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Angelina, I’d pummel that bitch into the ground every day and twice on Sundays


It’s a tv show bro chill






I think everyone would choose her ngl her actress was great at making me hate her so much😭


Oh absolutely!


Obviously Angelina, but since we're supposed to hate her, I'll pick my least favorite that we're supposed to like: Jared.


If you take out Adrian, Angelina wouldn't have gone crazy. Nor the other psychos


Bulllshit, that lunatic would and was crazy no matter what happened. Did he influence her, of course. Would she still have been a condescending lunatic, double of course.


Yeah I wasn’t crazy about Jared either. He can get knocked out lol


The major. I’m glad Saanvi (accidentally) killed her




I didn't visit the subreddit until after i watched the whole show. I never disliked Adrian but I've been seeing here he was pretty unpopular


YES! I didn't care for his "redemption" at the end. He should have died.


Lol I think everyone is going to pick Angelina


Definitely Angelina




He’s a pretty decent character




Eagan was probably the most intriguing character on the show though!


Really? He feels more like a rat to me, with no depth to him and just doing what he must to survive


Shanks is also a rat but one of the most intriguing in One Piece so you can be both


my god he has the most punchable face.


His and Adrian's redemption at the end felt undeserved.


J🤢a🤢r🤢e🤢d (For seasons 1-2)


angelina, jace, billy, griffin, zimmer


Jared until he admitted he was the reason Michaela got shot.


first choice angelina, second choice randall, third choice grace


Unpopular opinion: all of them Maybe not confront, and I’m not a die hard fan but I loved the show, haven’t done a rewatch or anything, or watched it an a while, but I feel like this show did a great job of making every character unlikeable in some way. That’s how life is and I think adds a lot to the story.


Angelina obviously.. can't say homelander coz I'm scared of tht guy


The *easy* answer is Angelina. Which is fair. But all things considered, choosing to beat up Angelina would be like choosing to beat up a stray animal who just attacks everything in front of it because all it ever knew was abuse. That's the vibe I got from Angelina anyways, even *after* she developed the guardian angel fetish. This was a girl whose parents locked her up like she was a prisoner of war. For over a *year.* Possibly *longer.* There's no comin back from that. No matter how well you may or may have not been treated before then. And I hated how Angelina's parents were somewhat correct in their hunch because IIRC they were Xers on steroids in s4. I'm sorry that left a very bad taste in my mouth. I mean check out how *Ben* describes Angelina: A lost, lonely soul clinging to the lifeboat. Oh and this was *after* Angelina killed Grace. *After* she threatened to blow up Adrian's safehouse. I disliked Ben nearly as much as Angelina until that very moment. Cuz if was after that moment where Ben realized that if he wants to be a self-appointed leader of the passengers, he better act like it. Guy won me over after that. Hot take, but Angelina is someone you need to *help*, not dislike. And truth be told it was really cool for Ben to come to that realization at the end. Although I would have had Angelina dare Ben to shoot her instead of giving her half-assed apology. But whatev, there are *a lot* of things I'd change about Angelina's arc in this. *Tons.* So much so that I've been writing about it in my blog for awhile now. idk how Angelina became a muse for my fiction writing but whatev, I'll take it. tbh there aren't too many like Angelina in this world. If we're being realistic, even someone less stable than Angelina would have been able to be reasoned with after that dumb experiment. And if I had my way she'd turn over a new leaf in a *big* way. Like idk maybe sacrifice herself for Olive or Cal or something. Because we need to see stuff like that more than what we saw. *My* answer is Zimmer, the woman who created the Detention Center. Or Simon, leader of the Xers. Or Angelina's parents (*especially* her mom). Cuz there are way more like *those* in this world than Angelina: People who *know* what they are doing is wrong and *don't care.*




Season 1 Grace, absolutely


What did Grace ever do wrong? Besides not telling Ben about Danny for a few days.


Season 1 grace was bad she NEVER gave Ben a break and was constantly blaming him for everything, all the time, every single episode. But from season 2 on I liked her, she stopped doing that.


