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Neon eyelashes.


The no makeup makeup look. Either wear makeup or dont ffs ik I sound harsh but it annoys me for some reason


It has shades of “not like the other girls”/pick-me’s, but that is more to blame on the male gaze than anything else


Agreed on the male gaze part, I think the trend does feed into the whole "I like girls without makeup" *presents someone wearing makeup* Its not even womens fault, it's entirely the male gaze pushing how an "average" woman should look and then be in utter shock when they realise women look different without makeup


Soap brows, extremely bright under eyes, using bronzer because as a black person bronzer doesn’t really look good on me personally, the anime lashes where they use mascara to clump their lashes together, and overlined lips and hiding cupid’s bows. I’ve always wanted a more noticeable Cupid’s bow and people are over here removing it lol Edit to add I don’t really like contour either, I rarely use it, including nose contour because it looks fake to me


Brushed up fluffy brows The ‘Scouse’ brow The whole mouth like a prolapsed anus look


The caterpillar brows. The overcooked beef lips. The falsies/extensions that look like a fan.


Almost everything related to brows


Cushion foundations are pricy and overhyped.


The brushed up eyebrows


I'm a woman. 15-21 year old me wore a full face of make up at all times. My BF's would tell me that I looked better without make up. Older me 30+, realized that less make up used to just enhance what you have is more than enough. Those long fake lashes are for the nightclub, they look awful during the day. I have rarely seen a good microblade. It really messes up people's faces. I'm a 90's child, I have tons of friends that wish they had not given in to the thin eyebrow craze. They struggle to get them back. Those fake lashes, will destroy your real ones the same way. I'm surprised that is not talked about more often.


the aegyosal crap.. it’s so ugly and i don’t understand why it’s a thing


probably because it’s literally a part of some peoples’ facial anatomy, that they were born with.


Obviously over lined lips. Especially when it’s a glossy finish. Ugh, I can’t. I want to grab a tissue and wipe it off.


eyelashes that look like caterpillars and… Even though on TikTok it looks good on screen, putting 50 dots of liquid in different color all over one's face because I can't help feeling sorry for their face being covered and all that goop... it's so drag queen like… I mean I know they have their thing and go team and I'm glad they like it but… It's not for me at all.


Scraggly brows-I like mine neat and brushed down. It looks okay on other people though...


Giant fluffy eyebrows. It looks like two caterpillars.


I will start by saying there are many looks I do not like formyself but see it pulled off beautifully on others. That is why, I tend to be laid back about most make up trends. I have 3 exceptions 1. H ighlighter placed like a dot on the tip of the nose. If you think it looks good on you, great! Work it. I always feel it puts the spotlight on an odd feature so cannot get into it. 2. False lashes but only because I am deeply envious. I can never apply them without stabbing myself. 3. Graphic liner because it draws attention to the eyelids instead of the eyes. Though I have seen some women pull this off beautifully.


Bronzing. I like the vampy look and the last thing I want to do is look sunkissed. Also contouring the cheeks. I like my round doll face.


Black liquid eyeliner and winged liner. It just looks too harsh and unflattering to me.


Eyebrow removal


Full face with all the contouring and stuff It's cool but idk how people do that constantly without their face breaking out. I don't even wear concealer anymore, just eyes and lips.


Mob wife makeup


Not a trend in that it's not something popular, but a trend in the sense that makeup brands keep doing this: saying a foundation is cool toned but it's clearly not because I still look orange wearing it.


Squirrel eyebrows.


Outrageously long eyelashes. A little enhancement, ok. But too long looks ridiculous.


Those creepy crawly caterpillar lashes. Horrendous.


Blinding highlight. I don’t think it looks good on anyone. People get so excited that “looks wet,” when to me it looks sweaty and/or greasy.


I was gonna say that too. And contouring. Why would you want to change your bone structure completely?


When it comes to makeup, I still want to look like me, but better. I don’t want the change to be so major it’s startling. So, not me.


People don’t do this as much as they did some years back, but the huge triangles of concealer under their eyes. I have some fine lines and if I put even slightly too much concealer under my eyes, it looks super cakey and emphasizes the lines (always has, even in my 20s). I could never put a whole triangle lol. Fake freckles can look like dirt or a rash if they’re overdone or aren’t the right shade for the person’s skin tone. I do wear fake freckles sometimes but I have to be strategic and not heavy-handed. I don’t really like the big sweep of blush from one side of my face to the other and across my nose. It looks good on other people but since I have rosacea already, it just looks like a flare-up/rash on me. “Clean girl” makeup or the “no makeup” makeup look looks like I don’t have any makeup on at all because I have prominent features and round, red cheeks that kind of swallow up the makeup, lol. I think it’s really pretty on people with delicate features, though. I’ll do it if I’m in a hurry, but I prefer a bolder look if I have time.


