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Lmao so many people here getting downvoted because they say they don’t like a popular manga. Some people just don’t vibe with the stuff most people do


I was about to write a comment to tell everyone not to downvote people for having opinions 😭


I was shocked seeing my initial comment not being downvoted yet. I was fully aware when I wrote it that it is an unpopular opinion to have.


Downvoting someone for answering the question honestly because you don't like their answer is the Reddit way.


Isnt that the point of downvotes and upvotes though? Not everybody has to accept your opinion- thats why its an opinion.


No, that is quite literally not the point of them on Reddit. They are *specifically not that*.


People are insane. Like it’s not bad for others to not like a manga you like, it’s made for people like you and not them. If everyone liked everything someone else liked, the world will be in absolute chaos (You used as a general term to not mix up them and them, not used as directed to the one I’m replying to)


Truthfully, I find this to be a fairly common occurrence, it's part of the hobby for me. I buy shorter manga (like 10 or less volumes) and after reading it, often I decide it isn't worth keeping. I will throw it up on eBay and then just use that to buy new manga.


What’s your return rate, generally, after eBay fees? 


Generally I buy stuff when there's a good deal and if I sell it, I price it either competitively or at about 20% less MSRP. A good rule of thumb is to just subtract 15% from set price and $1/lb. Usually a typical manga is about half a pound, and you will want to be generous with brown paper, so a 10 volume manga usually ends up about 7LB or so after securely packaging it up. So hypothetically here's how it would go.. If I was selling a 10 volume manga, and they all had a $10 MSRP, and there's not a lot of competition on eBay, and most importantly, the recently sold tab does not indicate that the manga is rare. I'd list it for $80 but I'd expect to pay $12(15%) in fees and $7 in shipping (7lb, insurance included). I would net $61, but, I generally round fees upwards for simplicity and safety sake. So really, $61 is the minimum I'd expect but it could actually be around $65. So if I net $61 back, but I also bought the manga for 40% off MSRP initially, I end up mostly breaking even. If you're willing go through the hassle, you can buy and read a lot of things relatively cheap if you just keep cycling your funds, even if you lose money doing it, it generally is a negligible amount like 10-20%. IMO, that's worth it still because you can attribute that loss to the privilege of getting to read a lot of random stuff.


Demon slayer, I’m always a fan of watching an artist improve and demon slayers author had a lot to improve and in that aspect I enjoyed but it really wasn’t worth getting


Have a friend thats all about eye candy when it comes to manga and I was trying to tell him that the art is actually not good. Heard for weeks "Man I like demon slayer but I wish the art was better" 🤣


It definitely improved by the end and I feel the author found their style but the writing very mediocre. I am at least interested in what they do next


Personally, I don’t care if the art is amazing or mediocre, I just buy it because I’m interested in the series. That being said, one of the first additions to my manga collection was the Demon Slayer box set, so as my first box that holds a special place for me


Well its popular for a reason, although I feel like the Anime has something to do with that I read comedies and SoL so I'm use to less embellished art and uninspired panel layouts lol But for genre's like battle, sports, or anything with a lot of action, its got to be "legible". For me Demon Slayer fails in that by plastering large words all over the fights. Again its not a genre I really like so I am picky about the ones I read


I found the story kinda eh when I read it and the art was also kinda meh, when it was animated I was like “ooh pretty animation, but the story is still kinda meh”


Yeah Demon Slayer story is kind of mid. It’s typical shonen stuff but it hits every shonen beat very well. I have to remind myself that for younger readers, Demon Slayer is their first big exposure to shonen in a way that I might take for granted with my age group (Bleach, Naruto, etc.)


I think it may partly be that I’m just not excited by shonen battle manga. They all feel kinda generic nowadays, like the same story just getting re-skinned.


I really like demon slayer it’s the first manga I ever finished because it is in my school library which is actually what got me into manga more instead of anime but even though I think it’s good compared to others it’s pretty mediocre maybe it’s because like you I’m used to older manga but it just didn’t hit like it’s contemporaries


To me the animation is what makes the series, in particular the mesmerizing use of color. It’s pretty unique.


Love the anime, read the manga as it was releasing. I won't be buying the set, though, because i really did not enjoy it as much as I am enjoying the anime. Idk, something is off. People *really* don't like me saying that though.


Yeah, art and story aren't the best. It's definitely a case of the anime being a massive improvement.


