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Balkans numbers were off the šŸ“ˆ, so they just left them in the void.




you are joking, but Serbian ruling party is [known](https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/serbian-opposition-accuses-vucic-of-importing-voters-from-republika-srpska/) for importing voters from neighboring countries.


We have a similar thing in Bulgaria with a "pro Turkey/muslim" party that imports voters from Turkey.


Orban gave every hungarian out of Hungary (transylvania, slovakia etc) citizenship + he is giving them a bunch of free shit before elections. Like 99% of them votes for him because of this lol


he gives to Serbians from Vojvodina too


When I went to Greece years ago, a local explained to me how all of European Turkey, "all of Constantinopolis" (not Istanbul), western Anatolia, most of Albania, all of "Republic of Skopje" (Greek term for North Macedonia), and big chunks of Bulgaria were rightful Greek clay. I was a guest in his house so I just mindlessly nodded.


You just didnt visit Armenia lmao, I bet, there this graph would be over 100%


This isn't just down south. If they asked this question in Norway or Finland, only those being wrong would answer "no".


Norway would say no because why would we want Swedish land? there's nothing there of value.


For strategic Ikea purposes.


I know that feeling bro. I had a similar experience in Serbia. Nod mindlessly, and get through the night.


Just keep sipping that slivovitz and eventually someone will break out the accordion


Violin = grilled meat, family, delicious deserts, and somewhat civil discussion Accordion = grilled meat, family, delicious deserts, and war crimes


These have genuine political and cultural reasons, it really stems from generational/cultural trauma. Most of these territories once belonged to Greece (or what Greece once was) until Greeks were forced out or until the land was conquered and colonized. It's less about being crazy colonizers and more about the cultural trauma that comes from colonization. When people say that, they don't actually think that Greece should invade Turkey or anything, just that they lost that part of our culture and how they consider it to be ethically/historically theirs, even if nothing can be done. It's the same logic as to why Cyprus lays claim over the conquered North Cyprus and why Native Americans in the US call the states their stolen land. P.S. Everyone calls Istanbul Constantinople in Greece, because that is genuinely the Greek word for Istanbul, it was never changed, not just that guy haha.


When Greece was part of the Ottoman empire - the Ottomans did a HUGE amount of forced migrations, moving Greeks out of Greece, Turks into Greece, and in general moving people all over the place (I think before that when Greece was part of the Roman empire this went on too but I don't know as much about that part of history) I would think if DNA tests were done on modern Greeks a lot of them would have heritage from elsewhere


The Turkish people came from the steppes of Asia. Most of present day Turkey was Greek Armenian Kurdish and Armenian prior to the Turkish conquest. Prior to then it had been conquered by dozens of other tribes throughout history. The history is one conquest and war until post ww1.


And now, the battle is fought on livestreams from German apartments


This isn't map porn with so many of the juiciest countries missing. How am I supposed to jerk off to this.


The Irish would probably be up there too


Yeah, Austria would also probably be really high with South Tyrol.


And Ireland... šŸ˜¬


Whatā€™s Franceā€™s deal? The Spanish want Gibraltar. Dutch are probably Flanders or Cleves. The rest are obvious to me. But France? Is it Wallonia, Geneva? Itā€™s been hundreds of years since they lost territory they no longer have in Europe. I canā€™t make heads or tails of why their sense of irredentism would be that high.


I'm french, and I can tell you I've got no idea. Never heard anyone say that some territory belongs to us. ​ Some people say that one day Wallonia might join us, but not in a "they belong to us" way, more like "if their deal don't work, well we are close relatives so it would make sense" The only other thing I can think of is really old people that lived in Algeria before independance but had to relocate after (the "pieds noirs"). They were 1 million I think back then, but years have passed, and I'm sure most of them don't think Algeria belongs to us... Well I hope anyway, because that would be concerning


Yeah, the whole irredentism thing often gets blown out of proportion, doesn't it? People like to grasp at historical straws. The Channel Islands are such a minor footnote in French history, at least in everyday consciousness. I've encountered more discussions about cuisine preferences between regions than any serious debate on old borders. With globalization and the EU, the concept of expanding territories seems a bit dated anyway. Like, can you imagine a modern campaign to annex Wallonia? The memes would be epic, though.


