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The Tapatio/Cholula wars continue across the west


Valentina underrated apparently


Valentina making big gains. This map will look different in a few years


Find it hard to believe that it's not more popular currently. This map is only representative of people who shop on Instacart, so I'd say that's probably a very small sector of the general population and probably skewed demographically.


For example, I've never used Instacart, but we have Cholula (original flavor) and Tabasco (chipotle) in the house presently. I prefer Cholula between the two, and am now wondering if Valentina is available in the Midwest.


Valentina is definitely available in the Midwest. They sell it in giant liter bottles and the black label is probably the best.


Black label is where it's at. And it's like four bucks for a liter.


I recently tried my first bottle, and it’s too vinegary for me. But I’d rather have it than some of the others on here. As a westerner, I definitely support the ‘Cholula’ faction.


Cholula Ingredients: Water, Peppers (Arbol and Piquin), Salt, Vinegar, Garlic Powder, Spices and Xanthan Gum. Valentina Ingredients: water, chili peppers, vinegar, salt, spices and sodium benzoate So I guess you have a point, Cholula has more salt than vinegar, Val's is the opposite. I like the black label Valentina the best. And the big bottle is like $3.


Black label Valentina is easily the best for Mexican food. Anyone who suggests otherwise is objectively wrong. I will die on this hill.


I found Valentina and I have not used anything else except when there was a major shortage and I couldn't get it at the grocery store.


Valentina hot sauce is best hot sauce.


Valentina is tops


Best Mexican hot sauce with seafood. Takes shrimp to another level imho.




Cholula chipotle slaps.


I see your cholula chipotle and raise you a Cholula *chili garlic*.


I can drink that shit straight out of the bottle


Cholula mango habanero tho 🤌


I prefer Tapatio to Cholula by a slim margin but can't deny their chipotle is the shit.


I think Tapatio is hotter, but cholula taste a little better. So I use them for different foods. We usually have Tapatio, Cholula and Texas Pete on hand. Although right now we're out of all of them.


They’re both pretty great.


Depending on what I'm eating, I'll prefer Tapatio or Cholula. Both are really good.


Team Tapatio here.


Cholula gang or don't bang


funny that louisiana eats tabasco and everyone around it eats louisiana


Tbf, Tabasco is from Louisiana…and may be their most famous export. A lot of Tabasco pride.


So is Crystal (and Trappey’s and LA hot sauce).


Crystal all the way. Cayenne over Tabasco chilies all day.


I've turned so many people onto Crystal. It's the better sauce compared to Tabasco.


Crystal is huge in Saudi Arabia , bunch of Louisiana oil workers brought it over


The green Tabasco is amazing. I put it on sandwiches and shit.


Chipotle tobasco is my fave. It's perfect on breakfast tacos.


Undefeated combination


Green > Red Tabasco all day long


Thing is, Tabasco has variety. Crystal doesn’t really. The Tabasco garlic hot sauce is awesome on pizza. Their Jalapeño, chipotle and habanero sauces are great with Mexican foods (as well as barbecue and a lot of other things). The Scorpion is just… woah… it’s hot. Crystal has an arguably better flavor (though I like their new “extra hot” version better) than Tabasco. It’s great to just straight up dump on beans or fried foods. But Tabasco is excellent on oysters, and I find it doesn’t change the flavor of certain foods as much as Crystal (example: if you’re proud of your gumbo, use straight cayenne; if you’re a little shaky on it, use Tabasco; if you think it’s not that good, use Crystal). ETA: the Tobasco tour is worth the trip. You get an appreciation for the operation and craftsmanship when you visit.


The better hot sauce.


Ain't putting nothin but Crystal on my red beans


For all you non SE Lous'ians, this is the most authentic response you gon get.


Crystals is so much better for cooking it isn't even close.


By far the superior hot sauce


Crystal+butter=best hot wings sauce


I always put it in my jambalaya before I cook the rice so it can get that nice crystal flavor without the heat


Crystal makes a wing sauce. It's good.


I did study abroad with a McIlhenny and she carried little bottles of Tabasco across Europe and put it on almost everything.


And how Texas doesn't like Texas Pete, but the Carolinas do lol


Texas Pete is actually from North Carolina. It was almost called Mexico Joe originally


Omg, I thought Texas Pete was a goofy name. It's got nothing on Mexico Joe, that's wack


For real, now Mexico Jose, maybe that could work


Tejas Pedro


Damn 😂 I came in here to say that lol I used to work in a Mexican joint and that's what we called it lol.


