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Pride went very well today for us :) morden and area is very accepting overall. I was a bit nervous with all that had been going on.


man i’m so glad it went well, i was also nervous. i wasn’t able to hang out for the afternoon but i stopped by the park to see you guys off, and honked when i drove by later. it was so heartwarming to see how many people showed up, and everyone looked amazing!


Thanks for your support. Not sure if you call the area home or not but hope your visit was welcoming.


That’s awesome!


It's so bizarre that the people who think they are morally superior are pro-vandalism, pro-hate, pro-creating fear. I hate to say it, but since 2016 being openly hateful has become a lot more acceptable to some people. I mean, just think about it... People are openly boycotting a beer company... Not because the company did something hateful, but because the company promoted love to the wrong group. (I know it's just marketing, but still) show love to the LGBTQ community and the moral mob will show hate. The hypocrisy is palpable.


>It's so bizarre that the people who think they are morally superior are pro-vandalism, pro-hate, pro-creating fear. When has this not been the case? Both extremes of the political spectrum do this.


Both sides! Everybody drink!


Lol 😂


Interesting. When I talk about people who think they are morally superior and are pro-hate, which side of the political spectrum do you associate that with? Both? Could be anyone? If you truly, honestly believe that, that's tantamount to saying nothing at all.


Antifa exists, and bullies people around. You can try to justify it, but you [can't deny it.](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/350524-antifa-activists-say-violence-is-necessary/) And that's just one example.


This is a pointless thing to say. It's like when someone talks about Trudeau being corrupt and the response is always "look at how corrupt the conservatives are in the US and other countries". One does not justify the other. And antifa has zero to do with hate speech and vandalism against the LGBTQ community in Morden Manitoba.


I think most people that are boycotting the beer company was because of what their VP of Marketing said about bud light drinkers. But it’s their choice to buy it or not.


I googled it. Excerpt from first result: "The post started to pick up steam in conservative circles relatively quickly. Right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro decried the collaboration on his show, saying, “Well, folks, our culture has now decided men are women and women are men and you must be forced to consume products that say so.” Shapiro appears not to be much of a Bud Light fan himself, so he probably doesn’t have much to boycott. “I understand Bud Light is piss water masquerading as beer,” he said, “so I guess that, you know, it’s sort of trans beer.” ’90s rocker Kid Rock posted a video of himself shooting a few cases of Bud Light, which he presumably paid for. “Fuck Bud Light, and fuck Anheuser-Busch,” he said, “have a terrific day.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) put up a photo of a Coors Light case in the back of her vehicle on Twitter, the accompanying caption reading, “I would have bought the king of beers, but it changed it’s [sic] gender to the queen of beers.” This might be a reference to the VP saying something that offended people: "If Bud Light did a campaign like this, it probably thought it would help its sales with some segment of consumers, though its reaction to the controversy has been less than ideal and made people across the political spectrum angry, perhaps undercutting that intent." If the VP said something offensive, the initial reactions didn't seem to site that. The initial reactions sounded unashamedly homophobic. Here's the link if you're interested: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/money/2023/4/12/23680135/bud-light-boycott-dylan-mulvaney-travis-tritt-trans


There are numerous videos on YouTube with the VP’s interview .


Do you have a link or could you tell me what he/she said pls?




Sorry I'm not sure that's the right video. She didn't say anything offensive to bud light drinkers in that clip. I'll google it and see if I can find it. Thanks 👍


God speed




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I've not heard that before. I didn't even know the VP said anything about Bud light drinkers if that's the case. But I have heard a LOT of hate towards that Dylan kid bud used for marketing. I'll google that tho, thanks 👍


Leave gay people fucking alone!!!


This is very sad to see. I moved away from Southern Manitoba after seeing a bunch of little inconsistencies, this being the largest one, and feeling like I couldn’t do anything about it. Thankfully I’ve been able to find my community in Halifax, unlike where I grew up.


When the media only reports negative shit, it empowers the stupid because they think they have support. If the media only reported positive news stories, the idiots would hide in shame because they’d think they were alone. TLDR the media is loving fueling this fire


I like how you shift the blame from the people creating the issues, to the ones talking about them.


