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They smell good


also once you get your hands on more of them you start differentiating between the typical smell of different publishers for new books, then the smell of old books and AAHHHhh they do smell amazing


I love the variations in smell :) Also the different textures, some are similar but still feel different you know?


Reading physically is a very different experience to reading digitally, although you don't need to buy or collect manga for that. They also look pretty on a bookshelf.


why do people collect anything? because they like to


That I get it because I’m planning on buying a nendoroid of Giorno but that’s because he’s my favourite


https://preview.redd.it/8l1azqxkqmwc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5faa3653691451b81f0a0250d0e44f6a9baaf2 also I don't understand the question, if you don't know why people buy manga, why do you want to start buying it?


I used to love reading manga but because I was doing so bad at school my parents banned me from reading manga so I started watching anime instead. The hype was still there but not as much. I also always thought/ wanted to collect manga because it looks so nice and gives me a good feeling seeing a full manga bookshelf compared to regular books


I do it because I love collecting things that make me happy and also reading physically has a special perk to it. Ultimately it’s really a desire to collect series I enjoy so I can have a physical copy that makes me want to collect manga


I prefer to read hard copies and I like having the physical copies because then I’m not dependent on technology to read them again.


Various reasons for me. Firstly, I love the smell of a new bought manga or any book in general. Secondly, I like reading experience of the physical format like how I can hold it, feel the paper, turn the pages (I may sound like a weirdo rn). Reading online feels like scrolling to me similar to what I would do for social media so the experience is merged together, but in physical format reading it feels like I'm doing a separate task, if that makes sense. Thirdly, I love collecting things. Not just to show off but to actually admire them myself from time to time. Edit: And also when buying digital chapters and volumes, I just feel like someday due to something my collection will get lost and lose everything so having physical copies gives me assurance. Although physical copies are not indestructible ik but they seem like a more legit thing.


They smell good, reading paper > reading digital, they look pretty on the shelf, I feel good buying them, plus the availability of reading them even without internet connection, on the balcony, on the beach, wherever


Because I want to support the work of series I love and I want to be able to re-read it easily as many times as I want. This basically comes down to being in my top favorites per genre. (although there are some series I would love to have an english published copy of) It's also really appealing on a book case.


Imo you're not really supposed to collect manga for the sake of it. Just buy stuff you wanna read, and it will add up. Simple as that


1. I love the smell 2. They look pretty on my bookshelf and it makes me feel happy seeing them on my shelves 3. I love reading them in general and I can reread them over and over again 4. Some scenes are different from the anime if they have an anime show 5. Opposed to digital manga I never need to worry about bad internet connection or my electronic dying from low battery 6. It supports the artists 7. Different sensation and experience as opposed to digital reading and just watching the anime It’s really mostly a preference thing. And also I love collecting them in general, as long as it’s a series I see myself reading over and over again!


Rather than just simply smelling good or holding it physically which does feel good, the real reason why I collect is because it represents a part of myself. I only collect the stories that mean something to me & represent a part of what makes me, me. I'm the type of collector to just go out and buy anything. I feel like that's what should matter most when collecting manga or any other form of media. Collect what matters most to you because it's a reflection of who you are.


Reading physical manga helps me remember the story better also keeps me from dropping it since it not just on my screen it’s in my room


A lot of them are not available with the same translation and without censorship online. Their continued existence is entirely decided by the license owners. If they are digital and contain political jokes, LGBTQ content and such they are also at risk of being removed for certain countries. Owning a physical copy is a lifesaver, because you never predictably know where the world heads. I like both old and new saiyuki for example, and old and new battle royale. And now that I'm older and have added more language skills and cash i can even compare them with the Japanese versions side by side :)


I just like reading manga and ended up having a lot. Now I want my own library of it. Plus, it just makes me happy to look at my shelf and see all the books I've read.


I prefer physical copies… but honestly due to lack of shelf space and the money aspect, I think I’m going to start reading most new series I pick up digitally first. If I truly love it and think I’ll read it again I’ll buy physical copies for my collection.


i love collecting things :3


A few reasons… It looks nice on the shelf. I like reading physical books as opposed to digitally. The feeling of completing a series or getting a hard to find volume on the shelf!!


I collect Japanese manga so if basically any story i like that never got an English print. Although i cant fully understand what im reading just yet it forces me to keep learning the language & study the books. I also enjoy collecting things in general & Japanese manga is cheap so its a win win


I find physical manga easier to flip through. And having my own copy means I will always be able to read it. Online is good for reading things once. But for my favorite series I will tend to want to re-read them every few years. And those series are the ones I will get the physical manga for. While legal manga sites are getting more mainstream, just like streaming services, I don’t want to depend on them having the licenses or availability for my favorite series in perpetuity. And I’ve been around long enough that I’ve seen multiple big seven seas ways to read manga shut down, causing me to find a new source. Which is a pain and, again something I don’t want to do every few years when I want to re-read something.


What's the point of doing anything hobbywise? Because you like it.


