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It’s like of a mix of dislike of overconsumerism, seeing people spending irresponsibly and finding it weird, thinking the person is just doing all this to flex, and seeing these people only ever grabbing the same series, making their collection look like everybody else who does the same thing. Most people aren’t gonna see spending thousands in a few weeks as a good thing to pat your back over unless they’re really well off as well, it’s lowkey kinda worrying to see it, gives ‘I’m having a manic episode’ energy. I’ve seen a LOT of eBay bulk posts of people selling off collections that look like a speedrunner’s too, like the buyer’s remorse hit. 🫠


I genuinely think that last guy that bought thousands is having a manic episode, he’s fucking obsessed with this shit, and I would know I have them, I’ve done EXACTLY that, and you can’t convince them otherwise, or at least couldnt convince me that I was doing something stupid




My collection makes a lot of ppl cringe because I'm willing to give just about any series a try. Even, reincarnated as a vending machine, which I did enjoy.


‘Cringier’ the better imo 👌


Honestly? Yeah. When I’m looking at getting a new series, one of my criteria is asking how dumb the plot synopsis on the back seems, because I’ve found that the more out there series are often pretty damn good. An example of this would be Assassination Classroom, one of my favorite series. It’s back says “When the misfits of Class 3-E get stuck with a smiley-faced, octopus-tentacled schoolteacher with bizarre superpowers, they discover they have a lot to learn…”


Tends to be easy to write an engaging story about hero's and dragons. It's not so easy with mundane objects or out there concepts. I did enjoy assassination classroom. Should go pick up the digitals.


I found some good stuff in the oddball section.


I feel that the mention of the time period is just a way of bragging and people don't like the attitude that and the fact that many of those collections are just big for the sake of it (they probably ask if an omnibus counts as one book or 3) Instead of being a byproduct of people engaging with the medium and collecting what they enjoy


This is the take. The bit I see annoying others isn't that they have such a large collection in a short period of time but that they feel the need to specify and call out the short period of time. This is a community for manga collectors and nobody should care at the speed in which you start a collection or how big your collection is (some of the better collections I see are very focused on a few specific series' or interests). Worrying over how to count a 3-in-1 screams that they just want to hit a high score, not care about the game as a whole. I think most of the people I see making those posts top out around 250 or 300 and are like the same mish mosh of Berserk, Pun Pun, 5ish shonen jump/equivalent Kodansha series, a random shojo, and something edgy or ecchi (or both) with a volume or two of Yuri or Yaoi tucked in the middle somewhere (for flavor). And they absolutely will respond to every post reaction in the first 2-3 hours of making their post. That being said, I don't hate it - I'm just witnessing a genre of collector that I don't understand well. It brings traffic here, and maybe they simmer down a bit figure out their flow and become good community members. Some people just need that outlet when they get really into something new and can get very overexcited to share with a like minded group - ridiing that high so to speak. Also, social skills can be more and more lacking the deeper you get into some niche interest and this is the internet anyways so may as well just let it be.


It was refreshing to see that pink banana post last week. Actually something I never would’ve encountered otherwise.


kind of a tangent, but atp, there are so many noobs here, i end up wanting to note that i’ve been collecting for 15 years whenever i post. then ppl can actually know they’re looking at the collection of a longtime fan of the medium even tho it’s smaller than a lot of noobs’ collections. then ppl have a better reference for what an older collection can look like and what someone’s progression could be bc those posts can get drowned out otherwise. i’m still kinda wary of it coming off as boastful tho




I hate when people ask if omnis are 3 or 1. It happens so often in this sub


Indeed if yoy want 3 just buy the 3 small books


There 3, aren't they? The only ones I have are Inuyasha. I've been collecting for years, but mine has been more out of buying books to read rather than just collect and flex.


Mods should 100% ban mentioning time periods of under a year. Not that you can’t post if you’ve been collecting under a year, you just can’t be like I bought 500 volumes in two days. 


