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My wife is a really (for real tho, I'm very proud of her!) good singer and loves singing along to songs. Sometimes I really wanna hear the song she's singing along to, but I've never said anything because a) that's what headphones and/or solo walks/drives are for, and b) that's her like, joy, maaannn.. I can't think of a way to say it that doesn't feel hokey or overwrought, so screw it I guess, but singing is one of the purest expressions of yourself and I wouldn't want to put a dent in that for her.  Most likely your husband's just taking a similar feeling from listening, and in the moment didn't think of a gentler way to say so, or think that saying anything in general would be hurtful to you.   Live and learn :/   For instance, I assumed when I started writing a reply that I'd be less earnest and more mean/funny, but here I am smiling and thinking about my wife. Everyone and everything is stupid.   (Edit: we just spent our weekend and our savings in a recording studio so I'm not great at promotion stuff but I guess I'D be stupid not to post a link here. Her music on Spotify is great, but of course we're more excited about these new tracks we'll be putting out next month. Anyway, hope you hear something you like! https://open.spotify.com/track/2DjlcEjgIVjQuLIpw9X5IJ?si=0Crp_b9PT3q4Agvgg-rxqA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A5l0XLHUGh9h4UluIZS6pCD )


That woman can SING! Huge voice, great tone quality, lots of heart coming through.


Thank you so much! Very appreciated :)


Just listened to her on my Spotify account. Created a playlist to listen to her songs when I get back home. Liked the linked song.


Thank you, she'll be so happy to hear that :)


That is one hell of a voice. I'd never say this to one of my long-time friends that loves to sing, but your wife blows my friend out of the water. And my friend has done a couple semi-pro things.


That's so nice, thank you!! I'm showing my wife these comments :)


He definitely wasn’t hurtful to me! It had been a while since he’d heard the song and I don’t usually sing along word for word when we’re playing music, so I think the combo was unexpected and distracting at the time. I reminded him of this story when I remembered it last night (as the song played again in the car) and he smiled at the memory. Alls good! I’ll give that link a listen today too!


Thank you so much! Yeah, you two sound good. It's nice to trust each other that much with your feelings. Definitely sound like a great couple! :)


I wish my partner was the same. Music is literally the one thing that can fully allow me to express myself and it kindve just seems like every time I do, it ruins his day. Hurts me so much sometimes especially because people literally pay me to sing at events and do music but I can’t be myself in my own home. She’s lucky to have you and you, her. Wish y’all the best.


Aww thank you, that's so nice!! I'm sorry about your partner; not sure what his problem is but communication is definitely in order--you DO deserve to be happy and express yourself. 


You might want to think about whether or no this is a red flag. It could be something that can be worked through, or it could be a hint at a very controlling personality. (I am not doing like so many other Redditors can and saying that they ARE being abusive/controlling/a cheese zombie (added just for the weirdness).)


Could AGT be in her future?


She's Canadian and we live in Europe A CRUSHING BLOW TO MY DREAMS OF BEING MARRIED TO A ROCK STAR :( :( :(


We do have rock music in Europe. Just saying.




No, but there are such shows here, too, baaaaabe.


Late to this party but yes! You’re so right to be proud of her! ❤️


Added it to my playlist! She has an amazing voice! Can't wait to hear more from her!


I can understand it somewhat. Sometimes you might want to hear the artist sing a song, not someone else.


One of my dad's favorite jokes: Him: "Who sings that song?" You: "Counting Crows" Him: "Let's keep it that way"


If they don't fall for that: Me: "do you know why they sing that?" Them: "no..." Me: "so you don't have to"


my fathers "favourite" "hey, is that hard to sing?" 'uh, no ' "well, its fuckin hard to listen to "


My parents just went with "please can you stop? Your singing is painfully bad". I guess at least I wasn't a punchline..?  My husband doesn't ask me not to sing. He acknowledges my singing is appalling (I was 10 or 11 when I worked out how to change note instead of just getting louder. I am almost always either sharp or flat, I'm most definitely a soprano, I don't actually hear an octave right - it sounds like about 5 notes climbing, going up reasonably evenly , then a "dip about a note and a half down, then they continue climbing up at the same sort of interval as previously...and my lyric recall is spotty). but if I want to, he isn't going put me down. In fact, his ability to identify the song I mean when I'm mangling at least one tune and blending the wrong lyrics for at least two others, is incredible. It is one of many reasons I love him. Literally, the only three people in the world who actually enjoy my singing are the ones who I produced from my body with his help, and I can't believe they haven't outgrown this yet.