Something to be said for owning physical copies of books. When the power goes out / internet goes down, I can read all the manga I want by candlelight. It's also a good conversation starter. I read manga on the bus, train, tube, airplane, ferry - wherever I go really - and you'd be surprised how many times people say "Oh, my son likes anime, what is that you're reading?" Or "I noticed you reading that book backwards, is it a japanese comic, my granddaughter loves those." Or similar. Plus I never liked/bought an e-reader, always preferred the real analog experience to modern ephemeral ersatz technology. Sure reading online is good for speed running manga, getting through tones of chapters quickly, and getting it all for free (I was guilty of a lot of that back in the day). But I find I enjoy it more, concentrate better, remember it better, and spend more time looking at the artwork when I read physical books compared to online.


Yeah, taking in the artwork with certain manga is really nice - and you can't beat physical for that, imo


Since you say you would like to collect manga, why do you want to collect manga?


I consider myself more of a manga reader than a ‘collector’. I read what I want physically, keep what I like, then those become my ‘collection’. I read because I love it. I have a ton of other kinds of books too. So…I collect to read!


Internet clout. Nah, jk, I just read a lot of books in general and if I want to reread it at some point in the future I purchase them; manga is simply an extension of that.


Yeah I mainly like reading it physically xD


Weirdly, I feel more connected to stories when I can physically touch the paper they’re on. Something about tapping into that tactile feeling of being a kid and getting lost in worlds that aren’t yours, I suppose. Leaning into the light and having the ‘new book smell’. They look gorgeous most of the time. They’re physical reminders of something that impacted you or made you happy. Also, when it’s physically yours, *nobody* can take it from you. Not publishers, not online services, nobody. You can enjoy it for as long as you want with no limitations. It’s yours. Something’s really satisfying about that, especially these days.


Why not???


If it seems pointless to you, you're better off saving your money.  I didn't need to think of a why to get manga, I just wanted them.  If you buy them just for the sake of it, eventually you'll look at them and think of how much money it used to be before it became books on your shelf.


1. Reading physical is nice. The image quality is much better (and it's nice to get off screens a bit). Also easy to flip through 2. seeing all the [different volumes on my bookshelf](https://www.reddit.com/r/MangaCollectors/s/Kt4SyKXH5J) 3. Anyone can walk into my apartment and see or check out the manga (tho I rarely have ppl over) 4. I could theoretically lend or resell them at some point 5. Over time I'll grow to associate them with different periods or memories in my life (just like I have for CDs and DVDs), and it's cool to see how things evolve over the years


For me personally, I love having physical media as opposed to digital purchases and subscriptions/reading online from shady websites. Some mangas have very nice special editions such as the Berserk Deluxes or The Girl on the Other Side deluxes. It also helps me avoid the terrible eye strain I get from reading on a screen for long periods of time. It’s definitely not cost effective, but it’s fun and always nice to look at.


There’s a reason they create the anime to market the manga. Manga is the source and is the pure form. Most of the time anime doesn’t do it justice. You could read it online but having it in your hands gives it a more special feeling. As far as practicality, it is a way to get off screen time and just makes it a healthier activity than watching a tv or phone. The price is high but if you have seen an anime and it touches your heart, paying back in manga purchases feels you are really showing appreciation and support for the art imo.


The question is the same as asking why people have any hobbies or collecting. There's no "point" to collecting manga or to any other hobbies.  The "point" to manga collecting is to enjoy collecting manga, have manga physically, feel that new book smell or just because they like doing it. That's it, nothing more to it.  Collecting is s hobby like any other one. For example you could make the argument that drawing, reading, coding or anything like that is pointless because there's no "point" to them  Also, if you don't get the "point" of collecting manga then why the heck do you want to start collecting manga to begin with? TL;DR version of the answer: People collect manga and do any other hobbies because they find it fun, neat or relaxing, there's no deeper reason to it. Some people just want to collect manga and read after a hard week or month of work or studying. You shouldn't question what the "point" or "purpose" of it is.


Why would you like to start collecting if you don’t see a point in it 🤨


Also makes my brain go BRRRRRRR


I love the smell, the paper in my hand, the shelves filled with my manga. Also I am old and started when reading online wasn't that easy. And I can show my appreciation with the mangaka without "stealing" it by reading it illegal online.


If you want to reread them quickly or just like the feel and look of them over looking at the comics on a screen. Or if you want to share them easily with other people. You could say the same thing about all books where there is a digital version. But if you just want to read a lot of comics quickly for little money, then you should absolutely just buy a tablet and read manga on that. And then get into collecting digital manga. That’s the real sickness.


It's different for every person. For me personally, each book represents memories made when I received them. So my library is literally shelves and shelves full of memories and time frames from when I got each book. And I only need grab a book and reread it for either a trip down memory lane or a chance to enjoy a series I love. Plus, its fun to collect!


I prefer reading physical books to digital. I like the feel of a book in my hand and I find that I can get through a book quicker than reading online. I don’t read everything physical though because I don’t have the space so if I do go physical it will usually be because there isn’t a way to legally read it digitally or it’s a series that I really like.