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Unaligned spines and sj/viz logo changes


Also lack of box sets for complete series


Only time I have a problem with logo changes is when there's one or two out of place. if it progresses naturally, I think it looks really slick. to each his own tho.


All fun and games until your collection looks like this https://preview.redd.it/7cgt8mcw80rc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d2370c5684d3d4459e0d5eb64348b945bb25aa


I am 100% with you there. Random logos on volumes in the middle of a run is just an eyesore. I completely understand a collector's desire for consistent spines in their run. I think we both kind of want the same thing, with a slight difference. you want identical spines in your run, I want my spines to reflect the volumes as first published. In both scenarios there will be a consistency, yours will be identical, mine will feature blocks of identical volumes that change over time.


I like this perspective. I’ve been buying manga since 2008 and it’s interesting to see Viz’s history reflected on the spines of series I’ve been collecting since volume 1. This doesn’t work if you buy all of your volumes at once. I caught up on Blue Exorcist in one order and ooooof it’s bad.


I think mine is when the manga gets “cancelled” and they stop translating and printing the volumes.


Justice for Vassalord, MPD Psycho and Silver Diamond!


I’ve been reading MPD on the DH app and it’s so fire!


Oh, a rare one! I've not seen this happen often, not in English market atleast. Usually it's not even just manga title itself, but whole artist. Only one that comes right now in my mind right now is Galko-chan. Anything else? I'm just curious.


The OOP market.


I'm generally pretty picky about the manga that is worth my time to read, so when a publisher announces a batch of new licenses and not a single title is interesting for me. It happens semi frequently (again, picky) and while I'm always happy for the folks who get to read and collect their favorite series in their preferred language, I can't help but be a little disappointed. Somewhat related, but digital only licenses inspire more than annoyance in me. Unrelenting rage? Maybe not that extreme, but sell me physical manga or I'm just gonna read the scans for free. 🤷‍♀️


Can't stand that! It severely limits the popularity of the title, prevents fans from actually owning the titles, and kills the resell market. Not to mention there's frequently formatting problems with the ebooks, or they're censored.


Checking Girlfriend, Girlfriend, seeing it has physicals in Spanish but not english, but also seeing it's got a localisation from Kodansha *digital only*... Nah fuck that, I'll use Mangadex. It'd be different if it wasn't all english on there, but it is so... Fuck it.


Oh I raged about this in regards to Kasane 😩


When I buy a used book in "good" condition and it arrives looking like someone played kickball with it. To be real though, the amount of classic manga that's available in English is disappointing. It seems like every new bit of trash gets picked up for translation while many giant "classics" of various genres sit untranslated. I've been reading Fred Schodt's "Manga, Manga" lately and it's a bit surprising how many series he touts that were huge and extremely influential, especially from the 60s and 70s, that are still unavailable in English.


I'm really into 60s & 70s manga, 1968-1973 in particular is a massive creative period. I think maybe it's the stylistic differences to other manga that makes it hard to sell - I'm not sure. I'm about to publish a book of collected manga from this period in a couple of months time, so I guess I'll find out if there's any real demand for this sort of thing soon enough.


>I'm about to publish a book of collected manga from \[1968-1973\] Maybe you've talked about it before and I've missed it, but can you say a little more about this project? (I have so many questions! Are you a solo independent publisher? Where are you publishing? Physical books or digital? How did you handle securing rights? If translating, how'd you find translators?) When the book comes out, I hope you are able to at least mention it here. So little from that period makes it into English.


I haven't widely talked about it yet, I wanted to get all the editing totally finished before I properly announce it. I'll make sure to post about it here, and I'm most active at the moment on instagram ([https://www.instagram.com/showashowcase](https://www.instagram.com/showashowcase/)) I posted about it briefly on my Japanese language twitter when I was still doing research, so you can have a sneak peak of it in this post (the final edits look much better than these): [https://twitter.com/ShowaShowcase/status/1744067878851162581](https://twitter.com/ShowaShowcase/status/1744067878851162581) It's a totally solo project and contains 10 manga stories, 1 kasutori magazine illustrated story and a couple of self-written essays. I was able to contact one of the artists (Shiro Kasama) who gave me the go ahead to publish it. The other 9 are either deceased or can't be tracked down, so after proving I had done a thorough search, I was able to licence those works through the orphan copyright scheme. All the translating and editing has been purely done by me (with a generous amount of guidance from some experienced scanlators when it comes to getting the visuals and typesetting looking good). It's going to purely be released as a physical book. I've never published anything before so I hope I can actually sell them!


It's because they wouldn't sell enough. How many casual fans would buy a manga from the 1960s or 70s? Yes, the hardcore collectors may, but the vast majority of consumers would not be interested in something like that. English publishers, especially the larger ones, publish what is popular and which will sell well.


