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> I became so invested and attached to all the characters, except Felisin but I think she would have wanted it that way. Congratulations. You managed to capture _in a single sentence_ a nuanced take about Felisin that seems to evade far more people than could possibly be healthy.


You walked the chain of dogs with us now. Welcome to the sub :-) And believe me, you have no idea how more often Erikson will blow your mind on your journey!


A long walk it was... Thank you I am glad to be here. I cannot wait for the rest of this journey.


Fuck Mallick Rel.


Fuck Mallick Rel.


Where is the Korbolo Dom hate? Fuck that guy aswell!!!


Oh man, Memories of Ice is going to smash your brains. It’s sooooo good.


Really!? Oh boy I can't wait!


Yeah I’m just doing my first re-read now, about half way through MOI. Every book has mind blowing sections, I don’t think the quality really drops at all. Enjoy the ride!


😭😭😭 I'm still not healed


So just figured I'd tell you... I just finished chapter 5. You are correct, my brain is fully broken


You have walked the Chain of Dogs and are now one of us. Also, Fuck Mallick Rel!


I felt the exact same after DG, couldn’t have put it better. about half way through book 4 HoC now and can safely say that it just gets better. enjoy the ride!


Thanks, I'm excited to keep going


without spoiling anything, i’ll say that the chain of dogs is maybe my favourite storyline of all time, but i gotta say there are atrocities to match it coming up. have fun.


Hell yeah, this book breaks you so that the rest of the series can leave you utterly destroyed. Fallen, if you will. I’m on a reread right now, and almost to the end of Deadhouse Gates. I blew through the Kharkanas books and Gardens on this reread, but I’m stalling because I have to brace myself for this ending. Knowing what’s coming seems to make everything even more brutal.


Memories of Ice is an uncut gem


I can't wait to get I to it. I needed an afternoon to settle from DG


You’re just getting started and it gets even better on a reread! DG is my favorite book in the series. Coltaine and Duiker. Tear my heart out and stomp on it Erickson. 😭 I think it’s a masterpiece.


And you’re only on Book 3! The Chain is so hard. Glad you made it. Read the Prologue of MoI twice, there is series-wide lore in there. Erickson expands the scale and scope even more and you start to see where he may be going with all this.


Welcome to The Broken Hearts Club.


I remember when I finished Deadhouse Gates I had to take an extended break from the books just to decompress. I think it might have been about 2 months before I could gather up the courage to continue with the rest of the books.


It's a hell of a book. I remember finishing the last page and just being like wow. I was speechless. Art in its truest form. Incredibly deep. This is the first book I read where a tear fell on the page, where my heart rate changed.  It had me truly feeling proud of being human. The story's he tells of these heroes make you think of medal of Honor recipients and such. What the best are capable of even in the face of vile corruption. The purest and incorruptible heroes who just walk different from the rest of us. Such an incredible boo  >!The end, where the pregnant Myhbe walks towards the horizon and sees a swarm of black... Crows. Ugh. So good.!<


I'm in the same boat as you! Just finished DG today and I'm on to MoI... Several moments broke me in DG. Kalam wishing he could comfort the dying boy on the cross, wishing he could tell him everything would be ok and that his death would not be in vain but ultimately knowing it was all a lie. One of the most disturbingly profound segments I've ever read. Along with the the Chain of Dogs crossing the river Vathar, the last few segments with Mappo and Icarium, Baudins death, and of course the Fall. Chapter 21 felt like the birth of a religion.


"Children are dying, the injustices of the world hide in those three words"


It hurts.. I can't wait to read more lol.


I’m not going to read through your entire commentary, but I have to acknowledge that you’re the first reader that’s posted since I’ve been a member of this group about Kalam, who is my favorite character.❤️




Haha, the classic DnD campaign. That honestly makes it even more hilarious. The assasssin, so good at his work that the literal god of assassins would hesitate to fight him, is suddenly burdened with 13000 ghost children, who were saved by a demon. I think I need to make my DnD campaigns more interesting...