My grandpa got me with this one time: Grandpa: (interrupting my singing) “what did you spend the money on?” Me: “What money?” Grandpa “The money your mother gave you for singing lessons.”


I said this to an employee one time and coincidentally she'd pocketed $20 from the register that day. The guilty look that followed my teasing question led me check the cameras HAHA. Hope you learned a lesson, Elizabeth.


Bro the way I would shit myself lmao the universe really wanted Elizabeth to take the L, huh?


The lesson Elizabeth learned: be a less shitty singer


Or... Me: "do you know why they wrote that song? " Them: "no ..." Me: "so they could sing it."


My dad did that one, too. Here was my mom's: Mom: Why don't you sing solo? So low we can't hear you.


My mum too :) Plus, 'Do you take requests'.... 'Can you sing On a Green Hill Far Away?'


Sorry, I don't know that one


Yep! Mine did similar on that vein, too!


My High School coach used this one, and also: "Can you sing tenor? Ten or twelve miles away."


Oooh, that's a good one!


Can you sing tenor? Tenor twelve miles away


My ex BIL used to pride himself on his singing voice. BIL- singing with the radio. 5 year old niece- puts her hands over her ears “oh daddy, no. Don’t sing.”


I was a vocal major in college. I've been told I have a good voice. Sing to my 2.5 yr old daughter, she slaps a hand over my mouth, lol.


I like this one: "- How old is the singer? \- Idk, in his 40s maybe? \- Well he's old enough to sing on his own."


oh my God... I forgot my dad used to do that 🤣


As a 40-something dad, I approve this message.


Please just be supportive of your kids.


Yep. Taught them all they know and most of what I do. Taught them how to think, not WHAT to think. I'm proud of 'em, and they vote.


> and they vote It doesn't matter to me who/what they vote for, thank you for teaching them the importance of exercising that right. <3


I had a friend pull that on me once. Since then I have written my own songs so I can belt one of those out when someone pulls it on me again.


Or: "Why don't you let them?"


I just literally lol'd and woke my GF up. F*** that's funny.


My dad would tell us we sang like a bird. A dying one. 🥁


My dad used to say that too!!


My child, at a tender age, started slapping his hands over his ears if I sang with the radio. OK, I don't try to sing out loud any more.


I always hated that attitude. How many kids could have been great singers if they weren't discouraged all the time. People act like singing should only be done by professionals, and never wonder how the professionals get there.


I don't blame him. He said it to me and I'm an awful singer. Didn't stop me from joining the school choir.


Stole it from Family Guy


I think that joke has been around for longer than Family Guy.


I always retort with “Counting Crows but I prefer my cover of it”


Yeah - I had to seriously curtail my singing in the car, when my son's driving me around. Singing along to songs is just instinctive, but we really need to be aware that not everyone wants to listen to us. (It doesn't help in my case that we share the same music taste, so him putting his music on doesn't stop me enjoying it haha.)


Get him to sing with you.


A lot of people don’t want to sing along. That’s the whole premise of this thread.


yeahhhh I had to ask someone to tone it down a bit at a concert...I felt super bad but I literally couldn't hear the artist!


"Hotel California" came on the music at work the other day and someone was singing along. I told them I'd really rather be listening to Don Henley than them.


ok, I would really never do that at work! granted a) I can't hold a tune *at all* b) I do not work anywhere with music...


This is a kitchen and I'm the chef. To paraphrase "Chef picks the music and the cook shuts his piehole."




Nerd fandom concerts are the worst for that. Johnathan Coulton is a musician who wrote the theme songs to Portal and Portal 2, among other things. At one performance he had Felicia Day guest singing with him. This could have been a great performance, but we'll never know because the audience sang so loud you couldn't hear the artists. People paid for that show when they could have just gone to karaoke for free.


Counterpoint - being in an audience with 10 or 20 thousand other people singing along (or 50,000!) to a song is an amazing experience that cannot be replicated in any other way other than by being present for it.


My mum used to describe my brothers singing ability as "You know a piano has white keys and black keys? Well he manages to sing the gaps in between the keys"


I understand that, I really do. Professionals are more pleasant to listen to. On the other hand, I feel like our relationship with music has changed a lot in the last century or so, and not for the better. Before radios and phonographs, if you wanted music, you made it yourself. People sang songs together as they worked or together in the evenings after meals. Then the phonograph and radio came along and you could listen to professionals playing all the music you wanted. Suddenly, music wasn't something you did, it was something you listened to. Music used to be this active thing that everyone participated in, and now it's this passive thing that we only let a few people do and the rest of us have to shut up and listen.