Why should that be frowned upon? I know collectors that have purchased entire large collections from other collectors for dirt cheap. I've even done it myself, so it's not unheard of. If you want to get into collecting, and see that opportunity why should they be shamed for not taking advantage of the situation?


Does it matter someone collected 500 volumes in two weeks and told us that? Or are they claiming that as a flex. Not that it’s a very good flex, but to each their own. 


I don't really have any issues with people showing a lot of interest in a new hobby as long as nobody's being irresponsible with it. If I find anything annoying in this sub, it's the "What does my collection say about me?" Posts, in which 99% of them have almost the exact same collection of popular generic Shonen, berserk, and some Junji Ito.


Then they complain they couldn't get into Berserk after reading the first omnibus and rush to sell it instead of reading what they have and learning for themselves it's peak


Since i live in Western Canada, it is mostly popular series that are available so i dont have the large variety that collectors from the US may have. But i do have less known series as well in my collection


The answer is way more obvious than these comments make it out to be: if you just started collecting, and there are 100 books in the photo, then it’s obvious you likely haven’t read most of those and there’s a possibility that you won’t be getting around to it soon. So judgement plays a part because if you are collecting manga for show and not reading it, should you be collecting manga ? Maybe you are reading all 100 books. But ppl on the internet probably won’t give the benefit of the doubt


This. If someone is clearly buying faster than they can read and the books are all common stuff you can get anywhere, it makes me think it's more about showing off their purchasing power than the books.


Hmm, I get the point, but I tend to read the first 1-2 volumes, then I'll buy the rest of the series in one go. Currently, I have 120 unread books because I just got Bleach and Naruto. Usually, stay away from the uber mainstream ones.


What if they're buying the books after they already read the series online though? I do that all the time personally, I just prefer reading digital, but still want to support the series financially while also getting something to show for it on my shelf.


For me, I just like to know the books have been read and appreciated- digitally or otherwise


I find digital to be best for consumption. I just don't have the space for thousands of volumes in my home. They all fit on a USB stick or SD card, tho :D


Tbh, I don’t mind if they’ve never read the mangas before. They’re beautiful on the shelf. I collect handbags, crystals, regular books, the same books in different languages or translators, posters, American comic books, bookmarks, stickers. In all my groups I have never seen a group that judges a persons collection like the manga community. There are people who have never used a handbag. People who put their crystals in displays the moment they get home. TBR piles stacked high. I have Dante’s inferno in five different English variations and 4 languages. There are some big readers out there. I can read 20 volumes in a week and a half. I wouldn’t be surprised if those collections are half read online, half TBR I may be downvoted but this place is extremely judgmental and this coming from someone who collects Star Wars Legend books 🤷🏼‍♂️


I couldn't agree more. It's so weird. There shouldn't be such a need to prove yourself at all. We all love manga, that should be enough. All that matters in a collection is that you like what you have. Someone who puts a lot of time into decorating their shelves aesthetically with figurines, organising it alphabetically and making custom shelves to me isn't inherently better or worse than someone who poured a lot of money into getting volumes quickly. Investing a lot of money into your collection as opposed to time is just another way of showing your involvement in it. People can make assumptions about your finances and how committed you really are to reading what you have, but that's all they are, assumptions. The fact that you posted your collection at all shows the pride you have in it, and that should always be celebrated. I feel that there's an assumption towards insincerity online. You can never shake the chance that someone's lying or manipulating you, and it can lead people to be very defensive. For a hobby like Manga collecting, that makes genuine discussion really difficult, given what series you choose to collect is a very personal choice. I feel that's the reason a lot of people complain about seeing "the same few series" in these collections. Seeing more niche series can almost be a way to gauge sincerity, it alleviates concerns about their commitment to the hobby and allows them to lower their guard slightly. But of course, that promotes an inner circle where only more long-term collectors that fit in with preconceived notions about how you ought to collect/post/display, etc, can really feel comfortable. I'm sure there are lots of people too scared to share their collections and opinions, out of fear of being scrutinised. It's not necessarily the fault of the individuals making the comments, but really just a result of the culture that's being promoted. Honestly, that makes these "annoying" posts really important, because they go against that culture. They may face heavy resistance, but in continuing to post outside of the inner circle it helps to promote broader community interaction. If those posts continue to be common and we show our genuine support for them outside of any assumptions or judgements, then the culture itself would change. It'd be a step towards broader, more inclusive discussions. Important to note, I don't think it would marginalise those who are more experienced, that should be a given, those with more knowledge will always be integral to in-depth conversation, but it's essential to recognise that as manga becomes increasingly more and more mainstream there'll be an ever growing number of new fans. No matter how repetitive and frustrating their comments from a more seasoned perspective, they should be embraced and appreciated. Simply put, they are the future of this hobby. Being able to nourish and support their love now will only help to continue the longevity of it into the future. I had way more to say about that than I realised 😅 It's just a topic I find interesting.