I grew up there. Bigots have always been there. But there was a social code that made them keep it in th church or amongst themselves in order to maintain a good neighborly sense of community. 30 years ago, bigots weren’t emboldened to act. Now they are. They see on the media about thousands of people getting away with public harassment and now it’s ‘ok’. Changing ideologies sometimes takes generations. People need to see the positive to understand that LGBTetc aren’t bad.


I also grew up there and I wouldn’t say there was a social code that made them keep it to themselves. They’ve always been outspoken about it in my personal experiences but now social media has given them a voice and a way to connect with other likeminded individuals. Blaming the media for sharing stories like this is just shifting the blame and kicking the problem down the road.


I didn’t ‘blame the media’. I said they are empowering bigots to act out. Don’t reply to what you imagine I might have been implying. Read and think critically before responding.


>TLDR the media is loving fueling this fire >30 years ago, bigots weren’t emboldened to act. Now they are. They see on the media about thousands of people getting away with public harassment and now it’s ‘ok’. Sure sounds like you're blaming the media.


For making people homophobic? No. White men in power did that


You literally blamed the media for empowering bigots to act out and I’m telling you that’s just plain wrong. You are right that bigots always existed in that part of Manitoba but the major difference is going back even 10 years ago there were no pride parades, if you were gay you were shunned by your community or told you were just going through a “phase”. Now that it’s becoming more acceptable you’re seeing people lash out against this change. If anything media highlighting the issue at hand and reporting that these types of acts are not okay is a good thing, not reporting on it will not make it go away.


For making people homophobic? No. White men in power did that




The photos and a significant part of the article focus on how religious organizations are taking a prominent role in *supporting* queer and trans people.


That's true, but there is also a comment in there about (religious) people complaining that this congregation is being "led to hell". I think we all know that the vast majority of people who have big problems with the LGBTQ community have those problems because of religious reasons.


In much of the world, a lot of that opposition is heavily rooted in nationalism, which frequently has religion woven in as well.


I went to a Pride service at the local United church on Wednesday. They themselves stated that religiously-rooted homophobia is the majority of homophobia.




I think it's best to not consider people as monoliths. Be it religion, ethnic or regional. Let individual actions and behaviours dictate who should receive judgement.


Wouldn’t that mean letting the religious peoples live? They could say the same thing as you. People think there’s a one sided issue here.


"If you preach tolerance, why aren't you tolerant of my intolerance!? "


We have no obligation (nor should we) allow bigots to sit contentedly in their bigotry. There is the side of love, care and acceptance; and the side of hate, ignorance, and bigotry. Those two sides are not equivalent in any way. We must not tolerate intolerance.




There's noting "bad" about not having learned about something. What's bad is when they fill in that lack of knowledge with the worst possible assumptions, and then treat those uninformed assumptions as the gospel truth.


The fact that they’re so obsessed with “sexualised” performances is itself concerning. Plenty of asexual people in the community aren’t into that, or are even repulsed by it, but still vocally support their fellow queer and trans people. If you see this as more important than the lives of queer and trans people, then the problem isn’t just one of being fed misinformation by right-wing media/churches/families, it’s a problem with one’s *values*.


Nothing wrong with highly sexualized drag shows. I think you're right that specific things like these are being conflated with LGBT issues in general and people should try to clarify that but that doesn't mean people need to condemn certain things like these. Not all straight people go to straight strip clubs but that doesn't also mean they are opposed to them existing or should feel obligated to condemn them.


You won't find a strip club in Morden or Winkler, that's for sure. Their context is different from yours.


That doesn't change the point. Even if those communities don't have strip clubs they're not associating that with being straight just because they exist and because not all straight people condemn them.