Graphic liner. It reminds me of the late 90s nude/concealer lip with dark liner, but for eyes.


soap brows brushed all the way up. my bushy brows would reach my hairline and i have a huge fivehead. the thing with blush, i agree with you. i’m super pale and flush easily. i don’t need no bloody blush. a lip liner that’s way darker than the lipstick. not my cuppa.


The worst ever makeup trend in my opinion was the darker lip liner with the lighter lipstick look of the late '90s. Makes me cringe




I think it looks great on some people, but on most it gives that ever popular circus clown effect.


oof. i’m big into lipstick and wear those exclusively. i’m very pale with black hair, anything else looks so weird on me 😭 i love black lipstick but it makes my lips smaller. but got a lot of compliments on it surprisingly, even by older people. but fair enough to you, doesn’t have to be your cup of tea for me to like it 🤗 im just in chatty mood rn


That's my big issue whenever I've tried black lipstick.. it makes my lips look super small. I already have a really small mouth so it just makes it even worse. Which sucks cause I want to be able to pull it off!


Try really deep reds and purples, I love black lipstick too but it's nice to switch it up sometimes and even though they're really dark the reds and purples don't make my lips look as much smaller as black does.


thank you! currently i have a silver one, a gray purple one which is absolutely adoreeeeee, a reddish orange colour that’s quite dark and black. oh and one pink purple nude and the black. i wear only black so its hard to match, but i do wanna branch out. do you have any recommendations? i need something absolutely cool toned as im pale and pink as heck


Me too, look for reds that are described as berry toned those are usually the cool tones reds that lean towards purple. Purples you kind of can't go wrong.


I love black lipstick, too, especially when I wear my black wigs. I don’t wear it often though, usually just for pictures, because I hate having to touch it up. But I love how it looks. I’m super pale, too.


the touch ups are ridiculous. got myself a sephora collection one cause i got a gift card and it gives me black mustache.. it’s such a bad formula, i just can’t. it’s quite pigmented and all but im too oily for it. i can rely on jefree’s lippies tho, his black stays put. it’s such a struggle to find a good colour and then you have to account the ethical part of the purchase.. too few brands carry unconventional colours and even less number of brands have ethics i agree with that carry such colours


I usually use ColourPop. It’s really pigmented, creamy, and pretty when first applied but it doesn’t stay put, either. NYX is even worse. That one smeared within minutes and gave me that black mustache, too. I’ve never tried Jeffree’s.




i can absolutely see your point. i don’t understand the last sentence tho, im sorry 🥲 not a native speaker. i think the black looks messy a lot of the time due to poor application since it’s so in your face and your lines gotta be clean. like perfectly clean. the formulas can be poor.. melting away and smudging. another thing is that it just won’t stay on your inner lip and so if you pout your lips your mouth looks like an asshole. it can absolutely look bad. i think i pull it off because my overall style fits it, its out there but also classy to me in a way. people seem to like it on me, i wear lipstick every day and outta my repertoire this one is their favourite. which is surprising to me, i expected people to be negative towards it, not that i would care. but never got as many compliments on any of my makeup. but i think they may be just complimenting how ballsy it is. also it was supposed to scare away creeps and it seems to do the opposite and draw their attention to me 🌝


soap brows, putting blush under ur eyes before concealer, lash extensions, heavy contour




yeah same!




I don’t like when lipstick is lighter the your skin tone (which isn’t really a trend but that’s something I don’t like 😭)


Dark lip liner + pale lipstick = HIDEOUS!


Sparkly eye shadow and extremely obvious fake lashes. I will never understand why women who work at Starbucks, TJ Maxx, etc. need to wear them during the day. At a club on the weekend is a different story...


Blush across the nose and cheeks. Looks like an autoimmune flare up, and I've had those.


That’s exactly why I don’t do my blush like that. I tried it once or twice and it looked like my rosacea flare ups, which I want to cover up, not emphasize lol.