I know your response is a couple days old lol, But I wanted to let you know that I agree with everything you wrote. I saw someone say that the reason people are so mad about it is because they see it as insincere. Which was wild to me. A healthy community has different areas and then a common place everyone can come to. People want to gatekeep it in such a way that discussion is discouraged and alienating. But if you look at other places it’s not like that. Batman comics is diverse and complex with active discussions and differences fined toned. And that’s for 1 category in a whole company that is only one of a larger community. And we are huge! It’s such a shame that we limit ourselves like this. Also people seem to forget because of the popularity of manga, this means more translations, more anime and merch are coming here. The money is speaking so they are answering a demand. The money is flowing which is keeping the workers going. Yes japans manga industry is crazy, but that’s them and they’re figuring it out— they never had to meet an INTERNATIONAL demand for their products of an industry taht was unique to them. If we weren’t so concerned about “being sincere” we’d have a community similar to Mexicos regarding anime. Live showings in the park which I’d be down for. ORV (manwha) is very huge. Sleepy-C team came to NY. There are gonna be a lot of new people in the community and tbh. The Manwha and Manhua community have been more welcoming to collectors and readers than the Manga community have been. But that’s just my experience


Haha, now I'm replying a few days after the fact. Your point about the anime community in Mexico is an excellent one, and yeah it is a problem I find more specifically in the manga community.  I remain optimistic that these are growing pains and that the community as a whole will lose its current edge. The main reason being that even with it's problems we can still have constructive conversations like this one. Regardless, if the community does change that will be an active choice. So I'm happy to do my part in encouraging more positive,  constructive discussion in this community. 


Maybe because It looks like a temporary obsession,my brother has done things like that,he became obsessed with Marvel and star wars, he doesn't like It anymore and now theres a lot of Marvel and star wars things in the closet just collecting dust,i think about that everytime i see one of that collections.


i mean i think its kind of unfair to hate on that, especially when thats often a symptom of mental illness. it makes more sense to point out bragging about overconsumption vs deeming them not a real fan


Im not saying Its okay,and i know It can be a symptom of mental illness,im just saying It can be a reason


ah, most people are sharing why they dont like it, so i assumed, gotcha


I think most people just collect over a long time and don't just throw a huge amount of money on it to buy everything in a short time frame. So they may doubt if there is actual dedication to the hobby or just showing off.


It's just a thing that makes this sub tick. It is financially irresponsible, and the collections are usually boring.


Because they look like a Barnes & Noble with zero personality besides disposable income. It gives big books as decorations vibes instead of passion.