>Like, can you imagine a modern campaign to annex Wallonia? Nah, but I didn't think anyone would be trying to annex Ukraine either, yet here we are.




Hot take: it's more like a pentagon (with the corners near Bayonne - Nice - Strasbourg - Dunkirk - Brest)


Do you think that the peak of Mont Blanc should be equally divided by Italy and France or should be entirely French?


It's not divide? Why only us would own it, we are all europeans brothers and sisters ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


France officially claims that the peak of Mont Blanc and a southern side of the mountain are French, while Italy follows the borders decided during the treaties of Italians Independence wars when they give to France the Savoy region and Nice


It's a polemic I learn today, and I officially don't care. I think more than 2/ 3 of the French would say the same.




Extreme unionists from Northern Ireland maybe?


NI unionists account for 0.9% of the UK population. I'd suggest the number of people in the rest of the UK who actually support them would probably be in the order of another percent at best.


Normandy, the historical area of Aquitaine, Nancy, and then Brittany just for laughs. Jk.


I doubt most French people ever think about them, but the Channel Islands are occasionally a sore point.


I'm French. I have never met someone who gives a shit about these islands or thinks that some other country's territory belongs to us. I mean, maybe some fishermen or politicians do but I don't think that's very common.


Do us a favour and ask 3 people and tell us what the deal is please


I sincerely doubt any non-BritNat ever thinks about the Channel Islands in a revanchist context.


As a succesor to the Duchy of Normandy, The Fifth French Republic can lay a legitimate claim to England


This is the reason Macron is the sovereign of Andorra It's 100% legitimate and recognized. Macron is in fact their (co-)sovereign, but France the country technically has no claim


I just presumed they had a Government with a President, and never thought about it. It's a bit different, having a President of a Republic "inherit" the title of Sovereign from a King. Also: "Prior to adoption of the Constitution, Andorra paid in odd-numbered years aĀ tributeĀ of approximately $460 to the French ruler, while on even-numbered years, it paid a tribute of approximately $12 to the Spanish bishop, plus sixĀ hams, six cheeses, and six live chickens." I feel like that's a tradition they should have maintained.


That is actually so funny, imagine writing the deal at the Time: "were gonna give France money and Spain will get assorted foodstuffs and six chickens."


I imagine a Spanish bishop with a hennery in his palace.


They can come and get it if it means I get my European Citizenship back. Vive la France.


As a French, I don't understand the 1/3 here as being anything than a joke, heavy trolling or invented data. I don't think there is any territory that more than 0.1% of the French desire to be in France. At 1/3 of the people for some territorial claim, I kinda expect the far right to at least voice those claims and to regularly hear about it, if only to be shut down. I also expect the neighbor to know about them and to protest about it, and I heard nothing of the sort.




I suspect you may be correct. I live in Connecticut, USA, and a long-running and very popular joke here is "Reclaim the [Notch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southwick,_Massachusetts#Independence)!" Absolutely NO ONE is serious about this. It was a real dispute centuries ago, but today it's just a popular joke. But if you had an online poll -- on reddit, say -- and asked Nutmeggers (people of Connecticut) if they laid claim to any part of any other state, probably a similar proportion (around a third) would bring this up, and anyone who didn't know better might think it was serious. Adding to the joke, Massachusetts claims they need this, as an anchor to prevent them from sliding off into the sea.


Left bank of the Rhine was French from 1795 to 1814 and walloon dudes basically speak french and eat French fries.


I doubt many French are interested in the left bank of the rhine. Wallonia maybe, but the left bank has like next to no value outside of hyper expansionist "natural borders" rhetoric


Frankly lads, if there was a single referendum about "making Wallonia a French territory", I'd vote "no". If there was another option like "Wallonia should be an autonomous state just like Luxemburg, Andorra or Monaco, but as a French speaking nation we should reinforce our mutual cultural links", I'd vote "yes". Belgian fought for their independance, we have not right and no claim over them whatsoever. It would be as silly as annexing French Canada.