A dot on the nose or sth is cute, ya all over ain't it though


That really big wing eyeliner. Like Amy winehouse big


Blush across the nose combined with heavy blush looks like malar rash associated with lupus. Too light concealer applied in heavy triangles under the eyes creates weird planes on the face and visually pulls the cheeks down in an unnatural manner. All of the baitclick videos on YT, IG, and TT that claim to show new ways of applying gobs of makeup to create the perfect look but instead look like a heavily filtered hot mess.


Ombré lip. Thick eyeliner. Contour. Voluminous false lashes. Painted freckles.


The red nose trend. I have allergies and I thought a lot of women have been having horrible allergies lately. It wasn’t until I saw it on social media that I realized it was a trend


When folks wear their lipstick in a point on the cupids bow. It just looks weird to me.


Guess if you’re a Geisha is the only time that looks good


No that's not what I was picturing. More like when people draw a point facing up on the cupid's bow. I've seen a few people wearing lipstick like that. Like if you make your lips look like a Hershey kiss and rounded on the bottom


That's just weird.


Pretty much all the new makeup trends drive me crazy. Sharpie eyebrows that look like Burt from sesame Street, over contouring/highlighting, fake huge blowfish lips & eyelashes. Makeup has gone from enhancing natural beauty to how clownish and unnatural can they look.


Yes i hate that Janice from the Muppets is basically the goal now


Omg PERFECT reference 😂


Oh! And the CRAZY lash extensions look insane on most people.


Contour that is so visible and soooooo wrong. Everyone’s nose does NOT need contouring.


The soap brows where they brush them up all the way along... looks stupid.


I just cannot stand extra overlining of lips. Especially when done with too dark lip pencil. Or the „circle” cupids bow


I cannot stand painted on freckles. I have natural ones myself, and nobody draws them right based on what I've noticed between mine and other people's freckles. They're supposed to be at LEAST a little bit darker than your natural color and random sizes/shapes. Most people who do the fake freckles look like they just got sprayed with a paint brush flicked at them.


weirdly paint brush spatter would look more natural because that gives random sizes and shapes


Laminated brows, blush across the nose, and lash extensions


Brown people trying to look pale; pale people trying to look brown; lip liner straight across the Cupid’s bow to look like a clown; giant, blocky eyebrows; eyebrows that are too dark; intense contour; caterpillar lashes; fake freckles.


We used to call them butthole lips.


Yes! Reminds me of my bichon when he needs his anal glands expressed.


Lipliner that’s significantly darker than the lipstick People who use literally about 1/5th of the bottle of foundation in a video.


🥩 👄


Meat mouth? Lol help me 😅




Lash extensions


They can look so natural, but I feel like people go way overboard. Plus, I know a few people who had extensions and it ruined their actual lashes.




Soap brows


I saw this for the first time in real life recently, believe it or not. She was naturally pretty but I could not stop being distracted by her eyebrows


Fake freckles Highlighter on the tip of the nose Mudr lips that match you skin All-over bronzer Yellow anything There are lots more, but these came up immediately for me.


Lining your lips with dark colors way too far of your real lip line. Like ok, a little bit it’s fine so they can look bigger, but are you aware that your lips are 3D and it’s obvious to everybody that your lip is not THAT big?? Maybe it can do the trick in pics, but in real life is the equivalent of using your moms lipstick when you were 6. This takes me to the second stupidest makeup trend: faking “round” lips. When people who have a very defined Cupid’s bow try to make their lips more rounded and it’s absolutely obvious that they just used lipstick in the middle. It’s noticeable even in pics. I don’t even know since when having a cupids bow is a bad thing that you have to conceal. I guess the Kardashian’s fake lip thing really hit hard.




I didn’t know that but that’s savage!


- baking - contoured nose - fake freckles - nude / brown lips - matte lips - ombré / laminated / feathered / angry bird brows - lash extensions / false lashes


Block brows. I have to follow the natural shape of my eyebrows or else I feel like a clown. I know some people look really good with them but I just can’t do it


Fluffy laminated brows look bad 8/10. Most brows aren't built for this look. Most eyebrows need shaping, filling and definition.


Definitely! I’ve seen a very few people having good looking laminated brows.