I do have to disagree slightly with that statement. While I do believe that there is a degree of overconsumption with large collections, it is kind of a generalization that there isn't any passion or personality in larger collections. In fact, some of the people I know who are passionate about manga have large collections. But, I also know people who are extremely passionate about manga with smaller collections or no physical manga at all (choosing instead to purchase digital copies/subscriptions). My collection is rather large, but I've also been reading manga since I was in elementary school and have always had such an affection towards the medium. I always make sure that I can feed myself & my cat, pay the bills, and still have money left to save. I do spend quite a bit on manga, but it brings me joy, and I read everything that I bring home. If you can reasonably afford it and it brings you joy, I think you should go for it and not care what people think (: Edit: But seriously, please be responsible. There isn't any rush in collecting, so take all the time you need to get the series you'd like to read. It is supposed to be a fun hobby and a way to support the mangaka who put so much time and dedication into their craft.


the post is about people who just started. if you spent your childhood to adulthood collecting, that makes sense, but if you've been interested for a month, it does look like overconsumption and is hard to believe they earnestly went about their hobby. a lot of other collectors for other things also have this problem. people will even admit they havent read half their shelves and some dont even plan to


Ahh, that definitely makes sense. When I read the initial comment that I replied to, I thought it was referring to large collections in general. But after reading the caption on the post again, that is definitely a reasonable statement. As someone who has worked really hard on improving my spending habits, I can understand people who see purchasing things as an escapism or something that provides a bit of happiness (even if it causes financial issues). It can also be nice being a part of a community, and generally, I feel like the manga collecting community is pretty positive. As much as I personally wouldn't just get a series to sit on my shelf unread, there are people out there who just get joy from having books on display. That also goes for comics, written novels, magazines, art books etc. Everyone collects differently at at different rates and that is okay (:


I'm not judging what anyone spends their money on. That's none of my business. I'm just saying what it looks like as an outsider. My collection is super small despite being at it for 17 years but that's because I lived with a hoarder as a child, and I've had people roll their eyes because it's "pretentious." I don't care. Do what you want and that makes you happy.


I think it’s rage bait. It doesn’t take a genius to compare dedication to people with a serious spending problem, and you get all kinds on any collecting/collection sub. You can’t compare the person with 2 months to the person with 10 years, but a lot of these people claim to be huge fans and get that collection in 2 months and all their proving is they have no self control. I sure hope some of these guys who’ve spent thousands on a 2 month collection enjoyed their internet points!


Agreed, rage baits a great way of describing it. It almost seems like they want people to lecture them on how financially irresponsible they're being. Whenever they show off these huge collections they've gotten in a matter of a month or two, they're always filled with generic "must-haves" that belong in a top ten article showing that there's zero though that's happened behind the purchase.


In general people on the internet look for any opportunity to judge others. It could be out of jealousy, elitism or just an excuse to be a jerk because it’s the internet and they can. If someone just got into the hobby and has the money to responsibly cover the cost of buying an entire series that’s their business. If they don’t do the research and end up not liking it then that’s on them. I had some guy hop on my post the other day complaining about my collection looking like everyone else’s. I’ve been collecting for over a decade now, but I shouldn’t have to explain to some random guy on the internet that my collection has been downsized multiple times over the years. Upgrading paperback to hardcover, selling a series at a discounted price to someone just getting into the hobby or just to free up space.


Jealousy in some cases I’m sure


I simply just think buying an entire series without having read a single one to know if you will even like it is wasteful, and consumerism to the max, especially when it’s spending 100s in one go. It feels like a collection to flex, and not because they actually like any of the series, I cannot understand having walls and walls of manga you have never touched and have little plans to touch. It’s one thing to buy a more uncommon likely to go out of print series in one go if the opportunity presents itself, but bulk buying every single one of the most common series going? Yeah, I’m think that’s dumb.


I think buying a whole series depends, sometimes people buy full series used and that’s usually the cheapest way to get a series, if it’s a series you’ve read online or seen the anime for and you’re confident that you’ll like it then there’s no problem If you’re buying a whole series you know nothing about new retail that’s another story


How is it wasteful? Some readers are binge readers and find it easier to get into a series when they are able to read it all at once, or atleast a large chunk in one go. Plus with the way the market it is, there are some series that have extremly difficult to find volumes, so in order to enjoy that series it might just make more sense to read it once you have them all. Plus the worst case scenario if you don't enjoy the series after buying it all is you can just sell them. Nothing really lost.