You can have Wallonia if you want to and they want to. No need to fight for such thing. But please give back our paintings and tapestries, 230 year is long enough.


Not to say France has a claim over Belgium, but as far as I know they didn't fight France for independence. Belgium, which belonged to the Habsburgs, was annexed by revolutionary France. Then at the Congress of Vienna it was decided that Belgium would become part of the Netherlands. Then a few years later Belgians fought for independence against the Dutch.


French fries are from Belgium


That is demonstrably false. Belgian historians themselves have claimed fries to be french. That doesn't mean the belgians don't make the best fries.


France also wants the top of Mount White entirely to themselves, whereas right now it is shared equally between France and Italy.


ā€œMount Whiteā€? In English we just call it Mont Blanc without translation btw. (Those us who are mountaineers or geeks know that the Italians call it Monte Bianco but in English we use the French.). Perhaps you are Italian though and translated precisely bc you *know* that we use that but didnā€™t want to accede to the French term? ;-)


I think no french cares about that. I think the 33% were thinking about Wallonie. And probably were saying it a bit as a joke


Though itā€™s possible older generations still think Algeria should be french. I doubt it butā€¦ who knows


How many say "No" because they don't believe it's part of the neighboring country in the first place?


Looking at Ukraine right now


I am Ukrainian and Iā€™m yet to hear anyone here to actually claim any part of Russia really belongs to Ukraine. Not even talking about somebody seriously even THINKING to ā€œreturnā€ any of these lands one way or another. Itā€™s a fact that some regions of Belgorod and Kubanā€™ have/had a large percentage of ethnic ukrainians, but most of them were russified. And on top of that it would be ridiculous of Ukraine to lay claims on anything besides 1991 borders, considering itā€™s long history of being opressed. Unlike some of our neighbors (looking at you, Russia and Hungary) we were never interested in redrawing borders after gaining our independence.


good point, i found that the data is from Spring 2019, at that time Russia had annexed Crimea.


80% of Serbs claiming "Kosovo is Serbia" šŸ‘€




Personally I'm interested in Ireland, and also what specific territory the UK thinks they are owed, cause they are really throwing me for a loop.


They want Normandy back šŸ˜‚


Once more unto the breach, innit?


Forget about Normandy, what about Calais?!


The moment the Tories get hold of Calais, they will build a 50 meter high concrete wall around it to keep migrants out. (Ignoring the huge coast line that is as permeable as swiss cheese).


No, we want all of France. Hundred Years War part two!


Las Normandias son Inglesas!


A lot of those responses might be people from Scotland or Wales answering who are actually referring to regions that are parts of England.


A quick and sloppy google search suggested that 50-65 percent of Irish people are in favor of a United Ireland. Now, thatā€™s not necessarily the same sentiment as ā€œthe north belongs to us,ā€ but it is close.


Wow, thatā€™s much lower than Iā€™d thought itā€™d be.


Irish guy here, a lot of Irish people are pragmatic about this, Northern Ireland is a social and economic shit show, a united Ireland would have a huge societal cost for a generation or more along with the risk of reigniting conflict so basically a lot of those no's would like a united Ireland if it came without the headaches.


Not to mention the shit show of having the DUP in the Dail. I mean if it comes down to it, theyā€™ll have every right to be in the Dail but it will be a shit show


As an Englishman getting the DUP out of Westminster is the main reason I support Irish unification


What makes you think itā€™s Ireland we feel weā€™re owed? We havenā€™t had a good go on the mainland in too long. /s


The UK is probably all of Ireland since the question is about neighboring countries. The UK doesn't really have continental claims. That or its people pining for the Empire to return.


I dunno, I haven't met many Brits that want to claim Ireland. Apart from the odd nut job. We get on with the Irish *way* more than the global media likes to make out.


Doesnt help both our cultures involve slagging off each other and ourselves at every opportunity


So true, its all tragic and needs to be left in the dustbin of history. Fishing, racing, culture etc should be main things between Ireland and UK not the madness of the past.


I don't think I've ever met a Brit that thinks the country has a claim on Ireland. I've met a few that are still a bit sore about the IRA bombings and all that, but even those people seem to accept that Ireland is it's own country.


