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Dabbing or blotting is the way. Some products /materials are better on some skin /makeup than others when dabbing. My sister used to use fast food napkins to dab oil from her face. Adding some powder or foundation from a compact or cushion after should even things out.


I second fast food napkins!! Those napkins will absorb mostly oil and ideally leave the makeup on your skin. You tap it onto your face, don’t rub or smudge to leave as much makeup behind as you can




blotting sheets or paper and a hack i use is pocket or neck fans during summer or sweaty days


I agree with the other two comments: blotting/dabbing is the way to go! Use a napkin or tissue to blot your face. Also, a good setting spray goes a LONG way. I like to use the tried and true Urban Decay all-nighter because that stuff makes my makeup cling to my face like nothing else. Even when I sweat, if I blot my face while wearing setting spray, I pull of \*minimal\* amounts of foundation. Also a tip to keep your makeup on if you sweat: set your foundation with setting spray \*in between\* steps. My order of operations is: primer --> foundation --> setting spray --> setting powder --> setting spray again. I swear, I could literally be dunked into a pool and my makeup won't budge, nonetheless get a GOOD sweat in during my workouts and still have my makeup look decent. Hope this helps!


OOH! Obvs not OP, but I’m pretty good at long wear makeup techniques, but I’m def gonna try setting spray in between foundation and powder and then after powder like normal!


Your life is gonna change!!! 😂 The other key (which I should’ve mentioned above, eek!) is to do as minimal layers as possible! I like to wear medium to full coverage foundation (I’m a Haus Labs girly) so that I don’t have to wear as much product to get a full face. But I legitimately swear by this method and I can get my makeup to last 8+ hours easily! I just took my niece to the trampoline park the Sat before Easter and was jumping around with her for like, 3 hours and my face didn’t slide off, if that’s any testimony, lol. 😂😂


I can get most of my makeup to last through a 12 hour shift, but if I can keep it looking even better I’ll definitely try! Also, I’m going to Eras Tour in November and I wanna be picture perfect the whole day from the train into the city at noon til leaving the show at midnight.


Ahh, a fellow Swiftie! I’m so jealous you get to go see our girl!! 😭😭 If you follow these steps it should definitely hold up all night! My other secret weapon in my arsenal is the Pat McGrath Sublime Perfection Blurring Under Eye Powder. It’s technically for the under eye area, but I use it all over my face and that stuff is MAGIC. It’s like super glue for my makeup — double that with the UD setting spray and I istg you could look gorgeous through an apocalypse. Don’t ask me who I know this, but I may or may have not accidentally slept in my makeup while wearing that combo and woke up and it still looked put together. 🤣


Dumb product name, but the Blotterazzi Pro by beautyblender is a really good reusable alternative to blotting papers!


Have never heard of a reusable blotting paper, that’s pretty cool! My frugal tip is buying a pack of rice paper at a craft store and cutting it up for refills. It’s cheap and it works even in sweltering Florida summers.


Hear me out - paper toilet seat covers make excellent blotting papers. A clean one of course😜


Blot with a paper towel or paper napkin. Use a long wearing concealer or foundation with setting spray. I live in a very hot climate, and I only spot conceal where I need it (usually around my chin and mouth area) otherwise it's just a waste of makeup at that point.


Coffee filters!


Nothing will survive a wipe. Unless you're wearing waterproof stage makeup, if you wipe your skin with a hand or a tissue, it'll remove what's there. Honestly, I think you don't want to sweat that bad in makeup. For example, most people wouldn't wear makeup and then go workout. If you're sweating a lot, naturally, you might need to forefit foundation


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Napkins, dabbing not swiping, and gently.