• By -


Yesssssssss, Number One ITALIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬


Numeri Unoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!Daje!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!!


Sempre al top ovviamente


I don't know that Italian's have a new flag :D




Forza Italia




I thought it would be Spain tbh... because you know... Carlos


Car loss


Top busy doing siesta


Happy for u👍


Come to italy, your car is already waiting


But why?


It’s always a combination of things. Near eastern ports, older cars that are easy to steal, organized crimes in the south of Italy, large population of recent immigrants/refugees that struggle to make a living, and also the fiat panda. A sexy 4x4 car I would even steal.


Now I understand why so many Mercedes cars in Albany.


It’s an Albany expression


Quick ferry Hop to Albania, mau I guess?!


Weird how you got a bunch of sociopolitical answers but nobody mentioned that Italy simply has One of the highest rates of car ownership in the world. Highest in Europe behind the micronations and Finland (who is also unusually high in this map despite being a very secure country) More cars = more stolen cars




Because napoli


grand theft auto online EU


Do they play GTA less in Denmark?!


We only steal bikes in Denmark, but we're quite serious about it


In Denmark everyone drives a bike. Even the streets are mostly made for bikes, cars are unusual


What happens in Swedden?


Sweden has gang and immigration issues.


More like organized crime from the Baltics who arrive with a shopping list and return with the goods on the next day ferry. You can get great prices for BMW upgrades over there ;-)




https://carup.se/experten-rasar-tullen-maste-fa-ratt-att-stoppa-stoldligorna/ *"According to the report, the thefts are part of sophisticated and well-organized crime, often pure commission jobs. The stolen cars are often transported out of the country via truck transport, in front of customs who have no authority to intervene. The high percentage of stolen cars that are taken abroad is, according to Trygg-Hansa, largely due to the fact that it is not part of the Swedish Customs Administration's mission to look for stolen goods that are about to leave Sweden.* *Between 70 and 90 percent of the stolen cars and spare parts are taken abroad by international theft gangs, according to a report from the Security Commission."*


Erhm maybe they should start checking ???


What the fuck does the Swedish customs administration even do then?


Stop people buying cheap alcohol from other EU countries mostly


Well I’ve never claimed it’s not happening anymore. It’s just that the very same fellas who were into this illegal business have told me themselves that almost nobody does it anymore because it has become way riskier. So I very much doubt that Baltic gangs are what contributes to such high car theft nowadays. From what I’ve heard they dabble in more sophisticated scam schemes than just theft these days.


Probably still the same business model, but the final destination is in Romania/Bulgaria using the Baltic ferry routes.


poland ; romania and bulgaria;maybe 10-15 years ago;you live in the past. But what is happening in swedistan ; why do you raping your women;you should be concerned about your country because is the worse in europe


Swedes should refrain from shooting down people, beating up and raping women, they are an embarrassment for Europe and the world.


that’s just delusion if you think that’s the issue that causes car theft rates fifty times higher than in neighboring Denmark.


There's obviously more factors at play than just immigration. Otherwise Czechia and Greece wouldn't be among the highest.


Greece has a ton of immigration as well lol


But still proportionally less than Denmark.


Hmm… Denmark has 8% foreign born people, Czechia is about 6% (Old data, doesn’t include ukrainian refugees) according to OECD. not much of a difference, eh?


It's 11% for Denmark and 5% for Czechia according to each of their most recent censuses. But even if they were roughly level, that wouldn't disprove my point, because the rates of car theft are not level at all.


I've lived in sweden my whole life, and currently in a pretty bad area with gangs and lots of gang violence but I've never heard of anyone having their car stolen. The gangs don't care about cars they just want guns, drugs and stay in their areas. Experiencing crime as a law abiding citizen in sweden is quite rare to be honest, it's mostly gangs on gangs. The police are definitely increasing their presence this year though, something def has to be done because it def doesn't feel very safe even if it might be in general..