It probably has to do with 2 things: first, there may be some jealousy that some people can spend more on manga than they can and second, people may feel like getting a lot of manga in a short time period means they're not actually reading much of it.


And third: some of *i just start collecting* posts are a obvious lie. Anyways, this happens in all collectors group, theres always the guy who gets hyped and go through a shopping spree, and/or feel the need to show off to be recognized as a ''serious'' collector. Is just never recommended to spend that amount of money on a simple hobby, dont matter how much your income is shooping spree is simply not healthy in any way.


It's just the speed run. And it's ALWAYS the most typical stuff


I don't know if I just developed some kind of superiority complex or something, but it does irk me when I see the same 5 series being the entire collection


That's a superiority complex - you don't get extra points for collecting obscure series that only 12 people have heard of. You get the same kinds of people in other collecting hobbies. "I collect obscure French films that no one has heard of, I'm better than you" kind of thing.


Those will be like 80% of the collection. And I get everyone starts somewhere. Couldn't start 15 year ago when I did and get peak haha but when it's a one week collection and it's ALWAYS the same stuff. Like meh


i mean tbf, getting popular things makes sense bc how accessible they are and the recognizability, but also yeah, if a collection looks like everyone else's that looks like they dont have a personality. when people collect things you can generally see a theme of what they personally like, but the collectors wanting to show off just buy the top 100 bestselling or whatever other collectors show off


I didn’t notice people were getting hate for it, I get giddy personally when I see a collection on here idc if it’s berserk for the umpteenth time it gives me the fuzzy feeling like I have to get back into collecting manga again. What else is this place for if not to show your collection?


Irresponsible spending


I have to admit I went in too fast myself and wouldn't recommend it. Though, I mostly started with series I already had read online and the decided to want to have them physically as well. So after 1.5 years I have around 550 volumes. Still wouldn't recommend, because 1) it's a lot of fucking money, even though I bought a lot second-hand. 2) if you don't have all day to read, you will have a lot of unread stuff just piling up. 3) it can get kinda addicting to just buy more and more new stuff.


I was one of those that bought a ton in the beginning and i've slowed down but still purchase to this day. I'm close to 1k volumes of manga and read every other day. I have read 26% of my collection according to my whakoom app. (Also kind of glad I bought when I did. Manga prices have skyrocketed.) I couldn't care less how many downvotes I'd get. I love this hobby.


Oh it's really simple; alot of it just comes down to jealousy. Every single time a new collector with a large(ish) collection posts in here, there are tons of comments like: "Must be nice to be rich" "What do you do for work to afford all this!" "You're on my rob list" "You're collecting to fast! Slow down!" "Leave some manga for the rest of us" Its just not a good look for those people in the community 🙄


As long as they actually READ them I see no problem. Buying books just to have them sitting & NEVER to be read makes no sense.


Am I wrong for reading digital and then buying the manga after the fact? I usually prefer to read digital, but still like buying physical copies afterward if I enjoyed the series. Which means 99% of the time I won't actually end up reading them and they're just sitting there purely for collecting and decorative purposes. I really don't like how this sub sometimes seemingly gets into the mindset of "you should only collect this way/for this reason" and other ways people like to enjoy their collection are being treated as lesser or even outright wrong, not saying that you specifically are doing this though. It's just a larger sentiment I've noticed across this subreddit when discussions like this come up.


It really depends is it just a 1 off volume? Or like is it all, let’s say 20 volumes of the promised never-land or all 74 of bleach ? If so that’s insane. I can somewhat understand a volume 1 just to represent what you read online. Me personally I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy all 30 volumes of a series if I’ve read it online unless it’s been a year or 2 since I read it & forgot about said series. What I have done is buy vol 1s of Japanese volumes that haven’t & probably would never get an English print. I have a little brother who has started collecting & I came up with the idea that what ever he buys has to be different than what I have, so he shouldn’t buy what I own cause he can just go to my shelf to read it. Yk ?


