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my guy a bunch (most) of those shelves are only half full. one of them is mostly taken up by a HAT. theres plenty of space, youre just using it exceptionally poorly.


Top sheleves are off limits for manga. But I do admit that I'm using space poorly. I've front-faced some manga as placeholders for when I have the next books in their respective series, which allows me to avoid allocating that space, albeit temporarily. Even with that, I'm running out of room for new series, especially if it's a longer series. For example, I wouldn't be able to fit my Naruto or One Piece collections, but that's okay; I can still fit a few more shorter works, but space is limited. I likely need to get some more bookshelves to avoid banishing series to my overflow containers.


lmao. "running out of space" > "you should use more of your space" > "top shelves aren't for manga" > takes up unnecessary space with a ladder for accessing your 'off limits' shelf


How does the ladder take up shelf space? The ladder is aesthetically pleasing, if nothing else, but it doesn’t take up shelf space. If I have allocated the top shelves for something other than Manga, then I cannot use that space for Manga. Just a personal preference. They are my shelves, and I am not obligated to use the top for Manga. It doesn’t take much effort to be polite.


Entirely fair, and you are allowed to setup your shelves how you like them. I just thought the circumstances were a little funny


My guy, those aren't even sh figuarts or something they're just anime hero figures, and bro says off limits .


These carry sentimental value for reasons I won’t explain. They may not matter to you, but they do for me.


If they do carry sentimental value, then just get a detolf to actually fully display them, https://preview.redd.it/6o05egg5ohxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e1e64543d5ffdb787f184a6e2f7fb7c43f3f82


That may be your display preference, but it isn't mine. I prefer they stay put, on the top shelf. Just because I do not have a separate display case for them, it doesn't diminish their sentimental value.


Whatever floats your boat


Rofl you using chat gbt for a reddit post.


What gave you that impression? Very odd conclusion.




Def have enough space, all the front facing manga can def be replaced to make more room. I I know u said top shelf isn’t for manga but there’s space there. I’d put all the bleach in the box sets & then put the 3 box sets at the very top. That’s 3 more rows of space alone. I’d put fairy tail up top aswell since I’m guessing those are the box sets right ? If once you do fill the shelf in, get some risers stack the books on them & then place more I front so u have 2 rows on each shelf


Op has so much space lol why did they even put bleach on the shelf


No you're not, you literally have 50% space left if you stop with your frontfacing/hat/figure/ladder shenanigans


By personal preference, the top sheleves are off limits for manga, so just consider the entire top row off limits. I'm using some front-faced some manga as placeholders for when I have the next books in their respective series, which allows me to avoid allocating that space, albeit temporarily. Even with that, I'm running out of room for new series, especially if it's a longer series. For example, I wouldn't be able to fit my Naruto or One Piece collections, but that's okay; I can still fit a few more shorter works, but space is limited. I likely need to get some more bookshelves to avoid banishing series to my overflow containers. How does the ladder take up shelf space? The ladder is aesthetically pleasing, if nothing else, but it doesn’t take up shelf space.


If you don't want to use the top shelf, then the ladder is even more "useless" execpt for style points.


Only like 50% of the shelves are used lol


Did you think Hellsing was so good it deserves its own shelf?


Need a shelf of red




*half filled shelves*


Uhhh you have plenty my g


-laughs in double stacked Billy’s with extra shelves- Just say you wanted to show off your collection. You don’t need some fake excuse. You’re not running out of space for some time.


To each their own. I'm trying to avoid an overcrowded look.


You have way more than enough space. You have more space than most people that show their collections on this sub as is. You do not need that many front facing books. And if for whatever reason you are actually running out of space, get risers


You can always optimize the space.


all you’d have to do to make more room is change your setup, and *you would have plenty of room to double-stack* even if you were to run out of room after that. as someone who has double the amount of manga you have, doesn’t have bookshelves anywhere near as fancy and spacious, and has to store half their collection at their mom’s house, i am deeply offended (not really; i’m just jealous) you are not running out of room, and that is fine. also the opinion that full shelves look overcrowded is incredibly unpopular and probably not worth worrying about. you get used to it. using your space safely and efficiently matters MUCH more than highly specific aesthetics. unless you’re filthy rich ig…… worry about ‘future use’ when you’re closer to that point. it really does not look like you’re close to having to worry right now. heck you might legitimately have more space by the time SBR comes out


A Great Monk once said: "If more manga you buy, more space will you have"


Wise words, indeed.


*googles how to double stack manga*


I don't want an overcrowded look.


Remove the boxes?


excellent bait lmao




This looks like my dream shelves except for the ladder which is not my thing. Beautiful. I also like that you expose covers. I’d love to be able to do so. Don’t apologize for having a great set up, but probably change the title of your post next time as it obviously triggers some frustration. My shelves are also half empty to give some « breathing » and I feel I’m running out of space, not being able to use my wife’s reserved shelves. Rug? Meh. But you do you ha ha. Thanks for posting, inspiring.


Thank you for the kind words.


You have plenty of space.. Even if the top shelf is off limits, you still have a ton more places to put manga if you just organized it differently


I mean, you have ton's of space if you display them a little better....


Stupidest least efficient set up of all time and dude is complaining about space. Yea no shit


It costs nothing to be polite.