[A guy from California](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2023/10/06/garner-case-texas-pete-trademark#:~:text=06%2C%202023-,T.W.,28) sued Texas Pete saying it was deceptive marketing being it wasn’t made in Texas.


Way tamer than the time some cowboys found out the salsa they were being served was made in New York City.


*New York City!?*


Get a rope!


If you think that's offensive, wait until you find out it _used to_ be made in New Jersey instead.


Hopefully that guy doesn't drink Arizona ice tea


His name wouldn’t be Texas Pete if he was in Texas. It would just be Pete


Texas Pete is made in North Carolina.


Reminds me of: There was Dallas, from Phoenix; Cleveland - he was from Detroit; and Tex... well, I don't remember where Tex come from


Australians don’t drink fosters.


Lmao well, now it makes sense that they like it so much


texas pete is freaking delicious, i'm in GA. i had no idea it was the most popular here, but not surprising. but growing up, tabasco was by far the ONLY hot sauce i ever saw at home, or at a restaurant. like every waffle house had tabasco. my grandpa put tabasco on everything. texas pete kinda came outa nowhere in the late 90s i think?




It's apparently not from Texas, was made in Carolinas lol. So it all makes sense to me now


Grew up in the Carolinas and I had no idea Texas Pete wasn’t national. It isn’t my favorite hot sauce or the most flavorful, but it’s kind of the default hot sauce here. Relatively neutral flavor, just adds mild heat.




And i freaking love it. What a rich history.


Especially when Louisiana Crystal is so much better than both


Crystal is absolutely the best widely available Louisiana style hot sauce.


They do different things! Crystal goes on chicken, Tabasco goes on eggs and potatoes, Louisiana goes on seafood


But they all three go on greens.


It is the best absolutely. Tobasco is mid, and Louisiana has a weird olive flavor that doesn't do anything for me. If I was only allowed to own 1 hot sauce it would by Crystal.


Why stop at Louisiana style.


South Mississippi here. The others are good but crystal is the favorite.


Having lived in Louisiana for years, you see way more Crystal at restaurants than anything else. I've never seen anybody put Tabasco sauce in their gumbo or jambalaya. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. A lot of people in Louisiana like their gumbo with potato salad instead of rice. But Crystal is King in Louisiana. I don't care what instacart says. I've seen it first hand.


100% agree with this. Crystals and Louisiana are on most tables and most (including me) love Crystals


Facts. As a New Orleans head, Maryland knows what’s up


Louisiana brand is just Crystal with too much salt. Any real LA keeps Crystal and Tabasco on the table.


I've lived in Oregon for 30 years, eat lots of hot sauces.... NEVER heard of sky valley.....


It's because of the instacart filter effect. Nobody orders hot sauce delivery. We all know the most popular is actually Secret Aardvark


Secret Aardvark is really good. I got some for Christmas having never heard of it but it tastes like pure habanero. 10/10


Yup, definitely aardvark!


Born and raised in the pnw and also never heard of or seen sky valley. Tapatio and huy fong for the win!


Yeah was gonna say. Is this another case of Washington and Oregon being lumped together and thus our contribution being statistically irrelevant because of there's more people in WA? Secret Aardvark is terrific.


I've lived in Washington my whole life and have never heard of it.


Lived 50 years split between Washington and Oregon, big towns, tiny towns, mid sized towns, never heard of Sky Valley.


Professional Washingtonian here. Never heard of Sky Valley. Though I've never heard of Aardvark either or most of the rest on the list.




All right that makes way more sense now. I was going to comment that Washington oughta be sriracha all the way (honorable mention to Tapatio), not knowing Sky Valley is exactly that. … that being said, no way is Sky Valley more popular than the OG rooster.




Yeah that’ll do it no question. Also I didn’t even realize there were supply issues with Huy Fong until I read your other comments. Wild!


The OG rooster sauce has dropped in quality in recent years. They tried to screw over their pepper supplier & it backfired big time.


Look up Underwood’s Farms on Amazon. It’s Huy Fong’s OG red jalapeño grower selling his own which reminds me of the good Huy Fong from years ago. He sued Huy Fong for breach of contract (led to the recent shortage). It’s good!


The original Sriracha was not on sale in stores for much of the last year (ingredient shortage). So people likely went for this alternative.


Oregon makes my favorite brand. Secret Aardvark.


Washington checking in.  Same.