Well said, High_Stream.


That might be the weirdest take about music I’ve ever seen. You really think everyone made music in 1905 and there were no artists? That’s wild. Here I thought we had theater halls, composers, orchestras, bands, and operas more than 4 centuries ago. I must have hallucinated all music history. Wrap it up guys. This guy says Beethoven wasn’t real. Must be true. Mozart is a myth as well.


Thats...not what I said at all. I didn't say live performers didn't exist. They certainly did, but they required pay. You think farmers and mill workers had the money to go see a Beethoven concert? Those were for rich people who didn't labor all day. You think farmers had a full orchestra to come down and play for them as they worked in the fields? You think at the end of a day's work on the farm they hired a professional pianist to come play on their grand piano? Of course not. Maybe the rich plantation owners did, but you're talking the 1%. Everyone else had to make their own.


It’s literally exactly what you said. “Before radios and phonographs, if you wanted music, you made it yourself.” You seriously think Beethoven was the only composer alive at his time? That there were exactly 0 smaller artists preforming in smaller towns for cheaper? No one made music in the local bar? Are you being intentionally dense?


Quit putting words in my mouth. It's true that there were a bunch of poor, itinerant performers, but I'm saying that everyone sang for their own entertainment. If you want a source: "**Most Elizabethans** are expected to play an instrument or at least to be able to sing. Barbers sometimes have a cittern or lute in their shops, which the **customer** is welcome to strum as he waits for his shave. The vast majority of tavern will have music played within, although the most commonly played instrument **among working drinkers** is still the bagpipes." (*The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England*, Ian Mortimer, PhD)


“Quit putting words in my mouth” Homie, it was an exact copy and pasted quote. This are the words you said. Just because you now realize you were wrong, doesn’t mean the quote is.


I'm talking about your questions at the end. Yes, there were a ton of professional musicians, but do you think the average person hired them to perform for them every day?


You seriously think that someone performing in a bar was hired by one of the bar’s patrons and not the bar owner? Seriously? Are you a real person?


Oh my gosh, we have strayed so far from the original topic. My original assertion was that everyone sang before recorded music. People sang together. Now if I'm at a party and I suggest that maybe we should all sing a song together, people will look at me like I've got slugs crawling out of my ears.


Wow, displaying your ignorance here. The people playing or singing in a tavern weren’t, in general, ever hired by anybody. They got together and made music for fun. Sometimes they got free beer. Occasionally the pub owner would pay one person to lead them, but mostly they were just happy tavern patrons. This was true throughout much of Europe, certainly in the UK, and is still true in Ireland today.


> Suddenly, music wasn't something you did, it was something you listened to. Right? It's crazy how after radio and phonographs were invented, people stopped forming bands. It's almost like some fictional shit you completely made up.


I'm not talking about forming bands to go off and perform. I'm talking about everyone in the family getting together to play music casually. Making music, for most people throughout history, was something you just did, and everyone did it. Now it's a thing to either perform or to watch.


>I'm not talking about forming bands to go off and perform. What percent of people who form bands actually end up performing, vs doing _exactly what you're whining about people not doing_ in their garages? >Making music, for most people throughout history, was something you just did So was dying near age 50. >Now it's a thing to either perform or to watch. Delusional nonsense.


I bet he's Jonesing to hear you sing it.


And now he’s Eating Crow


Do you think he's counting the times as well?


It was gonna be a long December at that rate.


This thread is the way that light attaches to a lol


'Round here, something radiates with these threads...


Yeah, I'd rather listen to the original artists too.


What about All along the Watchtower? That's Hendrix's! Aretha's Respect,    The Blackhearts's I Love Rock 'n' Roll, Zepplin's Dazed & Confused, Janis's Bobby McGee, Beatles's Twist & Shout, Pickett's Mustang Sally, Cash's Hurt, Salt 'n' Peppa's What a Man, Soft Cell's Tainted Love, The Stones's Not Fade Away.... 


Is the OP an accomplished artist like all the ones you mentioned? Even if so, playing those covers (which are works of art themselves) at the same time as the originals wouldn’t sound great either. You forgot my favorite one: Jeff Buckley’s Hallelujah


OP is no Jimi Hendrix but come on, you don't have to be one of the greatest artists to ever live to get to sing along to your favourite song. Let them have their joy.


You have to listen to the album version though. The official video isn't nearly as good.