She wasn’t really “blaming” him more than didn’t understand what was going on cuz Ben and Sanvii wasn’t telling her everything. And she didn’t want Ben going back into that dark place he was in the last time Cal was sick.


What did Grace do wrong?


The only answer is Angelina




Oh yeah obviously Angelina. I don’t understand people saying Jared. Honestly I really wanna Mick to end up with him. He was hot and protective and helped her in every way he could like he risked the shit out of his job doing hella illegal shit to try to help all of them. Yes in the end I did love her ending with Zeke but it was one of those really really rare love triangles in shows where you actually don’t care which one she ends up with. Those literally never happened but I loved both Jared and Zeke so I just wanted her to be happy with either one. I have a notes page filled with quotes I hear mostly from shows and I saved this one of Zeke saying to her when he was dying after saving Cal. “You’re my breathe, and my blood, and my soul.” Still only beating the shit outta Angelina, possibly Eagan but he always came around in the end, maybe Adrian because he lightweight convinced her she was the chosen one for the baby and she killed Grace to take Eden and I’m disgusted by it (he obviously did not think telling her that would make her commit murder though- he didn’t know how psycho she was). Idk why people hate Grace I was heartbroken when she was murdered by Angelia.


That lady that was in charge of the prison place in s4 part 2


Zimmer. That's my choice.


Jared because he never get responsability for his action. he never apologized for gettin Michaela shot


I wouldn’t beat him up… but cal is definitely up there with some characters I don’t like.


Obviously Ben


Although I do like Ben, he needs a good whooping. He has a couple of assaults to his name and that needs to be stopped.


Angelina and Jared




Angelina would be an easy pick. Next to her, I’d probably go with the Major for how she treated the passengers and how she stole and manipulated Fiona’s research.


Ben might fit sometimes. So many Scooby-Doo type mistakes. Wait here while I... Let's split up... Too many to list.


Angelina getting jumped 😭


Im gonna come up with a more original answer and say the Major


Angelina's parents


grace 🤣


Angelina always and forever and OLIVE IN SEASON 2


Speaking of s2 Olive, I thought it would have been more interesting if Angelina was introduced in that season and invited Olive to join Adrian's cult. Seeing Angelina as a bad influence on Olive would have given me an actual reason to dislike her other than "how many cheap shots are we gonna see from this chick?" I disliked the cheap and lazy writing of Angelina's character more than anything she said or did.


I know this about manifest but the first answer that popped into my mind was Jason Grace


me and angelina are throwing hands


Eagan or Adrian


Violet, because no one in the show did (other than Angela’s dad, whose an antagonist), and she deserves it.


Seryu ubiquitous (akame ga kill) people who have watched will know how. Being told won't cover it. You have to watch to understand


Angelina was a great character because I think we've all known people like her. They think they are more than smart when in actuality they are dumb as fuck but also have high self confidence. No amount of dialogue or agreement will prevent the shit show the minute they're left to their devices. I have an ex wife like this.




Christian cole


Easy, Angelina. Beat that demon out of her, lmao.


Angelina and Danny I despise both of them


The scientist who initially helps because of Cal’s drawing of the constellation with “grandmother” written on it, then a year later in the series… “Nevermind! I’m gonna screw you over!”


For me it's the black preacher guy (forget his name).




Michaela. She got on my nerves.


Jackson from teen wolf any time he eats an apple.




rachel from tower of god lina from i’ve become a true villainess




Lord William "Black Billy" Courtney, Baron Dartmouth from the Courtney series by Wilbur Smith. The guy is a straight-up sociopath, charming amongst his peers and betters, a monster to those he perceives as beneath him, including his siblings and even his wife. He beats his pregnant wife and tries to murder his younger brother.


I haven’t seen this show in a very long time, so I don’t remember much. But my Snapchat memory this morning said “I fucking hate grace, they need to kill her off”. Then I see this lol. So I guess grace


The Deep from the boys


Guys… who’s Angelina?


Michael Scott.


Yes Hollis Doyle from Scandal


The major


Angelina, Jared, Adrian, Grace, and Ben are the characters I have to deal with. They all have their own quirks, but Angelina really knows how to push my buttons. Out of all of them, she's the one who makes me want to jump through the TV screen and give her a piece of my mind.