You don't really need to mention how long you've been collecting. Most people, who are new to the hobby and have massive collections from the start, share that information, because they want to have some sort of reaction, so in the end I don't even think they mind the hate. they know what they are doing


I don't personally do that. But if they have several hundred and they say they've been collecting for two months, I just don't buy it. I think a few people here fib about the timeline.


Wouldn’t say it’s hate as I doubt most people have ill will towards them but I find the act of bulk buying a bookcases worth of manga in a really short time frame very strange. Most of the time it’s never OOP series that you’d get FOMO for so the rush to purchase hundreds of volumes without having read a single one is wasteful.


I will probably get downvoted for this but it likely is jealousy and gatekeeping in many cases, a lot of people have listed *"Irresponsible spending"* but the person posting could be a millionaire for all they know. And the same people saying it is Irresponsible will spend the same money on a holiday, or an expensive meal, or tickets to their favourite music artist....so is that *"Irresponsible spending"* too? And whether or not the person plans to read them immediately is irrelevant, many people buy books for display that they may not read for years. And these people being negative also seem to forget that even speedy collectors are supporting the industry with their "Irresponsible spending" meaning the production of manga/ anime is that little bit more likely to continue for a very long time. In general just too many people trying to pick fault in what others are doing rather than just being happy for a new found passion.


It feels like clout chasing or you are jumping in on a major collection because it's trendy.  I would be more interested in seeing people with collections they have built over years and see how their tastes and passion evolved over time now a days anybody can prime overnight a bunch of box sets and have the big staples so it isn't as interesting to see compared to folks with out of print or really complete sets from back in the day 


Def my least favorite thing about this sub. I've no idea why some of u buy entire collections after reading 1 volume of Berserk. Consumerism is shit.


Jealousy is a part is not so fun toncollect for 7 yrs and peoplee buy more in a few months


ppl will find problems with everything


Age old saying, "*Quality over quantity*"


These comments are wild lol. Let em cook…ppl can buy what they want and why would a new collector not go after wildly popular series? 🤯 it’s a great place to start and get into it.


That’s what I’m saying, this subreddit is so weird sometimes. They act like there are rules to collecting or something. Going for popular series is a safe start then they can branch out for other series they like.


Honestly the more ppl in the hobby the better. I’m under a year in and these “popular” series have been epic for me. I don’t watch anime so everything I’m experiencing is brand new. I couldn’t imagine not reading berserk, FMA, Naruto, AOT, vegabond etc.


Good question. I like seeing people get invested in manga as much as the next person, but I see collections of only box sets as a waste of money. Instead of buying all of One Piece and never reading it, that money can go to a smaller series that gets them excited to read, instead of excited to have. I personally don't think people should wait to buy the whole series before reading one chapter. Read a volume two volumes, hell the whole thing online and now you know you love what you own.


I hardly ever see oneshots or short story collections on here even though I would think they're a great, inexpensive way to see if an author is up your alley.


One shots are good and that's why Junji Ito's work like Uzumaki is a good starter recommendation. But some people take that as "I need everything by Junji Ito" when they still haven't read Uzumaki


Bad financial decisions should be mocked to encourage others to not make the same mistakes


Without context you don't really know if the financial decisions are bad or not. For some people even spending $100 a year on manga is not a great idea whereas for others spending several thousand is really not a huge deal.


What I noticed is that these people will often be buying the most expensive collectors editions, full sets of series, boxsets, or whatever other special edition instead of authentically being interested in manga itself. There are a lot of people who hate ex-lib editions or used books in any way and rush to replace their old editions with the fancy $60 hardcovers and it comes off as them bragging about being able to afford all this. Compared to older books with some yellowing, pages bent as bookmarks, or spines creased from reading.