I usually test out online with scans if i like something , then if i really enjoy it I buy it. It's been pretty good, and i dont have any I didn't end up liking.


the right mindset tbh


Should lowkey be the only mindset, unless someone likes wasting their money lol




Jujutsu Kaisen starts mid, gets good, and falls off pretty fast. Hard to believe how it reached such popularity


Fr tho. After the shibuya arc ended, I got off the bus when the culling arc started. I had already collected up to that point, so in my brain it’s gonna be an incomplete HP-like end of the world story. As for the anime— pretty fights?


The culling arc makes no sense... Things just happen in JJK.


Even the Shibuya Arc I really struggled with—it was like 50 chapters of non-stop fights with almost no development outside of the climax, which wasn't good enough to make up for how much that arc dragged on. It started with the sense that big things were on the way so I just kept waiting for something to actually happen, and it ended up being so underwhelming in the end


Seriously, I thought the recent anime arc sucked when I read it lol. 


Some of it is good, a lot of it is bad. The JJK fans who hype up every arc ignore the bad


Fr fr, local stores here only has JJK all the time bc is only what ppl buy , i gave it a try even tho is not my thing and was so bland after some chapters


Bitchcraft, Way of the Househusband, Diabolical Lovers,the idatan dieties know only peace


Idatan Dieties broke me.


Fruits Basket. I LOVED the anime and thought I would get all the feels with the manga. Half the time I didn’t even know what was going on. It’s probably just a “me” problem. But I had hoped to love it the way I loved the anime. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The art in the manga is a bit dated. I would recommend watching the updated version of the anime before recommending this as a read. Which is too bad cause the story is really good.


Fire Punch. A Redditor in this sub recommended it and I was intrigued by what a "rollercoaster" it really is, absolutely disliked it. I finished reading it and stored it away, the covers and art are pretty and I'm keeping it for the ridiculousness but man, it was just not my cup of tea.


I still enjoyed it, but I can understand not liking it. It wanted to do so much but didn't really stick the landing anywhere. To me, it's a very unpolished gem.


I have a hate and love relationship with Fire Punch. I think it's very original but that one guy/girl that everyone loves came off as very annoying to me and after that person's death, it kinda got a little confusing and to be honest the ending wasn't really satisfying.


I'm on Vol 4 right now but I'm just not feeling it. I'll probably finish it but it might be a struggle.


Did not like fire force. Characters were okay. Fanservice killed it


Fire punch is a very different story than Fire Force but your opinion is valid. 


ROFL OH Hated Fire Punch too. The characters were not interesting and the story lost sight of itself. Sorry about that


I feel the same way and I immediately sold my set after finishing it. The art and tone are nice but the story is poorly written in my opinion.


Mine is Attack on Titan, I have the first 8 volumes, and I regret it cause I don't see myself rereading any of it


Try the anime and skip most of season 1. The creator admits the anime is better than the manga


I've watched up until the final season so far, it's pretty good. Just need to finish it


I have the first three volumes! They're pushed to the back of my shelves with the other manga I regret. I've read the whole thing. I just didn't enjoy it enough to justify spending more money on it or even watch the anime.


Want to be clear with these, don’t necessarily not like these manga, but was severely underwhelmed. JJK, One Piece, and, I’m really sorry for this one, Akira. Again, I don’t *dislike* them, but JJK felt mid until the Shibuya arc, which was so fucking good, just for it to drop right back to mid, and I’m yet to continue reading. One Piece I think needs more time, I’ve read only the first 7 or 8 volumes before dropping it, plan on giving it some love this summer, seeing as I own 30 volumes of it 😅. I hope my opinion will change, but for me it had the issue of an arc starting off boring, getting really good, then ending, then the next arc starts off really boring, etc. It’s hard for me to push past the start of each new arc/section when it feels so slow. And as for Akira. I don’t know, I think it just wasn’t for me. Bought the boxset for my birthday last year, liked the movie well enough, thought I’d love the manga, but it’s just alright. Do plan on re-reading it soon, been on a massive re-read binge lately, reread vagabond, Vinland saga, 20th century boys and Tokyo Ghoul (all within about the last month or so), and Akira is on my to do list, but I just don’t remember a lot about it tbh. Art was very good, I understand why it was so influential and groundbreaking at the time, but looking at it with a modern lens, it was just kinda forgettable. But I will come back and update than post (if I remember to) once I reread it and let you guys know how I get on with that lol


One Piece is incredible, but there are big portions of the story that are very middling at best. I think the best early arc is Arlong Park which is volumes 8-11, but Skypiea after that is boring. Take it slow. Watch some clips online. Enjoy the ride Akira's manga is not very interesting. Full stop.