Been in Washington for 10 years and am a hot sauce head, never heard of it either.


Raised on Washington and love hot sauce. Never heard of Sky Valley


I was born and raised in Washington and have lived in Oregon for the better part of a decade now. This is the first time I've heard of "Sky Valley" hot sauce.


I live in WA and was thinking the same...I Googled it and I have never seen the bottle or logo in my life.


Yeah it’s aardvark, idc who made this but it is not right. I mean it’s made in the PNW backyard fuck instacart


Oregon here - I eat a lot of hot sauces… Sky Valley? Never even heard of it - maybe it’s a Walmart thing? The Sri Racha (a province/changwat in Thailand) is big here, with Huy Fong being the most usually seen or used at restaurants. Their rooster sauce is made in the US… IIRC was (maybe is) jalapeño based. The original Thai version is slightly different, a little sweeter and can be found sitting on your table in country on 105F days. Key point: the pronunciation is Sree-Racha… not suurAcha. As a retired grunt who has saved a lot of field rations with hot sauce - Tabasco was the first (more so once they added it to the MREs. I need to try Chrystal. Love Pete’s and Tapatio. The wife is (gasp) a die hard Chulula user. In that hideous Chipotle variant. Try Bufalo from Mexico… thank me later.


Man the Sriracha hype train must’ve hit a wall.


What 3 years of shortages does to a mfer.


What a short sighted greedy owner does to a brand! The worst part is, Huy Fong foods could go back to their original pepper supplier (Underwood Ranches) with hat in hand and a large check and this pepper “shortage” would be over, Sriracha sauce would be on shelves but greed and pride have prevented this.


Not really. They launched their own Sriracha now. OX Brand. It’s number 1 in Wyoming, apparently,


thats what i was thinking. these are 2023 numbers, huy fong has had a shortage for like 2 or 3 years now. waaaay more people would be ordering sriracha if it was available


> In June 2022, Huy Fong Foods temporarily halted the production of the chili sauce. This decision was prompted by a severe shortage of chili peppers caused by a drought in Mexico that affected the quality of the peppers.[29][30] While production soon resumed in the fall, the company soon declared another “unprecedented inventory shortage” in April 2023, offering no estimate as to when this shortage might be resolved.[31] An August 2023 CNBC special program claims that the shortage was caused by Huy Fong switching pepper suppliers, as Underwood still has production capacity (land, irrigation, processing) for the needed peppers. There is only a shortage because of greed, Huy Fong could go back to Underwood who hasn’t suffered the same drought and harvest issues that Huy Fong’s Mexican suppliers have. In 2019 Huy Fong was selling over a billion dollars a year in sauce, by 2022 the revenue was down to around $150m.


It's actually a pretty insane story in generational case law. The original owner had a handshake deal with Underwood Ranches that they printed money for decades. The son-in-law of the original Huy Fong Foods owner thought he could get more money by outsourcing away from Underwood but by generational precedent Underwood got awarded all of it and the dude squandered Huy Fong. There's a SHITLOAD more that goes into it but wild story for the rest of us that like Sriracha. Good news is that there are a ton of great equivalents for sriracha if you know a good store by you


I haven’t found one that tastes even remotely the same 🫤


Just to add to your comment, I'm surprised no one has posted this [video yet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYdU1X2p2ro) from CNBC. It explains what happened pretty clearly to anyone interested.


The supply is gone in most places.


We can still get some really generic stuff but Huy Fong is a thing of the past. I've heard they had a dispute with their main supplier, the supplier sued them and won. Now nobody can keep up with demand for that pepper and the original distributor that can keep up won't do business with them. Pepper politics..




What’s worse, is that Underwood Ranches (Huy Fong OG supplier) still has the harvest/production to meet Huy Fong’s needs but Huy Fong is reportedly unwilling to cross that bridge and as a result the company is only worth like 10% of its 2019 value.


Sriracha was alright. A Chinese colleague introduced me to [Laoganma Fry Chili in Oil Sauce](https://www.ihomehouseware.com/product-page/laoganma-fry-chili-in-oil-sauce-730g-1pc-1pc-sauce-dish-1pc-tea-spoon-%E8%80%81%E5%B9%B2%E5%A6%88%E6%B2%B9%E8%BE%A3%E6%A4%92) and my spicy addition for Asian food has changed. It's not very hot (and it could stand to have a bit more heat) but it is deeply flavorful. You can usually pick it up at Asian grocers. It's really good.