Laminated brows, soap brows


A lot of people are wearing makeup differently for the sake of how it can look on camera. There are a lot of online creators that need to consider lighting and exposure and how their camera can make the most of their face while staying within the parameters of their camera's and setting's capabilities. With that said, I'm not a fan of people taking these make-up techniques outside when there is nothing to warrant having it that way. One of my biggest peeves is the misuse of colour. People are darkening and filling their brows with such unnatural colours meant to coincide with what they naturally have. Next is bronzing or rouge that is too dark and not aligning with their natural skin tone. And I know this is a sensitive thing to say: but the colour and design of eyeliner use. I have been waiting for more than a decade for the wing-tips to stop. (Think Amy Winehouse, as an exaggerated example.) Wings are fine if you're on the cover of a magazine with no facial expression, but they look weird when you have normal facial animations that changes or even conceals the wings. I say no more wings. Subtle sweeps from the eyes are okay, but these solid, geometric, painted on wings? No.


During the peak of make-up influencers, I went to the mall with my husband and every girl we’d see had clown make-up on to the point he was like “wtf is going on?!” It’s not so bad anymore these days in comparison but online trends definitely rub off on the younger/inexperienced girls that don’t understand things look different on camera.


Overlining lips, specifically if the cupid's bow is overdrawn.


I saw an Instagram video of a girl trying this because a commenter asked her, and she looked so annoyed the whole video 😂 she thought it looked so stupid but still gave it a shot




Oh….that was graphic


Contouring the tip of the nose. Drives me batshit crazy that people make themselves look like Rudolph.


Contouring. Maybe I’ve just never been able to do it correctly but I just don’t get it. For me, I feel like bronzer can have the same effect.


Yeah and also I don't like layering that much on my face. A little blush works fine.


Laminated brows. Lip liner several shades darker than lipstick. Chunky glitter. Unnatural color eyeliner/mascara. Freckle pens.


Anything to do with the brows, usually. I don't like how the microbladed brows look, though I do know microblading is good for when your eyebrows grow thin, patchy, or extremely light. I don't like the look of laminated or blocky brows either. Overlined lips to change your lip shape/size look ridiculous because it's so obvious. Extremely filled lips look ridiculous too. I'm all for fillers, but the unnatural look will never look nice to me. Dramatic eyelash extensions, or even the overuse of glue on lashes. So many people losing their natural lashes and they have to continue using the products every day. I only wear fake lashes once in a blue moon, I rather a good mascara - I do admit that the natural looking extensions are beautiful though. Overuse of skin products. You don't need a 10 different products every single day. Less can be more when you target specific things. Anti-aging products should only be used for signs of aging in your 30s, otherwise hydration and skin health should be your target because that is the best anti-aging routine. There are some people who have need for extreme skin regiments, but that is a very small number. It's another beauty industry trap for us to spend money on keeping up with "high standards" and selling the idea that youth is beauty. Beauty at every age, being human is beautiful.


Crazy thick and long eyelashes


So many of these ONLY look good on camera. I think it’s the fact that branding and marketing and tutorials are all in video form now. A few years ago, right when highlighting was really getting out of hand, half the girls walking around my school (I am a HS teacher, FYI) looked like they were cos-playing as disco balls. A camera doesn’t capture glitter well, so you knew it was because they were applying the amount a beauty guru was instead of a reasonable amount.  I will say one thing I love about this generation is that they definitely seem to correctly prize skincare over flawless make up. Their morning routine largely consists of moisturizing, putting on sunscreen, serums, and they put on those silly star pimple patches on which look odd to the unfamiliar eye but are so much better than mashing them into an open wound and covering it with a pound of concealer like we did! 


Excessive lip overlining, especially when it's with a light lip and dark liner, neither of which match the skintone. It looks ridiculous.


I cannot handle the clownish over lining lips. 😂 it looks so obvious and ridiculous. That and white eye liner in the water line. It does not look like the eye is more awake to me.


Isn't the jelly lip just lip tint plus gloss?


Blush on the nose. I dont want to look like rudolph. Blush anywhere else but the cheeks. Overly lined lips. Extremely heavy lash extensions Block eyebrows.


Laminated brows, blush over nose, fake freckles


Blush on the nose. I dont get it. Why would anyone want their nose to be colored pink/red/whatever Also those horrible very dark big blocky brows i think popular around 2016 ish And graphic eyeliner


Overlined lips look hilarious


Laminated brows. What on earth is that look


Graphic eyeliners. I have hooded eyes with multiple creases and the space between my eyelids and brows are very narrow. It would be really hard to execute that style.


I have deep set eyes with crow's feet. Any winged or kitten liner is a no for me.


I have the exact same problem, I have very little space to work with


Was about to comment but noticed most comments are: - laminated eyebrows -feathered eyebrows - big false eyelashes - orange foundation/fake tan foundation - lips that look like you put concealer on them - super long nails (shorter if fine, just super long one).