Iā€™d wonder if the number in the U.K. is also related to wales/england/scotland-related things. The words ā€œcountryā€ and ā€œnationalityā€ get pretty confusing in a U.K. context to be fairā€¦.


Hey just cause they lost Normandy in 1204 doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t still claim it!




Queen Eleanor has entered the chat


They only lost Calais in 1558!


This person Crusader Kings


Calais would be nice to have to be fair.


... so we can bulldoze it into the channel. what a shithole


It's difficult to say without access to the people asked how they interpreted it - it might just be the number of people who think Northern Ireland is rightly part of the UK for example. I certainly find it difficult to believe up to a third of the population here want to reconquer the Republic.


But do any significant number of Brits want all of Ireland back? The statistic just seems bizarre.


They would be a few in Northern Ireland (you can interpret the question either way because "us" could mean British or Irish), but I suspect the majority is English people trolling about France. That's actually a sign of how far outside the Overton window revanchism is in the UK; it's literally a joke.


A bit odd so many countries are missing actually.


or Finland/Ireland


Hungary: half half what Hungary: of Europe


That is actually Greece and it is as bad as Hungary. A country that has problem with all its neighbours


Was in the Greek Islands in late 2022, and there was some kerfuffle with Turkiye where some minor diplomat was denied entry, so both sides were doing aggressive military flyovers, and Greece was publicly showing off a bunch of military hardware on one of their islands. I was watching some local politics show....I couldn't understand it but it was like watching Fox News where all the guests were on angry meth....Greek pundits screaming at the TV camera until veins popped out of their heads. Greek nationalism is entertaining


Shame that Ireland isn't in this...




It would be interesting what shade theyā€™d use for ā€œ100%ā€


I came to say this lol. Waste of polling capacity.


Going around the Balkans asking people if parts of neighbouring countries should be theirs seems like a recipe for a few new wars.


They would just deny its part of the other country in the first place.


This map without the Balkans is like decaf coffee.


As well as other continents.


Well, a third of it isā€¦


Sweden's procentage should be higher, but they deducted points for all the people in the survey who said that SkĆ„ne should belong to Denmark. šŸ˜†šŸ‡øšŸ‡ŖšŸ‡©šŸ‡°


We want Finland Back! šŸ˜”


You can have ƅland.


But then there would be no more taxfree booze on the finlandsfƤrjaā€¦


Too many good hockey players on one national team, give North America a chance


But seriously, what lands are those 13% thinking of? Is it really ƅland? I would think that the percentage of Danes, Norwegians and Finns who think that Sweden holds parts of their land must be a lot higher and I'm surprised that any swede could feel the other way around.




Russians ruined it, we donā€™t want it back. At least not with the Russians there.


Now show us the balkans


having known all sorts of varieties of people from the balkans who emigrated, it's almost certainly 100% for every single state there


Somehow Serbia would be over 100% from the republica serpska guys lol


You'd have to rescale where 0% is just wanting land from one other country and 100% is wanting all Europe.




and Prussia back including Kƶnigsberg


Kƶnigsberg now is in such condition, that giving it to DE would be the harshest possible punishment


There is actually some credence to the rumor that the russians wanted to give it back back in 1990. Kohl and the AuƟenministerium declined pretty strait away. They focused on reintegrating east germany - especially the acceptence of France and UK where paramount. They had to dispell the fears that came from a german unification which threatened the balance in the EEC as well as a swift execution of the reunification before the sowjets fell back into some kind of imperialistic outlook. Germany trying to annex even more territory would have been a weird signal. Especially because it made no sense. Russia wanted to get rid of it, because it was a exclave with little economic prowess. And in addition to that, a big part of the cultural landmarks where gone and noone apart from a tiny minority speaks german. https://www.kulturforum.info/de/news-und-tipps/4888-1017046-moskau-hat-deutschland-ostpreussen-rueckgabe-angeboten


Only the Poles would have the balls to deport Russians and integrate the region.


KrĆ”lovec je Česko


Poles in the thread: monkaW


Iā€™d prefer Austria, South Tyrol and the part of Switzerland where the Swiss speak German.


> Iā€™d prefer Austria ā€¦didnā€™t you try that before?