>Experiencing crime as a law abiding citizen in sweden is quite rare to be honest, for now


*"Between 70 and 90 percent of the stolen cars and spare parts are taken abroad by international theft gangs, according to a report from the Security Commission."* https://carup.se/experten-rasar-tullen-maste-fa-ratt-att-stoppa-stoldligorna/


No you're the delusional one. It's been known for years that there are Lithuanian and Polish (mostly) theft gangs operating in Sweden.


Yeah there are famously no migrants from the Middle East in Denmark, is that what you're trying to say?


Ok, so why Sweden is twice as bad as FInland?


More expensive cars [available](https://carup.se/experten-rasar-tullen-maste-fa-ratt-att-stoppa-stoldligorna/) to steal? *"Volvo is the most stolen car brand with 651 wanted cars, which corresponds to 18.9% of all stolen cars. In second and third place comes Volkswagen with 388 stolen cars (11.2%) and Audi with 322 cars (9.3%).* *- The fact that Volvo tops the list is not solely due to the fact that Volvo is a popular car brand in Sweden. The well-organized international criminal networks know that it is Sweden they should turn to when they receive orders for Volvo cars.*


Bruh, Baltics are in the EU. They can buy goods in their own country. Most immigrants in Sweden are not from EU, but middle east and other not european countries.


Exactly, which means no border controls for goods exiting Sweden via those countries...


But you would need a ferry to go straight from Sweden to Baltics. Meaning, you would need to provide car documents before entering a ferry are there are also cameras. You could also go via Denmark and then trough whole Europe. I don't think it's very comfortable. It's more comfortable for Finnish gangs to steal those cars haha.


The customs authorities say that they don't have the mandate to stop stolen goods exiting the country. It's a big political issue in Sweden. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/halland/sa-jobbar-de-internationella-stoldligorna *"International theft gangs account for 90 percent of all thefts of cars, car parts, boat engines and agricultural machinery in Sweden. Annually, the insurance industry estimates that insured stolen property to a value of over 1.5 billion SEK is taken out of the country."*


I might consider getting into this as a part-time job given the current inflation. A brand new BMW wouldn't hurt, would it? (I'm from the Baltics, thanks for providing your country's law loopholes)


I wonder if this could finally be a brexit benefit for me.


Damn if only gangs had thought of crossing water before, Sweden got that one. I think a large percentage of theft in Sweden is from foreigners that escape to other EU countries because of the schengen rules and not stopping people at the border.


I am from Estonia (the northernmost of the Baltic countries). I cannot imagine anyone using a stolen car here. You cannot register it, you cannot drive it, police will stop you on day 1. There is no corruption, so it is not possible to bribe an officer to "legalize" a stolen car. Car theft in Estonia itself is virtually zero.


Probably sell them to Russia.


half of europe does. germany, especially frankfurt am main and berlin is to the point that the police can't get a hold of it (anymore)


Doesn’t surprise me at all, Germany politics have been crazy lately over issues like this.


It does make you wonder how much of it is perception and how much of it is true. Like sure both could be. But the degree of how true or how far off our perception is from reality should matter. Either way we never relay think of crime or social issues in terms of numbers or actual factual comparisons, so I guess it’s a moot point. Only criminologists or insurance people would actually care. Even the police have more to fear from feelings that they aren’t doing enough or they are doing too much than from real crime statistics or trends.


Crime statistics dont support that claim at all, but go ahead with your narrative anyway


Germany has far more immigrants..


If you would write this 6 years ago you would be portrayed as a fucking racist...now it's common sense.


I mean plenty of people will still call my comment racist tbh. But yeah, it’s just simple common sense to see the many issues that arise from immigration in most western nations.


It is not immigration, it is (lack of) integration. What usually happens is that some problem arises, right-wing parties blame it on immigrants (because racism), so they cut integration budgets, which forces immigrants into worse economic situations, so they turn to crime (which always happens when people are without economic prospects), so right-wing parties cut the integration budget even more, creating a cycle that gets worse. Just because immigrants do something, it doesn't mean immigration is the issue.


They might still be counting the cars North Korea hasn't paid for... yet...


Car theft in Sweden has declined to about 1/4 of what is was in 1990, same as a lot of countries.