It costs nothing to look at your shelves and see the problem before you even think of having to post about it


This troll talks shit in just about every thread. I love that he got his shit handed to him yesterday after bashing someone's collection, including placement of Berserk, only to then start crying because he can't afford the Berserk Deluxe editions. https://preview.redd.it/epkh18fzwhxc1.png?width=1005&format=png&auto=webp&s=f82b646484c9e9dc8b5e7a2ab6f69e3fd7a9f950


My ass still hurts 😞


Your comment history is filled with hate and vitrol. Hope these little rants make you feel better about yourself.


It absolutely does 😊




Just ignore it. Don't feed the trolls.


You have so much dead space the way you have things displayed. Turn the books sideways, get the big clunky boxes outta there, boom, 50% more space.


Ditch the funkos


Not Funkos. Also no thank you.


My GF is gonna kill me once i own this much


Unrelated but i adore your floor!


Thank you! How do you feel about the cow hide rug? I was afraid it didn't mesh well with the rest of the room, but I'm too attached to get rid of it.


Kinda want to see the inside of OP's fridge.


Bro has a library 💀 (I wish i had that many books.)


Incredible taste good sir. I appreciate your collection


Lmao those hellsing volumes down there and empty bleach boxes, this has to be a rage bait


Love the bookcase




This. This pleases me.


You have done everything in your ability to make it look as full as possible


Guess you need another bookshelf. Make sure on the next bookshelf to display all of one piece, every 10 volumes be front facing, and display all four empty box sets alongside them.


You have a ridiculous amount of space left




Weird flex. You show your collection and say you have no space left when you have a LOT. What is the purpose of this post? To brag about your collection? Honestly I've been better.


Bro has an opening to the upside down on his floor


Lol can you spread them out even more? xD


Why are there stickers still on hellsing and berserk lol? Also just don’t show some covers you did it for fairy tale.


![img](avatar_exp|171883445|bravo) I see Bleach!! 🔥🔥


This is a Joke right?


oh that sliding ladder is dope! Is it custom or something I could get my hands on?


Thanks! [It came with the bookshelves. ](https://www.martinfurniture.com/product/94-h-three-tall-bookcases/)


Mind listing the price? I don't see it on the website. These are usually pretty pricey but I haven't heard of this brand before.


I don't recall the exact price, but, I believe, it's somewhere around $5,000. The bookshelves are solid wood, though, so it's well worth it.


This is really my dream setup I love it


Thank you!


Side note those are some sick shelves with the ladder


The reality is those bookcases are terrible *for manga*. They are beautiful and aesthetic and fantastic book cases, but not space optimized. You have tons of vertical space you can’t utilize due to how tall each shelf section is, unless you double stack, which would look crowded and potentially overload the shelves (which are prone to bowing since they are weak composite material). The best solution would be to reach out to the manufacturer and see if you can get an additional 4 or 8 shelves. You might want to do so quickly if you consider it though, as I suspect these units are being discontinued by the manufacturer. Multiple furniture warehouses have them clearanced out with the ladder having an un-orderable status. They are also disappearing off many retail sites.


>which are prone to bowing since they are weak composite material The shelves are solid wood.


They are not. They are veneered composite and much thinner than they appear since the front of the shelf has a false plate on it giving the illusion of thickness. Go ahead and stick your finger under the front lip of the shelf. It’s about 1/2 an inch thinner than you think it is. There are also many reviews of this product with pictures showing bowed shelves. It’s a great set. It has limitations.


The shelves on my set do not thin as you describe. The shelves are fixed into place now, but I remember their heft. I will not further belabor this point.


Unpopular opinion, but I actually like that you don't double stack. I personally never want my manga collection to get so large where I'd have to resort to that, either. And since you have a whole interior decorating thing going on, it wouldn't benefit the space. But for maximizing space, it's probably better that you don't position some of your manga forward-facing, for that takes up a lot of room. Same for the Bleach boxes. Are your ceilings high? Because if they are, maybe you could put the Bleach boxes on top of the bookcase?


Love how all your manga is set up looks great also that bleach set up is amazing I definitely wanna do something similar


Because these shelves are being used wildly inefficiently on every level. A. Obviously books being faced outward and empty boxes take up unnecessary space. B. The empty space between shelves is huge. You could add at least 2-3 more shelves per bookcase. C. The top bar for the ladder blocks half a shelfs worth of space. After a certain point in collecting you have to compromise some on looks for efficiency. Unless you want to constantly be culling your collection to keep it under a certain size.


Lol Lmao


Dude they are so empty and i get the thing of „losing space for a more pretty aragment“ but this just looks bad man. Im pretty sure this post just angerd so many collectors that are actually running out of space while they use every bit of shelf they can. I can also feel the tears of people wishing for a build in lader for praticality and it absolutly being useless in this setup.


Nice collection




You're getting undeserved hate in this thread because people are jealous.


jealous of what, the half filled shelves?


I agree OP's space situation isn't dire, but you're being an ass just to be an ass, and it's pretty evident you're jealous of OP's beautiful shelves.


my guy, my dude, my man, the SHELVES are not the problem here. i love the shelves. i think they look great. but the way hes filling it is absolutely stupid. those shelves are half full at best and hes complaining about running out of space. thats what we're all clowning on him for.


It's a brand new account and his only comments are in this thread. Wouldn't be surprised if it was OP.


You're only clowning yourself, bud. Let that jealously run rampant. Lmao


Obviously a reddit account of op


I am not hating at all, but I do have a question. What’s there to be jealous of here? I am jealous of people who own thousands of volumes. OP just posted something that does not make sense, there clearly is enough space, he just wants to show off what he has, and that’s fine, just be clear on the posts goal, and there will be no hate.


What’s there to be jealous about ? 😭