Angelina, Gupta, that woman who was incharge of Vance and was a bitch, that man with the gun who lost his friends ( I know he changes heart but idgaf because he sucks), The major, that one cop who hated on 828ers for no reason at all, Jared, Lourdes, the X'ers (especially the ones at the bar and yes I'm including the "nice" sister), Paul (the man hits his wife so f him). Tbh a lot of these characters really sucked in this show ngl.... Quick rant ( you can skip this) also these are all directed on the characters... LETS KEEP THEM SEPARATE FROM THE ACTORS 😭🙏🙏 Angelina kisses me SOOO FKING MUCH! Okay first she's like super nice and I sympathized with her, yk it must have been tuff for her but man did she take a turn for the worse or WHAT cuz she low-key top 10 annoying characters ever. 😒 Her parents are nutjobs so I get that but here is my biggest problem. Literally everything this character does that she thinks is holy is not. And I'm a Christian so I can speak on this. MURDER IS NOT ALLOWED, STEALING IS NOT ALLOWED, GOD LEGIT SAYS U SHOULD NOT PUT FALSE IDOLS BEFORE HOM YET SHE CONSTANTLY IDOLIZED HERSALF AND LED PEOPLE AWAY FROM GOD. She us the walking definition of being a bad Christian. I really fucking hate Gupta. Okay so first she's always kicking people out and being a witch which is like whatever ig most scientists are evil anyways but DAMN WAS SHE ANNOYING. First she's on their side then she's not, then she's on their side, then she's not... you get the gist. She's the literal definition of jurassic the betrayer only 10x worse because at least in the bible judas feels guilt from his actions if angelina didn't get to come back she doesn't either. IF I MADE TYPOS IM SO SORRY MY PHONES AT 2 PERCENT AND I AM OUT WITHOUT A CHARGER AND I JUST FINISHED THE MANIFEST SERIES LESS THEN 30 MINUTES AGO CUZ I DIDNT EVWN KNOW THE SHOW EXISTED UNTIL LIKE A WEEK BEFORE THE SHOWS DEATH DATE WHICH IS ACC REALLY FUNNY 💀💀💀


Defiently Benny from Fallout NV, dude is the definition of “I want to fucking bash that dudes head in until his own mother won’t even recognise him.” Still one of my favourites of though.


Endeavor from MHA!!!


Jared, if he has zero haters, I'm dead.


I saw this on the La Brea subreddit and just like here, it was mainly 3 people who people commented.


I can't believe people are dissing my boy Jared 😄😭


Danny, he was so creepy trying to usurp himself into fatherhood. Who knows what happens to him maybenhe fell into a deep hole and nobody cared enough for him to look.


Gwen from total drama,Ozai from atla,Nathan from lis


Angelina and Jared to a lil degree.... Also that Military bitch.


A lot of times, it was Ben. God he was so self righteous went and involved other people making sacrifices, but when he had to to make any sacrifices, he'd say my family my family and wouldn't do damn thing.


Angelina. Grace. Jared. Adrian




You are the only person I’ve seen here that dislikes Zeke and likes Jared. On the “favorites” lists, Zeke and Sanvi were on almost every list.


No, I also dislike Zeke and like Jared.


How, he is like the best guy on this show 😅


No, obviously Jared is!


Jared is toxic


No, Zeke is one of the best characters, he was an amazing uncle and husband, his redemption is perfect. He was so selfless and empathetic.


He literally killed his own sister because he simply couldn't be bothered to save her, so I don't know about him being "selfless" or "emphatic"


Which he regretted every day, besides he didn’t even know she was dying, he didn’t kill her, her death would’ve been prevented if he had watched her sure but that didn’t mean he was the one to push her. Have you watched the rest of the show? He died saving Cal and his literal superpower after surviving the death date was empathy, did you not see how he cared for Beverly?


Maan where’s Jared’s wife at lol you remember her


Lol the only name with downvotes! I’m laughing my ass off.