If I am ever in the place to burn money I am opening one in the area I don't even like strip clubs, one of the parts of the rainbow I am a part of is the asexual spectrum. But if it will force a change in context as you are suggesting then fuck it, opening it


People shouldn't be wrecking stuff or hating others. But on the flip side, people are just sick of hearing about this stuff like a commercial you have to watch every 5 minutes. Backlash is only going to increase from here on out. I'm not encouraging it, I'm just staing a fact. Many people have just been pushed too far with having this stuff rammed down their throats. Even many in they gay community are not supporting this level of "celebration" and want nothing to do with it. People who don't even normally get involved in politics are getting sick of it. It's being pushed to the point of nauseam for a huge chunk of the population. People are also not cool with many things that have to do with kids concerning all this stuff. Nothing to do with hate. Has to do with not influencing minds that are too young for sexuality. Another big one is men competing against women in sports and absolutely destroying all of their records and winning everything. Taking away women's scholarships etc. That is just not going to fly with the majority of the planet like it or not. It has to stop. And many in the LGBT community would agree. LGBT either needs to back off or this is only going to get worse. They need to go live their lives without saying "look at me look at me". And I assure you the other side will go on with their lives and not care in the least what you do. Nobody cared 20 or 30 years ago if you were gay. I grew up on a small Canadian town in the 80's and 90's with 1 store, and the owner was flaming gay. He was treated and well liked just like anyone else in the community. Literally nobody cared he was gay and supported his business and supported him as a freind. I get kicked out of every sub for just trying to have a discussion like this. These are all pointless echo chambers unfortunately with no discussion whatsoever. But you should be asking yourselves why this is happening and only going to get worse. You should listen to what the other side had to say and hear out their concerns, and not automatically jump to the conclusion they are all hateful bigoted homophobes. That's rediculous. Maybe like 5% of the population actually HATES LGBT. But the rest of the general population is just sick of hearing about it. It's not all "hate and bigotry". It's just been pushed to the point of nauseam for the average person. And the involvement of young children is going to heat things up more and more. I'll probably be banned again just for discussion lol. But I'm not taking either side. I'm just stating exactly what happening. And what going to happen. There's a huge wave of backlash coming. Things have gone too far.


Sounds like you are "fine with it" so long as they stay in the closet. Sounds like you are not ok with anything Trans and a victim shaming, friggin sexist to boot. Discussion? Your entire post is offensive, you clown.


What's offensive in the post?


>LGBT either needs to back off or this is only going to get worse. They need to go live their lives without saying "look at me look at me". And I assure you the other side will go on with their lives and not care in the least what you do. Nobody cared 20 or 30 years ago if you were gay. Drag queen story time begs to differ. Perfect example of people going on with their lives without saying "look at me look at me", and what happens? Oh, hey, bigots and racists show up to protest! Hate is flourishing in this country. It doesn't get better by shoving it under the rug and hoping it goes away.


I like that because you knew of one gay person in your small town in the 80s and you think he was treated well that the current Pride "celebration" is just too much for you. Why are you so sick of seeing commercials every 5 minutes with 2SLGBTQIA+ people? What does that say about those people?????


You’re not trying to have a discussion, you’re just vomiting out hatred. What other minorities do you want to rant about, huh?


What did I say that's hateful?


If you’re getting banned, it’s probably because you’re spreading transphobic lies. Your Reddit name suggests you’re probably pretty young; you have a good opportunity to make sure you don’t grow up into a hateful person like many in the generations above you.


No I'm not spreading lies and I don't hate anybody. What does transphobic mean? A phobia is an irrational fear. Who is it that has irrational fear and what are they afraid of? What would you say are the top 3 transphobic lies that are spread are?


Stop sealioning. The far-right will never love you in return, no matter how much of their propaganda you push.


I don't see any love or tolerance from either side.


>If you want more children to be harassed like this sports and absolutely destroying all of their records and winning everything. Taking away women's scholarships etc. This is not a thing that is happening. But what is happening is that all this hysteria about trans women competing in sports has lead to children being harassed. Take the case from earlier this week. A nine-year old girl is competing in shot-put and because she has a pixie haircut, an elderly couple assumes she's trans, starts harassing her, demanding 'proof' of her sex and tossed slurs made against her parents. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/kelowna-short-hair-girl-gender-identity-1.6875738](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/kelowna-short-hair-girl-gender-identity-1.6875738) If you care about kids, if you want them to not be harassed for not "looking the right way", if you want them to feel comfortable in participating in sports, change your attitude. Stop with this rhetoric that will do nothing but cause more harm than good. It's unsubstantiated fear mongering.


