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I suspect it's a bit of both, plus there are limits for how long they can work and the series is about 1,5 times length (20 eps rather than 13) of series 1-4. That said, I do wish we saw more of them. We are only at the halfway point, so maybe the second half will provide? The younger cast are carrying it well, though. I think it's nice to have a kind of handover season (or two), if that's what this turns out to be - though the seniors still have sixth form to go! I wonder if they'll continue with the juniors, like with the extension books by Pamela Cox?


I love Season 5 so far, but I am missing the main cast. The younger cast is great, though!


I have a sneaking suspicion that - as well as the educational side - some or most of the original cast have basically had enough but they want to “help out”. It’s fairly well documented how child actors can end up very emotionally vulnerable if no-one’s careful. So the show has significantly reduced their roles and tried to maintain a bit of an illusion that they’re still there. Just a theory.


I definitely miss them, but Beth Bradfield is literally 20 and the others have been turning 18 throughout the course of the year. If you look at Season 1 promotional content, they really were very little in comparison to now. I think they’re growing up and consequently have less time to be on the set of an Enid Blyton remake tv show


Being that the original book series covered the older girls' 6 years of school, I would assume the actors were contracted for several seasons, at least long enough for the characters to graduate 6th form. As such, I'm hoping we see more of them this season and next, though I do enjoy the younger ones' storylines too.