As much as I hate to admit it, I’m having the same issue with One Piece. I’m at volume 28 and some parts have been sooooo good but then some parts have been so boring!! Like I could not put it down during the end of the alabasta arc but it went right back to being boring after they left. Skypeia is getting good but not “I can’t put the book down” good. I hope it gets better, I’m also not a huge “read in my spare time” guy so I’m just chipping away at it.


One Piece as a whole only gets better as it goes, but it has plenty of very slow sections, especially in the first three sagas. It's my absolute favorite manga, though, so I obviously recommend sticking with it at least until the Arlong Park arc.


Dandadan Amazing art but the history….it doesn’t feel interesting. I mean it’s alright like….


I didn’t really care for Oyasumi PunPun 😗


Me either, I read it but it didn't hold me on as others said it would


Yeah, I guess it’s just not a story that resonates with me, but then I’ve not really liked much of Asano’s stuff tbh. I just sold the couple volumes I’d bought, no biggie, but I figure it may be a lot of people’s first experience with sad and frustrating literature so it sticks with them? 🫠


Yeah maybe? I mean I enjoyed girl on the shore myself by them but the story kinda just made me shrug with it. I don't even read much of frustrating/sad literature, I mean if you look at my collection it's mostly romance with other stuff mixed in, but there is no telling why specifically I enjoyed Tapokica's(?) Original sin, and some other one shots like that, just that one didn't specifically


I’m glad I didn’t buy in, I had no idea what it was about, no one would explain or give a summary and when I looked it up I either couldn’t find a legit summary or I was certain it wasn’t about what it was about Knowing what it is about now, I’m glad I never got my hands on it, it would’ve launched me back into depression. Hits too close to home


I didn’t either and I tried so hard but nope it wasn’t for me.


Tokyo Ghoul, i was really excited but turned out to be really boring, atleast has a nice cover art


Don't say this I just bought 2and 3 😭😭


I loved Tokyo ghoul and found it very interesting. Different people just have different opinions


I mean I just wanna say for me reading Tokyo ghoul & re: in high school going through a hell of a lot of family issues, it really helped me a lot in many ways. Just because one person didn’t like it doesn’t mean others don’t. But that’s all manga really so just if it clicks it clicks.


Love Tokyo Ghoul. Re was boring though


Based. I really liked it a lot. But Ishida said in a blog post that the options where 1) finish :RE or 2) take a break and never finish it.


The action is a mess amd I agree its pretty over hyped. Probably will still finish it on SJ and RE on Viz apps


I just about struggled through Tokyo Ghoul, then DNF’d TG: RE. It just… it has no point. It’s an interesting concept and dark as fuck, but that’s about it.


I think if I had read Tokyo Ghoul in high school I would’ve enjoyed it more but I read the first 8 volumes for the first time about 2 years ago in my late 20’s and found it exposition heavy, difficult to care about, and just didn’t feel anything for series that constantly tried to make me feel something.


Anything by Junji Ito.


agreed 100%


Man is a Junji Ito HATER 😭😭😭😭. What specifically do you not like about him if you don’t mind me asking?


To me I rate manga on kind of three pillared concept. Art, Story, Re-readability. Junji Ito's art is good to great. His iconic panels are amazing. If he was an art by Junji Ito, story by X guy it would be awesome. He still has some issues though other mangaka overcome, like many of his characters looking the same (any pretty girl is basically Tomie, etc.) Few of his stories wrap up well. He even talks often about how he doesn't have ideas for how to land most of them. Contrary to many people's opinion, I think Gyo is his strongest work because it is the most "actual" horrifying and has a coherent progression. Uzumaki has some cool art, but god does the story meander and isn't actually "horrifying". Remina also wasn't scary and had a generally stupid storyline progression. Shivers had a few good one shot stories in it, but also wasn't really exceptional (to me). I think that is the one I would recommend to most people though. I find none of the stories re-readable. Nothing entices me to go through them again. I would be better off just snipping out the best pages as all I would ever do is flip through them quickly to see the best art pieces. Combine this with the fact that he has an outsized published range (in beautiful hardbacks) that many other mangaka could probably deserve more or at least not be so focused on this one artist. I get he sells, but often it feels like a self-fulfilling cycle. People buy him at the start of their manga adventure because the books look nice and are cheapish in so far as they go. They are all one shots and not a huge overall investment. Thus his popularity grows, though I don't actually think as many people that buy his work are actually a consistent fan. I've also read Umezz and Kago works. Umezz I think does stories way better but the art isn't always there, from an "older art" perspective (which I am fond of) it has some more appeal. Kago I absolutely loved Dementia 21 because it was the right mix of surreal, funny, horror, and gore. I hated Super-Dimensional Love Gun, it had far less humor and way more on ero-guro which just didn't do it for me. Same vibes as a snuff film (which is what was expected I suppose).