I have nothing against anyone. To each their own, but I get tired of hearing about it every day and getting it rammed down my throat. Regardless of platform ones gets tired of hearing it day after day. You want to be lgbtq great that's your choice👍 Doesn't mean I want to hear about it day after day! I don't see things for heterosexual done but don't see it publicized or a special mural etc. ( as it would consodered hate etc.) On another level)We preach acceptance but acceptance has to be from both levels, not just demanding....again I have no issues, but it must be looked at realistic not hypocritical....damage or vandalism on any scale is not acceptable.


So if you watch, say, Star Wars… the scene where Anakin and Padmé make out is fine, it’s not being shoved down your throat. If you watch nearly every movie ever made, especially ones with sex scenes, they’re always heterosexual. That’s not being rammed down your throat. But if you watch Brooklyn 99 and watch Holt and Kevin hold hands or kiss… THAT’s being rammed down your throat… that’s your logic. I’d also like to say, being LGBTQ+ isn’t a choice. I would know. I have experience. Don’t speak for people you don’t know or care to learn the experiences of. The very things you’ve stated here are you having something against a group of people (which is bigotry).


Again you harp on fantasy and ignorance. I have held a person whom is passing from an overdose, helped people that are lgtbq( I call them human beings) when others wouldn't go near them. You have an assumption that everyone is full of hatred as you seem to be. Life is short, we are all human beings. You preach acceptance, but anyone that says something ypu don't agree with is trashed. Practice what you preach.


Dude, the Vatican is full of paintings with cis hetero people having sex. You see hetero sexual things done ALL THE DAMN TIME in media and in basic society. WTF, who even claims that? Obviously you have a problem with LGBTQ, if that’s all you notice and get annoyed over. Also, you should learn how online algorithms work. If you’re seeing A LOT of LGBTQ stuff, then there is a reason why😂 whether it’s cause of rage views, or you are showing interest, there’s a reason you are seeing that content😂


Heterosexual sexualized imagery is used in marketing and media (movies/video games etc) all the damn time, its literally everywhere. I’m sure you’ve heard of the term *sex sells*.


It may, I don't argue the fact. I just tune out to it. Eg. I say the same about subjects with Trump..there are those on both sides which I respect( unless destructive) I'm simply saying a person gets tired of it as I don't lead my life as judgemental. I think I've tried to say destruction against anything is not condoned and I'm not against anyone.


Heterosexuality and 2LGBTQIA+ are not on the same level playing field, and everything that you hear "getting rammed down your throat" is to get everyone on the same level playing field. You don't find people being harassed, bullied, set aside, demeaned etc. for their heterosexuality. It's the same reason why society "makes noise" and talks louder about women vs men, people of colour vs white, indigenous vs non indigenous. It's because all these groups are not on the same level playing field. It's not about acceptance, it's about equality.


“You want to be lgbtq great that’s your choice” People are still doing the “choice” thing in 2023? No.


If you don't want queer people to be visible or make themselves known, it kinda sounds like you have a problem with queer people.


Thats not at all what he said. Being visible/known is not the same as demanding your identity be celebrated for an entire month. Bad faith arguments like yours are part of the reason people are getting sick of the movement.


If you believe that Pride month is simply about celebration then you don’t know what Pride month is.


You literally said you were tired of Pride being "rammed down my throat".....and pride is more than just a celebration and the vandalism is evidence of why Pride is needed.


How are you being forced to celebrate someone's sexual orientation?


Again bad faith. I didn't say forced, I said demanded. Thats not the same thing. But tbf demanded might be a bit strong. I mean the entire month of seeing it everywhere, flags at every public building, news articles everywhere, popup messages when I start up some of my video games. Like we get, not everyone wants the standard hetero lifestyle/relationship nothing wrong with that. Vast majority of people are either totally accepting or of a "I don't understand it, but its none of my business what they wanna do" mentality that should be good enough imo. And the minority of people that are against it aren't going to be convinced by the things I'm complaining about, if anything it is going to harden them in their belief. There's a reason the og pride parades had everyone where suits/dress and normal cloths. "Look, we are just like everyone else" is much better way to persuade people.


>There's a reason the og pride parades The OG way also involved riots against those restricting their freedoms. I'm not sure you want to go back to that. They also received far more push back then even if just wearing suits. The opposition was to them being gay, period, not how they expressed themselves.