LaoGanMa is lovely. There's like 50 different types.


How come Iowa still gets Huy Fong? What’s their secret?


Built different 😤


Maybe small markets? I couldn’t find it in Toronto outside of a Chinese grocery store but it’s in a small town No Frills west of Ottawa. So weird.


The key word here is ‘uniquely’ popular. My guess is that sriracha is the most popular hot sauce across most of the US and so it isn’t ‘unique’ enough to show up anywhere


South Dakota is so white their top hot sauce is HEINZ Say there fella please pass that SPICY HOT HEINZ


I had to tell my wife the other day that “sour cream” isn’t a spice


An insult from Bob's Burger's: You are so boring. If you were a spice, you would be flour!


If you were a book you’d be 2 books


My boyfriend commented that the maple syrup I used for our coffees the other morning “gives it a kick” and I haven’t let him live it down


and north dakota sounds like the only hot sauce available is from the only mexican restaurant in the whole state.




oh shit, are you from ND? tell me more about this mexican village stuff.


bro it's totally fair that you'd clown on ND when it comes to hot sauce but mexican village sauce and village sauce are fucking fantastic. you can only really find it in ND and MN and it has to be refrigerated because it's made fresh, but it's easily the best salsa roja i've had in the USA. extremly fresh and bright tasting, with just the perfect spiciness and fruitiness. looks like this https://www.target.com/p/village-mild-salsa-15oz/-/A-47109300


Fargo probably the only place big enough to have door dash so that may skew it a bit too.


I grew up in South Dakota (and all my family is still there; my family owned a steakhouse there for three generations, 1947-2017) and they consider Heinz 57 to be a steak sauce, not a hot sauce. Unless this is referring to something else? The most popular hot sauce there is easily Tabasco, I would think.


I wish we had the details, they do make a spicy version of Heinz 57, but Heinz Chili sauce has been around much longer. They also make taco sauce and hot sauce but I don't think it's very common anywhere


I've lived there before. you wouldn't be amazed at how many people think ranch is spicy. fuckin loons up there.


Heinz is "Fucking Embarrassing" for them ![gif](giphy|vNNsw7IsdQfowDotga)


To be fair, Heinz has a tonne of sauces https://www.amazon.co.uk/Heinz-Firecracker-Sauce-875ml/dp/B00HWFDDJQ


Heinz isn’t just a ketchup company, and they make a pretty bangin’ hot sauce. Hot 57 is a real treat if you can find it.


WTF is Nanita’s Finest?


Or Sky Valley?! Never heard of it, never seen it. Edit: and Secret Aardvark is apparently still secret


I've lived in Colorado my whole life and I don't know what that is. This is a lie. 9/10 restaurants will have Cholula or Tabasco.


Bad salsa from Fort Collins pretending to be New Mexican style chile when it's actually Den-Mex style "chili". It's not hot sauce. Here's a good intro writeup: https://www.westword.com/restaurants/the-green-chile-variations-from-mexico-to-denver-8088289 Long story short, a lady from Walsenberg, CO moved to Denver and made Denver style "Green Chili". It was probably influenced by the fact that that part of town was Italian+Mexican so the flavors are way different than New Mexican style which get almost all their flavor from the chile itself.


Ugh, my husband accidentally bought this it’s in the cupboard. Where is EL YUCATECO on this list??


The habanero one is great


Born and raised in CO. I see it on the shelves. Its **NOT EVEN HOT SAUCE.** It's bottled Green Chile, and a pretty bad one at that. And I sure as hell have never seen it in anyone house. This map is a joke. My favorite hot sauce is anything by Burns and McCoy,


Yeah, not hot sauce. I don't even think I've seen people eating that. I'd say about every restaurant in Denver has a bottle of Cholula, so I'd probably go with that, although I'm a filthy Franks kinda guy


Yeah man, CO resident here, never seen or heard of it.


It's the green chile in most grocery stores with the yellow label. Not a hot sauce


Arizona gets it


Valentina gang rise up


You get an upvote! You get an upvote! Everyone gets a Valentina upvote!


I'm a Californian who grew up in LA on Tapatio and Sriracha. I still love our hometown hot sauces, but my wife (from another part of the southwest) put me on Valentina and man it is so good. As far as Mexican-style hot sauces, I will admit that I think it is the best one.


I find Valentina to be a little too sweet for my liking on most things but the foods that pair well with it pair way better than anything Tapatio does imo


Get the black label valentina, not the yellow label.