Fair enough, can definitely agree that a lot of his work is mid story-wise. His adaptations seem to be his best work imo, No Longer Human and Frankenstein being the best. But yeah, I can see where you’re coming from, his story-telling isn’t very good a lot of the time, just very pretty. He has some bangers, Remina was fantastic, and some of his one-shots are damn fucking good (most of them are in Shiver funny enough 😅) but they’re mostly the exceptions to the rule it seems


I actually went back and edited my comment - dunking on Remina but probably agreeing that Shiver is the best option he produces. I haven't given any of his adaptations a try. Maybe I will go to a B&N and be one of those guys that sits there and reads the book to get a feel for it.


i have a lot of what was published in english by him and i used to be a pretty big fan when i was younger. after rereading them the art is still fantastic but most of the stories feel like throwaways. no longer human is a masterpiece though.


agreed. I read Uzumaki and the art was amazing but it didn’t really invoke any emotions in me and neither did the story


Rourini kenshin back in the early 2000s. I grew up watching the show but found it mid


Shaman King. Watched a fair amount of the origin growing up and loved it. When I had adult money I bought a bunch of manga from all over the genre. Shaman King did not bring me joy :(


Shaman king did not age well at all.


Magi- it was a nightmare to find all the volumes but after finding it, it was sort of disappointing.


Golden Kamuy


Understandable, Golden kamuy can be so fucking weird at times lmao, but I still love it


Initially, Attack on Titan. But I've warmed to it recently and no longer regret the purchase.


Demon Slayer and Chainsaw Man


Demon Slayer is better as an anime. CSM is worse as an anime. Both take time to click (DS anime starts good, but is rough with Zentisu so you have to power through to episode 17 or 19 and CSM has takes 2 volumes or so before any character has depth)


I've tried Demon Slayer on the app a couple of times and I can't make it out of the first volume lmao and I agree that CSM Part 1 is overhyped^1 but I'm one of those freaks who loves Part 2 so much more because of how fucked up it gets. depending on how it ends I'll probably get physicals of P2 and not P1 lol


Vagabond. I know this is a very unpopular opinion. Musashi is one of my favourite historical characters, I’ve read Musashi’s Book of 5 Rings, I like Slam Dunk, and so I really thought I’d like it. I guess for me at least the art is superb but I didn’t care for the story.


Have you read “Musashi” by Eiji Yoshikawa? It’s the book Vagabond is loosely based on. Tells the same story but in a much tighter volume.


I know Solo Leveling is manhwa, but yeah…


Chainsaw Man. Bought the box set, didnt really like it that much


I dunno about "hype" but I bought Rosario Vampire because I liked how it started. Its anime was even what I wanted from the story, something I'm in the minority over. But it got too dark and gritty so I finished "Season 1" of the manga and stopped.


I Am A Hero didn't even finish the first volume, it is what it is.


As someone who really likes I Am A Hero, i totally understand this. the manga really takes its time to build up the world and characters before plunging into chaos, i thought it was great but obviously this slow storytelling is bound to turn people off


Jujutsu Kaisen for me


Mine is Rent-a-girlfriend. At the time the anime was airing, me and my friend started collecting manga for it. 10 volumes in and I can't seem to enjoy the series anymore. At least my friend is still enjoying the series.


Was there even hype for it? All i see nowadays is people all unified in saying it's dog shit


Mob Psycho for me. The anime is good but the manga is mid.