If it's not a big deal and most people don't care, then what's the issue with parades, flags and rainbow beer cans? Because when someone uses the words "shoved down my throat" it sounds to me like they resent having to see those things, like they would rather not see them. That while they say they don't have an issue with pride, the parades, flags and rainbow beer cans still make them upset. So that person is either not being honest or they are not being logically consistent.


Fair point, but because it comes off as narcissism, and people at a base level, do not like narcissistic behavior. >someone uses the words "shoved down my throat" it sounds to me like they resent having to see those things. (Because of homophobia is what you're implying i assume?) I'm not denying that for some people that is the case. I'm saying that people resent being told what to think and having a message "shoved down their throat" will often cause then to resent the purpose of that message. I know I'm like that, telling me I have to do something is a quick way for me to tell ya to go fuck yourself, or "malicious comply" with the order. That attitude is also where alot of the "I dont understand it, but its none of my business" people come to that conclusion.


People resent being told to acknowledge human diversity and challenge their heteronormative assumptions? Cool cool cool


Who is telling you to do what? What are you being forced to do? Be specific


I am a meek person who would love more than anyone else to blend in, but I am visibly queer. It is clear that I'm trans. I do not have the option to feel like I am just like everyone else. I do what I can. I hope to one day pass. In many ways I'm like the rest of you: I have a career, I have my own friends, I'm building a family. But when I walk into a space I am clearly trans. I missed out on the boat - I already had my first puberty. Maybe second puberty will help, maybe it won't. Too bad for me. Do I have to persuade people that I'm like them to deserve rights and respect? To feel safe? Because I don't really have a choice - other people don't view me like them. I try, but I remain an outsider to many. You say that most people are either accepting, or that "i don't understand it, but it's not my business." Is that true? I'm planning to have a child, and my mother-in-law stated it'd be fun to one day take them to Disneyworld. But I can't. I could be arrested for trying to use the bathroom, or assaulted for using the other one. I am afraid to even have a layover in Florida, because the law applies to airport bathrooms. I'm afraid a lot. I get dirty glances sometimes and I wonder if I'm about to get the shit kicked out of me when I go outside. Pride month feels like a time where people like me feel like we're supposed to be out there. I feel safer during Pride, and I feel like maybe I do deserve to not feel afraid everywhere I go. That maybe it's not okay that everyday when I see the news, I see little parts of the world turn more and more dangerous where my friends get to go, but now I don't. And yeah, maybe I feel a little proud instead of the shame I felt for decades. Have some sympathy. And if you don't have sympathy, then you're right: I do demand your respect. Because I do not get the same baseline respect other people get by default. I'm nice, I'm polite, I try to help people, and yet I know the world is rapidly closing off to me. If you think a month of pride flags on buildings is too much for you to handle, I would encourage you to wonder what this life is like instead, because that is 12 months a year. The world spent my whole life telling me I was disgusting and wrong, and shoved THAT down my throat. So for a month we're going to say: "actually, you're loved, and you're okay." I prefer that - I hope you can celebrate what that means with the rest of us.


I see shit like that for all sorts of monthly celebrations. Hell, for a month, all I see is ads with innuendo testicles(mens health). If it doesn’t interest me, I ignore it. Do you need advice on how to ignore things you don’t care about? Doubt it. But you DO need to learn how to ignore, or accept things you don’t like. It’s called being an adult.


>>”Look, we are just like everyone else.” But the culture of “everyone else” is the underlying *problem*. It’s homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, ableist, pro-capitalist, you name it. “Queer” is about desire that doesn’t fit the heterocentric norm, but it’s also about changing the ways we see, think, live for the better. Pride is *radical*, not assimilationist.


Ok, so would you say liberalism is able to achieve those goals? Or do we need something else?


I think you’re missing a couple of things. This isn’t about “wanting” a particular “lifestyle.” It’s about a fundamental part of one’s identity and whether or not those people will be allowed to exist. Pride celebrations are well aware that people are being killed by the state (in some places) and murdered by individuals (including right here) because of who they are. Also, Pride isn’t only about celebrating queer and trans people. It’s about welcoming all forms of positive diversity in our society — gender, race, disability, body size, etc. Pride celebrations are a statement that we are valuable in spite of discrimination and hatred.