Yes, this is definitely the case, but also I don't have to feel good about it.


My big complaint as well. Since I began collecting I’ve wanted to get a set of Inuyasha that’s NOT the viz big collection. And yea, good luck. That and Trigun have been so illusive but I’m glad at least Trigun is finally getting a reprint. You think their popularity enough would make them available more.


That too, but I was talking more about stuff like "Ninja Bugeicho" or "Mud Men" that's never been released in English.


Lack of transparency on print/restock status from publishers.


Missing out on deals is the worst. Or buying something then later finding it for way cheaper.


I've bought duplicates of volumes I thought i had.. it made me subscribe to a manga collecting app because I could have used that money for other purchases :/


What app do you use? I’m in the same boat and just take a picture of my shelf before I plan to ho out and get a new haul


Whakoom! It’s awesome I really recommend it! I pay the yearly subscription it’s extremely cheap and it notifies me when new volumes are out! Making an account is free though. And you can track your volumes w/o paying extra.


Finding an older series I like and then finding out that all volumes in are in stock except 2 or 3 which haven't been reprinted in years with no estimate for a reprint


Dents, dings, scrapes, bends, misaligned spines, that stupid binding thing where the book snaps into a bent shape either one way or another and it can never lay straight -_-


Not really sure if it’s a pet peeve, but certain OOP volumes being wildly expensive. I get it, supply and demand but it’s really discouraging when I just want to finish the set I really love.


When sellers charge $50+ for a rare volume and then ship it in a bubble mailer so every corner gets dented


Delays in releases. I’ve been waiting for My Androgynous Boyfriend Vol 4 to release for like 2 years and I hope to god it actually releases next month. Same with Gannibal as it was supposed to release in like Jan/Feb this year and it got pushed to June. Also, running out of space. It’s hard to think about picking up new series when I have to keep them in boxes around my room. Edit: checked for My Androgynous BF on Amazon, and there’s now a [listing for Vol 5](https://imgur.com/a/cdc2eCx). Please I want to finish collecting this series already


It’s not that big of a deal but I wish more publishers would mention the original Japanese publication dates. I suppose this would be at the discretion of the writers themselves but I was thinking about it mostly with Junji Ito’s short story collections - a simple “originally released in 1991” would be cool.


Most have this on the publishers page.


When a used listing says “very good” but when it comes it looks like it was run over and shredded


Here in Canada we don’t have nearly as much opportunity to buy cheap manga compared to you guys over in the US. However, it’s understandable given the geography and population. Still gonna complain tho


When having a series you liked stopping official translation abruptly discontinuing it, while the manga is still ongoing in Japan. A lot of Tokyo Pop stuff fall under this, including many sister companies. Thus having an incomplete manga series in your collection, or looks weird if you decide to get the rest in Japanese or another language


Definitely the volumes being OOP, I wish there was some sort of legitimate print on command set up to complete a couple of collections. At least for older volumes


Inconsistent pricing, mostly


Spines being unaligned. Volumes being different sizes when they’re supposed to be uniform. Getting into a new series then seeing some volumes are OOS.


Buying online; specifically with folks/retailers that don't properly package books to prevent dents and dings during transit.


Finding a scratch or ruined page in a manga I just bought


I have a silent beef with everyone who posts photos of their loot and all the books are stacked spines upside-down and I have to break my neck to actually see what the titles are.


Buying a series that never gets completed. No because of the author but the publisher.


When you just can’t find copies anywhere and then when you do they’re way more than what I want to spend (then lowkey buy it anyway 😂😂😂)


the fact that so many series dont have a box set even tho theyve been completed for a long time


A random volume in the middle of a series being out of print


I buy my manga in Spanish but live in the US. The editorial in Mexico restocks so slowly that my heart falls whenever I see "Agotado" or out of stock when I am looking for a particular volume.


When a volume goes oop or gets scalped.


Volumes that are different sizes from the same series


collectors acting like their collection is the shit just because it includes berserk and jinji ito manga. some of yall have dropped way too much money for your bookshelf to look exactly like someone else's it's sad


People buy popular manga, who knew? Having some obscure manga that only 12 people have read doesn't make a collection 'the shit' either.


Spines that change color every volume, a la MHA, Hell's Paradise, Sankarea.


It can look good but holy shit the mha spines are an eyesore


Huh, didn’t know that MHA have different color of spines in US In Poland I have Don’t Tease me Nagatoro and Call of the Night and they don’t look too bad


Having to wait months between volume releases. 1-2? Whatever, not the worst. 3? Okay, less enjoyable. 4+? Fuck me dead this sucks. I get it, not all the series are gonna have super short release schedules, especially if the chapters are released in a non-weekly format, but goddamn does it suck sometimes.


