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Definite story to be told about Switzerland! They have referendums for everything, how were over 50% voting against it every time?


Im not sure if you’re ironic or not but those referendum were only male voters, so…


Last canton allowed women to vote in 1991. Most of them were before that.


Switzerland? Explain yourself


They put women’s suffrage to a vote in a 1959 federal referendum and it was rejected by a 2/3 majority (with just men voting obviously). Over the 1960s it became more and more embarrassing internationally (for example when Switzerland wanted to join the European Convention on Human Rights), and multiple cantons began introducing women’s suffrage for various local elections. In a second referendum in 1971 a 2/3 majority approved the introduction of women’s suffrage for federal elections. All major parties and the government actively supported it during the run up to the vote. Finally in 1990 the Swiss federal court declared Appenzell Innerrhoden’s continued exclusive male suffrage at the canton level as unconstitutional.


Most cantons allowed it before that (although not very early either) but the last canton to do so was in 1991.


Grievance studies types ran out of things to b*tch about and found some meaningless archaic outlier.


For many places, this is also the year of autonomy or independence or the year the men too really got the right to vote.


In the case of Italy it was the referendum Republic vs Monarchy.


Portugal was under a dictatorship until 1976 which is why the women didn't have rights until then because neither did the men.


Albania, the beacon of progress in the Balkans.


Sorry for hijacking top comment. this is a popular repost by a b.o.t.: https://redd.it/oopa6k. You can spot them because they usually have 2 words in their names, about a year old or less, started posting in the last 24 hours, and repost one of the top of all time posts. You can report them by report -> spam -> harmful b.o.t.


Well the reason for that is simple : 1. Hungary was a dictatorship after WW1, they had a brief period of democracy in 1918 which ended quickly. 2. Romania & Greece were a typical 19th century "democracy" akin to France. Nationalist, authoritarian and patriachal. 3. And the rest of the Balkans were a single country, Greater Serbia, also called Yugoslavia. Though at that time it was greater Serbia whose democracy barely existed in practice and at other times didn\`t even exist in theory. So no reason to give women the right to vote. Losing WW1 or being given independence post WW1 allowed countries to massively restructure themselves which is why they were typically more progressive. I.e. Germany, Turkey, Russia ( yes it did lose WW1 early in 1917 ) and Austria in particular. Whereas winning WW1 allowed countries to keep their very nationalistic and conservative society. France really only got women the right to vote after losing WW2 same with Italy. Britain is the outlier because they had the suffragetes movement ( they didn\`t exist outside USA and UK ) which did push heavily for women\`s right even with violence and it wasn\`t a good look when the British authorities violently cracked down on women at the time. And Switzerland, which traditionally was a neutral, prosperous, agrarian, direct democracy and ultra conservative country it\`s hardly a surprise it took so long.


>y Romania and Greece were not patriarchal by any means, they were just going for the general opinion that the men that are forced to fight the wars also get to vote.


The Suffragettes in Ireland tended to cross into Irish nationalism and independence as both issues were running in parallel. "Until the women of Ireland are free, the men will not achieve emancipation." [Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanna_Sheehy-Skeffington) (Suffragette and Irish nationalist)


Why do you say Yougoslavia was greater serbia? Tito was croatian.


Because the Yugoslavia you think of existed AFTER WW2 ( after 1945 ) and was the second Yugoslavia. ( And even that Yugoslavia fell apart after Tito\`s death because Serbia wanted once again to assert dominance over the other south slavs ). The first Yugoslavia, which I was talking about, was founded by Serbia after annexing almost all Balkan countries after WW1 and was firmly dominated by Serbia.




I guess that’s why Switzerland is that good as it is


Russia is more progressive


Well, because socialism, it is not only scary, but also benefits, for example, my grandparents even got housing as soon as they got married, and when they started having children, they were given apartments with a larger area. My grandfather is from a village in western Ukraine near the border with Poland, and my grandmother is from an orphanage, and comes from the Far East and they did not have the opportunity to buy a house for themselves because they studied construction at a vocational school where they met.


>Well, because socialism U know that reform 1917 is reform of provisional government? Before socialists and start of civil war


Okay, now look who the heads of the provisional government in Russia were in 1917. Aren 't they socialists and left-liberals? it is clear that the Bolsheviks came more, but this does not mean that they secured the right to be the only socialists.


> who the heads of the provisional government in Russia were in 1917 Firstly Georgy Lvov from liberal party(Progressive party). But most people know only Kerensky




So progressive they are back to dictatorship now


This is a personal opinion. The current dictatorship suits me quite well.


#For 99%+ of human history neither women NOR 99%+ OF MEN could vote. In some countries there was a 10-15 years delay between men and women getting such rights, in many countries not even that. #For 99.99% of human history men were sent to war against their will, while women were not. Oh, and that's still the case TODAY. And if you say "oh, but Israel is an exception", tell me how many of those 100+ killed Israeli soldiers were women. The grievance studies nonsense levels in this sub are getting ubearable.


Not true 1938 - Romania 1918 - Moldova(If Im not Mistaken)


It is 1939 for Romania. The date is not ok, it was in 1938 when women got the right to vote. Well technically, as that was during the dictatorship of Carol II. In 1939 it was only the "election" for this rubber stamp parliament. Anyway, in 1926 women literate women got the right to vote in local elections.


Is that not what Im saying? 1938 - First Constitution and electoral law that gave women the right to vote equally to a man in National Elections


Ah, ok. I thought you wanted to say that on the map is 1938. I thought you misread the number


Just because you are a proper feminist doesn't mean you can monopolize use of the word suffrage.


The only thing that soviet socialism/communism did right.




Sorry, the view was obscured by a gigantic pile of dead bodies.


Why should I believe in western propaganda, when I can see all the "benefits" of soviet legacy with my own eyes? Besides, noone can rival soviets when it comes to brainwashing people with fake narratives, lul.


It's worth noting in Switzerland voting was tied to military service.


It wasn't!


My dad was a teenager when women couldn't vote in Europe. Crazy stuff


Your dad is really old


Yeah he might die soon. What's that gonna be like


No, Switzerland, just, *n o*


It wasn't all of Switzerland btw. Women sufrage came late in Switzerlan in 1971 (at the federal level) but cantons had the right to decide how it was on their land. The last canton to allow it did it in 1991. That's why there's two dates. Still 1971 is super late too.


Such a cruel world. We should end women’s suffrage once and for all!


My grandmother couldn't vote for nearly half of her life. Just shameful.


Dang considering most of these coincide around the same time as the world wars. Who do you think will gain the right to vote after WW3?