My friend's old Saab 900 was stolen 5 times. Old cars could be opened and started with a screwdriver.


Danish people steeling cars perhaps


Yeah 5 stolen cars per 100.000 in Denmark is suspiciously low. Also, isn’t Copenhagen like really close to Malmö? :)


Denmark is also the bike capital of the world if I’m not mistaken. Probably has more stolen bikes than cars. Looked it up, says 200 bicycles are stolen in Denmark every day.


Nope, everyone knows it’s the Netherlands that are the bike capital of the world: 99% bicycle usage in 2019 vs 81% in Denmark. A quick google search taught me around 1300 bicycles get stolen per day in the Netherlands, but yet their car theft rate is still pretty high.


My bad I was in Copenhagen in 2015 when they were #1 in the world. Looks like they are only #2 now. Copenhagen is also full of hippies and has the highest happiness rankings in the world, only second to Finland. Maybe they don’t steal as much.




"Not to be a racist but muslim people...." HUUUUAAAAAAA..


Sweden has a very high crime rate. [https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Theft\_rates.png](https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Theft_rates.png) [https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Burglary\_rates\_2018.png](https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Burglary_rates_2018.png) [https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Robbery\_rate\_2019.png](https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Robbery_rate_2019.png) [https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Rapes\_per\_capita.png](https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Rapes_per_capita.png) [https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Car\_thefts\_2018.png](https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Car_thefts_2018.png) [https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Safety\_index\_2022.png](https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Safety_index_2022.png) [https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Safety\_walking\_night.png](https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Safety_walking_night.png) [https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Drug-related\_offences.png](https://www.eupedia.com/images/maps/Drug-related_offences.png)


Crazy that that's still safer than any major American city


half of them are probably numbeo which is not a valid data source and the other half such as robbery rate etc. are eurostat where they explicitly state that numbers between countries should not be compared due to differing data collection methods and doing so might lead to false conclusions :) next?


Wdym "next?" Like you owned the guy while you just said "nuh uh dont think so!" to the fuckin data, lmao


It reminds me also how they rationalize the high number of sexual assault in Sweden saying that their women "are not afraid to go to police and the police registers these cases diligently". That's why they have such high statistics. Sure thing 🤭


It's because individual instances of sexual assaults are counted instead of group together like other countries. But who cares about facts right, i saw an image on the internet tell me otherwise so why listen to stupid things as factual arguments when i can just vibe and make shit up. Do you know gun crime is high in Sweden because they have the most Americans living their by capita in the EU?


I have no idea.......


Swiden YES!


Alah be praised.




Swedish person tries to take a joke (impossible)


It's more like Jesus be praised.


What’s Sweden? Oh sorry, you are talking about the caliphate of abdulistan.


GTA Sweden


The us is 282 overall, so higher than all of europe


Yup. Breakdown by state: https://www.statista.com/statistics/232588/motor-vehicle-theft-rate-in-the-us-by-state/


786 in Colorado‽ Wow


I guess nobody really posses a car, they just go out and pick the nearest, drive it and leave close to home to find it missing next day and pick another car for a drive.




Car-sharing at it's best, very innovative


‽ I didn't know this existed on my phone until now. Thank you stranger.


It's bad here. Especially in Denver, honestly


Obviously insane stat, but I wonder how the car ownership rate compares. A car has to be pretty necessary in Colorado


I guess Newark, NJ is no longer the carjacking capital of the world.


As someone who recently moved from Washington to Colorado: yikes.


Another random dataset showing New England is the best region in the US.


I blame Kia and Hyundai... and the periodic announcements in the media about how stupidly easy they are to steal.


Lowest was 221 in 2019. In 1990, it was 657. 😳


usa also drives a heck of a lot more than europe


Where are the Romania jokes now? Huh? Don't see any


Where do you think all the car thieves went?? ❤️


To the worst country of Europe, France. And other less developed countries, that are Italy, Norway... Ye


I was watching a travel blogger walking through Caracas, Venezuela. He asks a few people if he will get robbed. Multiple people tell him at different times that he is safe, and that all the thieves have already immigrated to greener pastures. Romania is part of the EU.