Don’t start reading Toradora then. I’ve been reading it for a decade and we are only on volume 11.


Jesus that's rough


Based on where the story is in volume 11 it’s probably going to finish on 12 or maybe 13. But it’s been wild waiting more than 10 years to finish a relatively short story lol.


I had one that was released once a year. I just forget about it for a year and look at it out of the blue to see 1 new volume within a year.


Me with one punch man & dragon ball super. We get like 1-3 volumes a year. Sometimes only just 1.


The latest volume of Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games came out last week, and finally ended a 3 volume long Fighting Game Tournament arc, and I looked up the next volume and it's... In fucking December. The story won't get continued until fucking December.


DAMMN. I have to wait 4 months after(aprils release)for a new chapter of Black Clover to release😭 The new initial D 2n1 omnibus by the time they complete which is 24 volumes will be like late 2028 I believe. Jojos part 9 probably won’t be complete in English until 2030😭. We’re barely 3 volumes into Part 6. Its a struggle out here😭


Amen to that buckaroo! Still, gives me time to read and collect other things, but like... Damn. Damn. I know I could read it online, and pick up the volumes later, but honestly I prefer physical reading when I can, so in that regard I don't mind the wait.


Yeah, I’m in that boat to. Like I rather wait than read online. Especially Initial D because it’s the TokyoPop translation scans. But yeah on the bright side waiting lets me get into other series.


Sellers who try to jack the price when you're hunting first prints. I'm not buying for their value, I'm buying for historical purposes. I'm not trying to fleece nybody, nor am I trying to get one over on anybody. I just want a correct spine progression from Volume 1-end.


What’s worse than that is sellers who jack up the price on stuff that was just out of stock. Or those who buy a crap ton of volumes so they could sell at a higher price to those that can’t find them at retail price because there weren’t any available because of these jacks


Sometimes when my books arrive they come with like little dense in the covers or sometimes creases in some of the pages.


Availability. There's a few volumes I have that I feel super nervous about being damaged or whatever because they'd be a pain in the ass to replace. That and the sentimental value ofc


Starting a new series and having volumes oop with no restock in sight (eyeshield 21 for me )


when I find some interesting series and considered buying it, and then finding out only 12 out of 25 volumes got translated and the series was dropped. Another is when some random, singular volume is super hard to find or super expensive.


Re-sellers charging more then amazon or ebay


During the time a volume of Requiem of the Rose King was between print runs, someone was selling it for $144. Now I wanted that volume, but not that much! I just wanted until it was back in print.


Series that just never end. Not series that are just very long but consistantly updated like One Piece, but series that get abandoned. Or the author puts it on hiatus, pokes at it maybe once a decade if that, but never finishes. As both a reader and collector I want the series to be complete.  Completed series that were dropped by the foreign (in my case English language) publisher. They almost never get picked up again, leaving fans to have to dig around looking for ancient scanlations for those chapters.  Low quality publications. Especially when there's major printing errors. Now, there is one thing that I actually love as a collector. The fact that series have started having Final written on the last volume. It's so nice not having to dig around to find out if a series is complete.


That Kodansha/Viz Signature/Yen Press books don’t fit in the digest bags I buy. I have yet to find a bag system that works for the slightly taller volumes.


This sub


Wanting to collect a series in English but it's digital only. Here's looking at Kasane in particular! Those covers are too damn gorgeous to be sitting on my phone 😭 so might just pick up a Japanese version. That and a series so absurdly obscure that you can't find it anywhere outside illegal translations 😭


Volumes being sized differently. I wish there was a set standard for deluxe editions and regular editions


When the the author's shout out to another author mentions and/or their about the author page mentions other manga, getting interested in reading it then finding out its either OOP, had an incomplete official release or never got licensed at all. I just hate that the publishers acknowledge the existence of these series by keeping/adding these mentions in their release but not giving the buyers a way to read them legally.


When Barnes and noble only has split volumes / weird gaps of shelf inventory Also hate that Barnes and noble doesn’t price match Amazon, as Amazon usually has say, Berserk And Hellsing deluxe volumes for 28-34$ and Barnes and noble still sells them for 60$ sticker book price. I often price compare to Amazon at B/N and decide if it’s very much cheaper or close in range where I’ll just settle to get it in store since I’m there (general manga price checking ).


So many are starting to be omnibus and ugly covers


Viz Italy prints, and logo changes


Super long release times between volumes, especially for completed series. Why did we have to wait 18 months between vols 2 and 3 (the final one) for I want to be a wall???


Hot take, but I’m not a fan of how neat and clean manga in a series are on a bookshelf and that sounds weird to say but it sticks out like a sore thumb in a bookshelf of other books that aren’t manga.


uneven spines


These questions


God forbid someone may actually be interested in solving your problems