Probably because other people like to project their own lack of impulse control onto others. I have a bit of a collection since I started at the end of 2022, but I had built up a list of manga I wanted over the years and did research to know if I would like the series before buying. I read daily before I go to sleep and even if it will take a few years to go through my collection, I still have plenty of time. Some people treat it like a job with managing how much they read to what they buy, which doesn't sound fun at all.


I mainly get irritated when I see a giant collection of stuff the poster clearly hasn't read. And even worse, it's usually the same stuff everyone else is bulk buying. To me, the worst sin a collection can commit is being cliche. I see collections posted on here day in and day out with the same stuff, and it gets boring. If you're going to drop a fortune on manga, at least buy something unique and interesting.


This is what gets to me the most. There’s little to no personality to most of these types of posts, like these people just have a checklist of the most popular/famous/“hidden gem but actually not” titles (or the MAL list) and are buying them only because they’re on it, without first checking to see if they’ll like the titles or not. The thing I love about manga, anime, video game, and even figure collections is how diverse and unique they can get from person to person, and how much you can learn about somebody from what they have and what they favor. These “X Weeks Showboating” posts all feel so bland and boring, and remarkably cut-n-paste.


I bought the vast majority of my collection last year, dont listen to the haters. If you want it snd can afford it, buy it 👍


Like many others said it before: it is overconsumption at its best. It feels like a less loved collection where the people just buy the same stuff like anyone else because: why should they be wrong? It lacks of individuality. You more or less see the same stuff over and over again. And it gets "boring" after some time. But! It is definitely possible that they have always read online and are now buying the physical copy afterwards. So I don't know whether they have read everything. Maybe some (if not all of them) try to fufill their dream but couldn't buy before. If you take me for an example: have I read every manga in my collection? No, I haven't because sometimes I don't want to read a special genre or I don't have the time. But I can tell you for many of my manga, where I got them and how I felt when I got them. Whether it was on a flea market or on Facebook (in its glorier times). They won't have that feeling with their collection. It feels more like a child with 50€ who can buy every sweet it wants.


Reading through this sub, when I post mine soon-ish apparently I'm gonna have a "good" collection? Kinda proud of that lol


To me personally it just feels like it's usually done as a show of money to impress people, and it always rubs me the wrong way as somebody that reads most of my manga from the local library. It also tends to be the exact same couple of things, and feels like that person just looked up "best manga" and hit purchase on the first couple things that appeared. But hey, people can do whatever with their money, not my business


I came for the drama. I live manga collection drama so darn much


Because they're collecting instead of reading hope that helps


I don't mind at all if people show big manga collections (early or later). Just as long as there's no bragging and they comment with respect on other people and their possibly small collections. Every collection counts and is valuable IMO as long as one is passionate about the series one collected If people buy and buy,, possibly following the crowd or hype, without really knowing what they bought and how they actually feel about all those series (personal rating instead of community's rating) ... I still don't hate or dislike., I do wonder why collecting and still hope they end up with series they truly love and appreciate so there is no regret.


Post anything on Reddit and just expect to get shit on, simple as that.


We jealous because they have more money to buy fr fr


How do I get the 1+ manga header?


Go to yourself and press change user flair!




Nice congrats!


Eh I too wonder why tbh hell if I had the cash I’d be getting them by box set day in day out but it isn’t like that and nothing I’m currently reading is available like that but if I had to guess envy probably.


It’s the equivalent of getting too invested in a hobby too fast. Like buying a bunch of really high end hiking gear just to realize a month later that you’ve burnt out/lost interest in hiking. It’s especially noticeable in manga collecting because these people couldn’t have physically read through their whole collection in time, so they don’t even know if manga collecting is a sustainable hobby for themselves. Only time can tell if you turn out to be an impulse buyer selling their collection on fb marketplace a year later or a lifelong manga collector.


I always just pray that they are ballin’ out of control or found it all on the cheap and move on.