>This isn’t about “wanting” a particular “lifestyle.” Oh yea, I should have phrased that better. I didnt mean 'want' as in you just made a logical decision. I meant it in the way you are saying. >Also, Pride isn’t only about celebrating queer and trans people. It’s about welcoming all forms of positive diversity in our society — gender, race, disability, body size, etc. Pride celebrations are a statement that we are valuable in spite of discrimination and hatred. I'm of the view that the best way to make the differences between people not matter is too stop treating them like they matter. Queer, trans, disability, gender, race, disability, body size etc pride just amplifies the differences and makes them "matter" more. I'm not against the goals, I just believe the methods are counter productive to getting to that goal.


You realize the original Pride parades were a protest and a riot right? If us gay people has been treated like everyone else from the start, that wouldn’t have been necessary. Perhaps it’s time we turned it back into a protest.


“the movement” It’s literally just a big chunk of the population demanding equal rights and representation. That’s all it is.


Yes, the lgbt movement. Thats how it is always framed, by all sides of the argument? What rights do straight people have that lgbt don't have?


The right to not be murdered in 71 countries for their sexuality or gender identity. The right to not be the focus of hate and crime from nearly half the entire population. Need I go on?


A good percentage of states in the US are basically making it illegal for trans people to *exist in public*. To get healthcare or hormone treatments. To dress in certain clothing. To *parent their children*. States are kidnapping trans kids. This a big enough reason to support pride or do you need more info?


Gay people exist, cry more.


It's unfortunate you have a narrow minded view. I have friends whom are lgtbq ( I term them human) you are full of hate and ignorance and twist everything to hate and an argument, I feel sorry for you. I hope you are able to move past this and help all human beings to achieve acceptance.


If you want hetero content, turn on the TV and watch any prime time TV show. There is probably a hot mom and a dumb dad having zany adventures raising kids. It's fucking everywhere and I'm tired of having it shoved down my throat.


I don't watch news etc. I value human beings for whom they ate. I have friends,family that are of many backgrounds and beliefs. I respect them all unless they are violent or destructive to others. Why would you.judge me in a negative way when you know nothing about me? I was molested by a teacher, I know what it is to be monopolized, abused etc Instead of finding hate, why not recognize qe have been trashed and trying to do the best we can in a cruel world?


My person. I literally rewrote what you said from the opposite viewpoint and you again made it about yourself, again. You're so selfish, this isn’t about you, either get with it or get out the fucking way. You cannot just act like you're above it all and none of this stuff matters, you live in and participate in society. Whether you like it or not you have a role to play in this but that doesn't mean you're the main character. If you think LGBTQ people having the slightest amount of social exposure through media is some sort of afront or is disgusting, then you need to reexamine your own personal sense of self and deal with those insecurities.


You're joking right? Sounds to me like you are against people that participate in Pride. I didn't choose my queerness anymore than you chose your straightness (or ignorance). I suggest you read a book or research what Pride actually is because it's much more than a celebration of "choice" identities being "rammed" down your throat. It's the rejection of shame placed on us by our heteronormative societ. It's spending time with our chosen families because our families aren't accepting or affirming. It's a protest against people that think being 2SLGBTQIA+ is a choice. I could go on and on but again, you need to educate yourself and I think it's safe to say the 2SLGBTQIA+ community is exhausted.


Read my comments on other replies, I don't judge and if that's all you get out of it, I suggest letting go of some of your hate and frustration. I simply said I get tired of hearing about things, same as I would Trump or other topics day after day. I never once said anything against fellow human beings nor any right to voice their cause. If you wish to assume otherwise that's your choice to manipulate and assume. I work with people from all backgrounds and countries, there are no archaic stereotypes or judgements( that belong in the trash)as in a breathe we can be in another situation whether by our own choice or another's. I have lgbtq friends and am happy for them, I refer to my friends as I do with all as human beings trying to do the best they can in a world that can be very cruel and try to make a very small part of our world hopefully better for all. If that sounds like I'm a bad person, please feel free to trash me further, have a great day!


If you down voted this you truly are a single minded destructive individual and feel sorry for you that you find the negative in everything. Quite sad it's you way or the highway..you preach acceptance, but hardly seems the case.




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