I really dislike the highlighter on the tip of the nose. It's looks even more crazy when it's an unnatural color like gold or pink. Feather brows are silly looking False eyelashes, how do you keep your eyes open? Freddy Kruger nails, they look so crazy Contouring in person looks crazy to me I don't understand the point of baking, especially if you have dry skin That being said, it's all makeup and it washes off at the end of the day. If you do any of these things, I'm not bagging on you. I just personally do not like these things.


The shiny dot on the nose is silly. I feel like I should blend it out for them. And “Glass skin” I’m sorry, it looks greasy, not glassy.


Contour around the lips and filling in the cupids bow with lip liner and layering with gloss. I’ve seen overlining look good, but erasing the cupids bow looks messy to me


This and all contouring.


People brushing and pasting their eyebrows upwards. Wtf is that?!


Super greasy/oily face is weird for me. (Not dewy, but oily, and I don't mean people who naturally have an oily skin texture but those who add it plus a lot of highlighter so they look like they just played beach volleyball with suntan oil on their face)


Glass skin my ass, more like greasy skin.


Right?! I have oily skin and I’m weirded out that people want to look like that.


as an oily skin girl, I just can’t get behind cream/gel/liquid blushes. they just slide off my face and get all splotchy, even with a good primer or foundation. and i feel like these are overtaking the market, i have such a hard time finding a good ol traditional POWDER blush anywhere.


I have really dry skin and used to have a hard time finding liquid stuff, nowadays im blessed cause its in trend rn. But because of the past i know how it feels and it sucks for you oily girls, tho i wish i had oily skin cause dry skin ages way quicker


Try Walgreens. I got the Milani brand.


Laminated brows and thick long lashes


Colorful mascaras that aren’t for going to the club or a Halloween party


Matte eye shadow. But only for myself. I don't see the point if there isn't a little shimmer.


I look awful with shimmery eyeshadow tho i love it so much on others 🥺


Oh I'm so sorry! But I guess you are the audience for matte!


Old lady, with creepy, hooded lids. The only area I can do even a tiny amount of shimmer on is inner corner. I am the target for matte.


I look amazing in other things, like matte and light eyeshadows and cat eye shaped half lashes and any lipstick


Oh wow. I always feel like there's a lot I can't wear. Now I feel stuck in four shimmery colors! 🤣


Hahha oh no xD try dearpeachies on youtube, they are amazing in explaining what kind of features and contrast go well together ! I think eye make up is alot about your eyeshape, lidspace, eyebrow position, contrast of your features, etc


Contouring in general. I see makeup as a way to enhance your features and not try to create another face altogether.


Laminated eyebrows are the worst thing I’ve seen in years. Those that go over the actual eyebrow. Like straight up. I see it every day and I cringe every single time. And fake eyelashes that look like a mini broom. I don’t get it.


British eyebrows,


The white eyeliner on the lower waterline. I feel like it was trendy around 2013 too and I remember trying it back then but I didn’t like it then and I still don’t. I find it doesn’t make people look more awake it makes them look alien.


For me eyeliner on the waterline just irritates my eyes and makes them red


The overlap lipstick


Blush on your nose. I don’t understand the appeal at all. I have rosacea so the last thing I want to do is emphasize redness!


Yes! It looks so weird.


Glass skin - you don’t look like you’re glowing, you look sweaty and possibly stinky 😆


The newer popular english/UK girls makeup look with the orange foundation and concealer on their lips, also sharp unnatural contour.


This sounds like the makeup I wore in junior high ca 2008. Glad they will share the same cringey memories as me in ten years lol


Full face makeup tutorials. Most of the makeup we see on social media would probably look crazy and very cakey in real life. Cameras are very deceiving. You don’t need that much makeup in real life.


After trying to replicate ideas found on youtube tutorials, i realized that by time its visible enough to see on camera, in person its WAY too heavy


Same happened to me. I always wondered why my makeup never looked as good as the beauty gurus/influencers online. Filters and lights hides how cakey and obvious it actually is.


Talking about lashes, I personally am not a fan of lash extensions because I think it looks ridiculous when you don’t have a full face of makeup. It looks over the top fake. With a full face I like big lashes, it just doesn’t look right to me with out anything else.


I don’t get micro blading brows, they look weird and out of a comic book to me 99% of the time. Overly highlighted faces, particularly on the tip of the nose, looks ridiculous in person.