Cash's cover of Hurt? Reznor respects it so much he said the song is probably Cash's now.


Same with All Along the Watchtower. Dylan said basically the same thing about Hendrix and that version. Also, SRV's Little Wing is awesome, despite it being an instrumental. Maybe that's what OP's husband is looking for?


He's a solid dude. I've always liked him.


Bobby McGee was written and sung by Kris Kristofferson and all I heard on Country Stations. Never heard Janis's version until 201xs. Blue Suede Shoes first sung by Carl Perkins then Elvis Presley.


Yeah... So much of the 60s had retreaded and rearranged songs.


Ok, I didn't mean I don't like covers, I just prefer to hear the artists whose music is playing. My husband is pretty much a monotone, I really don't want him to sing along, but I wouldn't tell him that.


It wasn't meant as a dig! I was joking: I don't want to listen to somebody butchering a good song when the actual song is playing, either. Looks like I forgot to put the obligatory /s for all those reddit nonces that like to get all up in themselves. Shitesnorters the lot of them.


DUDE! Killer list! You have excellent taste!


Outkast Ms. Jackson Zepplin’s Black Dog Cranberries Zombie Queen Bohemian Rhapsody; Another One Bites The Dust; We Will Rock You Sir Mixalot Baby Got Back


I used to get up and sing Mustang Sally with a friend’s band.


I am completely tone deaf, I sing all the time. My hubby never says anything. I really think he’s just one of those people that can just block it out.


My husband is completely tone deaf. Even though he's definitely not a good singer, I love hearing him sing because it means he's *happy*, and that makes me happy.


THIS! THIS, THIS, THIS! Is it wrong that I think OP's husband kinda acted like a jerk?


It seems like it bothers him to some extent, lessening his own enjoyment of the song. Some people are sensitive to stuff like that, to the point where they can’t necessarily choose to be bothered by it or not. OP didn’t present their husband as having been a dick about it, it seems like they reached a mutual understanding/compromise. That’s just part of being in a relationship - communicating when you want/need something and deciding whether or not it’s worth it.


You are correct. He has told me a lot he loves to hear me sing -I was just monopolizing the entire song when I don’t usually do that, so in this case it became a distraction.


Double check your singing range. I am a female who could never pass an audition for the school choir. I LOVED singing. I learnt to play the trumpet instead. I also write songs and have had two published. It wasn’t until I attended a Carol concert in the local church with my son and my FIL. I enthusiastically joined in - and noticed that I sang in a lower pitch than my FIL. I will admit that I have difficulty recognising high pitched tones - as a teenager I discovered I had a reduced hearing range, more akin to a middle aged man’s than that of a teenage schoolgirl. I remember a judge in a music contest stating “played the high D# flat” (this was towards the top range of a trumpet piece - very few amateur musicians can reach that on a Bb trumpet). I was told that I am a natural Contralto! If I sing Contralto, I am in tune! It is an unusual range for a female - like a man singing falsetto (high pitched) is unusual for a man. Get your natural range established and then you will no longer be “tone deaf”.


Singing is good for your soul, whether you're good at it or not


I love to sing, too. So I sing loud if I’m alone, quietly if I’m not.


I dated someone who thought she was a great Kareoke artist. She was not. 1 song I can handel. Every playlist song, on her phone, for over an hour in a car gets old very fast. I understand his perspective.


Here though it seems like just the one song.


You don't sound like fun, the car is a safe space for singing good or bad. Unless you get a headache.


Alone absolutely. With people in the car you have a trapped audience. Be mindful of others.


And you sound selfish. If you share a vehicle, be respectful.


vice versa, it works both ways.


>If you share a vehicle, be respectful. There's no vice versa here, that already covers everyone in the car.


Nah, you’re allowed to ask to occasionally hear the song without extra vocalists


Every time I hear that song, I'm reminded of a local radio station's morning show where two of the hosts rewrote the lyrics for their third host, a woman. "Sha-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Uh-huh. Leslie Fram and me..." The radio station was 99X in Atlanta, back in the early to mid 90s.