I got the first one I just bought next to me rn 😭


Tokyo Revengers.  The concept itself is neat and it was close to becoming my guilty pleasure, but after seeing what was going to happen later… I went nope.  On a sidenote, I thought that Hina’s brother was Takemitchy’s brother and his main focus was to save him. Then Takemitchy would add Hina to his goal list after having a growth moment. It was before I read the manga and I went 90% blind. I only knew basic things and I regret not reading more about it, I could at least save money. 


Tokyo Revengers was very all over the place in terms of tone.


Tokyo Revengers dives off a cliff after the first arc, and only gets worse. The ending is comedically bad.


Komi Can’t Communicate. Didn’t exactly buy it for the hype, but I heard good things about it and it seemed similar to other series I enjoyed so I gave it a shot, but I was so disappointed.


A.i. love you. I bought it because I like the author but didn’t like this story!


Hitorijime My Hero..16 and 28 is too big of an age gap for me 😅


chainsaw man, but thankfully my sister likes it so I just gave her my copies. not a total loss and i don't regret reading it i guess


Chainsaw Man and Demon Slayer


I used to review comics, decided to throw a couple manga in there to break things up. Ended up picking up Demon Slayer because it had just finished… Gods that was a painful few months. Dull, silly, repetitive series. Don’t understand the hype AT ALL.


I read the entire manga and thought it was fun. Not even remotely close to the level of hype it got, but a decent fun battle shounen(I agree about it being repetitive). What REALLY carried it was the INSANELY high quality adaption by Studio Bones which is all a series ever really needs.


Solo leveling. Ended up gifting it to a friend who had read it online and was a fan.


In the Clear Moonlit Dusk - Didn’t feel any chemistry. The manga was shallow to me. Seems the plot took a back seat to eye candy tbh. Sakamoto Days - It just didn’t hold me. Thought it was meh. Way of the Househusband - Initially excited for this one but over the course of five vols, the gags got repetitive.


I only saw the Househusband anime, but it got repetitive too. "Ooh, he's going to do something violent! Nope, it's something completely innocent." Twice an episode, every episode. Still enjoyed the series, but they overdid it with that fake out.


can you expand on sakamoto at all? x


Sure, it just didn’t intrigue me personally. I tried the series because I’d seen nothing but good things about it (literally this thread is the first time I’ve seen people also state they didn’t like it), but it just fell flat for me. It just wasn’t anything special. The characters also weren’t people I could connect with.


None. I don’t ever recall buying into the hype for something and picking it up cuz of the hype especially here on mangacollectors no offence lol


Buying based on cover >>>


One Punch Man!!! really just couldn’t enjoy it how i wanted to. i’ll probably watch season 1 of the anime but that’s about it 😭


Same!!! Idk why I can't enjoy the manga, but the anime was a lot of fun to watch. My go to anime for people who don't watch anime? OPM


yup!!! it’s the same as ppl being super into madhouse’s death note anime and then disliking the manga cuz the anime changes the plot up so much


Thats so wild to me. I think it's one of the best series going on. The humor and the story are just such a fantastic mesh of serious story and slap stick. I am curious what about it is that didn't jive with you?


Boruto 🥲 bought it with so much hope but honestly I’ve just lost interest & I’m not the biggest fan of how they’re handling the Ogs so I stopped buying volumes after the first few


One piece, dandadan, Sakamoto Days (yes, I've read past volume 1 and the carnival). Only one I bought was dandadan and I've since sold it.


I love the art and fights in sakamoto days, just wish it had more of a story


Chainsaw Man, Blue Lock, Wotokoi.


Naruto. Nothing wrong with it per se, I’ve just come to realize I’m not big on shounen 🤷‍♀️


I bought some deadman wonderland back when the anime was hype, was into it at first, had a really good story premise but the main character was just so annoying I couldn't get through it at all, I was annoyed and cringing by the end of volume 2 and now I can't get rid of the volumes I have as no one likes it anymore


Fruits Basket, I love shojo but I just could not get into this series


bungo stray dogs


chainsaw man


Vinland saga


I was browsing magazines in the store, there was an article about Tokyo Ghoul, it had just came out recently. It sounded like something I'd love, so I went straight to the manga aisle and bought the first two volumes. Read the first one and had zero interest in reading the rest :(


Please Save My Earth. Old school shoujo is usually my jam, but this one didn't do it for me. Shame, the art is really pretty




Dandadan..might check out the anime, also Orange is one I see in a lot of ppls collections and I hated it


have you watched orange?