I wonder how many Austrians would vote for Anschluss 2.


Did they? Majority of Austrians welcomed it.


But mom and dad said austria cant come over and play anymore...


My boyfriend is from Strasbourg and Iā€™ll introduce him to Americans as German. He gets so mad, itā€™s hilarious. Doesnā€™t help that his accent actually sounds German and not French One day I met someone from Stuttgart (Germany) and I told him ā€œoh I love that region of France!ā€ And he got equally mad. Iā€™ll never stop lol




She's gonna make a new Austrian painter.




We need to bring that middle kingdom of the Frank Empire back


We are safe as long as the Germans keep it <50%.


And as long as they don't let any small mustached men run for office


That they had to grant citizenship first.


Show the balkan stats pussy


110% for every country


Do you reckon the 23% of Britons are opposed to Irish independence or want bits of France back? Would be so useful to have Calais right now, shame we lost it.


The way its worded could be interpreted as applying to Northern Ireland - i.e. "there's a part of Ireland that's really part of the UK". That's not exactly what's meant, but it could be how it's been understood. Alternatively it might refer to the idea that the likes of the Isle of Man and Channel Islands should have their special (tax haven) statuses ended through integration into the UK, but I'd be surprised if 23% hold that idea.


You can have Calais and your "bits of France" back when your ruling class starts being French again. There is a reason Normandy, Maine and Aquitaine were under a personal union with England : the English monarch was a French noble lmao.


Yeah, really not sure what that 23% would refer too. I can't think of anything that would envoke a response that high. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Probably just people acknowledging that NI is part of the UK?


The UK is really the biggest surprise to me, I have no damn clue what territory they feel was taken from them. Maybe Hong-Kong? That seems like the most logical place that they have a reasonable claim to and do not currently control.


I'm pretty sure that 23% is mostly non-serious and pisstaking answers to the survey that have been treated as serious by the researchers


China is not a neighbouring country of the UK. It's English people trolling about France. Revanchism is so far outside the Overton window in the UK that it's literally a joke.


ā€¦itā€™s literally one of the lowest scoring countries on there.


Maybe they just really want Newfoundland and Labrador back


Why stop at Calais? The rest of Normandy, Anjou, Brittany, Poitou, and Aquitaine by rights should belong to the English crown.


For about 16 years the English occupied Paris in 1420.


Itā€™s strange Ireland isnā€™t in this. Far more people in the Republic think Northern Ireland, currently part of U.K., should be in an all-Ireland state, than people in Britain want parts of other countries.


i dont think we wanna start that again ![gif](giphy|xT5LMPj8P20jjOqZ5C)


Hungary still mad about Trianon


Orban just built this fascinating memorial right in front of the Hungarian parliament. Itā€™s a pathway that descends towards and eternal flame and the name of every settlement listed as Hungarian in like the 1913 census is carved into the walls. Itā€™s officially called the Monument of National Solidarity, and clearly takes inspiration from the Vietnam War Memorial and the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. Hereā€™s an academic piece about it: [The Trianon Ramp and the Obstinate Memory of a Magyar Greater Hungary](https://www.cultures-of-history.uni-jena.de/politics/the-trianon-ramp-and-the-obstinate-memory-of-a-magyar-greater-hungary). [This has some good pictures](https://lovefromhungary.com/another-controversial-memorial-in-budapest-monument-of-national-solidarity/). I expected to hate itā€”one piece described it as a ā€œnational trenchā€ and another described it as grim view of Hungarian history because it was a ā€œpath to nowhereā€. And I see why critics felt like that. But I also kept thinking of the prospect of my Hungarian friend born in Cluj, Romanian, a descendants of the roughly 1/3 of all ethnic Hungarians left outside the border of the Hungarian state by the Treaty of Trianon. And to me it felt less like ā€œTrianon was a lie, we must destroy Romanian and Slovakia and probably Serbia tooā€ and more like, ā€œYou all have a place here. This is a state for all of us.ā€ I noticed all these names of towns where there used to be Jews before the war (a lot of Hasidic sects are named after Hungarian towns, Munkatch know as Munkacs in Hungarian, now Mukachevo, Ukraine; Satmar from SzatmĆ”rnĆ©meti in Hungarian now Satu Mare, Romanian) and I felt something. It was the nicest possible ā€œfuck the treaty of Trianonā€ memorial I could imagine. Of course, thereā€™s widespread speculation that Orban chose this location on a street that leads directly to the parliament as an obstruction to make it harder for protestors to march, congregate, and protest. And there are all sorts of legitimate criticisms about how they settled on this particular list of ā€œHungarianā€ towns to memorialize (I believe it includes the capitals of at least two other countries). So I donā€™t want to overly praise it. Itā€™s just fascinating because there was nothing there to explain it to non-Hungarians. I walked right passed it without understanding what it was for. It wasnā€™t for us. The memorial doesnā€™t even have a Wikipedia page. Forgive the long post, Iā€™ve just wanted to talk about it since I understood. Itā€™s not as clumsy a memorial as Iā€™d expected from Orban, though my expectations were very very very low. Very low.