Came here to say micro blading. Looks absolutely awful 9 times out of 10.


laminated brows, i hate them


Fake eyelashes look so cheap it’s sad. People are advertising their low IQs when their ultra heavy lashes keep them from opening their eyes all the way. If your lashes prevent you from running, swimming and being a healthy person, it’s a problem. When they are misaligned or popping off it’s incredibly distracting. If they don’t match your hair it’s obvious. The elegance and art of makeup needs to be done with a steady hand and a thoughtful balance for an every day look. These can work for special event but I would be humiliated if, for my wedding for example, I had eyelid caterpillars to look back on. Perhaps I am biased because I tried the permanent ones with latex glue and had a horrible allergic reaction that triggered a 6-month sinus infection, but I now have a visceral reaction to this look.


-Cluster lashes or eyelash extensions that look like untrimmed bushes -overlining lips bcs the side profile looks hideous


I don't care for fake eyelashes, lip liners (if it blends in, I don't mind that but the look of overlining I have always hated). Contour I cannot be bothered with. I dust some bronzer lightly on my face and call it good. Blush that is taken up to the sides of the face (temples). I just don't get it I guess? That said, people need to wear what they want and like, I just don't care for these particular things. To each their own.


My face is very oval shaped, I never understood blush and felt like I looked like I was wearing clown makeup AND making myself look 5 years older when I applied it to the apples of my cheeks. When I tried applying it basically under my eye, it looked normal and natural, now I love wearing it. I think it’s one of those things that works great for a specific face shape, but that got lost in it becoming trendy.


I'm sorry, but contouring your nose looks crazy in person.


I thought the same thing. It looks good on camera but once you move and see the side profile, it looks so fake and the illusion disappears. Nose contour especially look so bad in person.


I found that out the hard way lol


Contouring in general I think is more of a stage makeup technique. It usually looks kind of grubby irl, especially side on.


For myself, most trends. I’m in my 50’s, so I mainly try to look well groomed and polished, not necessarily trendy. I do encourage my young nieces and daughter to have fun. If the “jowly and wrinkled” look ever becomes trendy, I’ll be all over it!


Drawing on eyebrows has never been attractive and will never be attractive and it needs to be frowned upon I understand sometimes needing to fill in but this whole trend of basically shaving them off and drawing them on looks ridiculous


Long, long fake eyelashes. The defined and very dark eyebrows. Both look extremely fake and over the top.


As a professional makeup artist, I HATE soap brows. They just look so bad. “Oh but they look natural!” Nothing about makeup is natural. Just look like you’re wearing makeup. Having full glam and then these fluffy eyebrows just looks so bizarre.


What are soap brows? I have not heard that term before.


Its where they almost brush/plaster each hair straight up towards their hairline. It's disconcerting


Please google image them. It’s difficult to explain other than “fluffy” and “sparse” at the same time.


Thx I googled it. They look like laminated brows but they are done at home with soap. People are applying bar soap on their eyebrows as a styling product and leaving it on all day. Nooooo!


Yeah the idea of having it on my face all day makes my skin crawl. I’ve put questionable things in and around my eyes but I absolutely would never let BAR SOAP touch any part of my body. Yuck.


Over lining is one thing. Over lining with gloss? Looks like a baby that had some greasy chicken. 


This made me chuckle.


So you basically don’t like any makeup trend 😂


Tbh I think a lot of people don’t take into consideration how these trends will look on THEIR skin tone/facial structure etc. Certain bronzers don’t look good on fair skin, etc. People seem to try the trends without modifying it to their unique features so it ends up looking wacky. But to answer the question, for me it’s eyebrow anything and overlining the lips. That weird doll lips look just looks wrong on everyone.


The advice of "if your makeup doesn't look right you're not using enough." Every tutorial I've seen with this advice just looks so.....heavy. Not everyone has a full glam goal and you can improve your technique with minimal and light amounts of makeup as well.


I’d add, not everyone has a face meant for full glam. I look ridiculous.


Me too. I wear the least makeup one can wear, bbcream and lipstick. That’s all. Any more it looks ridiculous


People need to wear what they want but for me I just really dislike the look of heavy makeup, especially on myself. Many view toned down makeup as boring, and it probably is but that is what I am into. I always kind of preferred using makeup on myself to enhance my features, bring them out a little. Not everyone agrees with that though. It was then that I kind of decided I am going to do my own thing and stop listening to creators/influencers.