No I read the manga, not sure if watching it would fix the issues I had with it


fairrr, i liked the anime, me cried


I'm sad to see how many people didn't like Sakamoto Days, but I understand. Mine would be **JJK** because the story is a mess and a lot of the humor goes away at a certain point traded for shock value. Not the most hyped, but **Dead Dead Demon's Dedededestruction** was the most boring thing ever. The art is good, but not Inio Asano's most engaging read. I have a love hate relationship with this one, but **JJBA** has so many parts I felt dragged on too long. Part 3 was bad imo. Part 6 was boring. So the hype gets me to continue in bursts, but I don't like big chunks of the story.


agree completely on jojo’s. I only watched it but part 3 felt sooo long. I think it took me 2-3 months to just finish that part…


JJK is a mess with no direction. At this point, it just feels like an experiment Gege decided to try out. Too much is happening all at once and things don't get explained enough. How did we get from point A to B? No clue. Who's this new character? New? We saw them x chapters ago in 2 panels and now they're essential to the plot. It's too much back and forth. I also like the shock value, but there's not enough balance for it to be valuable to the plot. With JJBA, I agree with you, but only with Part 3. It feels like it just drags on forever. What makes it worse is that Parts 1 & 2 are straightforward and to the point. Part 3 isn't so straightforward and it suffers a bit for it. It's just dragged out fight after fight with comedy thrown in. Parts 4 & 5 are okay. I can't complain when they feel better than Part 3. I haven't read too much of Part 6 so I can't properly comment on it, but it does feel different. I don't know if it's a boring kind of different, but it's different for sure.


Mob psycho 100. I read the first volume, but it just didn't grab me. I would probably like the anome, but I couldn't read the manga


Mob as a series is hard carried by its anime, its time people admit this lol the art for the manga is absolutely terrible


Anime > manga


Someone is gonna hate me, but Frieren. I tried getting into it, but it just didn't click with me.


As someone who’s used to reading slow burner slice of life, I found this one kinda slow. It gets a tiny bit better when stark joins the party, but yeah this take is understandable


Sakamoto Days for me. Loved the way it sounded, ordered the first five volumes because I was pretty sure I’d like it. Couldn’t get passed Volume 1. Just didn’t vibe with it.


Felt a similar way at first, it quickly changes from a quirky SOL to a serious plot with a lot of fun characters not too far in.


This has legit one of my favorites since the first chapter. The mood of the series reallt changes as rhe story progresses


Didn’t buy it, but read it online but One Piece. It was popular when I was in HS and still is today. I think I read up to 80~ volumes and just….could not get into it. It’s been a long time so my memories of it are definitely faded but it felt like it took a lot of chapters for any movement to be made in the plot progression.


One Piece is good in segments, but the Wano Arc killed my love of the series because of the reasosn you said.


You should read the nexy arc after wano, itll re ignite the flames


Wano? Really? When I was reading it, I felt like it was among the best paced OP arcs (up there with Marineford & Enies Lobby). Plus the pay off is absolutely ridiculous imo to each their own of course - I’m just surprised Wano is the one that got you haha


The pay off is why I hate Wano (or lack thereof. Too rushed)


The end of Wano is the worst part of all of One Piece. Like 80% of the plot threads got dropped with no resolution.


Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach, and Dai Dark


As a huge Q Hayashida fan , I can understand how dai Dark might not be a lor of people's thing. It seems so haphazard especially compared to dorohedoro . I still love it though


I tried out one piece and just never could get interested, I like Naruto and bleach so I assumed I could get into one piece but it’s just not for me


One Piece takes much longer to get rolling.


OP takes awhile to really heat up. In Naruto & Bleach, the underdog is essentially dropped right into high level / high stakes battles. OP is mostly about a dumb guy on a boat fighting mid-level thugs until about the midway point of the series where it starts to feel a bit more grand. Might not be the reason you disliked it; but that’s the first thing that sticks out to me when comparing the big 3.


You're not wrong, DB Naruto bleach. i all enjoyed OP not so much


I think I just don’t like the goofy pirate thing they got going on


Vagabond. I read the first 6 VIZBIG volumes and was bored out of my mind.


