieval cloth, or velour... Human nature, human basic underlying psychology. How people groups act, how they react, how behave, how misbehave. That's the only and true treasure of a person who did solved the great puzzle of Chinese Imperors, tyrants and billionaires of many sorts. That makes that "Dracula" rich again, stable again, in a nice new mansion again etc. "Dracula" shoud probably have great experience in "making *smth* again". And this experience basis is human stupidity, greed, pride, ego. Which is same in centuries.


You would have to get your hands dirty.


Yeah, that was my initial thought, would be like a killing spree and wastage of time even if you are immortal.


Coz even if you got put in jail you would be let out eventually and even then u could just keep putting everyone in the ground and just walk out eventually. Also if you were the only immortal one you could probably get paid alot for scientists running tests on you


If by immortal it means I can't get sick or mutilated, I'd do something super dangerous that requires expensive safety equipment without using them, like liquidating radiological orphaned sources with my bare hands