When I was a kid and my front teeth fell out, my mom teasingly sang “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” every single time I smiled. Knowing that Mom was going to drive me nuts with that, I snagged that single line, never learned the rest of it, and started yelling it repeatedly as soon as Mom started singing. So it would go something like, “All I want for Chris-“ And I would immediately giggle and join in, because it was so much fun. Especially in public. “ALLIWANTFORCHRISTMASISMYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! ALLIWANTFORCHRISTMASISMYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! ALLIWANTFORCHRISTMASISMYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! ALLIWANTFORCHRISTMASISMYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! ALLIWANTFORCHRISTMASISMYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! ALLIWANTFORCHRISTMASISMYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!! MYTWOFRONTTEETH!!!” (etc. etc. etc. with severe ADHD fueling it) For an entire summer. My teeth just didn’t want to come in. Summer stretched into fall, and still, no teeth. My teacher that year noticed that I had no front teeth and sang the song. It was a mistake. I got into huge trouble. Christmas rolled around. I still had no front teeth. Mom couldn’t even let the song play on the radio. She had to turn it off. I would sing along (just the one line). Loudly. Proudly. Screamingly. It was My Song. It actually made my family’s list of Banned Songs That TransFatty Is Not Allowed To Even Hear. To this day, Mother cannot stand that song. 50 years later. (I eventually got front teeth, but they were no good. They hadn’t formed right. I had them root canaled eventually.) To her credit, Mom never asked me where I got my annoying streak… hehe. 😉 I think she knows.


Back in the nineties a song came on our car radio. I started singing along and my teen son asked “how do you know this song? It was only released recently.” I told him “actually it was released 20 years ago by another group and it sounded much better when they sang it.” The remake was almost, but not quite, a rap version.


This happens soooo much! I remember when Tiffany re-made "I think we're alone now"


What was the song?


For the life of me I can’t remember but it must have been good.


Was it Killing Me Softly?


That's bush league. Next time, try singing EVERY OTHER WORD.


Can my spouse sing? Nope. Do I love when they sing along to songs anyway? Yup. All these negative commenters sound like delights to be around, bet they hate when anyone bops along to songs near them too unless they're professional dancers.


Maybe the “silent listeners” and the “sing-alongers” shouldn’t hang out together. I’ve had a few relationships with my opposite and wow! What killjoys!


If my Wife wants to sing along with a song for its entirety, even if I would rather hear the actual song, I won’t ever say a word against it. If it’s something that she’s enjoying, I would never take that away from her. I can always listen to the song later on my own.


My wife thinks i don't like same music she does. Most of her music is fine, but I never play it because if she knows the lyrics - any of the lyrics - she sings along and it drive me nuts. But she enjoys it, so I'm not going to tell her to stop, I just play podcasts or music that's outside her type. The only time I say anything I when she's playing a song she wants the kid to hear and then proceeds to sing over it.


You should have just belted out the line, "man, there's got to be somebody for me." Then just let that marinate.


Damn this brought back a memory for me. I was dating a guy in college who used to sing along with his full throat to everything we listened to. He was just joyful. But it drove me nuts, and I complained about it all the time to him. But then, he died in a car accident (he was 21, I was 20 at the time, 41 now). And damned if that wasn't the thing I missed most. Now, I'm the one singing along loud and proud, because he gave me the confidence to live in that joy - even though I was too young and narcissistic and stupid to realize it back then.


I'm on the side of humans sing to enjoy singing, and you should be free to sing as often as it makes you happy. It's too bad someone's on the side of silencing you and dampening your enthusiasm. "Sing less. Dance less. Express yourself less. Experience less joy." Often coming from folks who were told similar things and wander around repeating dynamics.


Next up, play “The Rain King” but don’t sing any of it except the long scream at the end. Make sure he’s not driving or using a knife before you come out of nowhere and belt out the “yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh”.


Also acceptable is the opening from "Immigrant Song" "Aweeeeeeahhhh-aaah"


Lmao brilliant idea


Fantastic recommendation. I am here for this.


He has 2 options: pout or sing along with you. For Mr Jones the answer is always sing along


I'm with you!!! I love singing and often sing the songs on the radio, with or without family in the car. My husband loves my singing and when I sit down with my guitar he tells the kids to be quiet so he can listen. Regardless, Mr Jones rocks. (Username checks out)


I used to do that during Pink Cadillac. I only sang the first word of each line. PINK. CRUSHED. RIDING. CRUISING. FEELING. SPENDING. PINK. It's very annoying. I love it.


My dad used to say, “no individual interpretations.”


Well, that's the best part to sing, anyway, so you got 85% of the enjoyment with 2% of the work.


Mr Jones wishes he was just a little more funky.


When everybody loves you, that's just about as funky as you can get.


My 3 year old nephew interrupted my mom singing a Xmas carol to him (admittedly really bad and high pitch) Said to her”can we just stick to Puff the magic dragon?”