Omg, I could drink Valentina straight


100% best casual Mexican hot sauce by far


Oh my god yes


Arizona loves their Valentina no joke


The most commonly delivered hot sauce by Instacart does not equal the most popular hot sauce in an area. Take WV for example - we just aren't using Instacart (or similar services) as much as places with greater population density.


Yeah, definitely some biased data. This is a way I've often seen on /r/dataisbeautiful where companies are just trying to get their names out there by providing data visualizations like this with their own proprietary view that is probably not all that accurate.


I'm in Kansas City and while Spanish Gardens is in no way a hot sauce (as far as I know it's just taco sauce) it is ridiculously delicious to me.


Texas Pete hot sauce is from NC


We do love our vinegar based sauces. I’m really not someone that loves hot sauce but Texas Pete goes on everything for me


Yucateco belongs here


I, too was outraged not to see it anywhere. Oh well, more for us.


Yeah it does, love it since it isn’t as vinegar based as the others!


Yucateco will never be the most popular. But I’ll always enjoy it.


Most of the flavors are not available in the states, or at least they didn’t used to be. I always had to buy mine in Mexico and bring it back.


We need more love for Tabasco. It’s my favorite🥺


New Mexico's is a local brand, as it absolutely should be, so I'm inclined to believe this.


Yeah, NM’s is basically a representation of the fact that they buy local hot sauces because no state does better by chilies. And I say that as someone from New Orleans. Give me NM local hot sauces any day


I’m kind of surprised Sadie’s didn’t beat out Monroe’s for store bought product.


Monroe's is great, but it's not even the same thing as most of those others. It's a line of salsas and enchilada sauces, and found mostly in the albuquerque area. People don't use monroes like they do cholula or tapatio. They're eating it with chips or making dishes with it. It's not a garnish.


They sell a red chile sauce, but its not really a "hot sauce". Or maybe they mean salsa? Another r/MapPorn shit post.




Hot sauce has such varied uses so it’s hard to apply here. Tacos? Tapatio. Stir fry? Sriracha. Chicken and beans? Tabasco. Am I the only one that alters my hot sauce based on the food like that?


I’ve lived most of my life in the Pac NW (44 years) and I enjoy hot sauce (Cholula chipotle is my fave) and I’ve never seen or even heard of Sky Valley. Do I have my head in the sand?


Y’all need to discover Marie Sharp’s




I came here for the Marie Sharp’s love. Belize’s finest export! There’s a boutique hot sauce store in Vancouver, BC, and they recommend MS as the single best quality hot sauce available. The secret ingredient is the carrots.


Florida? Is that crystal meth?


Call me Arizona cause I'm all about that Valentina!


Valentina and Cholula are the best for mexican food, IMO. I'll use either, but at home I tend to use Cholula on eggs/breakfast items and Valentina on tacos/burritos/etc. I grew up in AZ, so I guess this checks out. Maybe these are fighting words, but I find Tapatio to be boring, same with Tabasco. Sure it adds spice, but I just don't get any other flavors out of it.


We're really the only Sriracha winner? That's wild to me. Anyway, if you're in Iowa or anywhere else in Hy-Vee's footprint, get you some Lola's and thank me later.


Lola's ghost pepper on eggs is a breakfast fucking treat! Plus low carb and low sodium.


TIL people use Frank's as a hot sauce. I thought it was pretty much just for buffalo wings.


Their motto is literally “I put that shit on everything”


It’s pretty standard table hot sauce. Probably the most common in NY, followed by Tobasco, followed by Chlolula Occasionally might see Crystal or Texas Pete, but not often.


My mom and I always put it on tacos and nachos.


I put it in Kraft Mac N' Cheese. I frankly can't eat it plain anymore, I love the flavor. I generally buy the Frank's Hot Buffalo though.


From the franks region - the only hot sauces I ever see at peoples homes are franks and tabasco


Born and raised Coloradan about to turn 34 here, hhhhwhat in Sam Hill is Nanita’s Finest?


Texas Pete is still the OG. Good on everything.


As a Marylander I’ve never heard of crystal hot sauce.


Cholula is the only right answer


Green Cholula*


Where’s my Valentina homies


we need to do something about south Dakota. Wtf are they doing over there?!


Colorado native here. I eat every hot sauce I can find on everything from eggs to dessert. I've never had Nanita's Finest. Have never seen it here and a quick look through websites from my five regular markets shows no Natita's anywhere.