In every community, there are going to be people who just love to hate on newbie’s enthusiasm. There are probably a tons of reason ranging from the simple (jealousy) to the more complex (bandwagoning). I kind of feel bad for people who put so much effort into hating random strangers who are into the same hobby you are in…baffles me.


For me it is not hate it is more like...the "I bought every volume of every mainstream shonen/edgy seinen manga the internet has been the least bit hype about this year in one week" posts just lack in character. Sort of like if somebody (With an adult brain) earnestly said "The MCU has the best movies in all of history" like sure, that *is* a take; but it is not the take of somebody I want to spend much time with. Basically TL;DR I want to see what posters are into, *not* what the internet tells them they "Should" be into. That being said I think it is pretty great that manga has reached such a popularity that apparently people are no longer being beaten up just for liking it.


It’s because it’s the same exact collection each time. People who go 0-100 into collecting manga always buy the dam box sets and series. Every. Single. Damn. Time. It’s like they’re not collecting to collect their favorite mangas or to support artists and writers. They’re collecting just so be part of the “collecting” group and to show off. Which is why it’s literally the same exact collection each time. No originiality or creativity. They seem more like a person with a shopping addiction who found their new favorite toy to overly spend on vs a person who actual cares for and enjoys reading.


I spent like $300 in one month like is that bad?




ur just privileged Lmao




you're 15 and spend more money on manga in a few weeks than some adults here spend in years. Nothing against you and not trying to be mean but...


It’s certainly a privilege to be able to amass so much in such a short amount of time, no hate that’s just how it is. Enjoy it while it lasts big dude I had to get a second job to fund all my collecting lol


Did he really deleted his account because of this lmao


Nah he didn’t delete his account. Reddit shows the [deleted] username and comment if the user themselves deletes their comment. Done it a few times and gotten the same comment “THEY DELETED THEIR ACCOUNT! LOL”. Because somehow it’s always “funny” to the Reddit hive mind when people get bullied into deleting their account?? Pretty sad. Dude got excited and bought a lot of manga. Y’all are vicious.


I didn't bully anyone, what the hell is your problem.


Did I say you did? I said “the Reddit hive mind”. That’s a fact. This entire post was made because of this user, multiple have been. “Y’all” aka the mangacollectors sub. Curious…if you aren’t a bully then why the “lmao” if that user DID delete their account?


You don't even know what was in the original comment, the only reason he deleted it was because we responded truthfully - that's why lmao


I don't mind people buying lots of manga in one go, but I sort of get annoyed when people say they buy allot and don't read and have a backlog of 50+ manga. I sort of like looking at peoples collection and assume that these are the stuff enjoy consuming, rather than something that they just keep on the shelf. But to each their own..


We all know the temptation to buy something you may or may not actually get around to reading. Some of us have done that ourselves to varying degrees and learned the lesson. So I don’t think it’s hate exactly, more just trying to counteract the draw to overconsume with a reminder of the value of prudence.


It’s just people buying it to collect it really. Never researching any series in specific genres they like, buying tons of mid tier series that everyone else has, and then posting about it for upvotes rather than being genuine. I downvote when I see the title “just started collecting a month ago, any recommendations? (200 volumes btw)” and I see MHA, JJK, Chainsaw Man, Demon Slayer, anything that viz has a box set for, etc. I get everyone has to start somewhere but when I started collecting I started with chainsaw man and fire punch because I liked fujimoto a work, Dorohedoro because it’s Dorohedoro, Blade of the Immortal because I love edgy gorey samurai stories, Tokyo Ghoul because I heard the anime < manga so I had to snag it. Deliberate picks, for multiple reasons on each series, worked hard to chase the blade singles and wait for dhd reprints. It’s effort and passion that some of these new collectors lack. I guess it’s a biproduct of anime and manga becoming so popular now that when you walk into B&N you just buy whatever’s cheapest or in a box set or super pop culture.