Oh, man. Good job pushing back on this kind of shit. I always loved singing along in the car (or anywhere really) til my ex-wife began making snarky comments. I mostly stopped singing along with anything and it was a huge negative for my overall enjoyment of life. Boundaries.


My son got me good in a similar situation. I was singing along to something in the car and he asked “Who sings this?” I told him, and he replied, “Let’s keep it that way, ok?”


My sympathies to your husband


Sympathy for the Devil is a good song to sing


Perhaps he thinks he is the Rain King? Simply remind him that he belongs in the service of the Queen ? 😉


Well I studied voice for 15 years. Ain't nobody gonna shut me up.


You studied… but can you SING ?


Yes. I range from 2nd alto to mezzo soprano.


Awesome!! 🤩 I ask because my friend STUDIED motorcycle maintenance with me , but couldn’t change a key fob battery if had it 1/2 way open ..🙄 however, his job requires those classes for his sales job 😊 he can tell you how to rebuild whatever you have over the phone .. he just can’t do it himself 🤣


OMG I know that struggle. 🤣🤣


If people don't want to hear me sing along, they should wear headphones. I never sing along in front of people unless I'm super super comfortable with them. To have them say something like that would make me very uncomfortable, and then I would sing just to be annoying and then never sing in front of them again. I would also not feel as comfortable with them, because it's a little joy, it's a sharing, it's something we can do together... I'm not trying to be a superstar, I'm just trying to enjoy my life and share my love of things. It's not karaoke in front of a bar, it's a car ride. Sure if it's hours and hours, I would never expect anyone to endure that... But joyfully singing along to a song we both love.... Dude.... Harshing my mellow


Sharing something with someone who doesn’t want it and who isn’t hearing the same voice as you are? Well as long as you are happy….


Not feeling free to sing along to a song is an indication I need to stop sharing my time, energy, and attention with that person.


That's a good tune !


Mr Jones and me, tell each other fairytales…


We stare at the beautiful women...


What a fun malicious compliance! I love this song too and sing a long with it (as with several other songs). I’m also naturally a very talkative person. My husband has never complained about it though, I sing horribly, but he loves it and says I’m clearly happier when I am singing.


My kid has a truly awful voice but hearing him rocking out in his bedroom wailing along to his tunes is magical. He is safe, happy and comfortable enough to sing which is why I love hearing it in all its off-key shrieking glory.


When someone's singing along to a music I want to listen, I usually ask "Do you like this song too?" "Yeah, I love it!" "So why are you ruining it?" I also like to sing along some songs - that's how I learned that.


Omg how mean! I sing along with songs sometimes (i know, im sorry) but if you said that to me I would probably cry and run away


Or the classic: Who sings this song? Oh,So and So Yeah, Let’s keep it that way


I remember at my very first job as a teen, my coworkers asked me this. I was too naïve to understand the joke/insult, so I'd always give the right answer. Today I would have said, "well, right now, I am."


Me, biotch!


You should have added 'would you like me to sing louder since you can't seem to hear it very well?'


My ex used to do that. I quickly learned to reply "AnnieJack and So-and-so".


Who has two thumbs and \*also\* sings this song?


It’s kinda too mean, imo


Yeah, true. But I couldn't get mad when I was told that, I just thought "Damn, that's a good one - I'm not even mad!"


Please don't do that again. When people are singing it's because they enjoy it. The way you're approaching them isn't just asking then to stop, you're literally killing their joy, and denting their confidence. They'll think twice about enjoying it every time forward. Just be polite - either turn it off, or ask them nicely to stop.


That's funny (if you are close)


I was picturing something more like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGcMtgQPqAM) when I read the title


I once told a GF when she was singing that when I was younger I wished I could sing and now I just wish you could.


Best song ever, especially the version from the acoustic album 💜💜💜 Sing your heart out!


And there are versions of AGT in Europe. But look at the people who appear on AGT from all over the world.


I mean sometimes I want to listen to the actual song and not a badly sung rendition


[Stop singing](https://youtu.be/5rOiW_xY-kc?t=105)


Stewie: Who sings this song? You: Counting Crows Stewie: Let's keep it that way.


maybe you have a horrible singing voice.


Don’t sing.


why would anyone want to hear a song they like by an artist they like when they could listen to someone else sing over it? way to be insufferable


Regardless of how much I like a song I'm always aware of how good or bad I sing it. I hate listening to people sing over song I truly enjoy if they are terrible singers.


That’s just common courtesy. You’ve now ruined the song for him.


You should buy a Grey Guitar....


And sing!