I never fully understood that memorial and quite frankly I didn't realize it was a memorial. At first I thought it was some artsy design to go to an underground parking garage.


im Hungarian and i don't care about trianon, it happened more than 100 years ago. We will never get those lands back so we gotta just accept it


That's what happen when you divide a country by more than half, a large part of Romania still has an Hungarian majority.


transilvania is balkanized there is no good way to divide it


We can just draw arbitrary borders full of exclaves and enclaves, then shuffle people around as needed. Just look how well it worked for ~~Israel and Palestine~~, I mean ~~India and Pakistan~~, I mean ~~Armenia and Azerbaijan~~, I mean-


Bot repost: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/t5ladv/where\_europeans\_lay\_claim\_to\_their\_neighboring/


cries in south tyrol


I said "South Tyrol" to an Italian dude once and got a really icy glare for using that term


Thatā€™s weird because ā€œSudtirolā€ is commonly used in Italy, thereā€™s even the term ā€œsudtiroleseā€. That guy is an outlier


I am italian. Personally I always try to use sĆ¼dtirol because itā€™s the word people there use, and because I respect their culture and language differences are cool, I donā€™t support what happened with mussolini and Italian. Weird guy reacting like that


no worries, just a weirdo it is officially called SĆ¼dtirol/Alto Adige since it has 2 languages


Wanna come back bro? I wouldnt mind


\*immediately checks Germany\*


I don't know where they found 33% of French people who said "yes" seriously. There are people who joke that Belgium should be department 96 but it's only a joke.


Channel Islands, but I doubt 33% of French people even remember they exist


I think that the 15% who know they exist also don't care


Tf does Lithuania want?


Belarus and Kaliningrad (Lithuania minor)


Highly experienced move: omitting Balkans from this map. A man of wisdom, indeed.


There's this very thick border between The Netherlands and France masquerading as a country..


This has got to be the best description of Belgium I've ever heard. I'm sure the Dutch will accept a demilitarized (and de-opera-ed) Flanders.


Gib Zeeuws-vlaanderen back!


Gib Vlaanderen back!


Doh! stupid Flanders!


Pew Research should have had the courage to get data in the Balkans where the idea of a Greater Serbia which Serbs instigated wars for is still very much alive and well.


Yeah unlike Albanians where their political leaders openly call for Greater Albania.


The Danish werenā€™t asked because they know we want Norway, Iceland, Scania, and Schleswig-Holstein back.


Also never forgive, never forget Hans Island


36% of Italians went SPQR


Austria told Hungary ā€œget in loser, weā€™re gonna go have funā€. Fast forward and all the land taken from ā€œthe empireā€ was Hungarian land yet Austria is still chilling even after being on the wrong side a second time since then.


we portuguese also lay claims to a town in spain, that should be portuguese called olivenƧa


The usual suspects, I seeā€¦


Finland should want back karjala! Would make nice new national park...


Italy: Europe? Don't you mean ROMAN EMPIRE???


I know why Portugal isn't there.... We want the whole peninsula!!šŸ‘‘




Ireland being left out lol.


Funny how they didnt include the balkans as it would just be 100% across the board šŸ˜‚