And polish ones 😗


They even stole the number on this map


What's up with Czechia? 


GTA LARPers, probably 🤔


There are some Roma gangs that steal cars here, but I don't think it's that much worse than in the surrounding countries. May be some faulty data or a different definition of what counts as a stolen vehicle. Or maybe it's just Ústí skewing up the statistic. Wouldn't be surprised honestly.


Indeed, I would be interested in the per region data.


German tourists


I think data is incorrect.


According to the source (UNODC) these values aren't really comparable due to different methods of offence counting and recording, differences in reporting rates, different legal definitions and recent changes in categorisation. For example Denmark went from a rate of 340 per 100k in 2009 to a rate of 10 per 100k in 2010. Apparently several countries haven't made or won't make that change.


Yeah Denmark being that much lower than Sweden and Norway’s for instance simply doesn’t make sense. If it’s not down to differences in how the numbers are reported and gathered I’ll be very surprised.


Don't care. A technical win against Sweden is still a win


You’re right. I rescind my comment.


Danish cars are lower spec entry level models due to high taxes, which isn't as lucrative for potential thieves maybe?


I mean could be the reason for a slightly lower number but from 100-200 to 5? I can’t see that. Most sold car in Denmark in 2023 was Tesla Y. Tesla 3 was number 3. Should be able to move those I’d say.


How do you differently record someone stealing a car that isn’t theirs?


naples single handedly carrying italy


At least they didn't steal Sanremo victory this year


mannagg a crist


Wow, they miraculously found data for the uk! Knew they had it. Shame they keep sulking and refuse to use it most of the time


I bet Canada would rank high on this lately, there’s been a massive increase car thefts around the Toronto area the past couple years. Even superstar Toronto Maple Leafs player Mitch Marner got his Range Rover carjacked at gunpoint a year or two ago. There’s been several armed carjackings in my nice little historically crime-free corner of the suburbs too, that never used to happen around here. There’s also been a huge increase in drug use, homelessness and general petty crime in that same timeframe, maybe everything is just going to shit around here because nobody can afford to buy a basic 3br house for $1m+ or pay $3k/month for a one bedroom apartment. Is it like that everywhere these days or is it just Toronto?


According to my friends around the world, it's everywhere. At least some people in the US earn 150k plus but in Toronto most of the jobs won't pay above 100k even if you got the skills. But we are doing better than some parts of Europe.


I wonder why German is so low compared to almost everyone around them.


So... Romanians don't steel cars in their own country, but they steal it anywhere else?


exactly, we steal all the nice cars and sell them in Romania, plot twist: that's why the GDP of Romania increased :D


My friend (in France) was offered a BMW by her Romanian dad. It all makes sense now.


Got any source for that?




All the gypsies that want to steal anything of value go to western countries anyways.




Well yes, yes I do


It is clear that you have never interacted with an Eastern European gypsy.


Car is too difficult, usually just wallet or phone


I can confirm car thefts are very very rare in Romania. One reason could be the fact most people have rather old cars, some of them were bought as second hand cars from western Europe (mainly Germany). It's not like there aren't very expensive cars too, but they are probably more rare than in some richer western countries.


That's interesting! I saw more supercars in Bucharest than I have in any other city


All you saw was Andrew Tate's collection


Skewed perception. It’s just like that in Bucharest, but for one expensive car there is 50 that are barely working 🤣


Why is Sweden so rapidly becoming a shithole? Used to be Nordic = good. Now Sweden is notably worse than its neighbors on nearly all metrics.


Importing Muslims


Can I ask, are you Swedish?


Nope. I'm not even European.


I am not Swedish either, I wonder what they think


They probably don't all think the same thing so looking at opinion polls is probably the best way to figure it out.


>Romania has the second fewest thefts    >Romania has the second fewest thefts    Lmao, how can western Euros possibly cope.


Romania has the second fewest thefts because Romanians steal cars from other countries and bring them to Romania to strengthen the national economy




Shh, enthnicity matters and a distinction should be made only when it's about Sweden.


