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No point in keeping books you don't like and won't read again. I have no issues selling.


I’m only buying things I really like, personally.


I’ve done that now that space is at a premium. I only read physical copies so I do have to be picky about what I buy in the first place… but even after committing to a series and finishing it (if already completed), I assess: - do I REALLY like this series? - do I like it enough to have it represented on my shelf? - would I ever re-read it in a hypothetical future where I had the time? Sometimes the answer is ‘yes’ and I find space for it permanently on the shelf, sometime the answer is “I like it enough to keep but maybe not on the shelf”…. those go into storage, and sometimes the answer is “I read it but am OK with now having it in my collection now” so those I sell/trade-in


Quality definitely, I need to work towards that point more


All it takes is moving homes to know the answer to this one


I only keep a series if I plan on reading it or it really has a special place in my heart.


Quality. I have sold off so many. I would rather stick to my top favorites of genres.


There's really no point in valuing quantity over quality unless you're the type that doesn't read their books and just leaves them on a shelf on display for social media "big number" photos lmao. Especially considering most collectors don't have unlimited space and a lot of these series can take up an entire shelf, if not multiple shelves.


Quality over quantity 11 times out of 10. I don’t care to have books I’m not compelling by. There’s too much manga and comics out there and, as with any medium, there’s more mediocre than exceptional. I want the things I truly enjoy and admire.


Quality, I only collect series I like but I won't turn down free manga


Quality, no question. I only get my favorite series. It started as a necessity due to budget, but now it’s just become my preference. Whenever I take a chance on a series I don’t really care about, I always usually regret it, and it just takes up space that I’m already short on.


I"ll probably get rid of some eventually, but right now I'm pretty content with what I have and am currently collecting. I'm not buying stuff just to have it, if I'm never going to read it, then what's the point in getting it in the first place? I don't understand the people here that do that.


I only have two small shelves so I'm forced to use the limited space I have to keep only my favourite series. Also, I hate clutter.


now i’m learning that quality matters much more. i have multiple series that i’ve now read through once and don’t think i ever will again, so now i’ve gotta find ways to get rid of some


Quality for sure!


What is wrong with both :) I will sell a series that I wouldn't read again. That gets me money and space to buy a new series that I will (hopefully) appreciate more. I'll usually keep singles though because they usually aren't worth the effort of trying to sell.


I had a set amount that I wanted, it’s not really that ongoing of a hobby, once your caught up and finished the series you’re interested in it slows down, so I pay extra for quality and space the purchased out more


For me it has to be quality. When it comes to things I own, specially entertainment items such as video games, books, movies, comic books, and mangas, I only like to keep what I will use, in this case read. Although I have to be honest and say I do have some mangas I am not interested in, that I got because they were cheap, which I will try to get rid off later on.


Quantity, because I'm buying in advance everything that I find interesting. It doesn't matter that much if it's better or worse, because I don't know what I'd desire to read in the future. I'm not fastidious. I just don't buy stuff I don't like, with a very few exceptions (I don't like Jojos or Titans, but I'm buying every polish hardback). I'm leaving dealing with it to my family who inherit it.


i’ve always been a hard quality over quantity. it’s not worth my money otherwise.


Quality for me too. I’ve unhauled books by giving to thrift stores but I might just start selling to get better deal


I keep even Mangas that I don't end up enjoying (the majority of manga i have bought i do enjoy though). I really care about physical media preservation and wanna keep em safe in my library.


I have a rule that I'll only buy physical manga if I'm 100% sure I will read or reread it. I'll probably move apartments again in the next few years, and the less clutter the better. Plus I don't really see the point to owning something I won't use. (If I had local friends who I could lend JP manga to, that might be different) So quality I guess... But that's definitely not stopping me from increasing the quantity anytime soon! (I'm up to 267 including LNs and games)


quality and my stuff my woman who i know the most.


Quality but I will buy cheap used volumes to test series I wouldn’t have read otherwise


No one is going to say quality. I only buy what I will read and I only sell when I have doubles.


Why not both? There are so many amazing series out there, that even if I get rid of stuff that did not sit with me that well, I am still left with humongous amount of books. Plus, if someone just collects One Piece, it is already 100+ volumes just on one series. On the other hand, if someone would just buy single-volume works, they would have a hundred times more series than someone with just One Piece with the same amount of volumes, so counting it based on volumes alone does not really tell that much about quantity Vs quality. 


I've sold the ones I disliked or dropped, and ones Im not gonna reread ever again. So far Ive kept most of my collection but that might change if I ever have to move out, boxing, moving and then unboxing and refilling shelves again is NOT fun.


Quality always but who doesn't love having a large amount of manga books