For me it was homunculus, I saw it everywhere on top seinen mangas so I thought it’d be pretty good, and for me it started off strong, vol 4 then was pretty bad, and then story gradually started to become a bit better till the end but honestly not for me. I no longer do the buy a manga before I ever read it online anymore because of homunculus lol


Chainsaw Man. It was so forgettable to me. Yes the story and the worldbuilding's good and all, but shonen manga isn't really my thing. 


Prolly aot, disliked the whole alliance thing and shitty ending.


Jujutsu kaisen


Witch hat atelier, got it for the art. Its not bad but its grotesquely PG, maybe even on the verge of G


As I recall it gets slowly gnarlier and meaner, but definitely not a hard dark fantasy.


I have had a problem with multiple popular ones solely because I don’t like how perverted the main character is from the very beginning. Reincarnated as a sword is one example.


Seems fitting for a pervert to turn into a phallic item. Never read it though, it's just not an genre I enjoy.


Sword isn't perverted at all. The main dynamic is the MC adopting a child and raising her in a totally wholesome way. I genuinely have no idea what this guy is talking about.


Drifting classroom by Kazuo Umezz


Ubel Blatt. Sounded like it was right up my alley and just really couldn’t get into it. Gave it 3 volumes and stopped. Fist of the North Star as well. I have like the first 8 deluxe editions and have read them all, they just were very meh to me


Sakamoto Days


Attack on Titan; Interesting story, loved the characters...Just an already grimdark story got too dark/bleak for me 😅




A silent voice. It started kinda interesting but then it became a very mediocre slice of life manga.


The movie has better pacing than the manga and cuts the fluff of the back half down.


Kaiju no 8 was so bad, same for fire punch


Tokyo Ghoul


Fruits Basket. I really hoped to like it but I stopped after the first collectors edition volume.


Momo the blood something, I don’t remember the name. The art looked good, but the story is kinda garbage


Spy Family. I get that you’re not supposed to take it too seriously, but it just gets too ridiculous at times. And Yor being an assassin serves nothing for the story, at least for the 6 volumes 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oshi No Ko went in a completely different direction to what I'm interested in. I liked the basic premise of book 1 but book 2 is not my jam. Oh well. $30 doesn't matter much


Komi can’t communicate


It's not that I didn't end up liking it, but I had a lot of Demon Slayer volumes, and I wish I spent that money on something else at the time


jujutsu kaisen (too convoluted, abilities hard to understand), chainsaw manga (characters too annoying), blue lock (boring)


Ok here goes Seven deadly sins. The anime has its issues as it goes on, but I fell in love with it early on every time I picked up a volume to read the flat for me Idk. I want to love it I just haven’t so far for some reason & it’s a shame cause I love the characters & the world. 🤷‍♂️


I was excited about One Punch Man about a year to six months before its physical English publication, and I ended up stopping at 5 volumes. I tried Watamote after liking the ‘14 anime, but also stopped at volume 4 or 5 there too. I got to the second omnibus of Oyasumi Punpun before dropping it, and this is despite adoring some of Asano’s previously translated works at the time: Solanin and Girl on the Shore. I am still happy to try Dead Dead Demon’s Dedededestruction though.


Nothing really as I don’t buy on other people’s interest. I buy the first volume of a manga I find interesting and don’t like it, such as the reincarnated as a polar bear manga (it was super boring lol) and some random yaoi manga I bought many years ago.


Oh let's just get everyone mad here: Vagabond, Punpun, Frieren, Junji Ito (Uzumaki, Gyo, Tomie, Remina), Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. And Frieren is the only one here that I didn't finish (dropped after 2 volumes, tried the anime, stopped after 2 episodes)


Kaiju no. 8 Don’t get me wrong it’s a solid shounen, and I liked reading it for the beautiful art alone. But couldn’t help like after such a solid opening it was wasted potential as a generic shounen story afterwards without a lot of new ideas.


I think "don't like it" is a strong feeling but probably closest is Hunter Hunter. I'm reading the series and it just feels so disjointed and not thought out at all. I haven't looked up anything regarding the creation of the series but as someone who didn't experience it earlier and has never seen the show, I just do not get the hype. The arc with the bugs was the greatest thing to come and even that felt like a completely different series than before and after.


Oshi no Ko


Jigokuraku. I bought the first 3 volumes and it was ahit for me. Evento after 3 years I'm still unable to sell it


No longer heroine and Nana have been a slog to get through, only read the first volume and I just don’t see the appeal and if I should keep going.