The reason it's 5 here in Denmark is because the tax on cars in 180%.


What has that got to do with car thefts?


The cars a so expensive they only have 5 cars I guess


Yeah, talk about bicycle theft instead


ITT: - genuine comments - racists cope


you can cry racism all you want but if it's backed up by statistics you can't really blame them


But the statistics not backing them up is the entire point. That's why they cope. Because they're wrong


You think the statistic don't back up that immigrants tend to commit more crime? Do you think people just decided to make that up?




Stats: Eastern Europe has less car theft. Copium addicts: tHeY jUsT sTeAl ThEm In OtHeR cOuNtRiEs iT's UnDeRrEpOrTeD tHeRe'S nOtHiNg ThErE tO sTeAl That's what I'm referring to. Especially those that only know about eastern Europe through Borat and think the entire population is gypsies. Those people


How about you just look at the prison demographics in western European countries for once, before you accuse others of being delusional.


By looking at the map I’m guessing where the stolen 🚙 cars go..


I'm surprised by how high the UK figure is. That equates to 0.15% Not only have I never known anyone have their car stolen, I have never known anyone know anyone who has had their car stolen. In my entire 30+ years since birth living in the UK I have not once known of a car being stolen. I can only think that a map broken down by regions of the UK would explain things.


According to the RAC, Top 10 car theft hotspots in 2022 were Cleveland - 12.67 (For every 1000 cars) London Metropolitan - 11.51 South Yorkshire - 10.67 Northumbria - 10.31 Bedfordshire - 6.37 West Yorkshire - 6.32 West Midlands - 5.14 Essex - 4.72 Nottinghamshire - 4.41 Merseyside - 4.37


>I have never known anyone know anyone who has had their car stolen. How on earth could you possible know this. Have you polled everyone you've ever known?


People from colorado: ![gif](giphy|xT9IggDCSIWH5jcOdy|downsized)


Per 100,00 people. Not per capita. Has this sub always been garbage?


notice how the countries with high numbers of car theft directly correlates with countries taking in mass refugees


You're telling me all the jokes about stolen cars in Bulgaria are bs? My worldview has been shattered and I may never recover


No. They come here and steal our cars




All that diversity doing its work in Sweden I see.


Surprising news because I’ve never heard of one here in Sweden


Every Swedish comment in the comment section has their head up their ass lmao


Can we get a ratio of that relatively to Gypsy and Muslim pop combined ?


Now overlay it with the amount of "refugees" in each of those countries.


Germany low, Czechia high? 🤔


This gets posted every month and I always hear the same cope from Western Europeans


"Muhhh Eastern gangs are stealing our karrrs!"


And, the countries with the most 'refugees' are...


The UK’s not actually that high then. And it’s got Manchester in it 😳


I wonder what Sweden's GTA rate was before, oh, I don't know, 1990 was?


Less, since that was before the Schengen treaty that abolished border controls and the Iron Curtain dividing Europe East/West was a thing.


Why do all these charts always leave out the most interesting countries? Balkans? Russia/Belorussia? Ukraine? Turkey? I'm sure the results would be far different and skew the averages a lot....


When Eastern Europe is the more safer place... What are you doing Western Europeans?


Importing Muslims instead of having their own children.


Interesting relation between number of muslim immigrants and crimes


How many Muslims are there in Czechia?


Italy, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece. Not a perfect correlation but not a correlation you can disregard either


are there a lot of muslims in greece and italy?


Italy in particular yes. Arrived via boat from North Africa.


And Germany?


I'm guessing that Sweden REALLY regrets opening its doors to all those Muslim immigrants. That's literally the only reason for the difference between it and the other Scandinavian countries.


Nope, first of there is a difference because of how they count. Before the change Denmark has 340 per 100k instead of 5. Secondly according to the Swedish police most of these cars are being stolen by gangs who operate from eastern Europe. There are plenty of legitimate ways to critique the Swedish immigration politics, but try to exercise a second of critical thought, or god forbid research, before making some absolute statement. Immigration probably does have a negative effect, but "only reason" when its not even the main one. Jesus.